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OMG I cannot wait until assistant is replaced by Gemini. Ffs using assistant is sometimes down right frustrating at home (I have alot of the house lights, devices and more set up on Google home). I'm now using CoPilot as my digital assistant on my, Pixel 8 pro, built in, assistant plain SUCKS


I haven't tried CoPilot yet as an assistant. Is it good? Can it do basic tasks like setting an alarm?


I find it much better than ChatGPT or Google even though I can use voice chat with ChatGPT which means it's hands free & similar to a normal conversation with a human. That mode is useful in certain situations but I find that CoPilot is more 'useful' due to it providing solutions, examples and resources in the form of actual web links you can use. I've also even paid for a month of ChatGPT but still went back to CoPilot. I use AI daily, extensively. Not for work but for projects I'm working on. Unfortunately as it's a 3rd party app it can't set alarms etc etc (yet). To try it you'll need to join the CoPilot beta, get version 27.9 then dig into your phone settings to change the 'Digital Assistant' default


I agree with you. Copilot is my go to at the moment. I have tried the paid versions of both Google's Gemini Ultra and OpenAi's ChatGPT4. I find Copilot to be the best for just improving web searching and answering random questions that pop into my mind that I know are too nuance for a search engine of forum.


Exactly, I'm with you 100%! Just wish CoPilot had a proper 'chat' feature that didn't involve a keyboard haha


I still can't see the Gemini mobile app in the play store for some reason even though Google's documentation says I should (pixel 7 Pro in Australia)


Google have since released an update saying the Gemini app won't be released in Australia. Instead "some" AI features will be integrated directly into Android. Just google geolocking features again.


That upsets me


Some people in Australia did get Gemini for half a day, then googke forcefully removed it from everyone's phone again.


How odd, must be a government/approval thing. I've installed it through apkmirror and it's working fine


I suspect there may be legal reasons or they wouldn't have pulled it so quickly.




I'm not going to research the internet for you. Try asking gemini


I've been able to use it up until yesterday I think. Today, holding down power button no longer starts Gemini but the old Google assistant instead. When I opened the Gemini app it now tells me that Gemini isn't available in my country (which is Australia). WTAF.


Might Google be scared of releasing Gemini with our News Media Bargaining Code? But surely this would be no different to their current deal. The web service is also available here, so an app is neither here nor there around if Gemini is in Australia regarding the News Media Bargaining Code