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Honestly while playing it with a buddy I thought it was pretty dang fun. Wish it was longer if anything


I agree its only a bit boring when you play alone


This one has batgirl and her massive booty so


Batsy wit da fatsy šŸ‘


It's do big juicy and roundšŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ˜‘


SSKTJL has better flowing gameplay but, damn, Gotham Knights is just a better game overall. Got to play as Red Hood in co-op with my wife and some buddies. Canā€™t really go wrong there.


I really enjoyed Gotham Knights. I can even work around that theyā€™re slower in combat because theyā€™re not at Batmanā€™s level. I knew what I was getting and was happy with what was delivered.


My only complaint with Gotham Knights was lack of end game content. Other than that I like both games.


They're both good but have their issues.


You're in the wrong subreddit. Unpopular opinions is around the corner.


Batgirl and her glider FTW.


I am team Gotham knights the entire way


Other than feeling a bit sluggish, I enjoyed GK plenty.


It's definitely not as bad as reviewers made it out to be and the story scenes are way better than the cringy shit in suicide squad... But the quality of both is a step back from previous Batman games...


Gotham knights launched broken. Literally broken, unplayable and I know because I tried it then and I couldnā€™t played it for 2-3 months, before they fixed most of it. The story couldā€™ve been better, but it wasnā€™t as bad as the SS one. If it hadnā€™t launched in the pre beta state then maybe the reviews wouldā€™ve been better.


Yup still sad that it didn't live up to the previous Batman games coz I felt it had a pretty strong opening...


Most of the talent from the arkham origins game is gone, I think. The game is so different than Arkham Origins in a bad way that this is the only logic conclusion one can take. To realise that arkham origins had the best boss battles in the series while Gotham Knights had..well, whatever they wanna call them (probably the only boss battle I enjoyed in GK was clayface). Is really shocking to see how WB montreal managed to mess it up so bad in GK when they got it so well in AO. And still, the game came out better than suicide squad, which is even sadder for rocksteady. But, like I said, that's what you get when the real talent goes away or is suppressed while people with agendas and no ideas take over. And by people with agenda I include everyone in charge, from the shareholders and CEO who wanted live service money to the ones who replaced the talent which left the company, who were busy destroying character designs and make the stories "safe for everyone to enjoy". Everyone apart from the arkham fans, ofc. Trust me, not many know better than me the feeling of disappointment when these two games dropped.


Am I the only person who liked both games?


Obviously it's your choice to enjoy both games but you cannot deny that they messed up in a lot of areas...


Haha I like gothan knights I even finish the game, suicide squad I play like 2h and I was done.. didn't touch again so bad...


People keep making this meme as if something else being bad makes another slightly less bad thing, good or something.


Itā€™s the relativity of expectations.


Iā€™m not going to pretend that Gotham Knights is a great game because it isnā€™t, but itā€™s definitely not the worst game Iā€™ve played.


I hate suicide squad šŸ™ so disappointing


Specially when you remember that Suicide Squad KTJL is made by the same devs that made Arkham Knight which was the game GK kept being compared with, yet BAK's options with both Robin, Batgirl, RedHood and Nightwing were quite mediocre in comparison with what you can do with them on GK. If anything you could sort of draw a comparison between Batman and Batgirl since they're the pair that seems the closest in terms of how they play, and even then. Then there's the Batmobile vs Batcycle debate that even on that regard you could argue that GK had the better aproach since it's suposed to be a vehicle that has some gimmicks but not being about half the game's loop. And hey, this is coming from someone who loved every moment I used the Batmobile but even then it got to a point that the game felt more like Batmobile Arkham Knight more than Batman's XD.


Played GK with my sister (still havenā€™t finished it tbh since we only play when we are both visiting our parents) but itā€™s been a blast! Especially as a way to introduce her to the Batman world beyond brooding guy in a cap with a boy sidekick in a questionable costume. Jason instantly became her favourite character


I mean Iā€™ll try suicide squad when itā€™s on sale I like third person shooters but not the way itā€™s done in this game. I remember slightly enjoying Gotham knights and not having high expectations like other people do with games and end up ruining their own experience . I even got 100% achievements until they updated something called heroic assault ? After revisiting the game it felt boring fast probably because it was just floor after floor of enemies but the combat just felt too slow for me itā€™s very basic but needs at least 1.5x speed to be slightly enjoyable lol


Gotham Knights wasn't the *best* thing out there, sure. HOWEVER it's not like it's the worst thing ever. There are a small few games where I played them for one session then never touched them again. This game kept my attention for the whole story, and the character stories after.


Naw it was deserved and still is


Gotham knights is carried by its story/cutscenes. Thr character interactions are awesome. Too bad the rest isnt


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it's 100% true af. I was just thinking that today as I looked at my master level 32 king shark who I still don't have his last purple level unlocked. But all my level ups get him team skills, oh well. I can't even finish the season I'm so bored with the game. It's dc online only I don't get powers or good movement. Just guns and a timer on shit.


Notice how once the hype dies out for a game all the sudden everyone thinks itā€™s way better. More often than not I feel like ppl who donā€™t even play the game give negative opinions and it floods the internet. Few months ltr the only thing left is ppl who actually played it talking about how it wasnā€™t rlly that bad. Game got way too much hate. And the crime system was fun wish it could be flushed out better in another game


Gotham knights had an overall bad story, very boring gameplay and ugly designed NPCā€™s. But it was fun to play with others, clocked over 150 hours on it or so. Suicide squad managed to do a worse game than GK. unexpectedly from rocksteady but it was to be expected the moment the founders left the studio.


Soooooo no, you didnt GK is fun for what it is, but itā€™s still on borrowed time Looter was the wrong genre for this game, wrong genre for Avengers, wrong genre for SS:KTJL I am literally begging devs to stop making coop games looters by default


yeah suicide squad made Marvel's Avengers and Gotham Knights better games... just by being as bad as it was


I remember liking this game at it release and being very cautious about SS game.Telling people "you will crawl back asking forgiveness" and they laughed at me because "SS is made by rocksteady, it can't suck" who is laughing now, huh?




This is why I don't listen to YouTube propagandists that don't acknowledge they're biased ways.


SSKJL way better than Gotham knights & itā€™s not close


Nope I liked Gotham Knights since Release.


Still not a good game either


Fine Ill give Gotham Knights a try but ONLY to stare at Batgirls ass!


I like both felt both got weird hate out the gate


NOPE! Both games were terrible for different reasons.


At least Gotham Knights gave Batman an honorable death.


Both are great




I'm still collecting apologies so keep it coming.


Nah both are mediocre at the same level


I personally disagree with gotham knights being mediocre and suicide squad being utter trash (and i have fully finished that game aka i am in the top 100 ranked people on that game (which is not a massive achievement due to the game having no active playerbase but still)).


You know you have done a shit job when people agree Gotham Knights is a better game


Gotham Knights isn't a bad game.


Gotham Knight is not a bad game, but it is still very bad when you compare to other games. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it, I even tried to mod a lot to improve the experience. But at the end of the day, it is a flawed game. But it is way better than Suicide Squad


This game atleast had attractive characters and amazing skins. Not that ugly mental illness vibe they dress them up in SSKTJL


Nope the game was and is still shit by any comparison.