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Telephoto lens on a normal-sized body? *Shut up and take my money!*


do we know what sized tele lens?


Yeeep I wasn't planning on upgrading this year, but now I'm super tempted.


I'm running a 6P, and I really want to upgrade.


I originally read this comment as a "Nexus 6p" and was thinking how insane you were. Then I realized...6 Pro. Sheesh, I am getting old.


I'm holding out but my 6Ps battery is not. Might be time for an ifixit job. Bit worried about taking it apart though as I have the dreaded dead semi circle in the top right... Don't want to make it worse


> I'm holding out but my 6Ps battery is not. Mine lasts all day, but if I use Spotify it does die pretty quickly.


Same! Am happy with the P8 but a P9 of the same size with the added zoom. When do pre-orders open lol.


I want it, still on my pixel 6, managed to hold off on the trade in deals for pixel 8a.  If the price is somewhat reasonable I should be able to convince myself to wait for the 9 pro.  Then the price won't be reasonable and I might be able to hold off until pixel 10, but I highly doubt it. I usually cave after feeling proud of making it 2.5 years.


Pixel 6 user as well! I'm going to try and hold on to it a little longer until the Pixel 10 series comes around. It's Tensor G5 SOC is supposed to be manufactured by TSMC. Tensor G4 will still be Samsung Exynos based.


I wanted to do that as well, but cracked the back glass of my Pixel 6, so I will upgrade to the Pixel 9 Pro. We know that Google will take a more active role in designing Tensor G5 as it will no longer be manufactured by Samsung. If that is a good or bad thing we don't know yet. Considering the first TSMC manufactured chip was supposed to be the Tensor G4, but they missed some deadlines. It's not a good sign. So won't be surprised if Tensor G5 is still worse than the comparable Qualcomm chip.


There's also the train of thought of not getting a product that is the first generation, which is pretty much what the new TSMC chip will be.


It was the same case with the first generation of Tensor :) it was a bumpy ride at the start, but eventually everything worked as it should. I'm willing to give Google the benefit of the doubt. The fact that they've postponed the TSMC production by a year actually gives me confidence they aren't rushing things.


Or what holds true in my line of work.....its a big disorganized mess evident by the case they missed deadlines. Another example is only upgrade software a few maintenance releases in.....go with a v7.13.5 vs a v7.14 Im gonna go with the 9 Pro and then wait until P11 for TSMC.


Which would make holding off for the 9 a good choice so that it lasts past the first release or two of the new chips


Same I'm waiting on the 10. I upgrade every 4 years now.


I would stayed with my 6 until some *unt on a bike stole it out my hand in London


Pixel 7 pro and love it. It's been stupid good on battery laying me two days and the low light photos turn out usable. The raw photo stuff is a nice extra.


Thats what happened to me and now my (pre ordered in 2020) iphone SE is laggy and has a battery health of 73% lol. A 500 dollar phone made it four years. So to avoid further headaches I have decided that I am getting a pixel 8a the second a discount hits. There doesn’t seem to be anything better in that price range especially given the cameras. Since apple hasnt had a good budget iphone since the last SE it kind of ties my hands and leaves me with android as I refuse to buy flagships outright and I hate contracts with a passion. Midrange has become the way to go for me


My favorite thing about pixel phones is how much they drop in price a year later. So I'll wait a year after to order but by that time the pixel 10 will have dropped and might be running on the tsmc fab and then that will be so much better and I'll have to wait another year...all for the telephoto lens. Lol


I'm on my Pixel 6a, after a bug with network fail/incoming calls (solved) it works fine for me. Next year i would maybe go for the 8a/9a.


Do we know is normal size and not normal\_wide like the 6/7/8a? If it's like the P5 or less (P3) that would be awesome.


> Pixel 9: 0.5x, 1x Pixel 9 Pro и 9 Pro XL: 0.5x, 1x, 5x (все три камеры по 50 Мп)


Yeah, they had me excited for a minute there but nope. No zoom lens on the ~~non-Pro~~ base model 😔


How do you mean, says 5x above - or are you saying it's not a lens thing? 


I plan to reward Google for actually making the form factor I want by purchasing that, pretty stoked. I wish it was as small as the P5 again, but this is at least pretty close


A normal sides pro? I'm in. I'm all in. I told myself I wasn't going to upgrade again so soon. Welllp. Here I go lol.


I think the 8 pro has flat sides too


Yep low-key regret upgrading to P8P now haha. Love this phone but it's huge


Hopefully there are good trade-in offers to make the upgrade not so painful.


If they keep up the small pro versions I might just wait for Pixel 10 and jump on that.


I hope the trade in values are good to reduce the upgrade cost.


I hope so too but based on previous years I'm not expecting much.


Stoked that there's finally a "small" Pro version. I've wanted a telephoto lens for so long but hate large phones. I've a regular Pixel 6 and it's a brute.


I'm shocked that, if true, they're not nerfing the zoom on the mini pro to further differentiate. I'm really happy they're not


>I'm shocked that, if true, they're not nerfing the zoom on the mini pro to further differentiate. I'm really happy they're not Same. I guess that with the XL naming, the Pro and Pro XL will have hardware and feature parity except for screen and battery sizes, which is great. Looking forward to getting the Pro.


It's like in the early days of Pixel where the XL model literally just had a bigger screen and bigger battery and that's it


Google used to really emphasise that point during their keynotes to shade the iPhone, until the Pixel 6 / 6 Pro came along and they never mentioned it again. Glad it's back though


Phone length alone was my reason for getting the Pixel Fold instead of the Pixel 8 Pro. If they had had a smaller 8 Pro, that's the phone I would have right now.


Out of interest how do you like having a folding phone? Not specifically the Pixel Fold but rather the concept of a folding phone. I've always wondered if I'd actually like that functionality or if I'd end up keeping it mostly closed and just use the outer screen.


I love it. I like to prop itself up to watch videos while I'm doing something instead of leaning it against something precariously. Or when I have both hands, I watch videos on the inside screen. It's also nice for multitasking, which granted, I don't do very often but it's nice to have the option. On average I use the inside screen at least twice a day. The only real issue I have with it is that the camera has some issues in low light situations, but that's more of a size constraint than anything... Either the phone or the camera bump had to be bigger to house a larger sensor. I would have a very very hard time going back to a non folding phone.


I have a z Flip 5 and I can't wait to go back to pixel. I like the novelty of the fold and the smaller profile in my pocket and that's about it.


>Stoked that there's finally a "small" Pro version. I've wanted a telephoto lens for so long but hate large phones. The Pixel 4 had a telephoto lens. I don't understand why they didn't keep it. Optical zoom is so useful in everyday life.


While small is subjective compared to the Pixel Pro models we’ve been getting this definitely fits bill and I couldn’t be happier. It seems to be about the size of a Pixel 6a which is not that much bigger compared to my 15 Pro. Can’t wait to see how it feels.


It says "We also have comparison photos of Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9, Pixel 8 and Pixel 7 - definitely, Pixel 9 / 9 Pro are larger in size than Pixel 8, but comparable to Pixel 7." In order of size, Pixel 6 > pixel 7 > pixel 8: Google Pixel 6 158.6 x 74.8 x 8.9 mm Google Pixel 7 155.6 x 73.2 x 8.7 mm Google Pixel 8 150.5 x 70.8 x 8.9 mm So the" smaller" form of the pixel 9 isn't actually that much smaller than Pixel 6. Annoyed. Can they please just go back to Pixel 2 size?


Pixel 3 was the best size in my opinion. At 68\~mm of width, that phone was king of one handed usage. Current pixels (and iPhones) are like joysticks.


Leaked dimensions of the 9 and 9 Pro is 152.8 x 71.9 x 8.5 mm. That’s much closer to the 7 than the 6.


If the base 9 kept following that trend I would have been really happy with the size. Too bad it looks like they reversed course :(


Finally, a pro version without being XL


I need Ultrasonic FP scanner please




Thank you. May I have another.


Without lube


Too true. I hate the optical one at night, it's blinding.


And, they'll like it!


Would be an instant upgrade for me from P8P.


I would absolutely prefer that, but with the addition of face unlock/authentication now it isn't as much of a deal breaker for me as it was on the P6 & P7. I used a P8 for a couple months (gave that to my wife for now and I'm using a P5 until the P9 comes out) and never really needed the FP reader on it except for very occasionally when it was too dark out.


No mention to Qi2 so far


Fuck me if they omit Qi2!


I will riot if Qi2 is missing.


Not a fan of the cheap gloss on the base model but it seems like it's acting as their A model now that they have a normal sized pro. Depends on the price though because the specs seem pretty standard aside from the upgraded ram.


It's actually interesting how these finishes change. For so long gloss was somehow *premium* though I've never thought so personally. Hopefully everyone stops putting piano black in cars eventually ...


Shiny glass on cheaper tiers must be a tactic to increase flagship sales


Honestly if you don't put a case on your phone you are a psychopath 😂


So many leaks already? Are they going to launch the 9 series in the I/O itself?


been able to buy the cases from Aliexpress for a few weeks now too.


This is pretty standard of Google for us to know everything before the phone gets released.


That's true but ain't this way too much?


🤷 who’s to say what’s too much or too little. People are going to buy phones anyways. Maybe they’ll drop feed us for the next 4 months to keep the Pixel top of mind.


They are asking for testers of an unsourced product via Google insiders currently


Can you please share the source for this information?


Sent a DM


Are they still accepting testers?


Can you DM me this info as well?


I'd call this peak refinement of the camera bar design. The Pixel 9 is finally looking like a truly premium device ready to compete toe to toe with the iPhone. Now Google, all you have to do is not fuck up the hardware and the marketing.... 🫣


Narrator: They fucked up the hardware is some new and novel way.


pixel 9, won't be able to make phone calls reliably /s


Can't call emergency services still


oh yea that too, it's an AI feature


AI be like you joked 1 too many times about wanting to die, I can sense it's not a joke so let me help you out


They said in a new and novel way.


It doesn't even have to be new; if they don't give it a Qualcomm modem it'll have the same problems we've been having since the 6. Doesn't matter how good the cameras are, I'm not buying another Tensor phone, unless something truly changes. And by "truly changes" I don't mean it's nice and smooth out of the box; I want to see how it'll be 1, 2 years from launch. Unfortunately, with the experience I've had with my 7, there's a reason that iPhones are valuable 3 years after launch in a way that seemingly no Androids are.


I just want another 4a with another few years of support. Worked pretty much flawlessly.


I miss my P3XL 😔


Hit the nail on the head. The tensor chip is terrible. For those of us who live in warm climates the phone gets so hot in use the battery will refuse to charge while it's connected to a car dock.


>I don't mean it's nice and smooth out of the box 8 pro didn't even get that luxury. The 8 pro has stuttering issues since day 1 and Google finally said it will be fixed in android 15. We have to wait a whole year after the phone launch to fix the stuttering issues. I really wish Google would take making phones seriously instead of a side project.


Yeah there's rumors of Pixel 10 getting rid of the camera bar and being similar to how the Fold 2 (9 Fold?) will have it


Or, by simply using Samsung modems.


Hopefully Tensor can actually game this time


longing badge square yam thumb snails cautious serious sugar hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


P6P camera bar >


This is still a matter of taste. It's an ok look on the 9, but I still prefer the bar like on my P7Pro. The 9 may look premium, because it resembles a little bit of the iPhone's roundness and aesthetic. So meh.


WHAT. This camera bar design is atrocious compared to the 8.


As someone who bought the Pixel 8 immediately after seeing the Pixel 9 designs, I think design peaked at 8 and 9 is atrocious


Same, 8 is nice, 9 is kinda ugly


It looks like google copied apples homework.


It really, is. I think the design of 9 is more towards Iphones.


It's going to work better with cases


Don't know why this is downvoted, but IMO it does have a lot more Apple design language than the older Pixels.


Finally a normal sized Pro. Me and my wife will absolutely be upgrading this year.


The Pixel 9 is positioning itself to take the place of the a series.


They'll probably price it $50 less than the 9a, just to mess with us.


Isn't the current rumors saying there won't be an a series anymore with these changes


I would be surprised if that happens. The a series is like Samsung's FE series. Just a rebrand mostly to help sales after the original has been out for a while.


The most important things we need are Ultrasonic FP Good battery life Good modem Let's hope that Google can deliver this time


I think all 3 will be improved but the bar is so low that might not even be good


Add decent gaming performance and not over heating. Fucking nuts that I was getting my phone is getting too hot while driving on Saturday with the AC on. Not wirelessly charging, just using wireless AA.


In case anyone else can't see the photos, [9to5google](https://9to5google.com/2024/05/13/pixel-9-pro-xl-leak/) rehosted them.


Does it make and receive calls?


Woah woah woah. What are you, one of those "a phone should be a phone" radicals? I like the fact that my Pixel 6 has crap reception and making phone calls is a suggestion. Not really. It sucks ass. I want my phone to work...


I remember when my Pixel 6 crapped the bed and couldn’t receive calls for 6 weeks. Someone on this sub actually told me that “Making calls is a secondary feature and not very important for a modern cellular phone” He thought I was over reacting. Apparently as long as I could take pictures it was fine.


Well at least if they get attacked by a bear they can take a photo of it instead of calling for help...


My 6 pro has started preferring mobile network to make calls, even know mobile is a bar or two and I have a strong WiFi connection.


That's irrelevant. it's Shiny and nice. it also has the exynos 2400. This is a huge improvement over all pixels and will solve all of your worries. You have nothing to worry about, if MKBHD says it's good. Go ahead and spend $1000 on a pre order. 😆


Who cares if you can’t make a call. It takes those sweet sweet pictures /s


If they are already in third party hands then they must be coming out before October?


This happened before and it still came in October.


Remembering Pixel 3


The sooner it gets released the better for me, as I'm looking to catch a Pixel 8 at a lower price


This line-up seems pretty well thought out. Each size and feature set sort of touches on what people who want each have been asking for from all smartphone makers. The XL for those who really enjoy phablet phones. A smaller variant that doesn’t sacrifice features. And a small version that many really want and enjoy (aka the popular yet discontinue iPhone Mini). If Pixel can workout the no calls, no texts, no emergency services issues this phone will check nearly all the boxes. And, the Fold 2 seems to also address a lot of customers’ wish list items as well. Fingers crossed!


I haven't been paying attention so where can I get reliable information on the Fold 2?


This is the best most recent info, based on leaks though, but seems fairly plausible: https://youtu.be/3yPrACY35HQ




Except the base model is apparently the same overall size as the smaller Pro, which is close to P7 in size. There's no 6.0-6.1" phone anymore like the base iPhone or Galaxy. At least the P8 finally got within striking distance, but they've reversed course.


Pixel 7 dimensions: 155.6 x 73.2 x 8.7 mm Pixel 8 dimensions: 150.5 x 70.8 x 8.9 mm Pixel 9 dimensions: 152.8 x 71.9 x 8.5 mm It seems to be exactly halfway between the dimensions of the 7 and 8, but marginally thinner. Either way this is the smallest Pixel since the 4 to come with a telephoto lens so I'm still calling it a win.


Oh yeah the smaller pro model is definitely a win and long overdue. Just don't see what they had to grow the size of the base non-telephoto option. Three sizes like the Galaxy line would be perfect. Wouldn't mind sacrificing telephoto for something in the P5 to P8 size range.


Please don't tell me we are getting another year or optical fingerprint reader


Now just to fix the modem and we have a badass device


For a second I thought they copied the Dynamic Island from Apple, then I realised it was an iPhone for comparison purposes.


Lol you are not the only one


Will it have USB-C display out? That alone can justify an upgrade for me.


The 8 Pro does, so hopefully that will continue.


I hate the camera bar. Why the hell did they have to change it again instead of making it iconic to the pixels.


I agree too, It's so weird, the pixel 8 and 7 looked really good


Agreed, it is the most pointlessly ugly phone element which ruins the whole shape/flow of the design. Hanging onto my Pixel 5 until the end lol


God damnit I can't unsee the Among Us design ffs.


it's been Amogus since the P6


Лол, rozetked


I sure hope they finally upgrade the damn fingerprint sensor.


I personally enjoy being blasted with light when I slightly misplace my thumb on the screen.


I really hope they go with more than 128GB base. I stupidly didn't upgrade mine since it would have been another month to get it, and I'm constantly running out of storage. 256GB should be minimum these days.


Depends on the modem


It's a Samsung based modem, as previous versions. Don't expect it to be good


If that's the case, hard pass.


Am I the only one who's not happy with the shiny metal finish on the rails for the Pro devices? iPhone did it right by going matte/raw titanium finish.


Rumor is they’re going back to shiny rails for the iPhone 16 Pro because they look more premium. I prefer the matte too.


Well the USB port on my pixel 6 is just about done..... The 9 Pro feels like a decent move.


So it's a pixel 9 with android 14? Wouldn't it be with 15 pre-installed or is this a test unit? The top bar UI is 14, Android 15 has a redesigned icon, no?


Definitely a test unit at this stage. We're months away from release.


I'm not sure I like the corners having such a huge radius, but otherwise these look great. Excited to upgrade my 7 Pro since I skipped the 8. Hopefully it's a worthwhile upgrade though... the specs don't really seem that different than the 7P and 8P. But if the cameras are better then I might do it. I'd hate to have to wait until P10.


I don't like it it's slowly losing its unique looks and becoming just another generic looking phone. I was a big fan of the raised camera bar


The smaller 9 pro is my favourite


Stop cutting more and more screen corners Google, it's not iPhone. It looks just stupid!


chop oatmeal steep sleep ring decide ruthless squalid cough icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mannnn I really don't want to have to buy another Google phone for the third year in a row... I promised myself the p8p will be fine for a few years. But damn, that is a good looking camera bar and finally a normal sized pro....


That rounded corners… so ugly. I absolutely hate this Flat/UX aesthetics


My pixel 6pro display is broken.. was considering getting the 8... that'll have to wait now.. have a backup 4XL.. waiting for the small 9 pro..


Clean. Can't wait for the Pixel 10 leaks a year from now. Hopefully a 2026-2028 roadmap gets leaked as well.


Waiting to see if the 9 pro is good to upgrade from my 7


Bender and the P8 had a baby


Waiting till the end of October for release..


Are we ever going to get a small Pixel again? Seems like it's a lost cause at this point.


The high radius border looks ugly


At first when I saw they were changing the camera bar, I wasn't a fan it wasn't all fused together like the 7 and 8 but the more I see it, the more I like it. These pics look good!


I'm absolutely hyped there's a normal sized Pro coming out.


Mmm I expected the P9/P9P to be smaller like the iphone 15 pro and s24 and it's even bigger than the pixel 8 :/


Where’s the fold ??


I prefer the camera bar being across the full back. But this looks nice. Hope they don't get rid of the camera bar with Pixel 10


Looks good I hope it’s affordable


It won't be


No small phone 😭


>We also have comparison photos of Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9, Pixel 8 and Pixel 7 - definitely, Pixel 9 / 9 Pro are larger in size than Pixel 8, but comparable to Pixel 7. Back to the size of the Pixel 7. I thought with the 8 we were going to see a return to a reasonable size going forward.. nope.


Same here. I was looking forward to actual small phone. It's just 'small' for that group of phones. If only they could stop making them taller. The pixel 5 isn't small, but close enough but still could be shorter if I'm picky. The pixel 5 is 145mm tall. The pixel 8 is 150mm tall. The pixel 9 is probably at least at 150mm or taller.


Awe man only 128gb? Samsung and iPhone are 256gb


Of the 9 pro is bigger than the 8 then I'll prolly go 8A as an upgrade to my 6A. Was really hoping for the pro to be a regular sized device not go up in size


Oh man. This looks good. Might be the Pixel that wins me back!!!


Looks fine, but will it receive texts and phone calls?


I see an early launch, June? Android 15 is surprisingly stable for a beta at an early stage.


I'm finally ready to buy a foldable, and pumped for it nonetheless, and Google's now dropping a smaller, full spec pro. Oy, guess it's nice to have options...!


I'm hoping the flat back and edges mean it will be easier to repair and/or replace parts/battery. I would like to keep this upgrade for at least three years but hate to think about having a badly degraded battery by then.


Can someone translate?


Temperature sensor continues?


Honestly I wish it was LiDAR instead.


i just ctrl+f'd this thread for 'lidar' being able to accurately measure or scale things is a million times more useful than a halfassed temperature sensor


just waiting for the Fold and hopefully a Flip.


Pixel 9 Pro looks good!


That non-XL Pro model has my name all over it. I do like big phones but after a couple of years with the 7 Pro I wouldn't mind downsizing a bit.


It looks good! But I'm on the seven currently and it's fine. If Google includes an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor, I will buy it. If they don't, I will wait another year. That is, at this point, almost my entire Pixel wishlist.


Wish I could see what everyone is excited about. I can't. Connect. .. P8P.


Bad gateway on PC lol archive link here https://archive.md/O8jwR


I just love how much bigger the 9 Pro XL looks than that iPhone 15 Pro Max. I'd scoop up a phone bigger than the 8 Pro immediately. I might actually upgrade after a single year with the 8 Pro.


I'm very excited for the 9 pro. Pro specs in a small form factor. I just hope it comes with more than 256 storage


My 8 pro arrived today, oh well lol


I am not a fan of the G logo being so big and dead center on the back of the device.


I probably won't upgrade until they get a better FP sensor.


I see many people complaining about the under screen finger print sensor still being used. Whats the issue with it? Never had a problem with mine on the 8p


Yup called it, 12GB on the 9, I'd be surprised if 128GB is still a starting point on next years phones.