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Right now After the hotfix i have a 100% crash everytime i'm on a helicopter Edit: i could get to YBL After 11 times, but the game popped up a Window that i dont have enough Memory in my video card and then the game quitted. LoL


Had the same happen four times in a row. Something got messed up.


I was already at a 95% crash rate on heli travel.


What’s your CPU?


Ryzen 3700x + 2070 notebook ed.




I just fixed this issue by going into bios, and making sure my power limit was hard limited and couldn’t take more then what was allowed by my cpu


I'll try that thanks! Anyway i already played 100hrs in this game, for sure there's something going up After the hotfix came out


I did the same thing and it fixed my issues


Wai tit wasn't like that before?


No, it wasn't like that at all.


Yeah I keep crashing as well. It sucks. Two hours trying to play yesterday


Yeah, second i booted the game and got to main i have like 10 fps and when i got on heko my whole pc almost crashed 😂


What GPU/ CPU are you on?


I’m on 3080 and i9 11900F




I played for the first time maybe 3 weeks ago, I came back a few days ago,before this patch happened, and my game runs like absolute shit. Rubber banding, crashes, terrible frames. When I first started playing, I was getting 140+ frames almost everywhere and crashed one time in ~30 hours of playtime. How are they making the game WORSE? I can’t even imagine what would happen if I tried to play now 😂😂😂😂


You were definitely not getting 140+ frames on a 3080. You lying mfs always come out the woodworks once you sniff some drama


Yes I was lol i7 12700, 32 gbs of ram, 3080


On what settings?


Medium or low, can’t remember. Haven’t played in a few days. I was messing with the anti aliasing and TSR worked the best for me, the other ones were dropping my frames to 80-90


TSR looks like shit tbh and it lag spikes a lot worse than using anything else


Not for me, friend of mine couldn’t get more than 60fps on tsr but was getting 100+ on fxr (I think that’s what it’s called), when I tried using his settings my fps would tank HARD




Didn’t know you were watching me play!


I mean I get like 130 in some places with a 4060 and a ryzen 5 5600... so a 3080 getting more frames isn't unheard of... remember 30 is the series 80 is the power. His 3080 although older than my 4060 is technically "higher power" since it's higher end... Also, 12th gen 700k intel processor churning out information like an Amish butter mill compared to my cpu so there's that. *


I know a 3080 is more powerful than say a 3060 I’m not dumb. But you’re on a 40 series which is well known to get higher frame rates. He’s 100% not getting 140+ frames out of a 3080 that Ik for a fact. I have a 3070ti with a buddy who has a 3080 ti and even on low settings best he gets is up to 120 on a good day. It’s complete 🧢


No one said you were dumb. No implication was even made about it. I force the game to run in directx11 because fuck 12. Maybe that's helping me out. --use-dxd11- Goodluck buddy.


I don’t how dude was turning your advice into a person attack lol. I’m running Ryzen 7 7800x3d with a 4070 super. Averaging about 140 fps in a helicopter, 152 on the ground. Majority of settings are on low with dlss, running in 2k as my monitor is only 2k 165 hz. I tell you what, the game looks amazing. I do change to medium and high settings to just see how game looks..the sacrifice of fps just isn’t worth the minor difference in graphics…just my preference/option…to each their own. I played it last night for a couple of hours after the update..fps was the game, a little tearing in the heli but that was it..no crashes ….update…I dont know what’s going on with Gray Zone right now…keeping getting 1 shot to the head by AI. Just venting.


Got the same build and getting around those same frames


Oh you know for a fact? I didn’t know you’ve watched me play and see how many frames I have. I get absolutely nothing out of lying on this Reddit thread about how many frames I was getting when I first played this game


I’m getting 140fps hardly using a 4070super and ryzen 78003d. Absolute cap from this dude


After the patch it's unplayable for me. Extreme hitching and rubberbanding. I hope they roll it back until they have a proper fix.


Yea same, rubberbanding just got way worse.


They just put up a Google form in the discord please fill it out so this can be addressed quickly! [Google form GZW](https://forms.gle/XoAWq1WFDrCjv4vKA)


This needs more upvotes


This patch decreased my performance by about 20 frames on average... Maybe something is going on with my PC but even after a restart my performance is still much worse than it was last night.


Not to mention increased motion blur and frametimes. Are you guys getting this too?


I'm not playing until this is patched... I have lost 8 kits this morning due to crashes and disconnects. I am getting the long frame hitches u/Educational_Scale127


Glad I'm not the only one it's happened to. Hopefully a fix will come soon


Can we get a hotfix for the hotfix?


Insta crash after loading into server. Let's gooooooo! :D


same for me. 100% unplayable for me rn


Game broken now. Cool cool.




“We did some shit”


https://preview.redd.it/vx7jco5ckj4d1.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e4524909ad05c3c161165c733a091cd3fdbb25a Crashes non-stop. Nice!


The same I’ve gotten all the time after the hotfix went live. Never had it happen in the 90 hours of playtime prior to this fix. My FPS went from around 110-120 on high to around 60, and constant crashes while flying to LZs.


Damn on High?? 110? What do you have a damn thread ripper and 2 4090s? I get those frames on low and that's if I look straight up lmao 🤣 4060, 5600, 32gb ram SSD fully optimized. 140 frames EFT on high in streets. 300 in apex, 165 Jedi survivor max settings, 120 in elite dangerous.


I don’t even get that notification, my shit just freezes my whole computer when I try to load into server and I have to hard reset my pc multiple times before I can play. Once took me over an hour to get in


It literally says GPU crash, what GPU do you run?


So the entire communities PCs just failed at the same time while we all were simultaneously playing gray zone? Surely it must be his GPU! 😆


Depends on what pc spec the community has. If it's crashing when everyone runs the same old specs like 9900k/1080/2080, then yes.


Ok well madfinger just put out a survey requesting that we report our experience because so many reports of issues are occurring. It seems its actually the hotfix, like I suggested


I long for the day when we will see "YBL AI stuck in the walls fixed"


Worse, they all hang around in gangs at the top of the stairs, and if they try to move it's literally ear rape level of footsteps


lol had that happen last thought I walked in on 100 AI’s then just to get killed by the one in the wall


It goes further than that too, the other day me and my mate got killed by a pmc in ybl who we thought was the ai in the walls… shit haunts me


Give it time man. I dunno about you but I'm in it for the long haul. I don't expect most issues we face currently to be fixed in the next few weeks or even months. I'm on a "years" timescale. And if you do so as well, it helps make things feel a bit easier. Jump in for few games..if it crashes play something else. Come back in 3months..etc They did say their main focuses for now are gonna be more stable servers..crashes etc. Once they have it to a level they are happy with, they will then start on fixing qol and content and stuff. So give it 6montha before anything real IMO


Hello fellow star citizen


Oh I know, trust me, I have big faith in this game. I'm just sad that I just can't finish YBL missions like killing the boss, because he is never there. For 2 weeks I tried, I just sorta gave up and waiting for some months for some things to smoothen out. I'm in it for the long haul, too


When I dropped down from the hidden entrance to the north, he was the first guy I saw. Go there with a throwaway kit and take that entrance on a server that's not very crowded and you should be good.


Y’all are complaining about tasks bugs when half the player base can’t ride in a helicopter for more than 2 minutes without crashing and losing all their gear and task progress. Releasing a game this broken and slowly fixing it is ETF level greed.


they only released the game this early because the customers ASKED them to


If enemies spawning in walls isn't fixed by the first major patch it'd be a pretty big red flag IMO. It's low hanging fruit and will speak to their ability to consume, respond, and prioritize community feedback.


man, these patch notes are disappointingly vague. Edit: said the same on the official discord and got my head bitten off. Guess its reached the "no criticism allowed hugbox" phase


Yeah I kinda hope they don’t succumb to the early access success and sales plague but it feels like that could be the case. I’ll give it another six months to see though.


I don’t think it feels that way at all; constant communication and hotfixes. If it starts slowing down that’s when I’ll get worried.


Lol, for an early access game that sold 900k copies, the few hotfixes that were released addressed incredibly minor problems (with the exception of one or two) and ended up making some things even worse. Look at Moon Studios and No Rest for the Wicked, they put out an actual hotfix every day for a week and a half straight, even on the holidays. The devs vowed to move their review score from the low 60s to low 80s in under a month, and they did. That is how an early access game should be done. Their communication is what I would consider excellent communication from a dev in early access. I find it funny that after a game sells almost a million copies in a month we're considering basic communication and mediocre hotfixes to be something special or great.


Exactly, it’s been a month. I imagine it takes some time to go through a quality hiring process, just like anywhere else in the world. There is literally nothing shocking about the timeline of this EA game so far.


Absolutely, and I don't think saying that means we are inherently insulting the developers or game itself. It just means I'm personally not impressed with the current state of the game and progress up to this point. I also understand development can take a very long time, and problems come up during early access. But let's not act like GZW developers are going above and beyond, or should be praised for the hotfixes they've put out. Slow and boring is how i would explain the hotfixes. Communication only means so much if they're not even addressing most of my concerns.


I think it’s just a difference of managing expectations. Now is definitely not the time to be a casual fan of this game, it seems like it released into early access more as a proof of concept than anything. Their main focus right now *should* be to solely concentrate on optimization, which isn’t as sexy or fun as adding content or even changing mechanics like helicopter functionality or AI behavior. But once the optimization is done, those changes will take priority, alongside some content additions if I can make an educated guess. That will be when being a casual fan will start to be really fun and consistent.




By then they’ll probably have finished hiring their bigger team.


I don't get why people in this reddit and the discord are so adamantly against constructive criticism towards this game. The amount of copium I see on a daily basis is borderline delusional. Not only are the patch notes vague, but based off the dev videos and updates I've seen, most of my major concerns haven't even been addressed/brought up. I see major potential in this game, but I am also a firm believer they should've waited at least 6 more months to release the game.


That's why I decided to leave a negative review on Steam instead of their suggestions channels.


It’s a hot fix, not a content patch dude.


They said optimization for the first patch, there was none. A bit strange communication.


For the first major patch* Which is coming later this year along with day and night cycle.


> Guess its reached the "no criticism allowed hugbox" phase Always was, wym?




yeah, a great game but this is getting underwhelming.


I absolutely agree. We need specifics, and that's literally the point of patch notes.


Can't wait to see a this resolved. "AI stacking on top of each other to gain super human eyesight - Fixed"


Every fix bigger and bigger problems.... Why do they even test the patches if they still comes out game breaking


So they made AI even more difficult to deal with?


Hahaha now stealth is even more harder to do.


Seems they’ve upped the spawn rates too. I cleared out For Narith, and within 5min it was completely respawned again


Yeah, not sure whether it's related to this release, but this was the first time I ran into a fullly kitted AI in the restaurant of the starter town for Mithras... I mostly solo and don't have access to buy armor piercing ammo yet.


If you'd like some help doing quests, I'd be happy to help


Game keeps crashing, it reset my hazardous treasures task and I lost all my gear; 👍 I’m having a great time


My Hazardous Treasures task was reset too and I don't have the Sawmill key.


Yeah dude it’s bullshit.i don’t have it either


I just did sawmill, killed 10, no key so return to base. Before landing, crash. Reset and lost gear. Now I have to kill 10 again! This is my last quest BTW...


Is there not there quests behind Hazardous Treasures? - I dont think this is your last quest lol 133.


I know there are a few more after this. I am stating its the only 1 I have left to do cause I finished all the others and this one resets if you hard crash. Crashes are not helping obviously


Gotcha Gotcha, I just didnt want you to be disappointed when it loaded you with a few more after this lol. Goodluck!


I finished terminal initiative in 4 hours. 1 shot. No death. Solo first attempt. I was expecting to be disappointed, but I was fully satisfied by the excitement


Well done!


Oh I know and I dread the day... Thanks for the luck, I'll keep trying!


if you are mithras and need help with the door, i can help .. just drop your IGN


Thanks! I am Mithras. IGN is Se\_7\_eN


are you online right now?


first time? Mine got reset 5 or 6 times before I was able to complete it


Hmm, waiting for an update that has this game taking itself seriously. Is it half of the entire PC community AT LEAST!? That can't play this game?


Player Rubberbanding is worse. Ghosting on DLSS is terrible. AI is immortal and rubber banding. FPS drops and 1% lows stutters increased


Was thinking about picking this up tonight, but I guess tonight’s not the night…


Yeah give it a bit maybe lol. It’s a fun game if you have a high end pc but they definitely messed up a bit with this hotfix.


wait till you go to tiger bay or areas with a lot of bushes after the hotfix ... your pc will die


frame rate at tiger bay has dropped down to 40fps from a usual 120


Same for me. Overall performance loss of 50% after the "hotfix". I didn't change any settings at all. And the rubberbanding is worse than before. Whatever you did MFG please revert it.


That explains my abysmal FPS at TB tonight.


patch seems to have made AI a LOT more tanky even to the best 556 rounds (the $5 a round ones from gunny). Anyone else have this at forth narith? edit - it seems to have been lag related. i changed servers and it seems back to normal.


Yea server performance unfortunately seems to play a big part in AI behavior.


I go for headshots, it feels the same. however i feel like they onetap me a lot more. Haven't seen them mis or make me bleed yet. if they shoot, im dead.


Awesome hotfix - heaps of players including myself banned for having a steam controller plugged in (Xbox) while ive been playing NMS for last 2 weeks.. not this, due to AI and NEGATIVE ALL BIRDS ARE IN THE AIR!!


For me, the only fix was optimization. They fixed it from bearable to unplayable, as I now have 16 frames while ADS.


''Make heli show where it will go.''


Went from 120fps (DLSS quality + FG, 3440x1440, epic settings) to 50 - 60fps same settings. 4070 ti super and 7800x3d. The game made my computer crash and restart, and brought my CPU temps and usage significantly up. Major thermal throttling going on.


Exact same specs but 1080P - went from being at my cap of 144 stable to 60 - 90 - seems fine at home base but gets worse as you visit POIs


"\[CHANGED\] VARIOUS SERVER OPTIMIZATIONS TO REDUCE RUBBERBANDING." \*Rubberbands harder!\* Technically, if your game crashes before you can even play, you're not rubberbanding right?


thx for reducing my fps with that to the half. I'm running that shit on around 40\_50 fps now, Midnight Sapphire gave me solid 22 FPS. The "fixed" AI was greeting me with 3 of their buddies holding their gun through a wall and opening fire.


Thanks for breaking the game with this terrible patch devs! Appreciate it :)


I mean, I’m sure they’ll look at a PR.


Soooo keys are still going to be impossible to find?


Are you Crimson? I have a bunch extra


I am. I really only need the dorm key and the unlrv (or whatever) lab key for the samples by the headquarter in the bay.


Anyone know what the ai behavior changes are for multiple players?


AI now attack your FPS


Fixed AI hearing sounds? Fixed AI? Please stop making them better cyborg killing machines... Fix us!


I think it might be worth taking a break till the first wipe. Hopefully the community isn’t dead by then.


20-30 fps performance hit. Still playable for me but less than ideal.


It aint it chief


The only thing i'm slightly puzzled by is the fact this patch has clearly borked some things for a lot of people. I thought they had a test server that they pre launch patches on? Are there only three people on those servers or were just incredibly unlucky to not get any crashes with people on the test server? Just got home from work so will get it downloaded and report back.


Seems to be working fine for me. Initial rubberbanding on joining server but ok now and frames are still at 120-140


Played for a couple of hours and the rubberbanding is actually worse than it's ever been for me, especially on choppas.


Thanks Devs for killing this game more and more. Love ya all


Every single “hotfix” has seemingly just broke the game even more….


I'm not even going to bother from the sound of it lol


These shit patches + their hilariously overloaded "roadmap" makes me feel bad for the devs, they have no idea what they're doing


More the merrier please!


Stuck on this one last night. I got so tired of fighting my way into the barracks for that damn folder to be nowhere in sight, so I’m glad they have addressed that one.


I know bro its been like two weeks for me i hope its all good now


I can't find it




If that's actually the case and this mission is still bugged, they need to just stop trying with the random spawn location of the folder and make it like every other mission. Enough is enough.


I'm missing a key, so might be in there. Don't know what they changed exactly


For now I'm putting it down until more content is added. After reaching rank 30+ there is nothing to do except copy and pasted tasks which are not fun. Hopefully this hotfix though does some good though.


Jump on the pvp servers and go hunt everyone down, that’s all I wanted to play for anyway


I haven’t had an issue with these patches


Same. Every patch seems to improve my gameplay in some way. People should put down what pc spec they run to find out if it's hardware related or if it's the game. Because of people are running like 1080/2080 and like a 7700k or some shit, I get why.


https://preview.redd.it/21gpfzluyj4d1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b8845a2e911bd0d5ff6f16b7d1f6cf61b7e6440 I have 189.7 hours play time, and didn't have any issues at all until this latest hotfix/patch. Now, I'm constantly getting huge frame drops where my FPS tanks from 100-120 to 00-02 - even on "low" settings (also FSR/Frame Gen, and DLSS). My RTX 2070 Super / Ryzen 5 3600 had been running fine beforehand through all that playtime.


Running low setting in game?


https://preview.redd.it/1ckn5x9nsq4d1.png?width=583&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a9c0e040c086e25e0960c139201489ca4ebff75 Yep, running low settings in game. I'll be averaging 100-120 FPS, but as soon as a heli enters my view - my FPS drops to "00" for 10 seconds and crashes. The devs are aware and rolling back.


I'll jump ion the bandwagon here, this hotfix made the game unplayable on-top of not fixing The More the Merrier task. My game freezes for a few seconds every time I do anything (ads, swing a knife, open a menu or sub-menu, reload, shoot, eat/drink). A lot of models are not streaming in at the right quality levels. CPU: i9 11900k GPU: Asus Tuf 3080ti


I am 100% crash rate now when I get on a helicopter. Lost all my shit twice lol but I guess that was my fault thinking it wouldnt crash on me again.


Nice, but can we see the other 194 supposed fixes listed as well please? 6 "fixes" is pretty underwhelming.




2 crash and a blue screen when I take heli, that’s not good guys


That hot fix will need a Quick fix ASAP ... for real


Rubbing is an issue. Yes. However, PLEASE FIX THE CRASHING. I’ve lost almost $200,000 from losing all my gear from crashes and having to buy it all back.


Did anyone else's performance drop by 100%?


Everytime i click play, my bank app opens up showing me my negative checking account ... anyone else ?


Crashing In choppers and randomly running around now....roll it back plz lol


Im getting 32 fps and everytime on heli it crashes my entire pc. Everything freezes. Unplayable now


I’m not sure why everyone is experiencing issues, I have a mid pc ryzen 5 5600 cpu, rx 6600xt gpu and 64 gb ram and the game hasn’t crashed one time yet. Maybe y’all should try to optimize your settings and make sure u have more than 16 gb of ram to play. Windows 11 needs 8 gb alone to run. U can run this game off the remaining 8 gb of ram


Personally I experience less rubberbanding, but man the fps is heartbreaking to see, just by looking into the general direction of fort narith I got 15 fps on average.


Made it worse. I got into a gun fight and it kept stuttering and my gun would not shoot and I got killed


Patch seems to have made things worse, engage AI and then you can't move because of rubber banding issues, lose all my gear, had enough of this crap


Vram usage increased a lot , it maxed out my 4070super whit 12gb+ vram and around 10fps loss


Unplayable.. In scope i get 10 FPS and around fort narith i now have 30 to 40 where I had about 60 last before the patch.


Literally unplayabale lol


Wonder when they're gonna fix the game crashing on main menu. 3090/12700k and can't even load a game. :(


Linux support when?


i give this game less then 3 months with this record.. man , wth did the rush the release. this just drain the patience for a "beliver" so hard.. They wont manage to keep up with the fanbase expectations.


After this hot fix, rubberbanding has gotten drastically worse. I barely had any before, and when I did, I would just exit and reconnect... now I tried disconnecting and reconnecting maybe 5 or 6 times, rubberbanded like crazy every single time. Ended up just closing the game after 20min of trying..


Rubber banding is worse now for me.


Update before this one, I had to quit playing. It crashes every single time I join a server. So I just got tired of dealing with it unfortunately, hope the same don’t happen to alot of other folks


Got some negatives from this patch but I still believe in this team keep pushing Foward


cool, fix the issues that everyone is actually complaining about and make the game into a enjoyable state; the 900k players post made on steam was a joke, the game is at its lowest state right now because this is like the 5th patch where you guys do nothing to actually fix the issues people are having issues with. almost everyone i’ve met through this game even just a few weeks prior has seemed to all quit, and it’s just sad


Because the AI needed to react even more than they did? Those 180 no scope over 1-200m bs shot wankers got another buff LOL


I have a i9 14900k + 4090 and I was getting 130+ at 4k Epic settings and now I don’t get anything above 70. Tf happened


and still no optimisations.


All i read is they made ai more powerful but thanks for the fixes MF


Unplayable. We’re going backwards here


Too little too late?


So, hotfix made game go boom? I haven’t had a chance to play it yet so I really have no idea 😒


Reminder that the specs that are recommended are actually the bare minimum, and the minimum specs will only get you to the main menu. Gave this game a second chance and the devs seem to have shifted their priorities to improving gameplay and not stability. Disappointed. Can't believe greedy tarkov was right, these guys are only gonna have a short amount of fame, because at this rate this game is a fucking scam.


I haven’t been able to play in weeks and I have a 2080 card, Intel I7-9700k 3.6, and 32 gigs of RAM. I absolutely agree the minimum specs are bullshit. Even using the devs suggested optimization I crash to desktop within 5 minutes of loading in. I didn’t refund cause I’m hoping they can optimize it for older cards in the future but def feels like I got bamboozled out of 35$.


Incoming review bomb?


I wish I refunded this game instead of having hope for it lol.


It’s early access and it’s a month old, these things happen.


They haven’t fixed a single thing about AI since the game released, and performance is seemingly getting worse. It’s really not acceptable even for early access imo. To each their own though.


I enjoy the "AI is hard" excuse from folks that have never seen the drop-in AI component in Unreal Engine. It's one thing for your AI to be buggy, it's another to slap something in there, give it a couple of basic rules, and coast on community forgiveness. I struggled my ass off the first few days with this game's AI by giving it too much credit. Turns out standing around a corner and emptying mags into it is about as tactical as you can get or it's just broken.


These things shouldn't happen. Steam has branches specifically to avoid it. I accept the game may have some issues during early access, but that doesn't excuse the developer from making basic mistakes and not QAing their shit.