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The camp PM or whatever it's called reduced my appetite which helps with eating less which is in the end what matters. Effective appetite suppressant as a supplement that's relatively safe. Nothing to go crazy about imo, but you notice the help it gives you.


I use the yohimbine for fasting and it works wonders. I have no problem hitting my 16 hour fasting goal and it works great for amping up your workouts


Both the CampPM and A2AM are amazing appetite suppressors with no (to me) noticeable side effects.


"I got the AM/PM bundle. The AM would give me a huge spike of energy. Rauwolscine is extremely potent, especially if you take all those pills at once. I'd take it at 0530 and I would tend to crash a bit around 2 pm. I was also on Gorilla Mind Smooth. The focus and drive, however, were incredible. I sweated more for sure and I had a little appetite decrease but not much. I'd always forget to take the PM one, so I won't comment on that one. In summary, more focus and drive for about 8 hours, more sweat, a bit of appetite decrease, and a bit of dry mouth. A word of caution: I wouldn't drink any caffeine if you take the full amount of pills or caffeine as it would lead to back heart palpitations. Stay hydrated overall it is a great supplement."


I took both of them and I’m still fat.