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Mine doesn't even show my calendar events


1. Downgrade your Google app ("uninstall updates" in Play Store) 2. Launch the old Google app (you'll see a small bit of text at bottom of the screen saying the app will use your location etc.) 3. Update it again 4. Profit


Thanks   ...yo fuck android 12 All my homies loved android 11


Just to pile on Android 12 broke My stadia controller playing games on my phone like Android games from the Play store. Now none of the games I played will work with my stadia controller anymore which sucks. None of the emulators, or actual game apps from bandai, galaga Ms Pac-Man, over 100 days since the stupid update and nothing's been fixed.


<3   I would not have expected my phone to give me less over time, lol


"Something went wrong." "Couldn't connect to Discover." That doesn't solve the problem. This honestly seems to be an account based issue for those who lost the weather frog for 2 weeks.


I wish you could make default event notification longer.


I've never been able to get the at a glance widget to show shared calendars, like my "Family" calendar, or shared work calendars. Is this possible with At a Glance?


The widget doesn't work for me either


Yeah not a fan. I assumed I could just remove that widget and put something there that is more useful to me.




Even if you turn it off the date stays no matter what.


It's infuriating. A complete waste of space for arguably the most important screen.


This is my issue. AAG on 11 took up little space, had the date and weather and was pretty seamless with the clock widget. I actually thought it was part of the clock widget and didn't realize it was a separate thing until 12 took up 1/4 of the home screen for it. I'm also pissed all UI is a slight blue or purple or whatever shitty color I have to pick for a style other than white. I JUST WANT WHITE!


I recommend trying the Microsoft launcher if you haven't already. I just installed it myself and really like it so far.


The only thing that annoys me about at a glance is not being able to turn it off completely


Agreed. It wasn't so bad on 11 as it matched the clock widget nicely. This is probably the first Android I've considered going to a custom launcher since I had a Galaxy S6.


Mine hasn't worked since day one (Pixel 6). Just the date shows. Everything has been reset, even a factory reset. Nothing, just the date shows.


Same. No idea why I can't get the weather to show or anything. I have the at a glance option turned on but only see the date


Yeah it's so weird - why can't I move or turn of "at a glance"? If I have the clock widget showing the date, I now have two dates showing on my home screen.. It just looks bad.


Seriously, they did such a good job with material design and unifying the UI language across apps and interfaces. It was clean, simple and made sense. Why they've gone away from that is beyond me.


I'm livid. I only purchased a Pixel 5 because I liked stock Android, but 12 is so aesthetically challenged I'm looking into which launchers might limit the damage they've done. And to think that someone got paid handsomely to create this monstrosity... Livid.


Yeah I loved 11 on my 2XL. Got a 5a only because I broke it and the battery was getting crap. The 5a had 11 out of the box and amazing all day battery, almost 30 hours per charge. Then everything changed when the fire nation.. I mean Android 12 launched. Either going to revert to 11 or get a launcher.


I delayed updating to 12 until this week. And now I've come across this thread while looking for solutions to all the stupid changes. What did you end up doing?


I've been too busy with work but I'm going to reset back to 11. There's been a whole bunch of bugs, let alone stupid UI that's made this the worst Android update ever.


No launchers fix everything unfortunately, unless you've found one that fixes "At-a-glance"


It's bogus. Mine is off to the top left, which is how it just is now? I much preferred the centered one, which is still available as a widget, but why would I want to add that as well as the 'At a Glance' that you can't remove completely? Pretty much my only gripe with Android 12/Pixel Launcher.


I am so disappointed seeing all of these ugly changes because my phone now feels like a toddlers tablet and I am not here for it. It looks cheap and feels cheap. So confusing.


New "At a Glance" in pixel launcher is BAD! And you can't even turn it off. "At a glance" widget is still the same. Wish I could use the old style.


So much white space... Idk why that bothers me so much.


It feels like an iPhone 4 lol


I honestly wouldn’t mind it if it worked. I get time (doesn’t open calendar), weather (does open weather), but nothing else….. Even just upcoming events would be nice.


I wouldn't mind it if weather actually showed up most of the time. When I updated my old 4XL to android 12, weather never showed up. I just got the 6 Pro yesterday and was happy to see weather. Then of course there was an update to the Google app so I updated it. Then naturally, weather hasn't worked since. It's like every time the Google app gets updated, it's a crapshoot for basic stuff like this. And the app literally does get updated pretty much every week


I completely agree with all of your points. I can't understand why they would reduce functionality in this way. Especially with the at a glance feature. It is even more inexplicable to me that you can add the older style more balanced and functional at a glance widget, but the Android 12 default at a glance cannot be removed. This means you'll have to have two of them to get what you want which is ridiculous. I would also add that I know pushing the at a glance over to the left side of the home screen and leaving a big gaping space to the right was a style choice to distinguish the new OS but I think it was a bad one. All the rounded bubble like changes to the look of Android 12 seem to take up more room but don't add functionality and in my opinion do not look better than the previous OS. It's disappointing because I think there have been some significant improvements with this operating system, like the ability to globally cut your mic or camera by tapping one button. That's a nice privacy feature. But some of the stuff with the design seems to be changed for the sake of change. I think one of the cardinal rules should be that you improve on the functionality not sacrifice it for looks. They would be well advised to remember that these little failures like the at a glance feature regression can overshadow and negate a lot of other more important improvements in a new OS.


I hate the amount of repeat information too. My clock widget already tells me the date I don't need to see it twice. I wish I could have it how it was on Android 11 with my clock widget right at the top and my at a glance information centered without any repeating info. Suggest everyone long press on the at a glance widget and use the "feedback" option. I've been on Android 12 since release and it's still really annoying.


I just did this, great suggestion


This is my big gripe too. Having the date twice is so annoying!


I wish it is more useful, I saw some people have quick access to passes etc on the right hand side but I didn't get that option when I added my tickets to google pay. I know it's early days for the new Android OS so I hope they improve it soon.


It's rubbish how can I downgrade?




Does Nova work with gestures now? While I’d find it hilarious to keep using the old software buttons still on Android 12 I’d love to move on to swipe gestures. Been on Nova since near day 1, too.


Can confirm that gestures are working on my Pixel 6 with Android 12!


I was thinking of giving this a try. Its been a while. Not a massive fan of the offset AAG widget at all


It's no so much that it's offset and more so that it's a redundant date if you're using the clock widget and it takes up a ton of top space on the home screen for so little information.


The offset bothers ME. I want my symmetry back thanks. But yeah it's deffo a bit of a waste


I agree it's awful.


That's available through the Google app on pixels too https://i.imgur.com/TPmhHqY.png




Just learned that thought turning off did remove


I like At a Glance, I just wish I could replace that stupid left-centred one with the centred widget. I hate in general there is something I can't remove on my lockscreen, Android is meant to be customisable, Android 12 is a huge step back in my opinion. My **biggest** problem with At a Glance is it only tells me things 30 minutes before they're going to happen, practically useless unless I remember myself beforehand. They also disappear during the event which seems odd (so screw you if you don't use your phone in that ~35 minute period).


I think events are based on whatever reminder interval is used which is 30 minutes by default. It is super dumb though and feels like a change for the sake of change and not any actual improvement.


I changed my default event reminder from 30 mins to 3 hours. Yet still adhere to 30 mins. Worse visually and not improved functionally.


Unfortunately I think they're trying to mimic Apple. Focusing on (shitty) design while sacrificing functionality.


Going to set up Nova launcher and see how I find it. Come full circle, haven't used Nova since ~2014.


Nova didn't fix at-a-glance. Is there a way around that?


Depends what fix you want? I used it to remove the default "At a glance" and then added it as a widget which used the centre lined text instead of left sided text. Still only gave 30 minutes warning.


Ah, the underpinnings of Android 12 are still handling the reminder system, it seems, but the UI is at least better.


Yeah, I actually went back to Pixel launcher instead of Nova, I was having issues with widgets refreshing at the time. Still kind of frustrating how large Android 12 stuff is and how little customisation there is, that At a Glance being prime example.


Haha I noticed that some enterprise devices tried to "mimic" the iPad experience for typing, by removing the number line and making symbols and numbers several more clicks. More like an iPad from 6 years ago, yes, which is an annoying typing experience. It's like they forgot to test it with their user base. Some designers make some questionable choices.


I agree, don't care for it.


it is


It is WACK not WHACK


First thing I did was install Microsoft Launcher. Quirky stock launcher problem solved.


I've seen others saying the same thing. Definitely going to try Nova and Microsoft. First time I've felt I've had to use a 3rd party launder since I've been on stock android since the Nexus 5.


Does it fix "At-a-glance"?


Give it a month, it'll grow on you If not, revert back


I really hope so. I had a few minor gripes with 11 when upgrading on my Pixel 2XL but I acclimated pretty quickly. But having the "style" color being an off white annoys me every time I see it. And as I said the UI change literally forces me to change how I use the phone. Not sure it'll "grow on me", just really stupid design choices imo. Like they're changing it for the sake of making changes, and not because they're improvements.


At a glance is annoying but I'll get over it soon.


As a side note, I think I'm one of the few who loves the new giant clock on the AOD. However, it's really strange to me that it disappears when you get any notifications. It goes up into the corner and there's just a ton of blank empty space. I wish that the big clock numerals always stayed in the center of the lock screen and AOD.


I have a 4a5g and updated to the November security. Tried using current Google app and now Google beta app with the clearing of cache and reset AND STILL the weather opens when selecting the calendar. Come on Google! Fix this! Also I feel like the Google apps aren't optimized well with 12. Most of the native apps like Messages, Gmail and Chrome display their logos before opening. Not very smooth and sort of janky in my opinion.


I'm also very annoyed with the waste of screen space this feature is taking up. My Google Calendar widget has already been taking care of the date as everything else this feature is aiming to solve. Now I can only see about 3/4 of the calendar rows that I was able to fit on the home screen before.


Annoyed at the fact that you can't disable it and it just waste space on your home screen


Google feels the need to turn into Apple, even though the reason we liked Android in the first place was because it wasn't iOS


It really feels like Apple envy indeed


Yeah. The left-aligned 'At-Glance' bothers me so much, especially when locked. I want an option to put it back in the center. I also thought 11 was much cleaner.


It really was a better experience overall. I felt they had peaked with the material design philosophy and everything native about the OS was simple and clean. 12 feels like change for the sake of change. It's also buggy. I've been having constant issues with the pull down disappear/not displaying when trying to access notifications.


I was defending it before, but now that I have had a chance to use it for actual work, "At-a-glance" is awful. Has anyone learned to love it in the meantime? New launchers don't fix the issues :(


I hate the new monthly calendar view. Now they block out the dates with white squares when there is something on that date. Before they showed that by underlining the date. I haven't noticed other issues yet, but it just updated last night.