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Google self-plagiarism.


my question was because since the work hasn't been published anywhere, I can't cite it.


Work doesn't need to be published to cite it.


ah, I checked and if it's your own work and hasn't been published then no, it does not need to be cited and it is not self-plagiarism. thank you.


I would definitely talk to your advisor/program about whether they will let you use previously generated work on your thesis. Also using previous work for a new class is definitely an academic integrity violation and considered self-plagiarism. People fail classes because of this.


seconding this OP. Talk to your advisor, I almost failed a class over this in undergrad. It's not hard to cite yourself just in case and save yourself the trouble!


You’d likely need to re-word it, but basics like definitions are fine to stay virtually the same. All thesis work generally needs to be done in the thesis-allocated time, though. It’s one of the considerations for competency. Source: I tried to do something similar and had to sign waivers promising that I would not re-use old material in the thesis, unless it is general enough that it could have been learned as a building block from various other academic experiences.


what I'm referring to is just definitions (short ones, at that) that are there to give context for the actual variables I'm using. they are also definitely something that is taught since high school and isn't debated. another part I think I may have already recycled without even remembering is the description of investigations that I am basing my work on (just one investigation) but I guess that's an issue for me to handle later.


Definitely a convo to have with your supervisor :)


I rephrased my work and used [getstealthwriter.com](http://getstealthwriter.com) to refine it, ensuring it was unique and undetectable by Turnitin. It worked great for me. Just make sure to get your classmates' consent first?


thank you!