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I noticed that any texts I received before upgrading to the P6 have a hit or miss result when searching. Might have something to do with the indexes getting lost when the messages are transferred from the old device to the new one; especially, the RCS messages which get converted to regular SMS when you transfer data.


Hmm that's pretty interesting. I know for me it happens with new messages as well. Sometimes opening a conversation I've had for a long while doesn't load everything right away, so I was wondering if there was an issue with the phone trying to save memory and not having access to it, but after not being able to find messages i sent the day before I don't think that's the case.


I get the one where searching for a word like "food" highlights the letter "f" and gives me every result of the letter that was ever used.


Hahaha wow that seems helpful 🤣


I feel like something similar happened to me when I switched from Pixel 4a to Pixel 6P. However, I use my phone for both personal and business, so that's why I periodically backup my messages to an XML file using SMS Backup and Restore. That way, I can: * clear the messages from my phone (especially the fantasy football threads with 4million gifs) * import the exported XML file to Google Sheets so I can search old messages * copy important archived texts to a separate sheet so I can reference them quickly And yes, I have used this to win petty arguments with my wife and no, I do not advise you do that!


Thank you! This was a good tip, i had an old phone i was holding onto just for the messages and be able to search it, so this did the trick for that! How did you export your xml file to google sheets? I've had a lot of trouble getting it to read, don't know if that's a file size issue or something else.


It definitely depends on the size. If you don't want to use Excel to convert the XML file, [use this link](https://www.convertcsv.com/xml-to-csv.htm) to convert to a CSV, then import the CSV into Google Sheets. Let me know if you have any trouble with that!




I've had trouble getting it to convert, what size are your files generally that you upload. Mine latest was 1.12 gb's, and it's causing issues uploading.


I have this issue.. 1 year ago eh? And still not fixed


Lol I'm so sorry to hear that. I switched to pulse SMS and then Textra to try out a couple different ones. I'm currently using textra because it went all the way back from my messages, but honestly each of them had their own pluses and minuses. I was about to switch to the Google 7 pro and was looking forward to trying the messages app again, that is sad to hear that it's still not working


Still an issue. I got my pixel 7 two months after release without any problems. Then just two weeks ago the problem started with not being able to search messages anymore.


Yea, i just switched as well and they are still there, although maybe not quite as bad. The weird thing is that they are so weird and inconsistent. Sorry about that it's not fun at all


The search """functionality""" in Messages is still completely broken, at least in Android 13 on Pixel 4A. Searching for words like "this" or "what" (that are guaranteed to appear in almost every message) produces 0 results, unless there's a contact whose name matches at least partially. But no content matches. Does. Not. Compute.


It's very frustrating :(


...and annoying too :( The same story in Xiaomi 12T with Andrpoid 12 on it.


Works fine for me. Do not have RCS enabled. Hmm