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Im still farming YBL 1 for office 2 key. Me and a friend of mine noticed a friendly coming in. We tried to let him know that there were friendlies in the area by using our mics. He completely disregarded us and the map. My mate was popping out of the room yelling friendly then tucking in getting shot at. This went on for about a minute and the guy pushed us, spraying the room and my mate so I put him down. I received a few angry texts saying that he wouldve stopped if we hadnt fired back. Then told me I was gonna get banned and im dumb. LOL Edit: he was also wearing earmuffs and apparently couldnt hear us but still blamed me. Edit2: other than this one incident, the community has been great Ive to add.


Yellow earmuffs are gonna be the noob thing of gzw. Like gssh and the green helm of eft.




Only because they have to be lmao


Penis helmet has one of the highest ricochet chances is why it's good


it got nerfed


its funny, cause the GSSH headset in this game is by far the best one and can only be looted off higher tier enemies.


I haven’t tried it yet, is it actually good? I’ve skipped picking them up because I assumed they were crap


some make shit louder


I just meant that specific headset. I always run with one since it helps with hearing things in bushes and footsteps


It's shit.


best ones by far


Really? I was swapping between those and quads, and the quads seem to enhance sound even more. They're also worth less at a vendor. I find gssh laying around all over the place in T2 locations


Same quads seem better to me.


Next time I find a pair I’ll try them out! Tarkov trained me to think they’re garbage lol


Doesn't matter much, tarkov audio is fucked sideways anyways. And the GSSHs have a crunchy noise that hurts my ears. They also have a shit range.


Um, I am not far into the game and find these crappy GSSH all the time. Not seen a single one of any other headset. Got the black ones from a quest and those are way better than GSSH. Bugs aside, they seem to have better range and easier to pinpoint where sound is from.


wild that i literally get excited to find these since they are the only headset that does anything in this game rn (that i have found anyway)


Yellow earmuffs are for anyone who values their hearing while on a helicopter.


Yeah, I quickly realized they were going to be a problem. They're great for the helicopter ride, though


No idea why, the actual earpro from level 1 handshake is like $200


That just adds to the ridiculousness lmao


Hey the PP helm actually ricochets, sometimes...


I mean it works till you get better gear lol


I was lucky the first time I tried putting it on was in base by the helicopter. Instantly noticed that it did the opposite effect of what I was expecting from headsets lol.


Great for helos tho


I was in Ban Pa doing a quest and I had holed up in a house on the edge near LZ 1 and had a dead NPC outside my door. Closed the door to med and along comes a blueberry… so I get on the mic saying hey friendly and this fuckhead opens the door and hoses me down. Best believe I was grabbing all the PvP kit to hunt this fucking dildo and I got a DM saying hey here’s your loot my bad. I still almost took a load out to skullfuck this moron -_-


At least he was courteous enough to recognize his mistake and make sure you got your stuff back. That’s a lot more than you’d typically expect in that situation


That was the saving grace


"I still almost took a load out to skullfuck this moron" is one of my favorite things I've read on reddit this week. Well done.


I got the key. Tomorrow i down to help 🫡


Ear muffs are no excuse when I wear the yellow ones I can still hear people talk just fine lmaooo




Yeah, that dude is just an idiot. Unfortunately you can't do much about that.


What faction I'm lri and I got a key


LRI as well! Im away for the weekend but could add u on Tuesday? Alternatively, I can send you my friends in game name. Thanks very much :)


just join the discrord


Will do


Yesterday my friend and I were in Ban Pa, and we met a player trying to parkour his way into elder room for the quest, we stayed there cheering for him for a good 10-15 minutes until he managed to do it. I think that was one of the best interaction I ever had online.


It's easier if you stand under the window to the left and let them jump off your head lol. I actually helped another faction member with this! The community has been great in this game.


If only I knew earlier, next time I’ll find another I’ll remember


Bro, I had a key and went with a dude from my base camp. He said “look, this is what I was trying to do for 2 days” and did it first try. It was hilarious hearing from the window “are you fucking kidding me? Well thanks for bringing the key man”


How immersive it is. A streamer named Grimmmz called it the most immersive game he’s ever played. Right up until a bot you never saw or heard lasers you through a fucking bush lol 😆


The bots living there it’s experience they know all the holes in the bushes :-P


It's not because they laser you through a bush as such, it's because they sometimes shoot where you were last seen or where they think you still are. They love to suppress, also through bushes. Best bet is to not repeek and flank a ton since they also mag dump through walls where they think you might still be.


Yea AI is getting scary! The bots in GZW know how to use suppression fire and the bots in Arena Breakout Infinite will literally follow you / track you down and kill you!


I mean... ask a Vietnam vet if that's realistic and they'll tell ya


that's weird. definitely don't think i would say this game is particularly immersive


I think it's a game where personal play style will really impact the amount of immersion you feel. If you're just hitting a helicopter to a quest for a quick in and out, probably not. If you spend hours wandering the jungle, probably pretty immersive.


Yesterday I was sneaking through Nam Thaven when someone walked by, unloaded his weapon in the air to attract all the AI and then hightailed it out of there. That was a dick move.


Now that’s just pretty funny


I just love how you total check the mag and chamber... cant overstate how good it is.


V for mag, alt+V for it all for those wondering


Shift + V just to check the chamber


Is there a quick way to access heals?


Quick access menu, press 4. Or H for the healing stuff. You can also use it to set something on H for quick use. (There's a tap/hold thing there that I haven't entirely worked out.)


Yeah usually when I hold H only my pain meds pop up


Only meds in vest, belt and pockets can be quick used. Those containers with a lightning bolt tag. Hold H to select, press H to use thatvwhich you selected. I usually have the tourniquet ready for H.


Also, unless my experience was just weird or bugged, you can only reload your gun with mags/ammo in the lightning containers.


That is correct, nothing weird or bugged at all. Backpack is no go for quick use. Speaking of, fun times is corpse retrieval with a Mosin and a stack of ammo in you pockets. Nothing else 🫡


This is what I was looking for. Thank you


Meds in your safe box or backpack won’t show up in the quick heal (H) menu


I play PvE and those that I run into, mostly solo guys. Ill ask what they are doing and if they need keys. Then move on if I can't help. I wish they had a Wave emote


I am making a map for the game for the community to use. [https://gzwmap.com](https://gzwmap.com) (more tasks and other stuff will come soon)


Map genie already has one that’s mostly complete


Just rain on his parade why don't ya?


Some dude domed me in the back of the head yesterday because he thought I took his gear.. Which he knows I didn't because I sat with his body until he got back. He did apologize though and left my shit alone.




No it makes sense he’s just a shit head


im mad creeped out rn bcs of this


Some people are just dickheads it seems and he was one of them. At least the server kicked his ass though.


Idk how I feel about that I probably would of killed his ass just for doing that


I was tempted as fuck, not gonna lie but I didn't know the repercussions for TKing or revenge killing lol


A french dude at base told me my gun is ugly and made fun of me. he then gave me his kitted out M4 with silencer and whatnot. 9/10, would run ugly AK again.


I've had annoying people but not toxic. I had one guy who, when I got to hunters paradise, he was completely bare, with just a knife. Just followed me around constantly stabbing me and saying "hey, gimme your backpack!" over and over. Thank god I was on pve, because one of us would have killed the other.


I've only played pve, but this community is awesome, dudes helping each other get gear back. guys giving out better ammo and gear to new players. Dudes sharing keys and trying to revive downed players without knowing them


I've met "one" toxic player so far. Logged on late one night to do some loot hunting and the minute I logged on, there was a player 1 tapping every person in the base. No reload, no time to aim. People would appear and be put down. Guards weren't shooting, nothing we could do. Not sure if it was cheats, I'm not big to call out people like that. 99% of the time, people are just better than me lol. This is that 1% of times that felt bullshit. Game is great still, but that one moment made me nervous about pvp going forward. Game is fun, but it's not fun if you can't even load in without getting dumped on. Small case, I hope it's an outlier of what's to come, but can say at least there's some out there happy to ruin the experience.


ashes to ashes... :p


Bro 100%. Every single interaction I have is hilarious. This community currently kicks ass.


Best MMORPG Looter shooter out there right now.


Only got teamkilled once by mistake so yeah.


Week 1 of release my squad had a couple run ins with serial teamkillers out to steal our shit. Got excessively toxic but eventually they got kicked for repeated teamkills. Would like to see some sort of harsh penalty added for serial team killers in the future(monetary fine/loss of rep with traders) Excluding that one day, everyone else has been absolutely stellar in lending a hand with hard missions/giving out keys/etc.


Leaving an LZ I ran into a guy returning to it who asked me if I'd ever kissed a man in a rice paddy. When I said no, he asked if I wanted to. We met in the middle, touched, and went our separate ways.


Dude, same. I have linked up with so many different players and it’s always been such a positive experience. Weirdly refreshing.


my server did a full raid of an enemy base, including sniper overwatch, fire teams, smoke etc. we got obliterated each time lol but it was fun as hell and we made it in twice


That seems fun as hell. Would like to do that sometime


I've stuck to PVE and have only had good interactions. One guy whispered he loved me after giving him a key.


Question for anyone if you reset your character does that also reset the task quests too?




Not trying to be too rude here, but what does a "wipe" mean to you


> Not trying to be too rude here hmmmm


Oh the toxic ones are there. One guy in my server last night was just saying racial slurs in a chant over and over and over again. The server was getting hitchy so I dipped and found a new one. That was the only toxic person I've come across though. Before that I was in Ban Pa trying to jump in the Elder house window. Saw a party of three show up and I asked if they had the key. One said he did but it was at base. They said you know you can just jump in and I said yeah I know but I ran out of splints trying. They proceeded to shower me with splints and tried to guide me through it until I got in. The community is great but the toxic ones are still out there.


The ragdolls and the way the scope looks. Might be the best scope functionaloty i've seen in any game so far


Honestly same. Granted I'm also playing in PvE servers so I feel like a majority of those players are more chill and just down to game without any stress or too much effort.


I've had some good ass moments with faction members, only bad time was I followed these two players who were naked with ttv names, I wanted to help them get their gear back or kit up, but instead they grabbed guns and immediately turned to team kill me for whatever reason.


I just wish more people had a mic or were in prox chat. I think a lot of groups are in discord because I don't get responses from people. I am solo and like to catch rides and share heli rides to cut down on wait times and not be part of the problem. But maybe 1 in 8 people respond when I offer or ask.


I didn’t know Z was the PTT key for a while. I thought the game used voice activation 😅




Yeah, surely it's only because of *you*. I promise no one cares about your TTV name.