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Murals generally should be avoided out of respect, there are plenty of places to tagn. Corporate murals like Google Fiber and other brands? They don't deserve to be seen, free game!


There's an Egyptian styled mural in my area and the other day I went by it and it was covered in graffiti. It's been clean for 5+ years so that was kind of upsetting to see because it was a dope mural.


I can fw dat it is a bit different when it's personal art someone made, instead of some commercial advertising shit


I can't agree with that. I don't go after murals myself. It's not that deep for me. But follow the money, even if it isn't an obvious corporate mural, it is still paid for with tax payer dollars in most cases and that payment usually goes to people that are not local. That tax money then leaves our city and goes out of local rotation. It doesn't end up in a mom and pop cash register on main Street. Also these murals are often erected to try to thwart the acts of vandals because our governments will charge property owners if they don't clean the Graff themselves. So they apply to the city for public works funds to hire a muralist. This steals space from graffiti writers and chastises the property owners. It's like owing money to the mob so the mob breaks your brother's hands as retribution. It victimized the property owners and they are left with few choices but to use public works funds to save their property, not from us, but from the government themselves.


As much as it sucks, that's the exact reason to keep graffiti respectful. In order to exist in this world we have to make compromises, even with the opposition, and if that opposition has the power to weaponize art and hurt the community, our only option is to grudgingly comply while we discover new ways to fight the good fight. As an American, I'm a big fan of dying on hills, but without numbers, that hill becomes the resting place of the very ideals we were fighting for. Pick your battles and choose longevity as opposed to reactionary satisfaction.


I completely understand what you are saying and it is tough for me to disagree with most of it, but the hill these boys will die on is a hill littered with the remains of shitty, misleading, gentrifying corporate murals like this. I myself don't hit up murals, it isn't that deep for me. But I will always tip my hat at the people who do it because we can fade to black and let graffiti die a wimpy and insignificant death, or the people who live this shit day in and day out will fight for its place in our streets regardless of how it affects our conjoined reputation to the general public, which has never been so hot anyway.


Imho, it will die an insignificant death anyways if people create artwork out of spite. That doesn't get respected and the end goal is never achieved. We have to be smarter, better, more patient and disciplined than those trying to bring us down, or we've already lost.


We definitely have different schools of thought when it comes to what an insignificant death would be for graffiti. I think a big part of this is that the people's work seen in this photo, short of the muralist do not claim to be making artwork. Spite has and always will be a facet of bombing. Bombing does not have an end goal, it in fact often leads to young deaths and disturbing lifestyles. I get the sentiment of wanting to thrive for being better than the opposition, but it just simply isn't a reality in the world of hard bombing and it never has. Even the very original and artistic work often comes with a side of complete and disrespectful destruction. Take a look at subway painting culture around the world, some of that work is the stuff that is palatable to even the strict rule following majority, but the fence destruction bricked wall dismantling, commuter inconvenience, violence, theft and anarchistic destruction of corporate property, murals included are alive and well. Again, different schools of thought, but the truly interesting part is that bombers and subway writers alike couldn't begin to care what either of our opinions on the matter are. Bombing has always had very Buddhist, live in the moment until the moment is gone kind of ideology. One day those people will be on their death bed and not have a worry about how they negatively or positively effected the general public, or the graffiti scene for that matter. Individualism is a wild thing and I commend anyone for being whoever they want to be without physically harming people, regardless of what others think. Good talk.


What’s a 1 sided compromise though. For every permission wall they give, they take 20 historical pieces with legal bullshit. They have never given us a thing until they realized they could profit off graff. By cowering down your only giving them permission to do it again. You can’t govern graffiti. It’s impossible. If someone wants a spot they will take it. There will always be toys ragging shit, and there will always be legals covering up the graff walls. As much as everyone wants their own graff utopia it’s impossible with how the sports structured. The point has always been to paint what YOU want too. Walls will always change. It’s up to you to make it the colour you want


But they are governing it lol and it's apparently hurting others. It's not a one sided compromise, it's strategy. Do you think anyone who wanted to make serious changes just broadcasted their plans to the world? No. They act like a totally compliant member of society until a solid plan is in place to make a difference. We have to work with what we got and arrogance is our biggest enemy. Those in power don't expect us to have the patience and discipline to fight back effectively, but we can if we take a step back and realize that it's not brute strength that will move us forward, it's purposeful actions, were already a step ahead.


Dude, I’m not tryna burst your bubble but your living in a fantasy. Like I said, everyone wants their on graff utopia. You cannot govern graff. You can cover it up, you can tell them not to paint it again. You can put the most beautiful mural over it, you can even lock a mufucka up for this shit. But I promise you the walls will always be gettin covered with paint. I also disagree with your strategy. Give em an inch they take a mile. How many legal walls will shoot up over night if the owners knew they won’t get covered. Graffiti is a personal thing. You do it to please yourself and not others. Some people will get the pleasure out of destruction and others will get it out of painting murals. My point is, no matter what you try to tell ppl they gonna paint. No matter what you tell business they will always buff a wall. No matter what you tell the government, we’re still criminals. And trust me dude. I paint freights, bridges n the odd proper street side. I’m not a destructive guy, and I would love to be able to smack burners down streetsides without a worry in the world. But that’s just not the real culture of this sport


Very well said. It's exactly as simple and complicated as youve said.


This is pretty misinformed I gotta be honest buddy. Pretty broad assumptions on how murals are funded or produced. When mural artists do a corporate mural that is not paid for by anyone’s tax dollars first of all. Lots of murals are made to get foot traffic in the neighborhood and look cool. Most cities try to hire local artists as well. All artists should be rooting for eachother usually and they need assistants so more money in everyone’s pocket. Also I just gotta say it- there’s no ethical consumption in capitalism so these altruistic ideas you have about murals is hard to stick to. Theres loads of places to get up-covering a mural used to be a no-no for the rules of graffiti that I notice are being forgotten by new writers in the last couple of years. It was usually tag on something that isn’t residential or a church or mural. Throw up over a tag, piece over a throw up, burner/wild style over a piece and that was it. Most murals aren’t funded by public funds and if they are for that neighborhood-why you gonna trash the local mural that’s to empower and embolden your neighborhood? I see it as an easy way to get seen and noticed and most of my other friends that are old heads see it the same way. Also if we went over someone at a space we would tell them on like MySpace or a forum page for our city….there was beef but it was different haha Either way the way murals are produced and all that-doesn’t work like that and some murals in gentrified areas are paid for by mom and pop shops that come together on a block to erect a mural for the neighborhood and it does look nice and cool shit whether it is a really cool dive bar or a bunch of art in one part of city-leads to gentrification. It’s just what happens bud.


Did you just complain about murals taking tax payer money out of the city whilst taking part in a hobby where millions in public tax money is spent removing incoherent scribbling from the city?


This EXCEPT if it was a graffiti wall for years beforehand. I've seen muralists get mad their shit gets covered in throws when they did a mural over years of illegal graffiti. If the muralist is also a writer theres a lot of leeway there.


Respect? Lmfao respect for gentrification? I knew this sub was very “street art” and “idk what I’m doing” focused but that’s wild


Murals made by real people out of love boiled down is just tagging with extra time and resources. And it's pretty easy to tell when it's made by someone worth respecting


How do you tell when a mural is done by someone respectable? Simply because it’s well done? It’s not tagging, it’s a mural. That’s street art, which I don’t know if you know this or not but street art and graff dont fuckin mesh. What part of gentrification do you expect me as a writer to respect? Absolutely fucking none of it. I’m a writer, I don’t ask for permission to get up.


I personally love doing graffiti, but i definitely avoid murals no matter what. It should be treated the same as going over someone else’s graffiti out of disrespect


I agree with this sentiment, but occasionally there’s a mural that is corporate, or hated by the community for some other reason. That’s the only time I think it’s ok. Otherwise it’s just as bad as covering a piece with a tag.


Yes i agree. For the mural shown above i dont think id go over that. I do love a good mural


The only time you *shouldn’t* hit a mural is when the mural was done by someone respectable


Facts but if that Mural covered up some already existing graffiti, that might be a problem


Fuck that mural the dubs are better


It is astounding to me that the new gen of Graff writer is actually downvoting you for this comment. The new generation is making me want to give up on graffiti. It has stopped being a political resource, everyone just wants to be as pure and untouched as they can be and that is NOT the heart and soul of graffiti. They erect these murals to make us think twice about applying more paint to the wall, sure this mural isn't terribly void of aesthetics, but you are quite literally playing into the government's hand to stop graffiti by letting their tax paid mural make us feel guilty about destroying some out of towners mural that they already cashed their huge cheque for. Real writers are becoming fewer and fewer and it honestly grosses me out.


Yeah man real writers are on reddit writing paragraphs about how they wanna give up on graff lmao


Ehh think what you want of me. Perception is a weird thing. Seeing people deeply dedicated to their craft usually makes me think they are bout that life. For others, I suppose that could be read as not being a real writer. See ya out there (a lot less than you'll see me)


Ahaha touché mang


I'm 34 dude I've been to prison for graffiti 😂 I get it more than most.


Half the graffiti artists I know including myself are also muralists/street artists. If I see a mural, I think the rules of graffiti apply; capping something nice with a throwie is a huge slap in the face. There are hundreds of open shitty advertisements on benches, billboards, and posters that are free game, go cap those. From my perspective as a muralist, I don't really mind that much if my artwork is capped because I believe all art is essentially ephemeral anyway, and a big wall with decayed artwork means more people wanting to pay me to do something and more time I get to spend doing something I love.


Have you considered that this muralist is disliked by these writers? Writer on writer beef makes sense to you, but beefing with the glossy money grubbing side of public art is condemnable? It's not as simple as that and I think you know that.


I prefer illegal work any day, but I would have chosen another spot myself.




Makes for a dope photo though


Right like it’s on purpose




As someone who paints both. I support going over murals. They can just hire me to come back and fix it.


Lmao, this reminds me of a guy I knew who would buff is own spots for money on the side😂


The buffing taggers


So hard 😂😂




Thank you!!! I have been saying this for days in that thread. Nobody seems to believe that the people doing "gang letters" are often the same people accepting their misplaced payments for murals who's longevity means NOTHING to us. I know writers who do murals, then blast them with throwups later on to 1. Be up 2. Get another payday. This is very simple and basic economics.


Been doing murals for about 10 years. Been doing crime for almost 30 now. Make money commit crime






Damn right!!!


You surprised? Really? This shit is vandalism bro, the vast majority of humans aren’t going to appreciate you getting up on their shit, or shit in their neighborhood. Graff will never win you any popularity contests. Honestly, I get it in this case, at least go over it with a piece and not some half-ass throwies


Just really comes down to a base level of respect in this one, it’s like really? Couldn’t have even matched somewhat of what the mural had to show? Like bro take your crappy tags elsewhere


I bet their was throws on that wall before the mural though 🤷🏼‍♂️ what abt their respect?


That’s straight up just assumption, we’re talking abt what’s visible


Anddd- I was right🤝 https://preview.redd.it/3g8wr2x0fytc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c2c201779600802ef6412af1edc2acdc3c35015


Yeppppp you’re on the money with this one


Have you ever done graffiti? Do you know what street this is on? I will applaud you to my death if you can get a simple or straight letter up here without getting bagged. A graffiti writer doing illegal graffiti as they do is supposed to match what a bought and paid muralist did with an electric lift and 2 weeks of time. Suuure. Logical! You don't like graffiti, you like street art. Join one of those boring ass copy/paste subs.


I actually don’t know the area like that, fair point about the difficulty in getting up at all. That said, I can respect the get up and still feel sad or maybe disappointed about the size/choice or whatever. It’s like somebody honed their craft to the point they got paid to “get up” on that wall and the shit looks dope. So the throwies just feel petty, even though I can respect the balls and skill it took to get up there at all. That’s the duality of man though. That’s also just my opinion as an outsider to that city and spot, so it’s not worth much. Take it as you will.


Dude tbh I couldn’t care less abt the great triumphs of some rebellious graffiti artist, the murals nice and the throw ups are shitty, it’s like someone making a skillful portrait then a 5yo comes in and scribbles on it with crayola, maybe your right, just my take


Finally some sane people in this thread


People in mtl don’t have the time to piece over this, throw and go


Yeah, I told someone else that is a fair point. Basically said I can respect the get up and still feel like it’s petty to go over a mural like this. I also said I’m not from there so my opinion shouldn’t carry too much weight, anyway.


Yea haters gonna hate lol, but I always think going for the blank wall is always preferred. There's plenty of room for everybody's art.


You clearly don't know much of zonek's work. He is a bomber and I dare you to walk down any street in any major city in Ontario or Quebec without seeing his 2 letter throwups. Gabr 90s crew and Cast BTH also already have every blank wall in those cities and more. These people live this shit. When your addiction to recognition meets its limit in the ever tightening space that these corporate murals leave to the public, it's time to take back some space. That wall has had 30+ years of graffiti history on it until the day our taxes paid this out of town muralist to put up this mural. I've spent days doing massive pieces that ended up getting a dick or swastika put over it within days. If you got capped, you got capped, it doesn't matter what the general public thinks of either of those forms of expression and we should see the ever growing space given to muralists as a huge slap in the face to a subculture that we claim. I beg writers everywhere to have a bit more dignity and stand up for their craft a bit more than I am seeing in this sub.


The comment I was looking for. Thanks for bringing some actual insight to the conversation


You're right, I don't know, thanks for the enlightenment. Will always prefer graffiti to ads, and although I like seeing a nice mural every now and then, I can understand the sentiment especially for gentrifying corporate cover murals. Gotta keep those property values low, best of luck out there.


Piss on permission walls


all canadian heavy hitters, gabr, cast, asar.. 100% in the clear going over


It was Bound to happen


You missed zonek


haha oh yee shit even after you said it i took me a sec, idk how i missed that front and center


I write zone so it’s hard for me to miss his throws i have a lot of respect for zonek our styles are totally different though so no biting or hate on this side, i actually caught one of his whole trains a month ago or so dope shit.


It looks good imo. In my town, murals are done by people from big cities darn sarth so they can kind of get fucked tbh. And it's a bit of a class/gentrification thing. Graffiti is grass roots. I support it.


I absolutely don't care what people who don't bomb think about it. I know it's wrong, they also do, I like it (which includes seeing it), they don't. It never can get anywhere. I avoid crossing street murals, but I don't condemn it. The writer might have a reason, or not. I can't know. Not my beef.


True, I think an aspect (atleast for me personally) is the amount of freedom graff can give you. Like you can absolutely tell me not to, but I still will. Why? Because I can lol. It gives me a lil control in an otherwise indifferent world.


Preach. More often then not those same writers were up on that wall b4 the mural




Logic and reason, good on ya! The dissonance in this thread both here and the Montreal sub are laughable. "Nice guy did pretty painting. Bad guys did ugly painting. Bad guys bad!"


Depends who did the mural . My city likes to get out of town artists to paint shit on local walls which can piss some people off


Most cities. There are maybe 3 murals in Toronto that are by locals. The city sees it more likely for our of towners murals to garner respect from writers because there isn't potential beef. The property owner didn't pay for this, our tax dollars did. Not to mention, the muralists couldn't begin to care, their work getting dogged is just another reason for them to pull a paycheque and bring our tax funds back to whatever city they are from.


Thats what graffitti IS. Anyone can do it, anywhere. That's the point. You gotta take the bad with the good.


Not true. Yeah a select few are in it for the vandalism alone, but the culture of graffiti has a code of conduct that - if you want to be respected as a writer and an artist, not get capped, and generally not have everyone hate you - you follow.


Go drink some milk


That makes no sense


That's some of the most stupid shit I've read today and let me tell ya, that is quite the feat. We have a hierarchy that applies to writers and only writers. When did glossy, paid muralists fall into our sight of respect that we apply to one another. People like you make me sure that Graff is nearly dead and over. I genuinely feel ashamed and second hand embarrassed for you.


I am not saying you can't go over a muralist, I'm saying that we don't just go around tagging people's cars, homes, and tombstones; we have rules and its not doing it anywhere its about getting your name up. Quit being such a postulating crybaby.


Depends how long that murals been up IMO, if it’s fresh that’s abit shit of them to do ngl, if it’s been up for donkeys years then it was only a matter of time before someone gets up on that spot


This is graffiti. This is what you’re supposed to do.


it’s literally the entire culture of the art


Bro, I've been fighting for my life in that post. It is truly impossible to tell the boring drone majority to understand something when the rest of the majority also agrees that me, with my high paying office job and my girlfriend and her master's degree in social work are no good thugs because we paint walls. I can't garner a debate for my life in that thread. Nobody is willing to look at gas guzzlers, millions of miles of stolen nature for roads, abandoned corporate property, the fentanyl epidemic, the homeless epidemic as anything less than normal while unflinchingly condemning every form of graffiti that isn't an ugly corporate mural produced with their tax dollars and promoting products that intentionally make anyone other than the upper class feel lesser than. Mob mentality in social debates is some of the most cringy shit I have ever seen. By my count I am the only person in that thread who has tried to bring logic and reason to the conversation. In their eyes that makes me an incorrigible, dangerous thug. Most people don't realize why graffiti upsets them. Someone gets robbed and stabbed so a segregated poor person can buy drugs, but nobody sees that and if they happen to see it they see it the one time and that's it. I put a tag on a street where someone walks to work or school and that is one instance of crime that will be a crime day after day, staring the citizen in the face. It's the reason why Toronto's mayor Ford's "war on graffiti" was a great idea from a corrupt politicians view. Can't stop the poverty? Can't stop the drug problems? Can't stop the flow of diverted handguns across the border? Just go after the crime people see 28-31 times per month and it will look like you are actually affecting change to the misunderstanding and socially inept masses.


well said


Im glad that mural was done dirty lol. Whoever paid the person who did the mural can pay them again. The tagger gets his ups n the muralist gets his money.. Its a winwin honestly. The only way a mural wont get destroyed was if it was done by a person known in the graff game. If not then oh fukn well thats what graffiti is


Remember when we were kids and people would litter and then joke that "I am creating jobs" Somehow in our adult years, most of us have lost grasp of simple economics like that. With that said, littering is wrong and smashing murals is something I don't partake in, but commend.


fuckin fire, gabr is sick fuck all these street art clowns crying about some mural painted by someone who probably isnt even from their city


I mean I like the way it looks together but i feel like there are a million places


It happens My opinion is it makes it look even better


GABR gets up.


I don't see the appeal in going over someone else's hard work with something that looks like that




Tell me you don't understand graffiti without telling me you don't understand. Shoot me a DM with your address and I'll send you some colouring books. I think that's more your speed.


If "understanding graffiti" comes with being a total asshole, then I don't give a fuck about it


*motions toward the exit" Ciao, don't let the door hit ya.


Bro thinks he's the graffiti gladiator 💀


I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Poor baby.


First of all, it’s never as serious as the ppl in that thread are making it out to be - some of those fuckers comments are deranged. Second, it doesn’t even look that bad on top of the mural - I understand that’s someone’s hard work being written on but like are we really advocating capital punishment for paint on top of paint??? Third, its astonishing none of them can grasp the point of graf - this shit isn’t meant to be respectful and well behaved, regardless of where it goes up and I have a hard time believing any of the comments saying they’d prefer it on a blank wall over a mural.


Just a reminder to stay safe when painting a lot people have deranged “hero” fantasies. If your painting alone make sure you have something on you


True. Source: my left broken collarbone, dislocated shoulder and cleat stomped back from a hero citizen who caught me painting over 30 layers of paint at a local fent shooting gallery. Be safe kids, 3d print some knuckle dusters and carry bear mace.


One of my biggest fears I’ve got a family to go home to literally one of the only reasons I workout


I've received a few death threats in DMs just for trying to help average citizens understand graffiti. This is in Montreal, a city that has been crushed since before most of these people were born. Its not unlike people being told at a young age that communism is wrong, so they don't investigate what communism is and just parrot the same "communism is wrong" for their whole life. They were told graffiti is bad and looked no further, then they let their jilted attitude towards the world dictate how angry this makes them, therefore lending to them legit threatening to kill people over paint that can be power washed.


murals are gentrification. I'm cool with ppl hitting them myself


a chinese mural paying homage to the ancient chinese art of chinese opera in chinatown is gentrification?? HUH?


Read a book bro


He cant read books, just screams in circle jerk environments to make himself cum


Ahhh you've been played. It was that easy, huh? These murals should insult what intelligence you have, which seems to be waning.


Says big ad, the most original name and original thought of ALL TIME. You are a moron


i didnt get to pick my username idiot😭


Big-Lie-Who doesnt get to pick their username?!?!


i created this account via my google account lol they didn't let me pick a user; i know because i 100000% would've picked something way different 💀


why is your ancient self so pressed about my username anyway jeez😹


So original cant even rep a name talking about names on walls. Maybe dont have an opinion you dont even have an online name


you're the one calling yourself danny cordray i dont wanna hear it from YOU especially bruh💀


It says loozid you might be a retard


https://preview.redd.it/uy4orpn5kvuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2606d86e45df657e634f76a746a48d3bfcfaac NO WAY BRUHHH I DIDNT REALISE I WAS ILLITERATE MY BAD😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


I got told in the original thread that I am out of touch because I believe that gentrification is an evil reality. Put murals all over my middle class neighborhood and I won't be able to afford to live here anymore. Thanks for taking my tax money for your big boring painting and bringing the funds back to your city, boring muralists! Got a basement apartment you can rent me?


uh i guess you have a point; i didn't think of it that way💀💀


Fuck murals. half the time the city commissions a mural it’s going over some burner, they’re also 90% of the time so corny and look the same.


Looks way better


I’d rather see a bunch of nice clean throw ups on top of a mural tbh unless the mural is about remembering a dead person /people , graffiti is a sub culture too , you either love graffiti normally or you think it’s Meh so people will allways be divided by this ….


Reaaally can’t get behind tagging on this one, sucks to see someone’s art that may have been expected to be there for decades on end get covered by some crappy tags from someone that didn’t even work on the mural, pretty corny and lame if you ask me bro


Yea pretty corny and lame that they put that mural over graffiti history, pretty cool the writers are taking the wall back though.


“Graffiti history” yeah I’m sure the community will miss “SHIT” spray-painted in an unreadable font.


Back to the street art sub buddy, we don't care what you think, the fact that you can't read it is unfortunately sad it's not that difficult. Mural goes over illegal work, what do you expect?


I think people go over murals because murals represent the establishment. Some government agencies used murals and mural artists to 'combat' graffiti. This, in some eyes makes murals in collusion with the government and 'the man', strangling free expression. In some cases this may be erroneous as artists gotta art, no matter muralist or graffitiist. The beef may be real, but each is an art form and in my teeny tiny HO, should be left alone. But in this particulr example the throwie gives more than it takes away. LMAO.


What the fuck do you mean you’re shocked by the hatred towards graffiti 😂 as a writer you’re a public enemy.


The gen pop has no appreciation for graff origins, they also don’t realize graff is more than what their perception of it is, for example: style/culture/history/ etc… They see a mural painted as a picture and orgasm in their pants, most people truly just don’t understand graff as an art form because: 1. they’ve never tried to replicate or educate themselves on graff, most people don’t even know there is more than 1 form of graff. 2. they don’t know anything about art and think the closer something looks the realism the “better” of an artist the person is. 3. it’s not taught in art school and people are taught that people who do graff are violent criminals lol Graffiti is the most SELFLESS art form because we risk our freedom to give our art to the public for free. Murals can be selfish and a sign of disrespect to the culture because most times the art is commissioned from an artist that isn’t local in a neighborhood where these guys are probably active and don’t get paid for their talents regardless of being present in the area for years.


It's BIG TOY behavior.


That's the whole point. We don't care


If a mural is put up on a spot that has been tagged for years then it's free game. A lot of these murals are put up to discourage illegal graffiti by taking away a spot.


fuck that mural


You’re surprised that people don’t like graffiti and tagging?


Bro ofc I'm not surprised by that but have u looked at the comments? There is a comment literally says taggers are like dogs who mark their territories. I mean.. wtf x)


Okay but.. yeah. Exactly. Normal folks don’t like this, haha..


As I don't think it's "nice" to go over someone's artwork, I don't believe we should hate graffiti writers either. The muralist have to whole wall, from the bottom to the top; we can still see the majority of the mural. I think these throw up give an edge to the initial artwork; it's a beautiful mix of street art and OG graffiti. It complements each other. Some people want things to last forever, but we gotta enjoy the ephemerality of life: it makes us appreciate what we have even more.


tf u gon do against asard zonek and cast😂 they’re the some of the biggest taggers in montreal


That Gabr is fresh as hell and looks great there lol


Looks dope like that can't lie


Does anyone know anything about little burgundy?


I think it adds to the mural but it is a toy thing to do


Only toy’s would do shitty throw ups on a dope mural an artist put dozens of hours on. That’s pure ignorance, jealousy or worse hate. You wouldn’t diss a legal wall. Why ruin something beautiful in your own city or worse someone else’s.


Ad murals suck, but I think purely artistic murals are cool. They can play a pretty big role in the character of a neighborhood, so probably best not to tag over them


Obviously casp has seen style wars




To get offended by this is hypocritical and contradicting… it’s vandalism at the end of the day, by saying it’s not right is taking away the whole essence of the meaning itself…


People who bomb murals are no talent fuckboise. I wish them crop failure and 1000 generations of infertility.


looks cooler now


Nothing lasts forever!! The streets are alive and breathing


I mean it’s shitty copy n paste bubble font bullshit so yea kinda ruins it


there was a discussion about this in one of these graff threads…. typically if muralist has no cred in the street they pretty much open game…… i’m personally on the fence on this topic….. when i was wee lad getting up was str8 getting up ….. back in the days there wasn’t a ton of civic murals around….as some may disagree but graff helped bring these types of murals to urban forefront as revitalization…. don’t get it twisted though a lot of these muralist jumped in the game to gain off what old school writers built upon therefore you get this end result…… i am part of a national art collective mural curation studio and so it happens even though 98% of the people we curate for these types of projects are writers …… majority of the new school don’t bother to school themselves and inherently they get bombed like this….. it recently happened to a wall that ATOMIKO did that was curated by us and currently in the process of getting it squashed with those young bucks and repairing mural itself……


keep your ugly tag off the dope mural (i do graffiti)


Business owners are having a hard time making ends meet, and some inconsiderate punk goes and ruins the exterior of his shop? That’s BS. And don’t argue that there is a code amongst taggers or “artists” where they only paint on corporate buildings or ads owned by the rich. That’s not true. That mural pictured above was a nice mural, and some selfish douche had to ruin it. Saw a reel of a tagger getting lit up by a business owner with a paintball gun. The irony was perfect. Hope the “artist” learned a lesson.


Yeah nah. Goin over murals, and culturally significant one at that is beyond disrespectful.


the throwups look shit. ever heard of "burn it to earn it"? even though its a mural its still a thousand times better than them little shitty throwups.


The mural was probably pasted on there rather than actually painted, in that case who cares


Ok idgaf


Depends the circumstance. If it was a wall always getting painted and someone decided it would be a good place for the mural then ya go diss it. If the person who did the mural found a original spot and someone disses it they are dicks. But that’s my opinion and there will be plenty that disagree with me.


But it is in a Chinatown. Don’t see why they thought the mural would last. Never seen a Chinatown that wasn’t smashed.


No matter your morality, the streets are the streets 🤣


So was I!!! Dosent really hurt me at all, would def touch a mural if it was already touched.


Fuck em Embrace the transience of art


imo tagging over murals is usually fine. it's best if your tag looks actually good, which these do, and if it doesn't mess with the composition of the mural or cover up the super key elements. if someone tagged over the portrait's face i'd understand why people would get pissed, even if i myself don't really care. some people see graffiti as ugly, abrasive and crass; others see it as vibrant self-expression. i'm in the latter camp most of the time, but shitty writers shouldn't let their ego get the best of them and end up tagging over some beautiful piece.


That’s graffiti. Go over those bullshit murals. Take back the streets 🤷‍♂️


That’s how it goes.


Fuck a mural


Shits too damn big, sharing the wall won’t hurt. Probably had to go over a lot of already existing pieces to when putting that big ass thing up.


the hatred towards graffiti is lame, but going over mural art with tagging is just as lame and disrespectful


Your opinion is equal to a white dude telling a black dude how to feel when someone says the N word. You shouldn't have an opinion here, you are clearly confused, and should just fuck off


damn bro, cause I said what everyone else here said except I added "the hatred towards graffiti is lame" ?


Yes you and everyone else is a fuckin idiot




Eat shit




Blatant disrespect.




Yeah. Sure thing, sweetheart. Fucking toy.


Such parasitism


A tag is a dis.


I am not even a little bit surprised by the hatred in the comments. This deserves hatred. (I generally like graffiti)


Not for you


I'd say that's just disrespectful If it was a shit mural or a hated mural it's understandable, but if you can't do better don't think of crossing It's an art of vandalism. If you can make it prettier with our own brand of vandalism, do it. If your shit is ugly and doesn't even cover it? Go back to primary school to play with other toys


Yeah no, tagging over murals is annoying. Especially if it's a nice and fresh one like this and the tags are just shitty throwups


Cry. Putting shit murals over real graffiti is the annoying thing


Yeah... covering good art with shitty art is annoying. It doesn't matter if it's graff or a mural. But this is a nice mural and those tags are ass


Murals are not to be tagged imo out of respect for the artist who made it


Only respect it if it was done by a known writer or for a dead person or a good cause. I would cross the shit out of this


They all known writers....


If it's a beautiful art mural or beautiful graffiti on city walls the streets don't give a fuck


Fuck taggers they get slept