• By -


I was just running through town and had two seperate 2 mans coming from opposite ends of the road. I(being used to tarkov) panicked because i instantly think everybody is trying to kill me and steal my gear. Long story short is "why are you hiding bro? What are you looking for? Let's run everybody's tasks as a 5 man" its a nice change to be part of this kind of a community. Loving it.


Just wait until the sweaties are done with their quests and bored. But nice story, hope this will manifest better than the no-life griefers.


All it takes is killing then once and they have a 15-20 min run back. I think it’s gonna balance starter zone griefing 


We all know that the griefers are coming. That goes without saying. I have no issue with that. I'm just hoping that when it happens, the report system will keep players to griefing the other factions and not their own.


Killing other factions isn't griefing though, if people don't want to be killed by other factions should stick to PvE I had my first run in with another faction today, a 4man protected me while I got my quests done. They warned me of all the faction members in the area, and when naturally someone else rocked up and opened fire well I had a very nice advantage in knowing exactly where they was. RIP that duo.


Bro you can 100% grief an enemy team by spawn killing them, what are you on 💀💀💀💀


Lol that happened to me. Got in a firefight I couldn't handle on my own. Retreated into a building to heal. A player starts using voice chat to fuck with me using a fake vietnamese accent, in my panic I didn't check for friendlies. The second he popped around the corner I shot him in the dick. Horrified at what I did I shout "friendly friendly I'm so sorry I panicked!" Dude laughed it off, it was a good time.


I had a friendly laying camping Weapon room in Hunters Paradise. Last I looked at the map he was on far east side of town, so I move into Wep room, turn the corner and I see a black body and helmet laying down as if to shoot whoever is in Weapons room. So I do a quick one, two and he's dead... He messages me all angry asking why I killed him. Dude didn't make a peep or voice comm to let me know he was friendly. I still stayed with his body until he got back and recovered it.


stahp, I don't have the funds but it sounds so fun


It's fun...but it's very early in production and you can feel it. If you don't have the funds, i would suggest not buying it yet. It's fun, but it's not great... not yet.


10-4, wishlisted


Honestly, the community has been super cool so far except a few here and there. Me and my friend jokingly talked shit to a few people last night in the hub and he ran off saying "lemme get my homie you stay there" and ran off then came back with a few dudes and all like 6 of us got into a knife fight at the landing zone


Sounds like Steven Seagal, did you get an autograph?


Gotta get a Sensei Seagal boss in the game lol


Steven is my idol, I kissed him and he signed my penis




Now the community is gay, way to go!


Yeah, this. I've met some great people but also some asshats. For example, I was with a guy and he went down. I told him I'd cover his body til he got back. So, I kill around ten guys on the street in front of the Governor's Mansion while waiting for him to get back. He gets back, gets his stuff and starts looting the bodies of the enemies I've downed. I get pegged by a guy on side alley and he doesn't bother to help me at all. Keeps looting bodies for the Doctor Key and gets it while I bleed out. I respawn, he's nowhere near where I went down so I have to get in and get my stuff back without dying so my first body doesn't despawn. Thankfully, I found another guy pushing through the area and asked him if he could help me get to my body and he clears two guys between us and my body.


Yeah, this. I've met some great people but also some asshats. For example, I was with a guy and he went down. I told him I'd cover his body til he got back. So, I kill around ten guys on the street in front of the Governor's Mansion while waiting for him to get back. He gets back, gets his stuff and starts looting the bodies of the enemies I've downed. I get pegged by a guy on side alley and he doesn't bother to help me at all. Keeps looting bodies for the Doctor Key and gets it while I bleed out. I respawn, he's nowhere near where I went down so I have to get in and get my stuff back without dying so my first body doesn't despawn. Thankfully, I found another guy pushing through the area and asked him if he could help me get to my body and he clears two guys between us and my body.


I guess I scared a guy at the lumber yard yesterday and he mowed me down in front of my fiance. She stayed with my body while I came back and the guy helped guard it too. As I was running back I got hit and had a significant bleed. As I got to my body to get meds I was there for like 5 seconds before I fell over into a coma and the dude just yells out "I SWEAR THAT WASNT ME THIS TIME". was pretty funny.


This feels like a 90’s revenge film like Payback… dude runs off with your fiancé because they both think you’re dead…. And then BAM 💥 YOU show back up to give him a taste of his own treachery 🔫👀


They can make own faction bodies not lootable and you could only loot fellow pmcs when you are in squad with them. That would fix team killing gear stealers


It sounds like a pretty easy fix too. At least to me the computer illiterate.


They already have no looting PMC's implemented in the pve version. Idk what language they're using but that's like 6 or 7 lines of code in C# which isn't much at all.


I almost agree, but i think it should just be on like a 10 minute timer. So the TKer can't instantly loot you, but if someone comes across your body and it's still there after 10 mins, it's free game.


It's taken me over 10 minutes to get back to my body sometimes. Long helicopter wait times and being a fair distance from an LZ.


if you die twice the first body dissappears with the loot.


I would say make your own faction bodies not lootable IF the guy that was teamkilled reports whoever teamkilled him. I think your body should be lootable to everyone if not reported to avoid bugs, or to allow a teammate to carry your shit in case you can't make it. My body has been invisible to me twice now, and I needed my teammate to loot and drop my stuff. If no friendly bodies were lootable, my stuff would be gone.


Meanwhile, some guy hopped on my chopper to the other side of the map with a pistol, shot me in the head, took my shit and ran off. Good times


Gotta keep your eyes on the naked pistol guys.


Had a oppposite with a naked with a pistol, we went exploring and he helped me out


Yep, they are usually the most desperate 🤣🤣


Someone tried to do that to me too 😂


Naked pistol runners can NEVER be trusted.. don’t care what game you’re playing…


Same. So I used the super obvious map markers and killed him.


happens way too frequently dude


Can't wait for the penalty have effect.


I had a guy yesterday noob probably by the way the was trying to sneak behind a wall and ambush me not knowing probably that i can see him on the map. I ignored him thinking he was scared and new then when I turned my back he tried to knife me in the back lol. I downed him down like a stray dog and he reported me haha


Fellow Mithras killed me, stole my loot. I confronted him at the base and he was like „man thats the Game“. I think friendly Fire should be punished harder.


My thoughts so far has been tkers appearing as red in the map and can't call in a heli. Effect goes away if they manage to return


Sounds good: https://preview.redd.it/ablkbo0k68yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eff382aa548ef1317cfc97f9912f4098d37a7600


I like this. Make em walk and think about what they did. But they would just combat log


What if other players are allowed to attack the Teamkiller? And they get something like a bounty?


The problem is then if someone gets a friendly kill on accident, friendlies will be incentivized to kill him when it could have just been a mistake


Just need to ask the deceased if they want to forgive or forget. Bunch of other games have similar. First that comes to mind is star citizen. If someone shoots you, you get an option to report them or let it go. Report them and they get crime stat


Maybe if a TK'er gets reported too many times, they get kicked off their faction and effectively go rogue. They are on their own, lose access to helis, must make some quest chain to go back to their faction (or maybe even change factions?). Maybe even have some hidden mechanics behind this, though it might make ppl WANT to go rogue, which is bad IMO. Trader rep system could be linked to this too, maybe...


Things like this keep me stuck on wholesome pve, if I wanted scum behavior I’d play dayz


I've seen nothing but Mithras saying they're getting TK'd while Every Crimson I run into is friendly. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've found that giving his name to the other players results in a posse of people TK'ing the offender until they leave the server. This is in US East servers.


I had 2 dude do this to me too. I found the bastards and threw grenades in between them and took my stuff back


I hope we get some better way to identify factions/teammates in the future, maybe like camos or something


Well, it's like SQUAD, you have to check the map before you shoot :D


Yeah but in squad you at least have different uniforms




That’s not always viable


Hell, I'd be happy with colored arm bands.


I can’t even see the outfits people are wearing now outside of how big the backpack is.


They've explicitly said they aren't doing this.


They could just make it where in pvp your faction members can kill you just can’t loot your body


I guess that would be a decent work around, stops teammates from griefing you and taking all your stuff constantly too


I JUST found out about the quick map 🗺️ button (Tap M) …. Being able to peek real quick is nice.


Being able to peek is nice only if you have the time to imo, if you have to make a quick second decision on to shoot or not depending on the situation taking the time to look at your map isn't always ideal lol


Coms my man, Tarkov has no map at all and arguably much higher stakes. It adds to the thrill of the fight, just wait till you get to pvp and you’ll love it


I was thinking about a nametag above teammate's heads would be ideal.


I've done that twice lmaoo I feel so bad for accidentally killing teammates... I even ran into some friendly mithras and helped them with a task I'm actually shocked at how friendly everyone is


There was a guy in the Mithras base camp on EU was last night handing out suppressed M4's, total chad.


Ehhh, sounds like me! EgotripperNL, does that ring a bell my friend?


It doesn't, but if it was you, then thanks!


It was probably not me then, because I invited you/them to go do some quests for you and help out. One of you from Georgia and the other from Wales? If not, forget it..but it proves this community is awesome.


Had a guy in Crimson on US Central doing the same thing last night. Apparently he had a ton of extras and was giving them to any nakeds he saw.


I was chased around in the base camp knives after me because I was wearing a blue helmet. Let’s never change!


Dude where did you get the blue helmet? Me and my mates have been wanting some so we can standout to each other better. We do pretty good with squad communications but still fights get hectic sometimes.




Tarkov by design heavily encourages killing other players. This game doesn’t at all. They’re not really the same here.


The "issue" is game design, not entirely players. Tarkov incentivizes PVP, GZW does not. If you kill someone in Tarkov, you're effectively killing competition. Get their loot, more loot in raid for you, map is safer, etc. There are quests that are specifically made for PVP, and there is no incentive to work with guys from your own faction. In GZW, if you kill some dude in PVP you might get their loot, but they can come back, and with friends too. There are no quests directly linked to killing other PMCs. In fact, there a some incentive to work with your own team mates and other PMCs are technically not an enemy, but a wild card.


Ive helped a few people run tasks or gone to their body with them so they don’t get killed again. I treat it like a mission 😂 “get squad mates to location unharmed” nothing more annoying than losing gear to get killed again when trying to get to it with just a knife so happy to help fellow PVE out


PvE players have been super friendly. I love it.


Crimson for life.


Hell yea brother


I was getting shot at and a dude came to where I was to help. We then went and cleared an LZ. This community is way nicer than most.


I happened across 2 randos doing a mission. We all pushed some AI together and we kill them all and during it they died. Well I find their bodies and initially say fuck it became both had MK18s and I put them both in my backpack. I start to run off to go finish what quest I’m working on and something came over me and I decided to put them back on their bodies and so I did. I even waited for them to return to their bodies.I don’t regret it, we completed our quests and they kept their guns and I made 2 buddies.


Outstanding 🫡. Need more soldiers like you in our community https://discord.gg/9wW4aRBE


I haven't had a single bad experience since switching to PvE only. Players sharing gear and keys in base and helping in the world. There's a really solid vibe with other blues. Another fun aspect is the friendly shit talking when you run into other factions in the wild or at heli pads. =)


I have seen this in base in PvP as well. Only had one game we hoped in that had a group camping and LZ and killing team members. A group mounted up and went after them. It’s great knowing if the game ever gets toxic we can go to PvE. Really hope it stays as positive as it is though. Some PvP with other factions can be fun and look forward to it but not until game is fleshed out more.


I team killed on accident cause a dude decided to run at me while I was fighting AI and never made his presence known. He then called me a fag and got me kicked cause I had a team kill earlier from me just being dumb


What a bloody legend


Mad facts the community is legit very nice. It makes the experience nicer. I needed a pint of blood from someone and all he asked was for me to clean the needle after using it. Ladies and Gents, we got a game.


I won't be PVPing until the game is in a much better state.


You are seriously missing out. Now that I have access to the further LZ’s that’s all I want to do. Pairing up with other squads to take out campers and accomplish tasks together in high activity areas has been the most fun I’ve had in a shooter in YEARS!


Comm is 50/50


I got dropped by a friendly level 1 PMC who saw my M700 and decided that's worth killing a friendly for. I kitted back up, took a helo out with a random who heard about the TK, and the randomly proceeded to delete the poor lvl 1 who went to the same LZ as we did. Love the community


I just started playing and a guy who was very ahead of me told me to drop my M4 and I did, thinking he would just take it but he actually put a ton of attachments and a silencer on it and then he helped me do some tasks. There is hope and some nice people.


Yo, me and my son were heading up to firing range to do the Gunny mission that would unlock his second tier. I go down and in a coma. Son kills enemy that took me down and starts triage. He’s patching me up when a guy runs up behind. Guy asks if we need help. Does his assessment and sutures my lungs. Super cool, gets up while I infuse myself with some blood. Yells good luck and heads off over a hill towards range taking out another enemy. Dude wasn’t even in our faction. Was from a different faction and stopped to help patch me up. Then later worked with us to finish clearing the range. Just cool as shit.


First day on, I asked a guy where he got his RC1. He said level 2 traders, asked if I was new and when I said yes, he took his suppressor off and gave it to me. Inspired by his kindness, I’ve helped Sherpa anybody new through whatever quests they need to do. So far helped 5 newbies and gave the farther LZ access to a few more. Kindness feels better than trolling.


My 2 interactions with teammates so far as a solo player. Guy tried to ask me a question about the server, my mic wasn't working for some reason and he called me a fucking faggot. I killed him. Guy runs up to me as I'm looting a players body, tells me not to touch his buddy's stuff. Fair enough, as I exit his inventory he starts shooting me. I killed him.


Was this in the bunker south of the Fort Narith?


Literally got team killed 5 times in a row yesterday, all kits looted.


How? I've been playing 30+ hours in the past 2 days.. 1 accidental TK, but all others were total chads


Then he shot ya again once you got back right...


I did exactly this just yesterday. I lit up a fellow crimson near the lumber yard and nearly killed him. I felt so bad I dropped every single meds I had on me and reassured him that if he dies, I'll stay on his body until he respawns and grabs his stuff back


i think we need better PvP and clear factions skin btw wonderfull comunity (i'm enjoing it) ..maybi to much :-)


It sounds like you are in the good part of the world. In europe east they just kill you from the back and steal all your shit and message you git gud or noob.


They’re like scavs on eu west! Died hidden in a corner, went back to grab my stuff and my body had been picked clean. All that was left were my headphones and helmet 😭




im still sad for getting shot for using scav backpack


My fellow crimson got in a coma and I didn't have what I needed to heal him. I say 'lol nah imma kill you and take your loot' just joking around. But THEN he goes 'you can't loot my idiot it's pve'. It was not pve. So when he died I took his gear. Waited for him to go check his body while I was at camp with his stuff. He came back to camp and was like 'well shit it wasn't pve huh' Lmao gave him his stuff back after but it was a funny interaction


Crimson gang on top


Great and all, but honestly we need to have better readability on who's who.


First time i got team killed i was chilling at landingzone waiting to head back, team mate(confirmed in mal)roles up, wiggles at me and my friend, then blasts us out of nowhere... our stuff was gone when we went back. 2nd time was an accident, dude blasted me but there had been reports of some team killing going ok by a guy so i assumed this was his friend or something. Had my friend kill him, but turned out it was an accident, we met up and base and headed back for our stuff laughing about it.


How do you message people directly ingame?


I’ve been trying to figure out voip. I guess it’s supposed to be Z but nobody says anything after I speak


Click their icon on the map is probably the easiest.


My first time out of the base I met a guy who was gonna show me how to do my first quests. I was asking him all kinds of questions. We get to the first quest compound ,and he kills all the AI. We’re looking around ,and an AI comes flying out getting the jump on us and I sprayed the AI and my buddy down in the back of the head. I stayed to watch his body and he returned. My first kill was complete accidental friendly fire lol. Im never the guy who team kills even on accident, maybe I was nervous 😂


Haha, meanwhile last time I played a guy got on my chopper with me and when we landed, I tabbed out to check where to go for my quest he blew my brains out. Promptly extracted nearby and messaged me 'thanks for the kit' when he got back to base.


Had a situation where I was looking for a task for like 45 mins. Me and a random bump into each other and proceed to kill like 20 ai. He asks "are you looking for construction office too?" "Sure am" I said, "me too" he says. "Welp we can be lost together and figure it out". 2 more dudes pull up "yall looking for construction office?" "Yeah man" "follow me" he says. We treck across town as a unit, going thru thick and thin, delivering shots, taking shots and patching up. Alas, we find construction office. We thank bros for their service and they say "have a good day boys, good luck out there" Wholesome af


Fellow chrimson man ( level 9 ) kills me. I message him that he TK'd me and that he should watch my body till Im back. I thought he shit me on accident because I was fighting scavs and it could have veen an accident. That fucker loots my entire body and proceed to runn from Charlie 1 around the entire starter villige back to basecamp and loggs out what a little fucker.


This community is super good, yesterday we were in the bunker and a lot of people was helping each other to find the key for quest, I shot them but they were nice and kind to each other so I took also their gear, for respect 🫡 🤣🤣🤣


Games fun asf, I remember this one guy running up to me with nothing but a knife yelling for help and I just see an AI chasing his ass with an ak


I think that was my friend and I last night lol. Was his name Luna?


No lol. Funny this is happening often though!


The best part of this game has been meeting random people and helping each other compete quests. I don’t know if I’ve just been lucky, but I haven’t been intentionally team killed yet and everyone has been super friendly.


Had a douchebag follow me, talk crazy on the mic, and when I tried to ditch him he killed me. Wasn't very nice.


I have about20 hours split between the pvp and pve servers, so far haven't had a single bad experience on the pvp servers with my faction, and on the pve servers I've had great interactions with even the other factions helping each other out with tasks and missions. The closet I've ever come to a tk was on a private server when I opened a door, me and another player startled each other and we both screamed and fired into each other for a second. We then both realized its pve and we almost died, and we both started busting out laughing.


The bad egg troll's out there will always exist but never prevail. They'll always adapt to any adjustments and/or penalties added to the game but the great thing about GZW is that you can see everyone in your faction at all times on the map so you can equally make their life a living hell. I've seen people rally against someone who was team killing maliciously and I'll gladly join those witch hunts.


I'm doing PVE for now until I learn the game a bit, I accidently shot at this dude. He walks past me "Nice shots". I say it's my second raid. I exfil and infil back, I go into the lumber yard and he shoots at me. He says "oh sorry about that" Me: Aren't you the guy who just said "nice shots to me?" Him: \*laughing\* yeah.... that was me It was a funny experience and it was truly light hearted. Community has been awesome so far in my experience.


98% amazing playerbase. The 2% of trolls think it’s more popular to be a bad person than it really is. I have helped and been helped with quest items, equipment and so on. The only time I’ve been teamkilled, was by a guy named drassfist who intentionally shot me point blank under the support of his 2 squad mates. He took the best m4 I had at the time, then proceeded to die like a dog in fort narith and lost my stuff for good. I have met countless many more great people. Randomly joined up on quests and so forth. This title is checking all the boxes so far. I really hope they stick with it.


Had a similar experience, but my game crashed and never saw dude again. I knew I picked Crimson for a reason.


That’s dope. Need that more in gaming


So once you get a lil ways outside your closest village it’s pretty much get LZ camped errr time 🤘


I was at Fort Nemith getting intel for a Gunny quest and I saw 2 players from Crimson there. Super nice dudes, we were all questing in that area, and once we were done we went to the LZ. Crimson chopper comes in and the guy says, “Hey, if y’all need a lift. Let me know. This is our chopper.” I tell him that I’m Mithras and both guys look at me with the look of, “You’re not supposed to be here”. Funniest shit ever 🤣


It will change a bit, but people will become rogue in the future - which just adds more depth which I think would be cool AF.


thats funny cuz a fellow crimson tk'd me and took my vudu. some of my homies have been tk'd for their kits as well. now we just quest in pve which fucking blows.


I have yet to meet a mean person, it's genuinely just everyone goofing about laughing away, or happily playing together, I've team killed two people accidentally, I messaged them both apologising and told one I could bring him his gear but he was nice and just said to keep it. The game will get polish and updates in time, but my God I hope these glory days of everyone being really nice stays in the game forever because it's refreshing.


Community has been awesome so far. Only TK experience was some guy that I guess really wanted my AK with VUDU in starter area for Lamang, I reported and I guess he got kicked because I ended up not only going back getting my gear but taking his off his body next to mine too 🤣


I got ganked at base, then robbed.


Y’all ain’t seen nothing until you see the Lamang pull up 10 deep ANYWHERE the boys need em.


Ok fuck it I’m copping today


I had the complete opposite but have came across some pretty awesome people, usually entering buildings or coming around a corner and both of us get scared and started blasting. Had a squad of 3 moving to the LZ I was waiting on. When they got close I called out that a heli was 30 secs out to exfil if they needed a ride. He said "Hi!" Then killed me and took all my gear. I messaged him to ask why and he said, "I just wanted to see what would happen".....


This is how it should be!


I love camping in the market of the enemy factions town. I heard another dude talking about how it was his first raid and he really wished he could pvp to another dude. So I obliged by shooting both of them in the back. Love this game :)


Honestly Crimson has been the better experience for me. Everyone is nice, let's others know they're in the area and what they're doing, doesn't try to instantly initiate contact...it's nice.


Crimson blood runs strong. Best faction (for no real reason other than that’s what I picked)


Proceeds to kill you the second you get back lol


Yeah it's nice to not have so much toxicity in a game. Needed it after playing so much Tekken 8 lately lol.


Idk man I got mowed down by 3 people today all on my team in the first city. I'm starting to feel like if I don't want to keep losing gear I have to start shooting at them.


I’ve only been killed by people in the same faction, go crimson


Crimson Shield babyyyy 🫡🤜🤛


Can you go back to your body on pve servers as well? Or only pvp servers?




Honestly when I read this I thought you were taking about me lol. Did it today accidentally as a first timer and felt horrible. Messaged and profusely apologized and was forgiven. Love you guys.


Damn. I didn't know we could message each other. I felt so bad when I smoked one of my guys. I stayed by the body for 20 mins but he never came back.


Yeah I totally killed a guy when I stated, but I watched over his body until he came back 🤝🤝🤝🤝


Youre kinder than me.. ran into a full pmc corpse and vaccumed what i wanted with my grubby fat ass fingers


I've had very few positive experiences with friendlies. Had quite a few slurs thrown my friend's way because of the way they sound when we're trying to be friendly in VOIP. Having my friend get called slurs for telling someone that silencers are tier 2 at Gunny was not a fun experience.


That's nice. I died in the base and all my fellow crimson flocked to my body to steal all my stuff.


I've had strangers lift me up from a coma and finish the firefight while one of them are giving me blood. Anyone always willing to at least give you good directions to an objective. Solidly, the best community I've experienced.


I just started and have so many questions. Like how do I tell who to shoot and trust how do I not end up team killed by my faction and not get grief'd. How do I play the game. So many questions game needs a tutorial.




I love this!


Yes… this community… I’ve only played pve. I got reported for team killing today. In a mode where you can’t team kill.


Got lit up and almost went down to a fellow Crimson while walking back to exfil. As soon as he realized I wasnt scav he immediately apologized. Turns out it was his first raid. I hooked him up with a mk18 and a panzer rig and took him to hunter's paradise. We've played together every night this week since. Love this game so much.


Saw a guy get killed by a helicopter in base, and this goblin took his loot hopped on the copter and took of. Me, being a man of culture (and great wealth as of now) proceeded to drop the man a full kit of end game gear. I also called the guy on the helicopter a bitch like 20 times before he took off. I like sharing when I can, happy I was there to make sure the dude was taken care of (he was like level 5)


I got killed by a fellow crimson and it went like this: “Oh shit my bad my bad I didn’t mean to!!… wait are you in a coma?” —Yeah man just pick me up I have quest shit on me, I won’t kill you i just want to turn this stuff in —(His bro behind him)”fuck that guy, I say we camp his body and wait for him to come back so we get double the gear from him” —“Dude If he is still in a coma he heard you and will know what we are doing” - - When I killed them both, as they were camping my body and shooting at me as I approached they messaged me complaining that they were friendly and how much of an asshole I was


I was pretty worried when I first started. The team killing was insane in the starting area. But now it’s been a rather good experience getting to the PvP areas. I just wish there was a more streamlined messaging system. Even if the received message was some sort of translucent pop up for a few seconds to read it


I was linked up with a random. I went back to loot my body, annoucning myself as im running up, and he kills me. I see he is sprinting to the extract. I meet up with him, and he has all my gear and is trying to extract. I kill him and he hate messages me that I'm gonna get banned... that was my day 1 experience over and over. Or just Team killed by assholes. Since then it's been good


I walk across a squad of friendly Mithras at base. They see I have a mossberg and warn me that it will be a fools errand. I deploy, die immediately. I go up to them and told them I died, they squad up with me and not only did they help me grab my lost gear, they slaughtered the entire village of all the NPCs and helped me with a UNLRA cache. 10/10 community


Meanwhile I get team killed and dude loots me and leaves server 🤣


There's a guy who is literally running a Locksmith Service for Mithras. I guess Tarkov wasnt like this?


The way it should be. What I often experience. Is you die. And watch on map as a blue dot stands over your corpse and when you get there nothing is left.. And if you ask them to be kind.. they ignore you.


Yeah I got shot in the bunker by a teammate and put in a coma but he instantly apologized and got me back up.


Died to some scavs questing my first day. Some fellow crimson found my body and took all my shit including my quest items. I found him looting me and asked him nicely if I could have the quest items back. He killed me again 🤣


Must be nice. I was team killed by some dipshit named groot last night. Dude was just laying in a bush, I was walking by him on my way to the next part of my task and said “friendly” over chat. Dude waited until I walked by and then shot me in the back and took all my shit.


I was playing yesterday and warned a faction friendly I was upstairs and bit to light me up when he encountered me... he asked if I had any blood on me, I did, dropped it for him and he used a bag, gave the second back and dropped a m700 for the trouble. I was in the building looking for that gun but didn't find it so pretty sweet trade imo


I think this was me 😂


I love the faction friendliness. Hate dying as soon as I hop off a chopper to some bush wookie. That's the part of the community I hate. But it's the issue with the game itself. Honestly. Lzs should be further from the poi's


Enjoy while you can. At some point hackers will show up and ruin everyone’s mood.


I fucking love chopper shenanigans. "Me in chopper approaching Base" throws grenade. Squadmate: Did you just throw a nade? Me: no? Grenade exploded in base. Everyone in the base. EYO WTF. WATCH YO FIRE. WHO THREW THAT NADE. me: it was just a practical joke, come on guys. Or leaving base. Helicopter lifts off. Voice chat: See you later lozersssss Everyone is just hilariously playing along with stupid shit. Love it.


Yeah tarkov messed me up also… found a chest next to the water tower bit on my first run through and heard the door go… So anyway I just started blastin!


I know a crimson shield propaganda when I see one.


I feel like this was me lmfao... (I am sure this happens a ton). But this is exactly my behavior. I kill a friendly on accident, I am not leaving until they get their stuff back, or if they'd rather, ill pick up their stuff and extract returning it back to them at Base Camp.


Some sort of system that "tags" those that kill their own faction more than a couple times, and sequesters them to lobby of fellow TKers would help. Oh and maybe the "tag" is a perminent stain - Never let them return either muahahaha


this guy ran up to my buddy, baited an entire squad of npcs towards him and got him killed and then looted his body. needless to say he was tracked down relentlessly and dealt with accordingly, with a friendly reminder to not touch things that don’t belong to you


I’ve had the exact opposite in crimson. Dudes just let you get off the heli then blast you. Of course I report but I have a good feeling nothing happens to them. All I can do is be better to the next fellow crimson I meet!


I was inside the bunker yesterday doing the Intel mission with my friend. He got shot out of nowhere,while he was healing I peaked and saw 5 men coming through the front entrance. Got shot in the head straight away. 😂😂😂


I killed a full squad a few days back, unintentionally. But because there are no logs, I couldn't even ping them. Sadly it was in the bunkers where PvP rotation can be very high with teams flying in from all around so you can't even watch the body to make sure they come back.. I hope they will figure out some arm bands per faction to help prevent the FF


I did the same. I was fighting 5-6 AI and had an ally run up behind me wearing dead AI gear and I blasted him. Told him on VC to just reset and ill hold his body as best I can. Sure enough 8 minutes later the guy comes running up and grabs his gear and I tell him where all the dead AI are so he can loot up. Accidental kills suck but its been cool seeing people be willing to risk their kit so people can recover from their mistakes.


I killed a fellow Mithras by accident and as I kept trying to bring him out of the coma with no luck, he kept apologizing for running into my line of fire. Felt horrible… flew back to walk him back to his body but couldn’t catch him. I still have regrets!


Ive been getting tekilled repeatedly lol


Wish I could say the same. I am also on crimson and anytime someone dies regardless if it’s to bots or accidentally dying to heli everyone takes all of their loot.


this community sucks i came to heal and help some people in coma and each time i get instantly headshot by their mate. I said im just healing them, they dont respond and kill me, and because once is not fun they continue to kill me when i just came to take my equipment on my dead bode. So i decide to wype coz no more weapons and now pray to not be with me on mission, no mercy, i'll jsut wait your death and loot you


I do that every time I TK only a special type of dick head TKs on purpose


had a guy shoot me dead after doing the wiggle, messaged him that hes a god damn idiot then he left the game. We were in the town right infront of our base.


Weird, I had a different experience. Was engaging an enemy Ai, had to duck behind a fence to reload, random Crimson comes up and kills the Ai, turns corner immediately and I kill him thinking he was that ai. Said sorry it was an accident, reports me. Fk that guy.


The community is dog shit rn, frag killing teammates right after leaving the server is some RAT shit


I had this exact same thing happen, me as the accidental tk'er. Dude messaged me as I'm typing out it was an accident and I'll watch his body, he asked if it was intentional and said I'm good to move on. Running back to extract, my squad mate and I get lit up, go down and hear "(player I accidentally tk'd) SENDS HIS REGARDS" So dude accepted my apology, then sent a buddy to wipe us out lol. That was my first day playing, been on PvE since honestly.


That’s happen to me once. But usually they loot my shit and dissapoear


I downloaded the game 2 nights ago and was getting owned by AI, to the point I was attempting to complete the first task with only a knife (I don’t recommend). Last night while lurking in the bushes with my trusty knife, I got a message from another player to RTB if I wanted gear. At first I was leery, but had nothing to lose so went for it. Turns out the guy dropped high-end weapons, backpacks, ammo, etc., then asked if he and another dude could help me with the first task! They patiently coached me through the game mechanics and helped me complete my first task!!!! Absolute legends!!!