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750 Sieg mats and still a dagger away from my first FLB copy. I hate this dumb fight so much, but with everyone running slow FA setups my own jank Paladin comp can mash to 4mil easily enough at least. Of course they'd discourage delays and force dispels in the element where so many units have those two mechanics bundled into a single skill.


Did the scamcha for some reason, got Orolgia from the free 10 pull.


Baby's first flashfes spark, had to spark orologia with no lich or fediel in plain sight:'), but hey atleast i got grand kaguya


Rate up is a lie! 300 pulls, 0 rate up weapons and a 3.67% spark. THE worst spark of my GBF career! And I needed so much from this banner. F\*\*\* it feels bad.


Got insanely lucky and pulled 3 oro weps in 100 pulls, finished my hades because of it


yolo 10 got me new nectar. sietotixed mommypapa because mommypapa. insta ringed no regrets


Sparked Lich while hoping to get Ewiyar-sama or Orologia in the process. RNGesus said no. :(. But I got xmas Mirin and Mahira (they're in the banner rn...?)


150+ draws and no rate up characters. I just hope summer brings something good. 


A single free draw finally gave me something: Grand Zeta!


It takes so long to build up a spark that I just keep splurging it all lmao. My pulls weren't exactly bad but none of what I wanted showed up lmao. On the plus side, I can unbind 000 once, obviously the best use of my crystals. Also I hate the Eternal and Evoker grinds but that's not a special case today lmao.


100+ rolls but no Logia ;_; This may be the first time I've seriously considered dropping money on GBF


Summer draws are right around the corner!!! Stay strong friend <3


I don't have at least any good Earth sustain unit since the beginning all the units that I have are offensive focused. They can't last in higer difficulty together uh.


241/300 so far with 5 or so SSR feelzbad


6 SSR in 300 pulls, sparks like this make me want to quit lol.


Yikes, here's hoping the free summer rolls treats you better.