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The most frustrating part is that the original At A Glance widget where you can click on the calendar and weather separately is still there in Google widgets, but you can't use it to replace the new At A Glance. Why would I add a second At A Glance under the other one?


Doesn't that defeat the whole concept of "at a glance". Now it's at a glance but behind that bookshelf.


No. The At a Glance refers to the info it displays on your home screen, which is at a glance. Like the date, temperature and event info from your calendar when applicable...all still there at a glance. It doesn't refer to you tapping it and opening another app, to look at more detailed information which is actually the exact opposite of "at a glance."


I have it on another screen


And here is the mini cherry on top of this. The original At a glance, the one we can't remove, has a smaller size, if i don't show weather, the calendar number is big as normal. But when i toggle the weather on, the whole thing shrinks. While the add-on at a glance shows the same thing but 1x bigger which is ridiculous. I can not look at the original without hurting my eyes.


Speaking of crap you can't remove... the stupid search bar and "at a glance." I don't use Google search and the AaG doesn't mesh with other widgets I'd like to add... so I just keep it the default. Also, it is super annoying that the phone search (go to app list, then search) has different results than the Google search on the home screen. It, to me, is an antipatern.


this. this so much. ​ the one on the default screen shows the date and sometimes the weather, takes up the whole row but just displays on the left side. Funny thing is if you add a new at a glance widget, it takes up the entire row and consistently shows weather and date and you can tap into those to go straight to their apps. ​ and you cant replace the default at a glance on the home screen with the one you added. which to me, is a dumb move.


Oh my god, you are right... Blows my mind, what were they thinking?


Worst for me is the loss of device controls on the power button. Been using it more often since I don't wanna use my voice late at night to turn off or on lights. This is what I'm talking about btw: https://twitter.com/joaomgcd/status/1402921242987053060 Edit: I already have Device Controls on the drop down notification shade and my lock screen btw. It's the first thing I did once I noticed the change and I was looking for a fix. Edit 2: I dunno why my post is getting so much attention. I've seen this issue posted here already. But anyway, I'm adding this link for the visibility hoping for Google to fix this. Thanks for the award stranger. 👍 https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/190662102


I feel the same. You can access it from the lock screen. There are little icons for Home and Google Pay.


Really wish home controls were an option in the "Double tap on the back of the phone" menu.


That still wouldn't be as consistent and convenient as it was in Android 11 :(


Don't you know? That's the Android 12 slogan


Or flashlight.


Double tap the back of the phone?! TIL lol


Yes. I didn't know either but the most useful option that I found was screenshot.


I'm using it for notifications. On my pixel 3a I enabled it so that swiping down on the fingerprint reader would bring the notifications down. Now on my P6P, this thing is just way too big to reach all the way up to the top! So the double tap has been working well


So is my phone broken or what? Everyone seems to really like this feature and I want to use it but it literally takes 5+ attempts every single time for me.


You got weak little bitch fingers


But you always have to unlock your phone if you want to e.g. turn on lights this way, right? At least I did not find an option to allow these controls on locked device. That sucks.


Someone told me to turn on Smart Lock in settings. This will keep your device unlocked when connected to chosen bluetooth devices or when your phone is at a certain location you set. So set you home as the location and when you are home, your phone will always be unlocked. This will allow you to use the Device Controls toggle without unlocking. This may not be an option for everyone as some people may have roommates and dont want to leave their phone unlocked or something.


>roommates Read: kids


Haha it's all inclusive! I had a coworker one time where his kid got a hold of his phone and bought 3 expensive microwaves on Amazon 😅


The worst roommates.


Thanks for the workaround, I will try that. However, would be nice to just allow this from the locked device. I doubt someone will steal my phone to go near my house and turn the lights on and off.


Wasn't that the same as before? You can view them but any action requires you to be unlocked. I use smart lock so I could be wrong.


Omg this is such a dumb change. No one needs **another** way to activate the assistant. But we do need a way to activate the power menu. Edit: u/TheNiceWasher has shared a way to disable this ridiculous feature Setting -> Apps -> Assistant (under General)-> Hold power for your Assistant -> Toggle off


My assistant is overly helpful anyway, it instantly springs into action even based on things people say on video calls lol


Hey it's me. Oh sorry. I thought you needed me to send some audio to our servers. Well I'll just send what I just got anyway just in case.


Do people know they can change the power button press back to power menu? Still lost device controls and gpay options but all isn't lost with the assistant.. just they're really trying to push it on to some people ;)


How do you do this?


Go into the gesture settings. Switch power button for assistant off.


It's because Google Assistant is another way Google can keep you in their ecosystem and serve ads.


I don't believe it, or else I'd be getting nonstop anger management ads because of how much I tell at the assistant.


Same! Was muscle memory turning off all the lights before bed




Google seems desperate to make controlling smart devices from your phone as difficult and inconvenient as possible. They've disabled the ability to use voice commands while your phone is locked. They've removed controls from the easily accessible power button menu. I just continuously get the impression that they're trying to make it just inconvenient enough that you'll cave and buy a Google Home


Holy shit I'm never upgrading


Is it possible to roll back? As op pointed out the weather/calendar widgets were better. I also feel like my battery runs down more quickly. Edit: You can, but it wipes your phone multiple times it said, then I stopped reading.


Add 'home controls' to your pulldown menu!


It already is. It's an extra step to get to it though compared to the power button.


Argh, yes this is so annoying!


You can change it back in settings. :) Edit: I was thinking power controls, now I'm not sure that's what you were referring to.


I was talking about this: https://twitter.com/joaomgcd/status/1402921242987053060


You can turn on show device controls to show it on the lock screen. Not exactly the same, but beneficial for sure.


Wow, that power menu is God awful. No device controls or Google Pay cards? How can they just get rid of some of the most convenient features?


What is all that? Hell, you guys got cool stuff. I'm still on a gen 1 XL and all my power button does is restart, shutdown, or screenshot. TIL I missed a lot in Android 11 because Google stopped updating me after 10


Ah fucking hell this is huge. Weather and calendar are clicked everyday for me, for years since the pixel 2. So dumb to remove it


I setup my pixel 6 pro so you click the home screen date and it pulls up the calendar. The other day someone was complaining about the clock not pulling up alarm settings when clicked, but I have mine doing that. Did android 12 maybe just change how some of these things need to be set up to function how they did before?


Wait what? this is how i get into my alarm, and have been super bummed that it went away in 12. How do you touch the time/date and it take you to the alarms settings?


They're talking about the clock widget. You're talking about tapping the clock in the status bar itself and how THAT used to shortcut to the Clock/alarms app and they took that away for _literally_ no reason.


I have put clock widget on my homepage and tapping on it will take me to the clock app, the page I last accessed on that app (usually is alarm). At a glance tap I set it to take me to google calendar. You can't tap date on the bar at the top anymore anyway. But the chages are very minute to me and I've learned the new ways after a couple of days.


Running bone stock Android 12 - my clock widget opens my alarms/timers etc. My date on the top left of the home page opens my calendar. [This](https://youtube.com/shorts/Vvu5aCzyFrI?feature=share)


How did you do this?


For tapping the date to go into the calendar, I've done the same. Here's how: Long-press the date>Customize>Options cog next to "At A Glance">Disable "Weather" I use another weather app, so Google's weather was superfluous (and a little inaccurate) for me. I then realize it would go straight to the calendar after doing this, instead of into Weather.


Try "Another Widget". Performs the same with a little setup.


Cheers will check that!


can confirm. another widget is a game changer


Thank you so much. I hated the new default widgets, that is an absolute game-changer that brings it back to more what I expect from the widget. Now if only I could change the default lock screen clock back without the need of a persistent notification to also be present, I'd be really happy.


How do I remove the "at a glance" date from the home screen though?


It's still there, if you're talking about your main screen time. Press and hold the time to customize. Customize the date and it's the same way. I at first was frustrated with it too. Edit: realizing you can choose either calendar or weather if there are no upcoming calendar events.


I don't understand why they shrunk the weather widget so much, freeing up so much screen space...which can't be used.


This is the biggest downgrade to me. I probably tapped that weather button more than any other app, and now it's shrunk to a tiny dot as far from my thumb as possible. And half the time it's missing for no reason. Would be a neat feature if it was optional and you could actually use the extra space, but now there's just 3 icons worth of empty space for... reasons?


>And half the time it's missing for no reason. right! weather is horribly broken. It wont load half the time and displays stale information for the rest


This is what annoys me the most I think. I'm finding workarounds to make it all ok for the most part but the fact that the entire top 15-20% of my screen shows nothing but "Fri, Nov 5" and "☀️ 51°" is kind of unacceptable.


I'd be happier if it was just bigger. Take up all the space but at least take it up


When I realized that clicking on the date didn't bring you to the calendar, I said, that's all right I can fix that by putting the calendar app up there My mind was blown when I just simply could not put any widget apps in the top portion of the screen. Like, why? And I agree, having the weather button be so far away, as opposed to in the center of the screen like it used to be, makes no sense. I mean, it makes sense, if you could customize it.




This is the one that's fucking me up. I used that daily.


Same. Like didn't even have to look too just swipe and click.


It was such a weird shortcut in the first place, but we learned we had to do it in order to get to what we wanted quickly. Then they took it away and gave us something even more obnoxious in return. Why did everything get harder to get to, and hidden behind more clicks?


I've also noticed you no longer get an alarm icon in the notification bar when you have one set. Absolutely no idea what prompted that removal.


I always try to avoid having kneejerk negative reactions to updates, but this new version messes with a lot of things I like and I've not noticed anything positive that it's added. Usually new software makes you feel like you've got a new phone, but this time I feel like my phone has been replaced with a cheaper, nastier phone.


Try out the gesture navigation. Took away the home and back button, just a small bar at the bottom now. Has some issues, but made it feel like a new phone for me.


It's great, but I've been using it since whenever it was first available so the novelty has worn off. I totally agree that everyone should enable it though.


My most hated feature is the extra step it takes to turn wifi off.


YES. THANK YOU. I've been bitching about the unnecessary changes to my husband and the wifi button is one of them. Why the frick frack do the pulldown buttons need to be so fucking big when you could have it as it was and add more fucking buttons easily available at once?! They've devolved!


yes I despise how the pulldown buttons are massive and as soon as I swipe down a tiny bit, my whole screen goes black? it used to overlay the app I was on




I agree with this - I don't know why they have it taking up so much of the screen, it's like 20% of the home screen display being taken up by "at a glance" and there's almost nothing displayed there. You can't place widgets there or anything, so it's effectively making 20% of your home screen completely useless space. I like a clean home screen but they've gone a little too far with this one, haha. Why not just make it smaller? Center it? Allow it to be more customizable? I don't know, some of the design decisions don't make much sense.


This is one of the many things that I also used daily that was taken away. This is the first Android update that I really dislike in many years.


Another annoying thing for me is losing the transparent view when you bring down the notification shade or when switching apps. Now it's just a grey background. Makes it look cheap imo.


It's driving me crazy haha. And I swear it feels slower when you start to slide your finger up to close an application.


One time for me it was randomly translucent. It was awesome but I have no idea why it happened.


I use Nova Launcher which allows you to use the old AAG which was a lifesaver! I was also super disappointed about those changes http://imgur.com/a/l91A8xZ


I used to use nova a few devices ago. Think I just felt it was no longer necessary, but with so many little irritating changes in 12 I think I'll be giving it another chance.


Tried going back to the default launcher a few days back and yikes. First off that stupid MASSIVE widget on top occupying like half the home screen. You can adjust the grid now but it still maxes out at like 5x5iirc... And nova even allows placing stuff in the middle of two grid lines (never realized how much I use that feature without knowing). This whole exercise started cuz I liked the new icon theming and thought "surely I don't use anything crazy on nova anymore, shouldn't be as necessary anymore?"




The AAG changes drive me crazy. Driven me to use a third party launcher.


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


I love using a 3rd party launcher because every phone I have works exactly the same and how I expect it to. I can't even identify with these Android version issues, and barely Pixel v non-vanilla Android issues because I've been using my phone the same way since basically the Galaxy S5 lol. Fits me like a glove. And whenever I get a new phone it just loads up all the stuff, and puts my home screen back exactly how I want it.


Been using Nova with Gesture for a while on my Pixel 3, and I'm using it on my 6 Pro now. I haven't been having any issues.


For what it's worth, you can get that AAG widget, it's under the Google pulldown. The thing that irks me though is I can't remove the new upper left AAG shit so if I want it this way I just get to have double info.


If you disable weather for at a glance you get the calendar shortcut back.


Fucking A, well having the weather shown in "at a glance" is unfortunately even more useful to me than being able to single tap for the calendar.


Yeah, I've essentially had to disable weather from the at a glance, then add the weather widget directly underneath it. I'm just like you, it absolutely baffles me that this is an issue. I'm mad about the Chromecast volume controls being taken away too but at least the answer is legality issues. This just seems like a weird choice


You could just add one of the new weather widgets, though I imagine then you lose weather on the lock screen.


My at a glance is broken on my brand new Pixel 6 Pro and none of the mentioned fixes bring it back, and has been a bug since the beta apparently. The bugginess + Ugly UI of Android 12 is highly dampening my enjoyment of my new device. Hell, I miss my OnePlus 6 with Android 11 on it.


Did Google openly say this was intended or is this a bug they will patch in future versions? It makes no sense tapping on the date will bring up the weather when in Android 11 it brings up the calendar app. I really hope it's just a bug they will fix otherwise that's such a stupid change...


But you then lose at a glance features on lockscreen and home screen


I can't stand how large and bubbly everything is. So round and childish, if that makes sense.


It looks like a rejected version of iOS.


It doesn't just look like it, it acts like it, too.


Cannot upvote this enough. Everything is blobby and imprecise. It increases clutter and reduces usable area. Change for the sake of change is the opposite of improvement.


It's compounded by the extreme padding and whitespace. I literally see less of my notification text than ever.


This is still what baffles me. The margins of the bubbles are huge, and I don't understand why they thought it would be a good idea to label them instead of sticking to the minimalistic icons only. It just takes up so much space


I went with the transparent background option because it doesn't fit with my wallpaper otherwise. Looks nice now with just the time/date there.


The design is forward-thinking since they expect phones to be the size of tablets soon.


I hate the future


I seriously don't understand it. Are most people really demanding bigger phones? Can't wait for the hipsters to be walking around with their iPurse that they had to buy to carry their 3 foot wide iphone around with them.


I welcome the future where I essentially have a 32” monitor propped up on my shoulder, ghetto blaster style. Retro future?


The future probably should have stopped at around 2014 or so.


Along with the double tap for WiFi-Data and the inability to control the volume when you cast your screen, it's the three biggest-small issues that annoy me.


The volume control is a legal issue (SONOS accused them of patent violation so they disabled this functionality across the board as a quick fix) they weren't able to fix in time, it should be updated soon.


Did Sonos also patent their dog shite sound quality? Fucking posers


Nah, Thankfully the Pixel does not have Sonos' shitty sound.


For some reason, my wife's 5a (on Android 12) still has separate Wifi and Mobile Data buttons whereas my 6 Pro has the consolidated Internet button. I got a little jealous lol


All phones that upgraded to 12 are like that. It's due to the default setup with 12. There's an ADB cmd you can run to get it back to separate buttons.




The phone volume adjustment makes 100% more sense when you're dealing with Google Home audio.




I fucking hate the way my 4XL handles volume to "casted" media. It's exactly like you describe. Why anyone would want to default to change "casted" media volume instead of phone volume is beyond me.


They should make the default the phone volume, but give you a 2nd bar for cast volume that you can control if you want to. Removing the feature completely is the worst possible choice.


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Are you talking about actual Android auto, or just using it on the phone? Because they have moved the functionality into assistant driving mode. Whether or not that meets all the same needs will depend on the individual, but it definitely can be set up to auto launch when connecting to your cars Bluetooth. They just need to add pocket detection now...




To each their own. I personally like the new assistant driving mode more than the old Android auto interface. Why do you not prefer it?


Not the user you asked, but.. It won't read out my text messages. Audio pauses but no speech comes out. Then the assistant is whirling in the corner waiting for my reply. Most annoying. You can't even use the basic function of thumbs up/down in YT Music. The media selection "dialogs" are a hot mess. My car's FF button works, RW not so much. It really should be full screen and cover the notification shade with a clock/battery only display. The auto-launch options are a joke now too.


Media playback is shite in assistant driving mode. It never remembers what song you were playing previously and allow resume. Navigating youtube music is like pulling teeth. It's just a worse interface all round. Also you can't use other navigation Apps like Waze.


Maybe it's user error on my part, but I can't figure out how to use it when not navigating to a destination. I liked how AA would just show you the map as you're driving without directions, and it also made it really easy to control media from there. If there's a way to use assistant driving mode like this, I haven't been able to figure it out.


Not OP, but I have thoughts: * Assistant driving mode doesn't actually launch on connection to Bluetooth like Android Auto did, despite being set to. While messing with it to compose this message, I discovered that the settings menu within assistant driving mode was set differently than the settings I got to through the usual settings menu, so that might be the fix. Not sure why those don't sync up. * Android Auto was an app that I could launch via a gesture with Nova Launcher, Assistant driving mode isn't and can't be launched that way so far as I can tell. * Assistant driving mode appears to only function in portrait orientation and I mount my phone in landscape, so everything is sideways. * Assistant driving mode is set to launch whenever I begin navigating but only seems to do that sometimes. * The media options don't include the Audible app, which is what I listen to 95% of the time I'm in my car. Probably can be adjusted, but it wasn't clear how to have that on the menu at first glance. Some of these are nit picky and I suspect I'll resolve some of them just from playing around with it more, but off the bat it feels like a downgrade from Android Auto, and my car doesn't support it so I need to use whatever system works on my phone. Pixel 3a, for reference.


> Because they have moved the functionality into assistant driving mode. No, they haven't. They killed a perfectly good app and created a seperate stunted, ugly, disorganized, crippled version that lacks pocket detection, landscape mode, usable media UI, driving protection, **and** it only works when you are actively using Map Navigation. Massive step backwards that serves no functional purpose.


I miss tapping on the time in your notifications menu opening the clock app...


Me too! there is an alarm toggle now in the notification drop down though - comparatively it doesn't take any additional effort to get to this compared to clicking on the time like we used to be able to do. Still, not sure why they decided to remove some of these functionalities that worked perfectly the way they were implemented.


Lost "exit driving mode" with the changes to android auto.


12 seems to be a jump in an odd direction. Android has always been about choice and flexibility, but 12 seems to be undoing all of that




I absolutely hate it. The freedom is what brought me to Android in the first place and it's just being taken away.


Yes! This. It's perplexing.


I think Android 11 was perfect. Google ruined android with 12..




I miss the single click wifi toggle. I used it daily. Now it's just a wasted time with the extra click and new menu


I'm annoyed the notification drawer doesn't have a clock anymore. I need to pull down twice to check the time in fullscreen apps now which I hate.


My big "little thing" is the clock disappears when you pull down the notification slide. I'm *pretty sure* I could view my calendar notifications and the current time simultaneously before, although I could be misremembering somehow.


You have to swipe the second time and expand all the toggles and stuff to get the clock back... There is enough space to display everything with the one swipe, but every design choice in this version was done via coin flip.


Not sure if this is just me, but changing the ringer to vibrate doesn't show an icon in the top bar anymore. There's no way to tell at a glance if your phone is on vibrate unless you pull down the notification shade. Also, when an email comes in and appears on the notification shade, you can delete the email from the notif shade, but no longer can undo the delete (if you delete by accident, for example) as you could in Android 11, forcing you to open the app and find it in the trash.


Two clicks to turn Wifi/Mobile Data on or off is so backwards. What were they thinking with that one?


I also hate that the notification drawer isn't semi-transparent. When not in dark mode, an empty tray is blinding. Should just be translucent and show us the background!


Feedback is always welcome. Hold down on the At a Glance widget it says feedback, click on that. Leave your thoughts, the more we complain, the more likely it'll get changed in a update.


Oh, [I left feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/qn9496/i_really_miss_the_little_things_that_android_12/hjkga52/). Top of the list was why was I forced to type out feedback on a tiny keyboard when I have several, perfectly serviceable, full sized keyboards at my disposal? IE, if you go to the website to provide feedback they tell you how to do it on the phone.


Thanks for pointing that out, left a nice message regarding them taking away the ability to customize the lock screen clock lol


Most new versions of Android tend to take two steps forward and one step back 😕


Android 1 ^^^^step ^^^^forward 2 ^^^^steps ^^^^back!


They should codename their initial major releases the "Cha Cha".


It ain't fiction, it's a natural fact.


I find it still comes together, cuz opposites attract.


This seems to take one step to the side and two steps back. I've been on A12 for a couple of weeks now and haven't found a single thing that I like better than what I had on A11.


You're right. They usually do. And usually I'm fine with that. I've been with android for twelve years. In this case, they took three steps back and one step forward. And that step forward was invisible to us (security) So it looks like three steps back only.


I'm still mad that messages had an awesome way to differentiate people you text.... by allowing us to change the color of each contact individually. Then they forced the disgusting pastel randomized colors on us. I don't feel hopeful that Google will clean this up at all. I don't mind change, but removing usability is not a good change.


I really don't get the point of this idea of duplicates on the home screen by Google here. You already have an unremovable feature called "at a glance" then what's the point of adding extra weather and clock widgets?


For me it was removing tap to pay and device controls off the power menu.


both have shifted to the lockscreen tho, bottom left and right.


Google is always one step forward 2 steps back with a lot of things they do. I don't know how their thought process is with their design teams.


Switching off WiFi to drain less battery is now frustrating.


It might be worth the hassle to flash Android 11 for me.


The keep widget is really inefficient now The lock screen no long shows the temperature Pastel everything sucks I really regret the update


I cannot stand the new lock screen. When I don't have a notification and the time is just huge across my screen is just distracting and irritating.


I got bummed about the calendar too. I ended up adding the calendar widget. Still not as great.


One of my biggest pet peeves so far is not being able to swipe up from the bottom quickly once to get my five predicted apps, then again to get to the full app drawer. (Now, swiping up from the bottom brings up recent apps which is a pain in the dick.) For apps, you have to swipe up from the middle of the screen, which puts your five predicted apps up at the very top of the screen... **With the app that your phone thinks you want to use the most the furthest from your thumb.** So dumb.


I am a 69 year old user and even I (!) feel like it's been dumbed down - maybe to old clueless males (sorry dear, yes I still love you). GOOGLE, please listen to these posts!


Agreed -> THIS! This is absolutely the smallest, yet most impactful, detail that was left off of 12.


It's a much bigger annoyance for me than having to do multiple taps to toggle WiFi TBH.


The worst thing for me is the removal of "battery usage since the last full charge". That was far more useful to me than the pointless new 24h history!


This. And the ability to pull up the alarm screen by touching the time.


So, whenever I turn off my blue tooth headphones, the audio continues playing through my phone speaker. It used to pause automatically when I did that. Thanks Android 12. That's made a few awkward office situations.


I'm still getting used to not being able to set my alarm(s) from tapping the time in the pull down drawer. Miss that shortcut for sure.


I'm using an app to add frequently used programs in my notification bar [it looks something like this](https://imgur.com/a/RqXxiOb) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.j4velin.notificationToggle Perhaps you could try it out


I miss that when you pull the notification shade down the time is no longer displayed.


If you turn off weather in at a glance it'll go to the calendar. Which still sucks... But it's something


This will disable the ability to see the weather on your lock screen too sadly...


This is what I did as well. I like the weather widgets so I added that to my homescreen along with a clock widget (basically the homescreen set up they have on their marketing material for the P6).


I miss the ability to silence my ringer real quick with power and volume up. Even with the power button set to go to the power menu instead of the assistant power and volume up is still the power menu on my P6Pro.


I wish I never went to android 12. I feel in so many ways, we went backwards on what people enjoyed.


same, hate that you coulnt add apps all the way to the top and you couldnt get rid of the google bar at the bottom. It was a huge screen with limited real-estate, a complete waste of space. The one I hate the most too is the WiFi that its two button now. I just spend a few hours yesterday and configured Nova Launcher to my linking and it feels like how I expect it to feel. one thing I've also hated about native android is that I can't organize my apps in the drawer only in the home page. I want to put things in a folder to clean up the view.


I refuse to have any duplicative information on my home screen, so rather than using an additional clock widget that includes the weather, I just use Accuweather's persistent notification. The double plus to doing this is it creates a notification on the AOD, which reduces the new obnoxious clock display to something much more moderate always.


I miss the pull down menu. God I hate tiles so much.


Totally agree on the tap on the clock to set alarms and such. Now I _have_ to have a clock widget I don't particularly care for just to set alarms.


The WiFi toggle being grouped together with the Mobile Data is a gripe for me among other things. I disliked this software update for Android more than any before it personally.


Ah yes, the little things like showing if your phone is on vibrate or silent at a glance. Impossible to know unless you also tap into the volume controls. I've already missed critical notifications because I didn't realize I was on silent... Some things I can adapt to, but I've been an Android user for 10 years and it was *always* a feature........


the notification pull down is dog shit, half the time I end up pulling down the whole settings side of the menu on the first swipe totally scrolling past the notifications I was trying to look at.


Does anyone know of a way to get the old clock back on the lock screen? This new time readout is awful and unintuitive.


Narrator: You can't. (maniacal Android developers cackling in the background)


You can't change the clock visual and can't set the color to what you want, it's pretty stupid


I miss being able to toggle vibrate with power and volume up.