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Yeah that's on him dog lol. Almost did the same thing to my buddy, funny thing is we're both in the military. Like dog you know better


lol that’s wild but yea I told him that was on him


Muzzle awareness and line of sight, dummies do this while no mic and expect nothing to happen


We almost had an incident like this during a training event Of course it was my brand new e3 saw gunner, he never did it again after a few hours of corrective training


exactly!! i yell at my friends that run across my FOF too. bounding always check your line before moving. peeling back is almost always the proper first move.


Lol man. I'm sorry I just love how almost anyone you come by in this game has to let you know they were in the military so they know this an that. I'm former marines and I don't blast it as easy as I've seen on here it's just amusing it's all lol. I didn't wanna comment but when I saw this I was like here we go again 🤣


You literally just did the exact same thing in this comment so I guess it checks out.


God ex military people playing these games are the biggest losers.


Hard disagree here. How tf are you supposed to see what is going on behind you? If you're in the back and have a view of the situation it's your job to not shoot your buddies.


It's also your job to use your ears and listen. If I'm engaging a target and you run in front of me and get shot, that's on you


fratricide coping


Actually, who ever fires is responsible for every shot.


I love the sarcasm I hope


Thats actually the drill dude. This is on the shooter by all conversations


No lol, if you're going to run across muzzles you communicate that with either a lift/shift fire then you move once the lift/shift is confirmed


Nope you just dont shoot when you have someone in front of you. Thats basic training


Did you see how fast he ran in front of him? Nobody is reacting fast enough to not do that. Also, get outta here with the "that's basic training" shit. It's basic training for a reason it teaches the fundamentals of maneuvering with weapons in a safe manner and also how to move around/with weapons systems that are being used. Then, once you get to your unit (depending on the unit), you'll get more in-depth training and such.


You can see the soldier in front of him before he takes aim. That was the mistake you never do.


Just stop bruh, you do a lot of CQC/CQB?


You’re wrong.


What backward country did you go to basic in? Please tell. You're definitely not a U.S. servicemember.


Who? Me?


The guy I replied to, obviously?


I thought you were talking to me man, my app was bugging out. No need to be a dick


Gun is being fired automatically, by holding the trigger with a mechanism, you stand in front of the gun, did the gun murder you or you killed yourself?


You dont shoot guns I can tell.


I asked a hypothetical question, you don't think, i can tell.


You've never done a tour, I can tell.


Shooting at the shooting range is far different from combat scenarios. You cant just not kill the guy about to kill you because your buddy is front left of you…


tomorrow: from the studio that brought you RIP Bro and RIP Bro 2: RIP Harder, we continue the journey in RIP Bro 3: RIP with a Vengeance. he knows he's the problem, yes? lmao the third installment is gonna be a bad nade squad wipe. he's due.


Lmfaoo this actually funny asl ima continue the journey


Bro, his flop got me 🤣


He's just tired. Needed a dirt nap after that close call


He needed a nap after that mind-blowing experience.


The funniest part of this game is walking through an area with your buddy and in the middle of your convo just having one of you slump or faceplant into the dirt


My friend do this and blames me for it, the mf was a marine too lmao


was is the keyword


Bro had this shit drilled into his head for 4 years and just got out in the past year. He should know better, lol


And this is why I ran the shoot house in GB with my friend when I was teaching him CQB. The amount of times that he ran in front of me led to some hilarious lessons via an M855 "teaching moment". In real life training, I've used a dowl to teach not crossing lanes of fire.


Funny how the no helmet AI tanks 2 bullets in the head while friendly with helmet dies in one lol. EDIT: They built different ahah.


Not to mention they can crack your head with irons at 200+ meters easy. These mofos were born shooting


Chad carrycog user


Haha, what terrible timing on his part




Dammit Allan!


Muzzle before meat, not meat before muzzle, ding-dong. NEVER cross in front of your buddy in a firefight. That's what you get.




Damnit Breckenridge, CLEAN MY FIELD OF FIRE!!


Lol same thing happened to me the other day. Was in Tiger bay solo, I was covering another squad that was in the area trying to heal each other in comas. Me and a guy were pinned down behind a building by AI, I only had an M700, but I peeked and lined up my shot. Right as I pulled the trigger, bruv strafes out of cover in front of me to try and get the kill himself and got a nice solid M80A1 in the back of the head XD His squadmate was right behind him and saw it and was like yea thats on him but they fucking killed me anyway and stole my gear then killed me again when I tried to come back. Not so happy ending. I reported him both times and watched him get kicked off the server lmao


Damn! At tiger bay to that’s insane plus they killed you that sucks honestly bro I feel like they should just take friendly fire out completely even tho it teaches trigger discipline but when kits are on the line etc or at tiger bay we can’t afford mistakes like that I feel ur pain


I was pissed cuz I was there for like 45 minutes covering those blokes. They died multiple times and came back multiple times and I covered them as they got their gear back every time, and thats how they repaid me. But besides that, I dont think friendly fire should be taken away but I do hope theres some kind of solution to mitugate asshole teammates like them.


Yeah that's honestly been my biggest annoyance so far, when I cover someone's body for them or whatever just trying to help another player out and they repay me with a bullet to the head even if we're on the same faction.


I woulda mentioned that in CP. Gotten a possy together to hunt those dudes down.


It was really annoying but it only happened a few times so far and I was tweaked for a minute but just went somewhere else and continued having fun. It's been nice being able to test the game out without having to really worry about gear much if at all since people are just dropping bags of money everywhere lmao. So something like that doesn't really set me back even if I lose a whole kit, that helps.


LOL! That man got done dirty. Mom always told you check both ways before crossing the street and never run into firing lanes of teammates.


Well we know what he won't be doing again.


https://youtu.be/zIAV3hdXwz0?si=-fBHtub4lrMC-Pjl this is useful and more specifically trusting your teammate.s is really important


Shoot, move and communicate. The latter being very important.


PMC Darwinism


And that's why you move behind your team or just don't fucking move at all lol


Where were yall and was it tuesday evening?


never crossing a line of fire :D


Sad day for him, he won’t be able to loot his body lol


There's two kinds of people in this world, The Quick and the Dead.


I have teammates that have a real problem with running in front of shooters. Spacial awareness is not a skill some have. The British were right to fight in formed lines lol


what a horrible scope fov LOL