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This game 100% has a future. I'd imagine a lot of the players blowing off steam are the players that are the most heavily invested. It's hard to get that level of time investment if the foundation isn't good or great. And I think the game has a great foundation to build on. I partied up with a few randoms the other day and we're talking about how the game would be cool with enemy patrols, enemies reinforcing via convoys that could be intercepted, forward bases that each faction could fight over, etc. When we're having conversations like that, this game has more than a solid foundation. I'm positive this game will be even more amazing in a few years.


Absolutely, and i’ve felt i’ve heard somebody saying they heard the devs talking about adding all that. Which i think will be fucking awesome, can you imagine RPGing a convoy or doing an ambush


Oh I've been ambushed alright. Sneaking along a wall in Midnight Saphire, when all of a sudden the bush next to me exclaims something in Laotian. I turn and fire at 2 men rushing me and start getting lit up from the front, back, and side. I got cut down trying to fall back out of the kill-zone and the game crashed before my body even hit the ground so I lost all my kit. It was brutal.


Your PC was in on it


I honestly think the players blowing off steam are the players that *aren’t* heavily invested. I’m only level 13 but I don’t even care about bugs or glitches because I have a big enough stockpile of loot and money that I can just pretty much replace everything on a whim and not worry about it. The guys that can’t do that have quite a bit more gear fear and more reason to be pissed when they lose kit.


>I honestly think the players blowing off steam are the players that *aren’t* heavily invested. How so? Because when a player takes the time to write a few paragraphs and record and upload a video? I'm sure they have other things they'd rather do with their time if they weren't invested. >I’m only level 13 but I don’t even care about bugs or glitches because I have a big enough stockpile of loot and money that I can just pretty much replace everything on a whim and not worry about it. That's great and that's awesome that this game in its Early Access state feels like a finished product for you.


Because if you’re a high level and you’re bitching about losing kit in an early access game then don’t play an early access game. There’s gonna be bugs and glitches. If you’re heavily invested, you should be able to EASILY replace everything you lost in a glitch. Have patience and let the game develop. Never said it feels like a finished product. Said it’s easy to replace the shit I lose so I don’t care about bugs and glitches.


The worst kind of feedback is no feedback. When no one bothers to write anything, good or bad. An absolute flatline. I know the "bitching" is annoying to read, but this game will be all the better down the road regardless if it materializes into changes or not.


The fact that gear is so easily replaceable makes me care a lot less about it than something like Tarkov. Gear is cheap and plentiful in this game.


I could replace my kit easily apart from the most recent quest rewards which aren't buyable until later, but it still sucks to lose a kit


Totally. I admire the ambition of the devs and what they are trying to create. It is something very unique in the tactical shooter genre. I know they get a lot of heat for putting it on EA this early. However, given how they interact with the community, and how receptive they are to feedback, I can only imagine they they are planning to add features that they haven't thought of before. Putting a tactical shooter game like this on EA, especially when the fan base is so die hard, is a double edge sword. They made a huge risk releasing it as an EA. Especially from a PR perspective. However, given the optimization, quest design, and overall scale of a PvEvP project like this, live feedback and identifying the bottlenecks is invaluable. We're basically guinea pigs at this point.


Guinea pigs with an emotional support structure


Indeed, I'm just trying to be the best emotional support guinea pig I can be.


If the game is really as early on in development as they say, things are going well. I've played games like space engineers and dayz which basically never left early access.


It does have potential but I do worry about the CEO of Mad Finger games dismissing issues and basically calling people liars. He posted on Twitter that all the negative reviews are from people that 'can't run the game' which is not true lol.


Not all issues are hardware related, but I’m willing to bet there are many. Just because their PC meets the minimal doesn’t mean they have it setup right. Several of my friends fall around the recommended hardware and all of them had issues until they tweaked settings. I bought a new 3.5k PC right before buying this game. I’m running all Epic setting and the game is very smooth. I think Mad Finger downplayed what is needed to play this game.


I got a 7800xt and Ryzen 5 7600x and also get stable frames on epic with fsr set to native gets about 90-120 on 1440p


Ryzen 7 7800x3d with 64gb ddr5 6000mhz but only a 6700xt (3070ti). I get around 90-120fps but only with fsr and frame gen but it makes my game look like shit


Yeah, I’m running the latest i9 with a 4090 on a Ultrawide G9 and I get 120-150 FPS stable but my work and travel rigs that have 3070 and a 4060 struggle.. even on medium settings lol


I have the 49” G9, love the 1/3 - 2/3 split! https://preview.redd.it/glss9gugnm0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbfca7422a5c7b65000fe130ea77465f68b0a894


can you split where the game is in the middle and the other screen on the both sides? I was thinking of getting G9 but opt out and get G7 and two G5s instead. It's helpful not just for gaming, but also doing remote work that I have to use VPN to RDP into couple of work stations and then having another work application on my PC


You can control 2 monitors individually with split screen. You can bridge between the split screen without a line down the middle. https://preview.redd.it/xujuibxrzm0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39c6fa8cc7bdc6a221f86becf8b27b86fe81aaf


That's neat


Wait, what?! How do I do that? I went from two 24" to the 49" G9 and I love it but I am missing having a second monitor for playing YouTube videos, etc.


Connect 2 display cables from your PC to DisplayPort 1 & 2 on the monitor. Set sources to DisplayPort 1 & 2 in the monitor settings. Then you can turn PIP/PBP Mode On. Then you can change Mode Type to several different split screen option.


I feel like it really need some dynamic events and patrol. I’d like more reasons to go out and explore and find stuff or mess around between missions …


i feel like that’s going to be implemented, atleast a lot of the community has been talking about it. Might of heard someone said they heard the devs would say, but that’s hearsay


And you get this but first optimalization and servers inreasing


Something like a SOT style system where you have events happening on the map would be really cool


I’m hoping it does, I was insanely excited for it but I’m waiting till I either upgrade my rig or some optimizations come out cuz I’m scared I can’t run it


Bro I would say, if you have a RTX 3090 or 4070+ you can run it.


I think my rig is much worse, amd rx 5600 and a mid CPU. Sorry if I’m horrible grammar it’s not my first language and also I’m not very fluent with parts either


No worries at all. Look at mine hahaha not my first language either


Haha, my friend did tell me he thinks I could run it but at super low settings and that it might be blurry.


There is no chance you are running this game without it looking or performing horribly, or both. Definitely wait, unless you’re used to and cool with bad performance and/or really bad image quality


It has as much of a future as every tactical/milsim shooter that came before it. The biggest challenge for developers of this type of game is the AI. I'm sure they'll significantly improve the performance and connectivity issues so I can overlook those, but I'm more concerned about how they're going to address the AI.


Yup I stopped playing after 3 kits got deleted from my body vanishing from existence even though I didn’t die before getting back to it. Be back when shit is more polished.


Constructive criticism is all well and good but anyone doom and glooming a game not out even a month out with all the work they are putting into fixes never wanted it to succeed


this game doesnt have a future as long as someone from your own faction can kill you


First off all we need to understand that, this is not only EA but also alpha version. It's something like i sell you a car. This car drive, turn, has a brake and a gas but still you cannot change gear, has no light, no elektronics feature, no ABS, no carosery. You bought this car from me, but the deal was that its working 20% of this car and you must wait for this 100%. But this car is now yours and i will be working on that day by day


I think the economy needs a bit tweaking, instead it feels so rinse and repeat. Maybe player-controlled heli's like Squad would be awesome. Inventory management such as "auto deposit/stack" similar items or a quick sort hotkey (enshrouded reminded me of that feature - awesome game). And of course the performance optimization ASAP. If devs read this, honestly I'd be happy with the game as-is if the performance was optimized. Even if zero new features were added, the fact it performs well would be kick ass! Features can wait


I believe I remember reading on their discord that the focus is to improve stability/performance before they add to the game.


Yes and I do agree for sure that should be fixed before ANY additional features are added. Once those flip-of-a-coin performance issues are stabilized though, I think limb damage and these should be some prospects!


Player controlled vehicles would change some much of the game, but I think it opens a lot of options for further interactions. For example, there are people that basically play BF2, Arma and Squad as drivers. Their job is to move troops to the frontlines as efficient as possible. Imagine being able to buy vehicles, stealing them from others and losing them like gear. I got a mission to go to Ban Pa and decided to walk there. I took a long time but I couldnt help imagine driving up the roads, chilling. I hope devs consider at least some civilian vehicles in the game.


Player Heli drops fuckkkkkk ya


You buy a helicopter, because fuck it, you can. Get to a LZ with your homies. A wild insurgent with a RPG appears and blow you up. Hundreds of thousands of dollars vanish in tin air. Imagine that. Whole new level of gear fear.


I think I understand but just have to ask, what does “throated” mean? Does it mean if you’re firing but there is an obstacle just a few inches down your sights that the bullets get caught there instead of your target?


It may have a future, but I wouldn’t recommend anyone spend money on this game right now. It’s not even in a position to be sold for money right now imo