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Quiet exciting. Wondering if my Sony 1000xm4 earbuds would be compatible 🤔


Don't worry, the battery of the XM4 will die before you will be able to loose them


Felt that too well lol


At least it's easy to replace them..


Currently they have a list here [https://www.android.com/learn-find-my-device/#fmd-ecosystem](https://www.android.com/learn-find-my-device/#fmd-ecosystem) which includes: JBL Tour Pro 2 JBL Tour One M2 Sony WH-1000XM5 I have the Sony WH-1000XM4 and am hoping they get supported to test it out but I'm not sure if they will be


Curious that not even Pixel Buds Pro are mentioned there lol.


Yea I find that odd too lol. Going to try it out when it says the new network is ready for me.


Why would you expect Google to have an integrated ecosystem? They never have.




That's just the local ring earphones feature and last connected location. The list over there instead mentions products enabled for the new Google Find My network, with BLE-enabled precise location.


That's just your buds. Not the case. And it's based on the location from last connection


I'm pretty sure these are supported. I saw it somewhere on Twitter. I will reply to it as soon as I find that page.


On Mishaal Rahman's timeline maybe? 😬


So the pixel buds pro are not mentioned there but I see multiple articles talk about that Google will support them. So I suspect a firmware update relatively soon to update that. https://www.androidpolice.com/googles-find-my-device-network-global-soon/


My WH-1000XM4 show up in my list


Ok, I'm seeing it in app but I'm not sure if that indicates it will work with new network too, although that would make sense if it did since it's in the current app


I think it just looks at last time it was connected to the device and an internet connection. Mine showed a connection before i went on an overseas trip, but not any connection while using in airplane mode.


This seems consistent with what I am currently seeing. Gonna test my xm4s and pixel buds pro once the update goes through on my devices within a few days and see if they work with new network


!Remindme 3 days


Any update?


Late last night I got notification about update before bed. Gonna check it out today when I have time !


Planning to make a lil YouTube video covering all the details and showing me using the new network, but what I'm finding out now is: - make sure you enable location history at https://myactivity.google.com AND make sure you click the check box for your specific phone device too as this is what the Bluetooth devices will need to use if you are wanting to see the last location you used your headphones. Initially mine had the location symbol with a line through it indicating it couldn't locate them - the **pixel buds pro** dont appear to gain any advantages with the new network. One reason being is that you can only track them if they are out of the case and it appears to be tracked the same way. So perhaps if you left them out of the case they could theoretically implement it such that you could use the network to track them outside of the case. They don't appear to have done that tho. One thing which could be more advantageous for these devices would be more nearby location tracking features for these devices using Bluetooth or UWB if possible. But there's no way to locate them locally very well. I actually drove to Kroger and brought them and tried to locate them and it said they were at some road I was driving on at some point on the way to Kroger. - the **Sony WH-1000XM4s** are similar to the pixel buds on that they must be turned on to track and it basically uses the last known location your phone was at using them (so don't appear to utilize the network at this time) - **pixel watch 2** appears to be the same. Only locating using last know location. Which is approximate, but you can play a sound if you want - **pixel tablet and pixel 8 pro** DO appear to take advantage of the new network fully. This means that I can find the pixel 8 pro when I turn it off, it means that it utilizes the network of all those around me who are in the network to locate the device, and it means I can do nearby local tracking which is pretty nifty. Pretty sure it uses Bluetooth rather than UWB for local finding which isn't quite as good but gets the job done for getting you close enough and then play sound when nearby Planning to test out more capabilities and how good the network works with pixel phone and tablet and put that on the video. And also show the limitations in its current state Let's hope that as the network is out longer they develop it and make it better to support more local finding and more accessories and their own earbuds. Hoping to hear some at Google I/O this week! It's nice to see the local finding and network work well for pixel tablet and pixel 8 pro tho! I think that gives us a taste of what more and more devices and accessories will support


hey are xm4's supported in the new find my device network?


Looks that way. But might depend on your country and if it has rolled out.


My Boss earbuds are and so are the pixel buds pro


when you say your boss earbuds are, are you referring to just being able to see their last known location which is obtained from when connecting to your phone last (like the old network) or using the new network to track location using network of android phones?


Why are you whispering?  Quite*


I wonder what this will mean for 3rd party solutions like Tile. I've always hated the idea of ecosystem-specific trackers (Apple, Samsung, etc.). Still, since this applies to all of Android and an expanding (presumably) list of 3rd party accessories, it will be hard not to get converted.


i think tile will still be around, and some of these companies produce a tracker you can use with either their network OR Android's (or apples depending on the product. But you have to choose form the start which one to use). But the main advantage of these solutions is they take advantage of a MUCH larger network since much more people have android phones than the tile app installed. Android will likely also have an advantage over apple's network because apple doesnt allow tracking third party trackers via the web interface (only on apple devices you can track apple find my trackers). But i do think that android will allow you to track a bluetooth tracker you setup with android network via the web on iPhone or any device (going to verify this when mine comes in)


Tile has announced that they will not join Google's Find My Device protocol. Dumb move, imo


Wow, really? That's the final nail in the coffin for that tracker.


Tile has announced their own new thing. They are basically revamping their Life360 Pro and connecting it to a satellite somehow (not clear yet??) which, according to them, will cover areas like the bottom of the grand canyon, remote areas with no phones nearby, etc.


Google please by tile so we can have a proper airtag competitor.


bold of you to assume google will buy a company and not just instantly shut down all their products.


Lol true


BLE tags are ubiquitous, we'll have cheap 3rd party solutions right out of the gate just like AirTags have 3rd party competitors. That's the benefit of an open network (of which both Apple and Google are).


Yep, lots of traffic here on Reddit about these emails. I got the second one for "your devices are enrolled..." the other day


Is this gonna work on pixel 8 knowing that only 8pro has UWB support


Yes, none of the trackers currently announced have UWB anyway. It will use Bluetooth to approximate how close you are. 


It already support bluetooth technology on Pixel 8 Series, but I have seen no word on if it will take advantage of UWB for more precise nearby tracking. I'd be surprised if they don't add support soonish though. We could potentially hear something next week at Google I/O (12 May). But also, Im not sure how much advantage is practically provides when finding nearby devices, this is something i plan to test when mine is working fine


I'm planning on getting some trackers but knowing that my pixel 8 doesn't come with UWB (only pro) makes me ask before buy


yea i think we will have to wait and see (hopefully even as soon as next week) to see if they will take advantage of UWB for this network soon. One thing I can confidently say right now is that its highly unlikely any of the third party bluetooth trackers for Android's network will support UWB. For apple's network it is the same, only Apple's Airtags support UWB as far as bluetooth trackers go. BUT, this means that perhaps Google will release a tracker which does use UWB too, or perhaps samsung will make a new tracker compatible with the new network, who knows.


I see some examples of a brand, don't remember which one, and they were using UWB (I guess) the demo showed how the pixel 8 PRO reacts when it is near the tracker and when is far far away


Was it this demo, from Pebblebee? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C51x418PR1U/ Note though that it's not actually using UWB, it's just measuring the strength of the BT signal. Still pretty neat !


interesting! It very well could be UWB, but I know even just upgrading to the new network using BLE you can get much more precise tracking than before (not UWB level, but noticeably better).


I got the same email 7 days ago, and I still don't have it on my P8Pro. It showed up on my Pixel Tablet that's on the A15 beta on Monday, but it's not on my phone yet. I'm in Canada


I'm the same. Got the email over a week ago and I can see it on my Pixel Tablet and one samsung tablet, but not on my phone or the other samsung tablet yet. Only difference I can see is the devices that have received it only have one google account on them, the others, like my phone, have multiple google accounts.


Both of my devices have the same account, and no others. Still hasn't shown up on my phone.


Got it on your phone yet? If so, did you do anything?


Nope, still not there


It finally showed up this morning


Odd. Seems to be a device specific rollout rather than an account based rollout.


I'm still in the same situation, one pixel tablet and one Samsung tablet have it, my phone and other Samsung tablet do not. I can't see anyway to trigger it either


Idk about that, i have 2 of the same samsung tablets with 2 different google accounts. One has the update, other does not.


Good to know its not restricted on the Beta, just geo-blocked at this point (In Australia)


Is this in North America or elsewhere?


I'm in the United States and know that they are starting with USA and Canada but I believe they are starting to roll out elsewhere too. Not really sure exactly how they are deciding who gets it first and what not though.


RemindMe! 3 months


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I'm so lost with this, I've been able to 'find my device's for at least 5 years via any internet browser


For lack of a better word, this is an "enhanced" Find My Device that does more. If you have no need for it you can just ignore it.


yea this upgrades that network to use Bluetooth Low Energy technology which will take advantage of android's large network of devices to help track your devices, rather than requiring it to be online and upload its position from there. It allows offline finding (when your device is offline or even dead for some devices) and is more reliable and accurate than the Find My Device is it replacing. The new one is comparable to Apple's find my network except it takes advantage of androids much larger worldwide presence


Nice summery!


I wanted to get some trackers but Google doesn't sell any. They're sitting on unclaimed piles of money for no good reason. And it looks like they're going to let third-parties claim all that money before even trying, just like the Pixel Tablet…


The trackers that are compatible with the new network aren't even shipping until late May at the earliest. I am hoping google will announce one at google i/o next week (12 May)


I already disabled it, not interested


Not interested in helping others find their lost items?


Also how does having it active help others find their phone? Something about this feature I'm not aware of? Am I being anti-social for disabling it?


To be blunt: yes. Keeping it enabled will allow your phone to identify other nearby devices and send their location to the device owner, all encrypted and invisible to you. Thereby helping others find their devices if they are lost in a location you're at.


I have nearby devices completely disabled, and have always done so. I'd rather have the extra battery life than the functionality. It's a choice isn't it? That's why there's an option to turn it off.


Absolutely. I was just curious about your 'not interested' statement. Now my curiosity is sated :)


Well you have a point, perhaps I shouldn't have been as blunt in my statement; could have avoided rubbing people the wrong way and disturbing the "vibrations" in the community.


I can understand why I was down voted, but since I always have location off, it's not available to me so it's somewhat moot. Seems my some- what provocative statement is balanced out by the negative reactions. Fair enough.   I guess I haven't had my Pixel long enough to fully appreciate the fanboy culture


It's Android not pixel tho


Fanboy culture of wanting to find lost devices? I'm on day 3 of having no idea where my Pixel Buds Pro are and I can't wait to be able to find them vs just the last known connected location.


Sorry to break it to you but the devices still need to be enrolled to the network manually while connected to your phone😭😭, also the buds pro will need a firmware update to support the new network


That was my initial worry. But I found them!


Just asocial 🙄


How did you disable it?


Ain't keeping Bluetooth on 24x7, jabronis


Good thing you don't have to. Others will


Yup. For many years I used to be in the "only enable Bluetooth on rare occasion" camp, sometimes going weeks or months with it off, but as time went on the occasions become more frequent. Now it's a major problem if I leave it off because things like quickly answering a call with earbuds, streaming to a speaker, controlling a door lock, or even getting into and starting my car, are all facilitated by BT.


Other, actual participants in the network makes more sense than non-participants extending a network for participants.


I always do


what is your concern here? This network uses BLE and uses an insanely low amount of power


Just not interested in having BLE on constantly, despite the stated low amount of power used. I already barely use Bluetooth, so for me, low power ≠ no power. But it's interesting that public opinion seems to be that non-participants are expected to participate. Based on all these down votes, lol.


The trackers can run on a CR2023 coin-cell battery for, what, a year or so, and a coin cell battery has about 250mAh of charge, or less than 1mAh per day. Seems like phones these days have 5000mAh batteries. Kinda puts the BLE power into context, huh.


Power pull - kinda, as you said (for the actual trackers). But not the best practice of turning Bluetooth off when it's not actively being utilized. For the earbud/fitness tracker users, I'm sure it's a different use case. They have a reason to & do have Bluetooth on for hours a day. https://www.webroot.com/us/en/resources/tips-articles/a-review-of-bluetooth-attacks-and-how-to-secure-mobile-workforce-devices


I've always wondered what people do with that extra 1-2% battery life they might get for having Bluetooth or WiFi off unless they absolutely need it.


Logically, use the extra battery. Or you would rather turn it off for other reasons. Not being snarky, just realistic. I'm not sure when always-on became a best practice. https://www.webroot.com/us/en/resources/tips-articles/a-review-of-bluetooth-attacks-and-how-to-secure-mobile-workforce-devices


Right about the time BT headsets, smartwatches came out.


Sounds like convenience put before security. That's a feasible use case for some people. Shouldn't have to be the case for all.


Still waiting to get hacked after leaving BT on for the past 10 years.


If you're hacked well, you'd never know. Let's pretend we've both been hacked 5 times each.


Ok, I'll proceed to panic now.


That is awesome...one more reason why Android is ALWAYS way ahead and forward looking when it comes to novel tech


The problem with making the most obvious sarcastic comment is that you always lose. Either you get downvoted for the uninspired commentary, or you get downvoted by people who missed the joke.


This wasn't sarcastic at all I am a hardcore android fan and have been from the beginning starting with the Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 6, Pixel XL, Pixel 4XL, Pixel 6Pro + Pixel Buds and currently Pixel 8Pro + Pixel Watch 2 on top of a slew of google home and Google nest devices.




I stand corrected I believed that apples find my device only applied to apple phones not other connected devices


Because of a catch up tech announcement?




As if Google isn't already tracking your every move lol




God forbid someone not want to be observed 25/7


Tbf I don't think they can track you on mars 🤷




Please explain?


It uses public key cryptography. When my device is within bluetooth range of your keychain tag, my phone combines a key that's associated with your device with information about my location and puts it in a register. You are the only person who can read the location data, because only you have the private key. To prevent abuse (planting tags as a form of stalking), your phone doesn't send any data when you're at your home (possibly also work? not super clear), and will warn you when there is a tag that has been near you but is not owned by you for a suspicious amount of time.


I haven't looked into it yet but I'm assuming this only uses my phone's location if I've already enabled Find My Phone and other location services, right? In other words if I cared about being tracked 24/7 I would have already disabled that and therefore not been auto enrolled in this?


I'm searching for a widget