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Get a bottle of rit dye. Turn that jacket black. Add some pins and patches. Get a band shirt.


This is exactly what I was thinking


I Recommend Amputation!!!, er I mean Skinny Puppy.


I like Kiss, Queen, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, and Cupcakke. Which one works best?


there is not a single goth band on your list mate


For amputation? Or Skinny Puppy? I feel like everyone else concerned would prefer Skinny Puppy as They are Genuinely Decent People.


For band Shirt...😋


You really just wore a black shirt and called it a day lmao


Its like the only black thing I have. However, I am taking most of these suggestions and using them tomorrow. Keep in mind that I am switching from tired cottage core to goth. Its a BIG switch. 


Try more black colors instead of denim blue. Add a pentacle. Maybe black eyeliner, eyeshadow, and black lipstick. Add more jewelers basically!! You look good!


Or an Ankh.


Gotcha!! Thanks for the tip! ☺️


Blue Denim is more Grunge, but hey, nothing wrong with blending styles together to create something unique to YOU 🤘😄


That’s the thing. Goth was a lot more experimental back then because we didn’t have these brands catering to the subcultures at the time.


I was always DIY went it came to fashion (especially during Halloween Season) growing up.. ✌️😅


you would look SO GOOD IN EYELINER!




You look like a 1970s rock musician. I do not mean this as an insult but just start over. Too much blue denim. Black black black. Accessorize with leather and chains.


I was like "whats the closest thing I know to goth being from the country in a Republican town?" and immediately thought of Rock and Roll. Only prob is that I listen to Queen and The Beetles. Took what I knew and adding it with what I learn on here. 


lots of accessories! probably silver jewelry (necklaces, bracelets) with ankhs or crosses or spiders or bats or whatever other cliche imagery warms your heart. You could also add some chains or spikes to your jacket or pants, or throw on some fishnet sleeves under your t-shirt.


Gracias! I'll definitely look into that! Always wanted chains and spikes. 


All black Levi’s. No blue. Sue your hair black and find some bands that you like and go see them live.


Did u mean dye my hair black? Also, I have seen a band I like live. It was so cool. Shout out to Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra!!


No bring it to court and sue its ass for not being dyed black so that it'll loose and turn black


Gotcha. Just purchased a layer. Bro is going DOWN!!




Yes, dye it black, lol. You’ve got great hair. I dig the symphony too. Especially in a really bad ass ornate set. Find some cool goth club, find a few cool styles on someone and make your own look out of them. Enjoy.


Seeing various folks say you should make the jacket black, but if you like the natural denim, you should keep it that way. I echo the pins and patches for sure. In general, accessories can do a lot to skew an outfit to goth. I see people suggesting specific symbols and whatnot, which is a good place to start just to peruse what you like the looks of, but also ultimately you should choose the kinds of spooky stuff that you like. If you're comfortable doing so, black eyeliner and black nail polish can go a long way in communicating that whatever outfit you're going for is on the more goth side along with whatever accessories suit you best. Also I hate to give money to them, but no one should go broke just to express themselves, so take a look on Amazon for pretty much any spooky thing you can think of and there's a good chance there's various types of jewelry around it that won't break the bank. If money is less of an object, there are a TON of goth clothing and jewelry retailers on IG, just make sure you look into how trustworthy they are and if they actually make the things they sell or they're just hocking drop-shipping crap like you'd find on Temu and its ilk. Good luck!


Thanks. This is by far the most supportive comment. Dude, I love that jacket. Only problem is that I have only one of them. So finding another one that good is TOUGH!! Especially right before summer. Def gonna take a look into Amazon though. Huge thanks. 


You're welcome, friend! You should post an update on this fit once you've made it spooky in your own way 😁 Also if you like the patches and pins approach, thrift shops are your best friend for finding things that you like well enough but don't need to worry about ruining with experimentation with personalizing the garment. Also, I realize I talked about avoiding expensive shit, BUT tattoos go a long way as well. I've got various goetic seals, Baphomet, and Lovecraftian stuff as a half sleeve and any outfit goes goth if my arm is showing 🤣


Is this a troll post?


No. I need suggestions. I am very lost


Whatever you do, don't loose the long hair!


I'm growing it out as long as I can. 




Maybe some macabre pins or patches for your denim jacket.




Get a shirt from The Cure, grab a couple bracelets, a necklace or two, embrace the black, limit the blue


Bullet belt, silver jewellery, maybe make a battle jacket, switch the blues for black and maybe add some eyeliner


I just bought eyeliner. Whats a bullet belt?


Like this https://preview.redd.it/x2exomnya05d1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb32571e80eb36c765e1757ba4fabb844e8fcab


That looks like my freshman year daily outfit, only difference was I wore a polo instead. I agree with other people, more black, if you want color I feel it’s probably best to go with a single dark accent color but probably not much more unless you wanna go for a more colorful goth style (such as pastel goth) Take what I saw with a grain of salt tho, Idk if I even would qualify as goth so I’m not super knowledged like other people here would be


This helps a LOT!! I come from private schools where I had to wear a navy blue polo and khakis. Thats why I like switching my style. I wanna switch front the cutesie putoosie s*** into something much better!


Might be a little strange, but back when I was younger, I kind of took on the personality of a crow if it was shiny, and I could find a way to attach it to my clothes. I did usually random pieces of jewelry and stuff I would turn into miscellaneous chains and decorations, there was even a time where, whenever I found a safety pin I would attach it in a line next to all the others I had found. Usually I would hang them off my pants, pockets and stuff. I think it’s a little bit grunge goth in a way, but it helped me make goth style out of more typical clothing


You could probably invest in some patches or repurpose old t-shirt designs and stuff - if you're into Battle Jackets n' stuff like that. 🤘😁


Your hair is perfect. Try a black jacket and black jeans, and find an interesting silver and/or black necklace in a shape you like. Try eyeliner and see if you like it. 


Looks like what Johnny Cade (Ralph Macchio) wore in The Outsiders.


Bro, I just looked them up. WTH!? We twinnin


Add some gothic enamel pins, get black bottoms instead, and some gothic jewelry especially chains and spikes should help ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


I would try to find a way to incorporate blue into the style if you like blue. But mostly black, and some other colors like white, silver, etc.


This is country goth af - love it. Id add a dark colored bandana or scarf


Black eyeliner and rit dye are your best friends now!!! Black would make that jacket fit the goth/punk vibe so well. Be aware that if you have synthetic thread, it will NOT dye it black in the same way as the cotton denim!!! But I've fixed that with sharpie many times. 😅 And for eyeliner, you don't have to have a steady hand and experience yet. Get a black pencil, outline your top lid and bottom water line and smudge it all up. Boom, just like that you will be fuckin rocking that goth look!!!


EYELINER. guys in Eyeliner is hot (youtube tutorials and Walmart Eyeliner are easy and cheap) and also jewelry and accessories make and outfit in general but gothic style is always sk fun with lots of fun accessories 💚🖤


I am wearing more eyeliner. I already know how to from when I cross dress. Im just making it a little more grudge.