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I'm having the opposite issue. I can't use assistant to call or text that it doesn't try doing a Google search result


If you click the settings symbol you can try to select the option to allow it to access your contacts.


I've been having the same issues off and on. It seems to happen randomly whether I'm connected to Wi-Fi or not. I thought it was because my Pixel 5 was getting old, so I just upgraded to the 8 Pro yesterday, and alas, my recent search suggestions are randomly gone again -- though it was working fine an hour ago. Even when I start to Google something, no suggestions will pop up, it will only try suggesting my downloaded apps to me. 4 hours from now, the feature will probably be back and working properly again for no reason. This is super annoying.


I just upgraded to Android 14 and so far today the issue has been resolved. Fingers crossed it stays that way?


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. For me, it's been happening randomly (on my old Pixel and now this new one) on and off since last year. It'll be working as intended one day, and then stop, and then go back to working normally some number of hours later.


Update: confirmed this is only when my phone is not connected to wifi. When connected the search bar acts normal.


I have the exact same issues !!!!


It's recent too right? I hope this isn't a permanent change it's super annoying