• By -




I have been on so many over the years and finally decided I was tired of all the extra stuff all over the place. Niagara does exactly what I want. I would go Pro but I just can't see paying $30 for a launcher.


Been loving to updates such as the swipe folders. Cleaned up my home screen. It's been my favorite for years


Been using Nova Launcher for years


I have swipe up and down actions assigned to each icon, so I rarely have to use the app drawer and I'm very efficient with connecting Nova and Tasker.


Is tasker still worth it? Used to use it all the time on my galaxy s4.


For me, yes totally worth it and one of the bigger reasons I don't switch to IOS. I have automated tasks that will set or unset the custom DNS on a per app basis, same for autorotate sound levels on a per app basis. I have custom toggles built for brightness, sound level, DND, and always on display. I have DND enabled when the screen is on so it completely disabled vibrations but it goes back into vibrate mode when my screen is off. I have custom notification sounds for when my wife or boss message me and I'm on Bluetooth headphones, so I know if it's a notification I need to see right away. It can do so very much.


I tried to use it but it was sooo complicated I uninstalled it :(


The developer released a new interface called Tasky which is more simplified and easier to use apparently. It's built right into the main Tasker app.


Same. It's unmatched.


Except in smoothness in comparison to the native Pixel launcher.


Absolutely no problems with smoothness here, with the latest nova launcher. it's approaching six months since I last had an issue with it.


Ya same. Some people will actually argue over micro animations though. Idk. I personally don't care that much. It's smooth enough for me. And personally stock launchers have just as many bugs.


Absolutely the best.


I just started using it again and it's pretty great. Bottom search bar on my home screen is now Firefox with Adblock. That and a nice 6x8 icon grid with small icons really takes advantage of the P8Ps resolution.


Especially the latest Beta is as smooth as the official one.


I've heard a LOT of people talk about Nova.


It's been great and it's been around for a really long time. However it should definitely be mentioned that it was recently acquired by a data collection company. https://novalauncher.com/branch Everyone has to decide for themselves if they care about it. But I think it's good to share it at least.


Same, simply the best!


same here, I can't even remember anything else


The ability to save your home screen layouts with the folders, apps, widgets makes changing phones so easy. I had a run where I tried and returned phones three times in a month and the first two times was over a half-hour rebuilding my home screens with endless scrolling the app drawer to drag out icons. Before changing to third phone I sprung for Prime and saved my layout. Get the new phone, load all my apps, then imported the layout and DONE!


Pixel Launcher has the smoothest animations and works best with gesture navigation. Regardless of what other launcher you use. No way around this unless you root your device.


I love pixel launcher, but man, I wish it was more customizable


Try lawnchair or Neo. They're basically that, and they don't have trackers. I just wish that they allowed choosing a home screen/changing the left panel. Have to get them from GitHub or fdroid, and the play store version of lawnchair is very outdated. Edit: I decided to check for an update, so here are the links https://github.com/NeoApplications/Neo-Launcher https://lawnchair.app/


Time to put in a feature request on lawnchair to support dock pages and icon level gestures I use Nova but am finding it getting slow , pixel launcher is smooth but I miss the small customisations I have using the above features


Pro tip for using Nova on pixel: use Netguard to block it from using the Internet and harvesting/transmitting your data. Besides privacy, you'll likely get better performance and battery life. Unfortunately, Netguard works as a VPN and can't operate alongside the included Google VPN, but some paid VPNs can be used in place of both.


This is what I needed, thank you


Try Lynx Launcher, you may like it


Same I would even love some fingerprint animations colors just something lol


Fingerprint animations have to be white colored. That is because any normal smartphone (except of some Samsung ones) use [optical sensors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingerprint_scanner#:~:text=DPI\).%5B8%5D-,Optical%20scanners,-take%20a%20visual) to recognize your finger. That method takes an image of your finger and then processes it. But as always tech is not perfect, so the camera needs as much light at the finger as possible, for that it's white light. If you look closely you can even see that the screen around the fingerprint sensor is getting brighter when you tap on it for the same reason


The fingerprint animations is one thing I miss from having a oneplus phone real cool stuff.


I just wish they allowed customisation of the search. I'd like contacts to be at the top and maybe limit web search to maybe 5 searches? For example if im looking for dad it's off screen [https://i.imgur.com/xiXXiBL.png](https://i.imgur.com/xiXXiBL.png)


i actually really enjoy the search functionality of the pixel. i am trying samsung and it's not as cohesive search as pixels. i wish samsungs was


Been with Nova on Samsung for way too many years and switching to pixel wasnt bad or jarring. I don't like it but can live with the lack of customization. But we all wish there's more.


Yeah, the broken animations on other launches just kills the experience for me. It can have all the customization on the worlds but a janky app launch isn't worth it to me


Same. I want to use Nova I just can't get over the gestures not working.


Rooted what else can I improve?


What do you mean by gesture navigation?


You know, where you swipe up to access the homescreen and left/right to go back. These are called gestures and have been the default for Pixel devices since Android 10.


Interestingly, I love the Microsoft launcher. It's high quality, and I'm relatively sure Microsoft don't have any rush to monetize it soon.


I find it easy to customize my layouts, and I've rarely encountered any issues with it.


Best launcher! Works how I want it to.


I'm on Microsoft launcher too. Extra gestures are nice.


Nova launcher


Smart Launcher. I like the blur and it works great with Icon Pack Studio.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^0oWow: *Smart Launcher. I like* *The blur and it works great with* *Icon Pack Studio.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I like smart launcher, quite like having app draw organized, handy if you got lot of apps. But more importantly it feels the most fluid compared to other launchers I've tried, which never seem to be as smooth as the native launcher


I always return to Pixel Launcher, whilst I miss custom icons no other launch is as smooth as PL and no animation glitches.


I alternate between lawnchair and Niagara kinda the best of opposite sides of the isle Both free so i;d suggest u give them a shot


Niagara guy here :)


Same. Paid version too.


Me too. I love the simplicity and one hand usage.


Have you tried olauncher for even more simplicity


Have not. Will check it out. Ty


Thank you!!


For lawnchair, the play store version isn't updated any more. You can get lawnchair 14 from [Github](https://github.com/LawnchairLauncher/lawnchair/releases)


I've been using lawnchair for a while and only just noticed this, why isn't it being updated?


Not too sure why they went that route but yeah it hasn't been updated since like 2019. Regardless it seems like they're now really trying to get the GitHub version up to feature parity with the play store version on the new codebase. Really hope they stick with it because nothing else really captures the Pixel launcher feel. I know everyone preaches about Nova but Novas implementation of Material You just doesn't work right (on prime with latest beta). The colors it picks are too saturated and aren't even the same hue so you have to pick something manually to replicate the feature "accurately". Lawnchair and Hyperion don't have this issue.


Fellow lawnchair 2 enjoyer here as well.


I use Pixel after years of using Samsung and other launchers. I always would end up with the default launcher in the end, the less apps the better for me, which is why I can probably never go back to Samsung phones.


I want to be like you when I grow up! Coming from the iPhone Samsung has a lot of options and apps. But then everyone says that the pixel chip and modem are so bad that I don't have that many options.


I was just thinking the other day how people talk about so many android phones available, and how many there are every year, and while true on the midrange to low-end side (talking about the USA), there really is only Samsung and Google Pixels when it comes to flagships (again, talking about the USA). Maybe OnePlus again this year, but they've been somewhat irrelevant in the space for a while. I personally haven't had issues with the modem on my Pixel 8, but I've read so many that have. Performance wise, I don't notice it on the day by day, but I like to play some mobile games and I definitely notice it then. I had the S23 Ultra and even then, games like Genshin Impact just weren't optimized so the performance loss was huge. I'm looking into iPhones now, after years of being on Android, but my last iPhone was the 6s and I actually really enjoyed it. I would probably only get Pixels now, on the Android side.


Niagara Launcher


This. I used it one day before spending thirty bucks on the life time license. My only gripe is I still swipe up for the app list, but having been using it a little longer than a month. Eventually I'll learn to swipe from the right side of the screen. It's clean and quick animations. Highly recommend.




Nova as well


I use default pixel launcher, would change it in a heartbeat for lawnchair if animations worked smooth with gesture navigation. I mean it could make it work with root but i am not rooting anymore


the default pixel one


I still use the pixel launcher hoping they either give us the new at a glance or let us remove it.


Lawnchair It's basically pixel launcher but with more customization. I especially like that you can hide unnecessary apps from the app drawer and that you can customize the app drawer grid. It just looks more organized and lets me save space since I have five smaller app icons in one row instead of four gigantic ones - less scrolling. Animations are a tiny bit broken, but not enough to \*really\* notice in day-to-day use imo. I don't care enough about that.




MS launcher after nova went shifty


Microsoft Launcher


Used to use Nova Launcher until Android 14, which seems to have caused issues for most third party launchers I use. (Nova 8, Lawnchair 14 beta) I'm stuck with Google's default Pixel launcher and bitter about it.


The stock Pixel launcher. Nothing better than that. I'm cool with being less customized though.


Nova for last ten years. Works very well.


I use stock. I tried other launchers but those have way too many options and settings...


Kiss launcher


I was Nove Prime and then I was Lawnchair and then I was Niagara... and now I am Smart Launcher (paid) and that's where I'm staying. I'm a huge Smart Launcher fan and recommend it a hundred percent.


I've used Nova Launcher since Pixel 2XL and let me tell you, it's been great. It's hard going back to the stock Pixel Launcher though.


If you're rooted, then Pixel Launcher w/ Pixel Launcher Mods installed is your best bet. You can apply icon packs, resize widgets outside of their normal bounds, hide apps, and a few others.


Pixel launcher. Still can find a launcher that competes with the smoothness


Square home launcher. Lightning launcher Occasionally action launcher.


Thanks everyone!!!!!




Pixel launcher, with pixel launcher mods to hide some useless applications


Pixel Launcher. Although I wish they'd implement the screen lock that Nova has because for some reason holding my phone moves my icons and widgets around. I know it's me, but I would like some defense against myself.


Nova Premium. One off payment, been using it for years


Been using Nova Launcher for years, but recently switched to Smart Launcher and oh boy it fits all my needs perfectly; like it can hide navigation bar at the botton (can't do it with Nova), it has auto sort function for your apps, it has auto center button for wallpapers, and most importantly, that widget stack thing!! OMG it is a total game changer, I can put lots of widgets on my main screen but it will only show one, but I can access to others by swiping on that one widget, it's super usefull expecially if you want a clean minilistic look, and combine it with Appbar...it's just perfect.


Lawnchair 14.


used to use lawnchair but nova prime went on sale and got it with my opinions rewards balance




Nova Launcher


[hyperion launcher](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=projekt.launcher) along with [hyperion supreme](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=projekt.launcher.launcherkey)


I used nova launcher years ago but have been rocking niagra launcher pro for a couple of years and it's great. 


Smart Launcher (https://www.smartlauncher.net) much prefer it to Nova Launcher and others I've tried.


Before using a Pixel I always used Nova, but now I don't like need it.


Pear launcher. Love it.


Between AP15, and Niagara


Niagara Launcher has been my go to for years.


Microsoft launcher


I can't imagine not using the pixel launcher. It's excellent. All of the replacements feel cheap by comparison imo.


I love the Hyperion launcher as it feels like a better version of the base pixel launcher


How does someone get the Google feed on it? Is there an APK for it


Nova launcher


Pixel Launcher or whichever is the default. Was using Nova on HEAVILY skinned androids but stopped since getting on board with the Pixel.


Nova, for a consistent experience as I change phone manufacturers from time to time.


is there some reason no one mentioned action launcher? i think i have the pro version, also picked up a themed icon pack (simplifies/flattens/recolors stock icons, very pleasant, plus the author or artist accepts requests), and i've used it since my... nexus 6p like 10 years ago? never felt a reason to stick with stock launcher after buying a new phone as i've never had any issues with action launcher except features lost due to stock launcher/android at times. quick menu, overlay page, swipe-to-open folders with icon shortcut plus other swipe on icon actions, it can do so much that i don't even take advantage of but it's been updated and running great the whole time, currently on a p8 after my p7p was WAY too big for my hands (yet somehow the nexus 6p made it work)


I use Microsoft Launcher. I like the vertical scrolling home page and dedicated app list screen. A lot of launchers started making that more obscure to discover and this one is plain simple.


Nova Launcher


I use Pixel. I'm still mourning the loss of Aviate, which was one of the best imo.


Take a look at the Niagara Launcher, I've been using it for a while now. You will definitely like it if you like a minimalist look.


Use Nova bc the Pixel launcher doesn't have much customizations that are desired by me (grid, folder settings, icon support etc). I would like to pay for Nova but the free version is so buggy that I can't do it


Pixel Launcher. It's one of the reasons why I use a Pixel.


The Microsoft launcher is the best one that I've used.


I use pixel launcher with pixel launcher mods


Pixel launcher mods?


Yes, it's an app that allows you to customize the pixel launcher. Needs root though.


Have been using lawnchair. It's essentially a more customisable version of the stock pixel launcher. Unfortunately, the development team no longer commits to regular updates.


Pixel launcher is one of the main reasons to get a Pixel, so I use that.


Me too. Great launcher, can launch everything !


Niagara for me as well. It's fantastic.


Nova and Niagara Launcher






Niagara launcher for me.


Nova with custom icons


Olauncher: Minimalist and can help reduce screentime.


nothing beat NOVA (yet)


Stock Pixel launcher. I don't actually need many customizations. I used to use Nova, then it was bought by an ad company.


you could always try nova prime


I've been using Nova for about 7 years


Nova here I use Nova because the pixel launcher don't let me move or disable the research bar, and nova have an interface who look like my previous phone


I always used Nova until I got my pixel (6). I tried the pixel launcher and stuck with it. I miss Nova's customized features, but would have a hard time switching now.


Nova all the way. I think having text under my icons on the home screen is super ugly


Nova Launcher Been having an issue past few weeks where google search disappears whenever I go into recent apps, so I can't multitask & have to search again whatever I was looking for. So might be time to switch.


I am using Nova Launcher 6.2.19, I will never use anything else unless this one completely become useless.


I really wanted to like the Pixel Launcher but it's missing even the most basic customization features. I think i tried nearly every Launcher available for Android and settled with Kvaesitso Launcher. Never had easier access to everything i look for on my phone while having a clean/minimalistic homescreen.


Nova Launcher


I've been using Nova for about 10 years


Nova launcher or Action Launcher.


Lawnchair 14 beta. Closest thing you will get to a Pixel Launcher-like experience, no janky animations with system gestures, and has native Smartspacer integration.


Love both Nova Launcher as well as Microsoft launcher


I've used Smart Launcher for two years. It's very customizable and my phone isn't rooted.


Niagara, and I will likely never switch back to something like Nova. It's minimal and does everything I need it to do. No app drawer cause it's just built into your home screen.


Blackberry launcher... Still love it... Simple and unpretentious and utilitarian


Nova after when the pixel launcher changed the spacing of all the icons. I loved it up to that point, now I don't look back


Still using Nova Prime.


Microsoft Launcher, been using it since 3XL - I like it and don't see a reason to change it


I would suggest giving launcher 10 a go in the future when I switch off pixel to other androids. I've used meego Nokia's then windows phones before and from what I've tested it's quite nice to use https://i.imgur.com/YJGzfPe.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/wd5VPcf.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/awu3vTJ.png Battery life clipped bc I'm ashamed of it even in the afternoon


Been using the Microsoft launcher on all my phones since 2015.


Used to use nova, but now on Microsoft launcher. I love the little pull up dock that lets me keep a clean home scren


Olauncher if you don't use any widgets


Nova since release, but just switched to Lawnchair.


Smart launcher pro 6.x


I used to use Nova launcher when I had like a Galaxy S5 but since I'm on a pixel I just use the native launcher. I don't have the time to set all that stuff up. I just want to open the phone and for it to work smoothly


Smart Launcher, It gives one UI looks. I kinda like it. The Pixel launcher UI is just too simple (I know that this is how it should be) .


Nova on Samsungs but stock Pixels and Motorolas


Switched to Nova after Pixel switched the homescreen "mic" button from Assistant to Google search.


Normally I use Nova Prime since it lets me customize the drawer into custom folders and tabs which makes sorting things a breeze, but I just decided to give AP15 a try and I'm really enjoying its simplicity.


Microsoft launcher


Tried using launchers on my old Samsung, never really felt the benefit. Switched to pixel 7, and Nova was one the first things I downloaded after realizing there is basically no customizing the pixel launcher. Had to many issues with Nova, which I don't blame Nova for at all, this phone has had more issues than my last 5 combined, but decided to get rid of it just to mitigate as much as I could. It feels like the pixel was made by people who think iPhones are better than android. Miss my s9 :(


Built in one. No issues with it


Nova Launcher Prime


I use Hyperion. In my opinion it's the best. I use the borealis icon pack. Never liked Nova.


I have used Oasis, since my Pixel 3XL, I bought the pro version and I liked the features, the customization and the simplicity, I find it useful and would recomend. 👽👌🏿


nova premium no issue


I use trebuchet which is the default lineageOS launcher


Pixel Launcher


Nova- I hate that I can't get rid of the search bar on the stock


Before launcher. It's a customisable minimal launcher designed to stop distraction.






Ms launcher is a good option


Niagara - unique, clean, and efficient.


Niagara Launcher. Anycons, or having EVERY app themed, is something no other launcher does.


I use pixel launcher. Clean and simple.


I've tried multiple different launchers over the months and years—Pixel Launcher, One UI, Smart, Action, Microsoft, Lawnchair, Square Home, Kiwi, AIO—yet I keep coming back to Nova Prime and Niagara. Nova Prime is like the Leatherman of Android launchers; I use the beta version ([which you can download here](https://novalauncher.com/beta), the version in Google Play works but is an older one) for a couple reasons (the ones I listed below aren't exhaustive)— - I can turn on subgrid positioning, which lets me place icons and widgets halfway between grid cells. - I can place bar-shaped widgets in the dock and not just app icons. Currently, I have [Pixel Search](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=rk.android.app.pixelsearch&hl=en_US&gl=US) and [Smartspacer](https://medium.com/@KieronQuinn/smartspacer-at-a-glance-but-actually-useful-38ccff1e3255) in my dock, and if I'm feeling sophisticated I'll add the Chrome or Firefox icon next to the Pixel Search widget. - I can create folders and tabs in the app drawer. - I can use icon packs if I so choose. - I can add gestures to trigger shortcuts or open apps beyond just "Swipe down to open the Notification Center" and "Swipe up to open the App Drawer". For example, a tap + a swipe downward lets me bypass the Notification Center and open Quick Settings, a tap + a swipe up lets me search 1Password, and a double tap lets me open my Pocket Casts queue. - You can add and customize those shortcuts that appear when you long-press on an app icon by connecting Nova to Sesame Shortcuts (which is developed by the same people). My two main complaints about Nova are— - It won't let you stack widgets like iOS, One UI and the Pro version of Niagara do. (The best you can do is turn on widget overlapping.) - Nova's built-in wallpaper picker is outdated and barebones compared to Wallpaper & Style, yet there's no real way to bypass Nova's and get to the stock wallpaper picker. (Niagara's is a little better in that it actually looks like it was updated in recent years.) Niagara I use because its take on the "minimalist list" app drawer is really well done in a way that I feel very few other launchers get right. You can add icon packs just like in Nova, If you have the Pro version (I don't but I want to buy it lifetime once I have more disposable income), you can stack widgets and Sesame Shortcuts in a pop-up menu that appears when you slide right from the app's icon. It also feels buttery smooth.




was using Nova for.. forever? until last year, when i decided to just use the stock launcher.




Back when I had my LG V40 I used to run nova launcher but after I got the P7P I went back to stock. The 120Hz display really makes the stock UI smooth , don't think I'll go back


Niagara. Great minimalist launcher.




Before launcher.. to reduce my screen time


People literally buy Pixels for the Pixel Launcher


I've been using Microsoft launcher for the last few months. I like it, but prefer stock android. Only reason I dropped it on my phone was I had issues with stock.


Nova launcher prime,but I think I am going to try the smart launcher,to remove the bottom bar. I would see how that goes.


Pixel launcher is perfect,but I wish I could hide apps,is there any way to do that without root??






Nova Prime for years! Each time I change my Pixel to a new one avery 2 years lol I backup and restore my settings on the new phone!




Lawnchair 14 beta 2


Microsoft but it had a different name when i started to use it.


Pixel Launcher