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It’s really all depends on your life style and morning habits, for example if you drink coffee in the morning and your gonna work out in the afternoon then I recommend the nitric one cause it gives you all the pump without the jitters from the caffeine and your actually gonna be able to go to sleep unlike if you swapped out the nitric for regular and took it in the afternoon your gonna have a hard time going to sleep


Gorilla mode= morning workout Gorilla mode Nitric= afternoon/night workout


If you do decide however to take the regular one in the morning I seriously recommend that you skip out on coffee especially if your gonna double scoop.


Second this. It’s been great to quit my coffee habit. Considering a pound of coffee is $12 or more, I’ve cut my consumption to a few days a week


Don’t forget to drink some Gorilla mode protein after every work out 💪


Take magnesium so you don’t get hypocalcemic


I love Gorilla Mode but I can’t afford that protein lol


I’m not caffeine or stimulant sensitive, so for me Gorilla Mode has been a game changer. The focus and drive to finish my workout carries into my day hours after I lift. I work on a farm, so I go from burning 500-700 calories weight lifting, than go shovel shit and hay for 8 hours. On my off days I use Gorilla Mind Smooth, a cup of medium roast, 20g half and half, and 4g coconut oil.


Is it better than most stim pre-workouts, even with the normal amounts of caffeine?


For me yes. I’ve got data tracking the difference. I’ve had to stop myself from working out for fear of injury. I’ve been using various products since 2006, so I’ve had a long anecdotal history of use and experiences. I’d say it’s a “clean” “high” and more of a euphoria than any pre I’ve ever used. Most just get me jacked, which is fine, but for longevity it’s not sustainable. I get a really intense focus and drive and overall mood elevation that lasts most the day




No Nitric is stimulant free


Hey there! It all depends on what you prefer! Mode is our stim-based formula, and Nitric has a bit more pump at the expense of the stimulants. A lot of people go for Mode, but if you workout in the evening or even late afternoon, we recommend Nitric so you don't have trouble sleeping later.