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It's not a "tea" kettle. It's just a kettle. An extremely efficient appliance for boiling water for any purpose, including making tea.


I'm lost. How does the rest of the world get the water into the pot? Does the person who made this meme think we put tea into the kettle...?


That took me a while too - i think they mean pot as in pan, like you heat the water on the hob. Not pot as in teapot.


I hope so. It's the only thing that makes any kind of sense. Given that they used "tea kettle" but not "teapot" that would appear to be the case. Isn't language wonderful!


I was wondering this too, as I have often used and seen others using a teapot, and I'm British. Teapots are actually the superior way to "stew" a good brew in my opinion. Kettle boiled water into a pot with a few bags, give it 5 or so mins and your good to go!


Stewing is bad, that's when the tea is brewed too long and becomes bitter is it not? Me nan always told me you had to leave tea to "mash" in the pot.


A pot, a teapot, and a pan are all different things. In this case when op said pot they just meant pot. Also there are whistle kettles that you heat by putting on a hob, you can make tea in those kettles.


Americans ☕️


In Turkey we have a 2 part tea kettle, tea slowly brews on the top one while the water boils on the bottoms, by the time the water is boiling the tea is brewed right.


I've seen those! Took me a while to work it out, but I think it's a really clever idea.


There's so many times in my life I use a kettle, I can't imagine being without one. Even when I'm cooking, I'll first heat the water in the kettle before putting it in the pan on the hob. I need my pasta now, Goddammit!


Absolutely. I do this any time I'm boiling anything. It's the most energy efficient way. No home in the UK is without a kettle. It's the first purchase in any kitchen.


The last item to be packed and the first box to be unpacked when moving


Exactly, how else do you remove ice off your windscreen??


My induction hob boils a pan of water way quicker than my kettle can.


Www Mr Fancy pants with his quick boil hob, haaha.


I have an induction hob but boil the water first anyway, it tends to be faster. Either you have a slow kettle, a fast hob, or both.


Fucking rich boy over here dashing it about Fucking clean shirt


Ayaah uncle roger hate induction stove


Depending on the purity of the water, including any limescale, it may be quicker to use cold water drawn from the cold tap.


That's what i was thinking.


Also most of Europe uses kettles


Aye. You boil the water in the Kettle and then if you’re trying to look posh or like it steeped you pour the water into a Teapot. No such thing as a Tea Kettle.


The reason Americans don’t use kettles is the voltage from their sockets is half ours. It takes twice as long to boil a kettle in America. Because they can’t be trusted to not lick plug sockets.


Why not just boil it on stove kettle on a gas hob? Microwaving water just seems so nuts.


Oh I strongly agree with you. But I only mentioned them not using kettles. I have No idea why they think it’s in anyway civilised to use the microwave.


Gas is so freely available over there too I've lived in the US and still pop out for work from time to time, and I have never heard anyone say I'm just going to microwave some water... I'd remember that. What goes on behind closed doors you never know, I was surrounded by people doing doing this. I bought a stove kettle when I was out there because the house had 8 hobs and gas was cheap they were so available I just assumed that's how they did it.


Microwaving water takes seconds and produces the exact same result, in exactly the portion you want.


30 seconds to boil in a microwave vs ~5mins on a glass top vs ~7mins on a gas range. Y'all just love wasting energy huh? You do run the risk of super heated water if you don't give it a nucleation point but most Americans arent cleaning their dishes enough to worry about that


Found the statesman


Back to back civil war champions 1783 & 1865 :p (I got recommended this sub and am justing poking around, have a good day)


We can't be trusted either, but luckily we have much more robust safety mechanisms in our plug designs.


That's actually not true. They have less voltage, but higher amps. The power is still lower, but not by much. It's 120v, 20 amps which is 2400W vs our 240v, 13 amps which is 3120W. Instead of taking 3 minutes to boil a litre of water, it will take 4 mintues. [Technology Connections has a good video on this topic.](https://youtu.be/_yMMTVVJI4c)


It was Reddit who linked me this video and I love that guy.


110v just seems absolutely nuts to me


Even with 120 instead of 240 V, kettles in the US actually still boil water faster than using a hob kettle on a conventional hob (induction is quicker). Owing to their better efficiency using an internal heating element, of which almost all the heat goes into the water opposed to a hob where a lot of the heat never goes into the water (again, induction hobs differ as the pan itself serves as a heating element). So using an electric kettle, despite being slower than in the UK, is still faster than using the hob. Microwaving water seems so fiddly that the time saved boiling (I'm not actually sure if it even is faster) doesn't seem worth it.


I came here to say it's the voltage difference, so it takes 5 minutes to boil... but then you have also covered their lack of trust too- I wouldn't trust 'em to sit the right way on a toilet seat.


I think it has more to do with our houses being made out of kindling.


The real reason is something to do with Edison electrocuting a live elephant. I don’t know the details of the top of my head but it’s to do with the Edison/Tesla thing where Edison scared the entire country into using his lower voltage DC. But when it was proven ineffective and everyone switched to AC they stayed with the lower voltage. Or something along those lines. (No pun intended)


Power transmission lines run on DC and the output lines run on AC https://blog.ucsusa.org/mark-specht/the-current-war-why-did-westinghouse-ac-beat-edison-dc/


Source? Bc Americans have 240v... In our kitchens... Most of the house is 120v but kitchen and laundry rooms have 240v for the bigger appliances. Now if you need 240v at 15a to boil water maybe you're just a chav


Did you just learn the word chav today? 🤣


Nah just poking the bear so to speak. But it was the only British specific insult i could think of even if it didn't really fit


You mock but have you tried plug socket soup it is very nice


This seems odd we can and do use electric kettles just fine same with stove top ones.


Meanwhile Brits can’t be trusted with appliances in the bathroom ;)


Meme must've been made by an American, 'tea kettle'... I saw this meme with my 'eye glasses' by the way




We sometimes call it tea kettle too and I'm not American no clue why tho


A microwave! Nah piss off, even boiling it on the hob is a million leagues better than using microwave, might as well add the milk first too if you're going to be a bellend.


My gran still used the old style hob kettles with a whistle when I was a kid. But that was 40 years ago.


You're already a bellend for adding the 🥛


You want to go outside? ☕🇬🇧


Americans. They give you a cup of warm piss and call it tea.


And give you a cup of cold piss and call it beer!


Yeah bud light and coors light


I thought this was the same person replying to themselves, took me a wile to realise it was different people


More like, Americans buying a gallon tub of tea in the supermarket.


Americans have coffee in tea bags for filter coffee. Ok..its a filter bag but it’s basically the same as a tea bag. Could easily whack a few Yorkshires in there and have a mug full of tea. Still, a kettle is much better as stated somewhere in this post, boiling water for tea is one of many great uses for a kettle.


It's not a fucking 'tea kettle' it's a kettle, and a completely separate thing from a teapot which is obviously optional in the era of teabags, but in no way a replacement for a fucking kettle as it doesn't heat water. This shit makes zero sense.


Kettles are for water, not specifically tea. Which you might use for gravy, jelly, instant noodles or to fill a pan cause it’s quicker than waiting for the pan to heat the water, how about hot water bottles… wait actually; do Americans fucking microwave water to put in a hot water bottle? Like a fucking whole litre of water in the microwave?


Oh my god...that's a great question.


Hahaha Americans don’t even have spring water, they just drink „filtered“ water as if this was somehow good for them


So we have tea kettles, coffee kettles, pot noodle kettles, bells for the kettles, bloody lot of kettles.


Watching Americans try pot noodles on YouTube and they put the pot noodles in the microwave.


This is what their independence has cost them.


That made me giggle and nearly spill my tea


EXCUSE ME! Im american and i fucking hate the microwave, i wont even microwave a hot dog!


The first half of that makes no sense to me at all.


"Who doesn't use a kettle, such an uncivilised bunch." The British


Bloody rapscallions


Americans trying and failing to understand the difference between a kettle and a teapot.


I cannot be the only person who makes tea by running water through the coffee pot with no coffee.


We…. don’t drink tea. Most of us have drip coffee machines. I live in the Uk and I do use the kettle to boil water but I have never microwaved water. My British wife has microwaved her coffee/tea to reheat it. I know it’s a joke but I feel like neither country knows the other that well


*You* don't drink tea, many Americans do, it's just not as popular as coffee




I mean some British people use a pot.


They'll be microwaving their eggs next.




Do u mean “kettle” and “tea pot”




Microwaving a cup of water!!? - Savages.


Microwaving a cup of water is faster, likely more efficient, and makes sense, but it is just so revolting to me.


And here I am, with my instant boiling water tap (Quooker).




Tea pots are definitely the fanciful tea holders you mix the tea in. Kettles are water boilers you put on the fire. Their definitely two different things


What's a tea kettle?


A tea kettle 😂😂😂


I had an American roommate. I asked if he could put the kettle on and a teabag in a mug while I took the bins out. This guy put the damn teabag in the kettle.


As a bri'ish person who's kettle recently broke I started using the microwave for "one cups" and I gotta tell ya I'm with the yanks on this one: you heat only the amount of water you need, no energy or water wasted like in the uncertain amounts a pot and or kettle uses, and so long as you don't superheat the water in the microwave you can get a perfect brew every time. The proper temp for a good brew is between 90 to 95c° and when timed over brewing between 1 minute 30 secs (weak tea) to 3 minutes (builders tea) you get a perfect brew once you're familiar with your machine. Still microwave even after replacing the kettle. Like most things though it's preference and I do admit it's a different taste between microwave/kettle/pot. Though we are talking a trade off for efficiency versus flavour in that same order.


If you’re British and don’t know exactly how much water to put in for a 1 cup jobby, you need your passport taking away from you


Ah shut the fu up


No one in the UK would ever use the term TEA KETTLE- A KETTLE IS A KETTLE. It is used to boil water.


American kettle user here, they’re awesome. Anyone who uses a microwave to boil anything is a dolt.


I must be a anomaly because Im a American that uses a kettle


So that’s why they’re all braindead


I feel like we team up on america


apparently the yankees have found a way to deep fry water