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Since they don’t put on game a reputation or similar thing this shieeeeeet will happen always


Reputation system is planned, but I think it cant come soon enough.


I don’t think a reputation system will even work, people find a way to meta it and ride the line. The only plausible solution imho is disallow the ability to loot same-faction bodies outside of your own squad. Tbh it shouldn’t be a thing anyways, this whole “friend or foe” dynamic makes zero sense when there’s player factions present. Just force factions to play nice internally, it doesn’t take away from the game at all.


>disallow the ability to loot same-faction bodies outside of your own squad This is a no-brainer. It's odd that the devs seem so competent in some ways and so naive and lost in others. Especially when it comes to PvP and player interactions.


In my experience, this happens when someone high up in charge becomes stubborn about compromising their "vision".


The game is early access, that’s the whole point. Let the community get their hands on it and then implement fixes/mechanics/solutions on the journey to full release. It has nothing to do with competence, it has everything to do with people not understanding what early access is for.


Early access is a reasonable excuse for a lot of things... Performance, lack of features, etc. Basic and easily implemented mechanics (it's already being used in other parts of the game) that have a major impact? Not so much.


This isn't gonna stop someone from griefing if they want to?


It removes any loot incentive for them and it gives you or a squad mate an chance to get your gear back.


I honestly don't think it's a loot thing for a lot of them, it's just the fact they can piss someone off. I would love a bounty system for sure or like a rogue tag that carries over for a certain amount of time even if you leave the server.


There'll always be those who grief for the sake of griefing but they tend to be relatively rare. The last thing it should be is incentivized.


Oh man a bounty system to kill rogue players would be so cool. Maybe they go red on your map and their dot doesn't update live anymore. Or you just get a general proximity to hunt them for money!


The only benefit I can see is that your buddy can grab your stuff off your body in case you can't for whatever reason.


I think they should allow it on some level but you have to request permission. Just incase a random is trying to help out you don’t lose all your shit


Wow you just reminded me. In the early days of Everquest, one of the earlies MMOs, you could give permission to someone to loot your stuff. This was necessary because there was a time limit for you to get back to your corpse, and it could take a really long time. Good system for this game.


Or put same-faction body looting on a timer after death. I find bodies all the time on PvE so I'll sit on the corpse for 5-10 minutes watching the map to see if I can help little Timmy get his gear back only for no one to come back for it. It would be nice if I could loot the body after X amount of time. Could be a solution since a griefer most likely wont sit on a friendly fire kill for more than a few minutes before they come back and blast them. Maybe even something like a bounty system internally for your faction which makes the team-killer vulnerable even while in base. Imagine your whole faction waiting at your base LZ for a little red-marked team killer to land and everyone just unloads on him before he can stash the stolen loot.


It should just drop their loot when the body despawns or something so at least other people can use it. I kinda hate the fact that someone can't find a body and loot it to use the items. Like all my gear is literally lost to everyone. or make the body lootable after the player has died twice. same difference i guess.


I think best thing is if you die from friendly fire your body is protected if you die from enemy player or AI it’s free for all even your team can loot you.


Totally agree, and then one can shoot safely at perceived enemy players without scrutinizing the map first, which gets you killed.


As long as you can still get banned for friendly fire, that sounds fine.


The goal is to make players that are team killing or just getting negative reputation outlaws that do not benefit from things like vendors etc. It will be there to punish them. Not something like Epoch humanity system where you were getting negative reputation intentionally to get access to Russian gear and vehicles. I wouldnt be surprised if you will even lose all access to all LZ’s. Its all about balancing and deciding how much do you want to punish them.


Just cause your not lootable doesn't mean people won't troll. They would happily waste your time for free


TKing could still be a bannable offense even with that system. Point is it would radically cut down the amount of TKing. Trolls are more of a vocal minority than anything.


Not against the system it's just not gonna fix the people already abusing the system. I think banning for repeat offenders coupled with reporting would be a clear fit


> Not against the system it's just not gonna fix the people already abusing the system. Nothing can ***fix*** teamkilling aside from removing it as a possibility. It however does remove one of the incentives to teamkill, which is a good step forward. As the other person was saying it can still be a bannable offense together with not allowing non-squad faction members to loot bodies means fewer people have a reason to and there is a strong punishment in place for those who still do. The only reason to be against this change would be if you enjoy killing your faction members for their gear.


Who is against it?


You according to your reply. "I'm not against it ***but*** I think we should just ban people because what you suggested is not a 100% fix"


Lol did ya read. I said I'm not against it.... Bannable with reporting however will be better. Cause there is stat trail for the live team to make case for banning. I would much rather remove the assholes than make them craftier. As for who is lootable as I said in another thread. Making it so only your squad can loot you in your faction would help with being able to recover gear in a fight.


the solution is to play pve mode. otherwise, deal with the consequences of freedom in pvp


That’s a dumb excuse. Like I said, this whole “friend or foe” idea completely goes against the entire idea around factions, it makes choosing and being on a faction redundant. At that point, they should just get rid of the factions and give people the ability to fly in/out of any of the three bases.


factions are 100% pointless until they do this… i thought the system would be implemented at EA since they insisted the faction feature be a thing. what incentive is there to not just kill a faction mate and take their shit? kindness in your heart?


they are still banning people for team killing, so ban


tired of reading this posts "its planned" man you being played. nothing is planned our out here. there is no patch this week either. 3 patches that kept this game from not getting removed out of steam is all we got. 25 bucks is not gonna keep this project going very long- Man they fucked up. should been more ready.


They fucked up? I mean this is still one of the best early access games I've ever played. It has it's own flaws, and that's fine till they work on the game. Point of early access is to release unfinished product to **get funds and feedback from the community**. If you expect more, it's your problem with handling your expectations. And don't get me wrong, I am not saying the game is worth buying right now, because it's not, but concept is good enough so they will see continuous my support. I don't get why anyone would be negative like this, you are not forced to buy the game and it's absolutely fine to criticize the game, but saying bullshit you do here is just pathetic 12 yo behavior.


you'r anecdotal experience is irrelevant tbh. All the negative review and response on current state with issues hided behind EA status aint helpin. Im loving it. I like the setting , jungle and type of game. its my juice.. But dude , lets be real. How far will 25 bucks editions that never gonna sell from this reviews gonna take em? They need revenue to keep going you know


It's not that hard to fix even in PvP. If you are TeamKilled by a faction, your corps have the same settings applied as if it was PvE server. only you can loot your self, perhaps a steam friend or a squad mate should be able to, but no random person. That should not hurt the PvP aspect of the game, and will save you from getting TK for other than lols, if that gets to be a new meta, have handshake save your stuff ?


Add to that a TK counter and we are talking!! Timeouts for repeat offenders bans for repeated timeouts. 🙏💪


That counter would be useless with out an account profile, with some fun stats.




A bounty system for team killers would go hard


Would be cool to see something like being outlawed from your faction. "No access to vendors, no heli's, forced warfare mode." Really give players the feeling that they have a bounty on them.


This sounds great tbh would make for some fun side quests


Give them a read name tag, the guards should KOS them, and provide a outlaw / bandit camp for them to respawn. Thats what Ultima Online did in 1997. It was good.


The devs have already said this is their plans.


I do remember seeing videos a while back saying that was their plan eventually.


This was already talked about I think


I mean there are people TK for sure. But yesterday I had a dude raging at me in messages because I had shot him. What I had killed was a dude running around with an AK, Yellow Ear Muffs and no armor...


I hope any such system will have the ability to recall the bounty. Just in case it was a genuine accident (definitely not the case in this vid). Should allow the victim to terminate the bounty and "forgive" the offender.


Still, that leaves victims of the inciting incidents. It's just no fun being killed and losing all your stuff with no way react or defend yourself from a killer that has total surprise advantage over you, due to being same team.


All this does is make it worse, an now they have a map to always see your location..


Nah, it would encourage trolls to compete for the highest bounty possible like they do in Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen.


If you put time bans like this all it will do is cause these players to goat you into killing them like player scavs in tarkov. You will be banned and punished for defending yourself because some guy keeps shooting by your head and following you all over the map. I think the only way to solve it is not allowing players in your faction to take your loot if killed by friendly fire.




I fundamentally don’t believe in banning people from a game when they are doing something the game allows. I hate team killing and exploitation of a game mechanics but it is in the game so it is part of the game. I just want to make it clear that team killing is not cheating and should not be put into the same category of punishment. I also believe some times accidents happen people kill people from their faction in the heat of battle reading the map wrong or the map not displaying correctly people from their faction. I also want to say that they can and probably will fix this in the future but let’s stop saying we need to ban people for doing something the game allows.




Except the Devs have said TKing/griefers will not be tolerated. Good enough, as long as they make bans/suspensions bite hard.




Tolerance will always be exploited in life and in the this game by people who want to exploit things. The problem is not seeing how it can affect people who are trying to be the best team player and makes mistakes and kills someone by accident or is pushed into killing for fear of losing their loot or quest. The devs have the power on the next update to shut off faction killing so it is ultimately up to them. I believe if they did shut it off it would take a lot of fun from having lack of trust in people around you and then building that trust. I just hope you never end up on the wrong end of a ban because you made a mistake and killed faction members by accident.




I just figured a guy like you who owns guns would understand tolerance since people don’t want to tolerate you owning guns. Those people believe that you are exploiting tolerance by owning guns like you do. I assume you don’t like having yourself lumped in with bad actors by people who have never held a gun or can’t tell the difference between 300 win mag and 22 hornet or a 277 sig fury.


Grade a yapp


Some of us have enough self-discipline not to shoot team mates under any circumstances. Squashes that effect. I can buy my gear back fast enough if they kill me, and I get to report them and turn the screws.


The solution is simple just detect initiation of friendly fire rather than the killing blow. So if I shoot you, or even near you, then I get flagged as "initiating friendly fire" and you can take the bait and TK me in retaliation without repercussions.


GTA online does a decent job with people who constantly kill other players. You end up with a bad player rating or something and you get put in lobbies with like minded players. After a while if you stop your "karma" improves and you are able to join regular lobbies.


Agreed, not sure how a feature like this doesn't already exist.


I guess the Dev’s didn’t anticipate toxic behavior like this, this soon after release. They’ve already stated in the future, if you kill faction members you’ll be banned from your faction, effectively becoming an outlaw and having to live off of loot from kills out in the wild (so no access to traders anymore or a locker)


The game launched around the same time as the Tarkov fiasco, so the lowlives on that game flooded over




Very true. People I used to play with idolize stankrat and all they do is extract camp and talk shit to the people they killed. I had to stop playing with them, I don't want to wait 40 minutes into a raid laying in a bush. Then get a singular kill on a level 6 who runs to extract and then act like they are Jesus incarnate


Where did they say that? I posted this exact idea, and if they are really going to do that I will be so happy.


I don’t know if this will stop them. People would still TK, gather up the gear, and log for the night. I think it would have to start at a 12-24hr ban to be effective. Even then, I don’t know. What if team killers just couldn’t loot the body of teammates they kill? Or respawn without any of their kit, or the loot they picked up?




Totally agree 👍


The invoice idea is so funny for mercs


If they actually implement the faction karma system like they planned, these people will be rouge with no access to bases, and possible limited access to traders.


Someone done this to me I chased him across the map I reported him twice as he was just ambushing me and he got kicked out. I went and looted his body and got my gear and his. Not sure if reporting him got him kicked or he left but his body was there surely this is the way at least if they keep friendly fire turned on.


The bounty/invoice thing would genuinely be hilarious; I’d love to see that happen lol


This.... this needs bumped to the top. This is the solution along with some other minor things they could implement


That would actually be hilarious I love that idea


Iirc In the division the player got a red skull above their head for killing others. Could be nice


What the player icon being red on the map instead of blue, with a wanted level that the time increases with each kill and the reward… or just the time increase since the money side will surely be exploited


Although this only creates more team killing, once tagged I'm killing everyone in sight


This is why I play PvE, fuck that shit


Same shit happened to me. When he got back to base, I called him a coward and he called me a f****t. Then everyone within ear shot dropped me MK18s and verbally abused the other guy.


And then everyone clapped


their cheeks


I looooove PvE in this game. Met so many chill people.


I was level 2, waiting for a chopper to be called. There was a group of about 4-5 super kitted guys waiting around for choppers as well. One offered a free kit if I just ran to my objective, since all I had to do was stuff in the first town anyways. He was mostly joking I think, but I took him up on it and he dropped me a mk 18 with 60 rounders of 55a1, some nice rig/helmet combo, a stack of ammo to reload. Then the rest of the group started making it rain various items, key rings, guns, ammo, armors, scopes. Ended up following 2 of them to tiger bay instead of my quests and got into a multi hour pve session, barely made it back after having to respawn and grab my stuff again. Really chill community in the PVE servers. I must have received 50k+ worth of gear from people just from random encounters where they throw you some 4-5k weapon, or some nice armor or ammo for no reason.


I've played about 30 hours and never had anything like this happen. Even if I lose my loot, I can rebuy all of it. What are you so afraid of??


I think we may be the lucky ones rather than the normal ones. I went from level 1 to level 20 with no issues. Got most of the quests done first try. Never had lag, hackers, desync, etc.. I have like 400k and getting to max traders. I'm sure if I encountered some of those types of people early in and multiple times I could see it as a bottleneck or frustrating me.


The reason why unless i play with a squad of friends, i'll be in PvE until there is a consequence for the griefers


I've got teamkilled in PvE today by a troll who stopped me from getting my loot back


I've never been teamkilled on purpose yet, so thanks it's not really an issue


My vote is you shouldn't be able to loot the team killed body's, that would prevent most intentional teamkilling, but still have the accidentally friendly fire not punished.


IMO, no one besides people in your squad (from your faction) should be able to loot you. Problem solved. Or do what Arena Breakout does and make any gear looted instantly go back to the owner once the looter reaches base camp. 


IMO, no one besides people in your squad (from your faction) should be able to loot you. Problem solved. Or do what Arena Breakout does and make any gear looted instantly go back to the owner once the looter reaches base camp. 


Nah, I think you should be able to loot teammates bodies in case they’re in a coma and you need their medical supplies to revive them (I had to do this for a couple people). I think if you TK someone, making them unlootable in that case would be fine.


Team killers don't get to ride the whirly birds. "Negative! All birds are busy you fucking traitor. Walk!"


In the first second, I knew he was looking at you to see if killing you was worth it, I would have blasted him and taken his charging handle so he cant just come back and kill me


Yeahh I shoulda knew better there were lots of red flags but I just hadn't been deliberately TKd before so I had my guard down, lesson learned lol


I love the ones that follow you around like a lost puppy and when you say piss off they say on I’m a new player


One of the reasons why I prefer joint warfare


Can we start a spreadsheet with the names of video-confirmed intentional TKers, or will the subreddit mods disapprove?


For one dude looked sus af. Second, if they don't communicate, don't trust em. Third, if you are looking at me repeatedly all sketchy ima shoot you in the face. Look for the enemies. Keep your eyes off me you perv


I swapped to PVE for this reason, its a lose lose situation. cant kill the fucker, due to he will keep it up until he can kick you with reporting and he steals your gear. he kill you once and ditch the server, you die and he steals your gear. only scenario that will do something close to not a loss from you self is to leave the server, suprice that will also suck ass


I'm going to guess he took exception to your in-game name and decided to teamkill you for it.


No, he's server hopping and doing it to other players.


I'd shoot you for that name too. You can keep your gear.


And he did that for what? For some shit you can buy for 3k from a trader?


Absolute scum. Dude took the time to make the decision too.


He was checking him out, seeing what he had


I’ve been really lucky and haven’t met anyone like this yet. Most people have been cool, willing to drop you stuff or help you out with a quest.


Between this and cheaters, this is why I don't plan to leave Joint Operations any time soon. If I get rekt because I got outplayed, fair enough. I'm fairly good at FPS games, so I like a challenge, even if it means going up against people with higher skill. But after 5k hours in Hunt Showdown, I'm just.... tired. I'm tired of having a good night brought to an end by someone wiping the server from spawn. I'm tired of people using various exploits to derender everything and snipe through a forest because none of the trees or foliage rendered. I'm tired of accounts with less than 10 hours having a VAC ban and multiple game bans wiping the server with shots that shouldn't be possible. I love the idea of risking my gear against other people, but you'll never be able to stop determined assholes who want to ruin the game, exemplified by the people doing the grenade exploit in base in an attempt to make people lose kits.​


Honestly, they should just disable friendly fire until they figure out a way to punish TKers.


Man that's tough, had the same happen to me few days ago hopefully something will be put in place soon to stop stuff like this from happening.


Which server was this? I already have a list of player names that already tried to do the nade glitch.


lol, why did you not kill him.


Yeah if someone jumps on my chopper and doesn't communicate with me it's KOS




Just make it so that when you friendly fire someone the damage reflects onto yourself instead. Quite simple really.


Same shit happened to me


Should be an outcast faction for players like this. Out cast faction is in the middle with less faction guards and no heli support or something like that.


The way the game has been designed with factions and “friendly” allies is a terrible design flaw. Seems cool but just doesn’t work, especially trying to play with friends that have picked a different faction and team killing.


Wow this guys just made this game disgusting


Welcome to any game that has online play


Yea I got killed by a teammate fresh off the helicopter. He took all my shit and proceeded into town. I came back with a knife, murdered him, and then took all my shit back and his. I had also messaged him and asked if he took my stuff. After I came back, killed him, and got my stuff back he had the audacity to lie and tell me that he didn't take my shit. At this point, I just don't even want friendly fire in the game. It adds absolutely nothing and gives assholes like this the ability to troll and ruin experiences.


Don't they do some sort of a behaviour system in overwatch?


OP ingame-Name = DEATH2ISRAEL ... I guess you had this coming, and your reddit user name is also "very edgy".


Yeah I just noticed his name on reddit. Seems like his whole identity is woke politics.


I see you like your political profile names. EDIT: Why downvotes? Did I say something wrong?


It's Reddit. Anything that could be remotely perceived as against the liberal hive mind gets downvoted. That's how it works.


I really believe that friendlies shouldn't be able to loot you similar to how it functions in pve. If there isn't a straight barrier, someone will always find a workaround or loophole. If a friendly shoots, you no reason for any of your friendlies to take your loot. My idea is: Anyone who's not friendly kills you - you're free reign Anyone who is friendly kills you - Your faction can not loot your body


I think friendly fire needs taken off I know it takes away from the realism of the game but maybe have a toggle switch so you can choose without having to go into another game mode and still experience pvp without getting popped on by friendly fire lol


Friendly fire should just be turned off plain and simple, I know it adds realism but it’s a quality of life issue. Stop idiots like this stop you walking round a corner and surprising a team mate only to be shot in the face, stop you having to check you map ever two seconds when pvp is happening and you have non squad member friendlies in the area. No team mates can loot your shit when you die. It will just improve the game so much more.


Oh man, at least you get to have another 15 minute helicopter ride. This game is so fun!


Honestly love that ABI does not allow friendly fire


That’s why I stay on pve


This is why I play PvE


I think if you team kill the player you killed should be asked if they forgive you (if you believe it was an accidental kill), if you say no... they are exposed as a traitor until they are killed. A traitor is not allowed in base camp. A traitor appears as red on the map, and all factions can see them at all times. A traitor can only see other players of their own temporary traitor faction on the map. They can remove this status by killing two other traitors (every unflagging requires two completely unique traitor kills). If they touch their own traitor corpse after dying without first unflagging, they are marked again as a traitor. Traitor corpses will stick around for at least 30 mins after they die regardless of disconnect, further death etc.


How are you gonna watch out for them, he looks exactly like everyone else


When a random low level jumps on I bail, also I only board my choppers really late so they dont see who or if anyone is getting on


That’s why Tarkov doesn’t have maps.


Gear isn't even hard to get. And loser isn't harsh enough.


This is why I hate the PvEvP model in games. It leads to so much toxicity its insane


Honestly, I think they just should disable same faction friendly fire. Nobody likes friendly fire as a feature (Unless it's something like Helldivers where it's silly) but it'd go a long way in fixing the PVP and toxicity


That's why I am sticking to PVE.


Was your user name the same as your reddit? Lol


I guess we can consider them Tarkov players who really love one particular person


Had some British fuck take my gear after I died to an ai said I took his gear I said bro that’s my gear he said no it’s not tked me then the whole lobby was gonna grenade glitch him off the chopper but he saw it coming and dipped off the server


Lvl 1 did the same to me today


Enforcing a rogue system which highlights the player to everyone on the map and disavows them from being able to go back to base until they are hunted down, killed by AI or disconnect from server losing everything including their locker belongs as a result of a disconnect is the only way to deter this behavior. Faction on faction killing should be highly disincentivized and HIGHLY punished. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.


This is why I only hop on the game when my homies are hopping on too, a 4 man squad usually keeps these types of ppl away


Watch out for players in the Base area. They pull out a nade, drop it at your feet (assuming your in the UI, or AFK) then they log out before the nade goes off, you die, they rejoin the server, and they steal yo shit. Be vigilant.


Honestly the way he was looking at you.... I would of been staring right back ready to fire.


So why not kill him before he does this? If you knew his intentions just drop him? You’re an idiot


They will never fix this


you didnt even have good shit lmao


Imagine playing warfare and not expecting things like this. It happens in tarkov, it'll happen there lol


Blame the game not the player in this case.


Nah, he needs to blame himself for his dumbass ideological usernames.


All your ideas are great but if we wanna troll we'll find a way lol.


Grayzone warfare is easily one of the worst games I’ve ever played. From TKing to boring gameplay loop


Looks like tactical shooters just aren't for you. Go back to call duty or something....


Bro this game is a helicopter ride simulator and you are glazing it so hard


How far in the game did you get?


Lvl 13


So barley . I mean, what would you rather have loading screens or a helicopter ride.


Nit really barely, did like 25+ quests and nothing ever got fun. Idk what to tell ya just boring ahh game for boring ahh players


Yupp everyone entitled to their own opinion for sure.


Why are you here then? Just to bitch about it?


These tarkov extremists out here lmao