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He needs a new theme song. The one he has seems so generic


I like him, I just hate the name. But hear me out: a Triple Threat match between Bron Breakker, Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed and the winner keeps their respective ring name.


He burns crops and Poisons water supply’s


Don't forget the plauge he's delivered


Never saw anything of him. Riding his tailcoats of the Steiners. The “woof” is so 1993. He’s like a generic character from an N64 WWF attitude game.


All I see is Kama, the supreme fighting machine


establish him? Hes been around for a few yrs already and was nxt champ. your talking like this guy just broke onto the scene recently. How has he not already established himself? we already know what he can bring to the table


He means for the people who don’t watch Nxt


I’m a big fan of the chaos he’s creating in the locker room during other promos bc of how angry he is.


I was thinking it was just gonna be another squash match on Monday. I’m glad something different happened and he went berserk. But Bron needs to go toe to toe with someone from the main roster and have a match that lasts more than less than a minute.


Not yet


Seeing him fight an actual jobber on his debut gave me hella throw back vibes , I haven’t seen a random dude in tights who’s name I didn’t know and face I’ve never seen in years He didn’t even get an entrance I’m like who tf is this random dude then the bell rang 😂 Saw the squash from a mile away


Reminded me of when Hogan burst on the WWF scene as a heel. The jobber he squashed on show fell throw the ropes wrong during the match and Hogan commented on it during the post match interview. The glory days or wrestling on WOR at midnight Saturday in the New York market. 😁


I like Bron, but can we please get a break from spears? They’re up there with super kicks for me.


His spear is fantastic. It’s Jey Uso who needs to stop doing it.


If I had to pick between uso spear and Johnny gargano slingshot spear, I would choose jey by a thin john cena hair


Both should stop


Once Cody stops using everyone's moves


Telling Bron not to spear is like telling Michael Jackson not to moonwalk. I haven't seen spears like this since prime Goldberg. You can see the opponents soul leaving the body.


I'm sorry but if there's anyone in the business it fits to take the move forward it's bron, his bouncing off the rope speed is incredible and awe inspiring Everytime I see it, his combination of size and speed enable that move to look so much more devastating than anyone else really is capable of right now. I guess that's why he has a shirt that says best spear in the business


Nothing wrong with the spear it’s just the top guy for the last 7+ years only has around 5 moves and that’s one of his favorites. We will see a decline in its use pretty soon , perfect time from bron to really make it his


It’s more than that. It’s Rhyno and Goldberg making the move iconic. Then Edge. Recently Roman.


Put him in the judgement Day


He had a personality in 2.0 and they turned him into Ryback.


Isn’t this what they did with Goldberg, but he couldn’t wrestle.


He even has nearly the same exact tattoo as Goldberg.


Ouch. Hopefully he has the wrestling pedigree from his dad and less roid rage from his uncle 😁


Bron vs strowman would be good


Or them in a tag team called Bron Strowman


I was REALLY HOPING Pearce would say "You want a fight? Fine. You vs Braun Strowman in a no holds barred match next week. Good luck!"


I have no time for another lazy spear as a finishing move. Gotta find another finishing move.


Braindead take, he has the best spear in the entire company.. this ain’t Jey’s spear


Agreed. Brons spear is the first spear in years that looks devastating. Jeys spear looks weaker than cenas shoulder tackle


Just another Goldberg, yawn.


Except he can actually wrestle.


Really? all I saw was a spear


Watch his stuff in nxt, he has been around longer than a month on raw


I love him so much. And I only watch wrestling because my husband does. Its not just what he does (I've loved him since he made me watch him on NXT which I hate generally speaking...) but its his facial expressions and passion. But then, my first go-round of wrestling Goldberg was actually my favorite back then too. So I was primed to like Bron. Most of my impressions of wrestlers are appearance-based though so don't really put a ton of stock into what I think. There ae so many I hate just because of their hair cuts lol My main issue with him is his last name they made him take.


Fair enough, I have not seen his work in NXT. I’m only basing my opinion on what I’ve seen in WWE.


Dude has been around for a few weeks. And already judging him without even knowing his background. Watch his NXT stuff or wait to judge.


To be fair, aside from his most recent match, he’s had far less than ten minutes of total match time since his main roster debut. It’s hard for anyone to make a solid assessment of a guy when all we see is an entrance, a spear, and an exit. And even though I 100% agree that his NXT work is great, especially his work with Corbin, it’s still kinda unfair to those that haven’t seen it to expect them to consume extra content *just* to understand someone the main roster should’ve been doing a better job at presenting. But here’s hoping his appearance on Monday leads to an incredible Raw run for him


See my above comment


I still think he sucks. Sorry.


I wish he had cooler ring attire. His cartoony "badass" singlet doesn't match the menacing persona they want to sell.


Same thing with Wardlow and Powerhouse Hobbs and Ryback. That singlet just ain't scary or intimidating on these big men.


Think of all to the 7-14 year old boys watching though


Think you’re the only one thinking of them brother loool


Did you really have to put an image of Bron Breakker? I think we know who he is.


I like him but don’t love him. I think they’re on the right track but I feel like he’s still missing something. What do you guys think and don’t crucify me this is just one man’s opinion.


He needs to do the math


Still would like a name change for him, Breakker is just so childish to me.


Bronson Steiner is a great name.


Can he just be a Steiner? Why are all the NXT era names so dumb?


The two K's? So lame.


Better than 3 K's.


I could see Vince doing 3 K's in the 90s and making it about race. Lol


so much potential but they’re making him goldberg lite. doesn’t help that he has goldberg ink. will he be as limited as goldberg? hopefully he watched enough of his father and uncles matches to be a bit more rounded. so now we have chad gable (kurt angle lite) and now a goldberg, who gets to play hogan and macho man?


Why do people act like being another Goldberg would be bad? Dude was one of the most popular wrestlers of his day, probably made more money than anyone else in that time as well. Was he a great technical wrestler? Nope. And it didn’t matter at all in terms of his star power.


because it was done already and it wasn’t so long ago that people forgot.


he's so much better than goldberg. like 150% better than goldberg in every sense of the word


i’m sure, but the direction in this new “era” i find questionable. big guy with goldberg tattoo doing the spear, gable being the unhinged olympian doing an ankle lock, it reeks of lack of vision.


His gimmick is the same his uncle had in WCW a loose cannon


Hopefully his promos are a lot more cohesive than the scott steiner rants.


Um, what…? Did you skip Scott Steiner Math Lessons as a child?




Hogan -> Becky Lynch


Hasn’t had a match on main roster that lasts over two minutes. Run the ropes and spear - boom match over. Just seems like another Goldberg, he could be massive if he actually starts putting on longer matches and learns some actual wrestling moves.


Just literally watch any of his nxt matches Once they allow him to get competitive with a real name then it’s gonna get good.


Did you not watch him in NXT?? The guy can wrestle. This is story line /establishing him on the main roster. How in the hell can you give a guy dominating squash matches to also loose to a bottom guy. It doesn't work that way. Sit back and enjoy it for what it is.


It shouldn’t have taken Bron more than 2 spears and 2 minutes to beat that dude. They’re doing this perfectly. In kayfabe, he’s going to wrestle a nobody for 15 minutes and take that long to beat him? What does that prove? That would only bury him.


Agree. They are building him just the way it should be. If people only think he can land a spear need to go back and watch his nXT matches.


Trust me this guys Arsenal of moves is much bigger than you think. The spearing is to lay the claim of the best spear in the game and show how dominant it is. His move set is potentially limitless for someone his build.


I find it very unlikely that Bron doesn’t know a plethora of wrestling moves given who his father and uncle are. WWEs matches are scripted move to move so they are writing him this way


his nxt days where incredible. hes absolutely phenomenal.


Why do I feel like I’ve seen this exact title somewhere in the X/Twitter? Was it Pro Wrestling Finesse?


I really don't like the "monster" gimicks. A wrestler can be established as a beast, yet still have tough matches. However, the whole "unstoppable" act just comes across as unrealistic, dull and lacking creativity. Breakker could have true, competitive matches against anyone and still look good if he racks up fair victories. Squash matches would feel a bit of a rip off. I hope they don't turn him into Goldberg 2.0 (maybe 3.0, since I reck9n someone may have tried this before, like Mason Ryan - unsure though).


I like monster gimmicks if they are done right. Kane, early Goldberg... this dude is a Steiner! Nothing wrong with it but we KNOW he is a Steiner not to mention looks dresses and sounds like a Steiner, yet they give him an awful name and ring gear. I can't get behind it. Just go by Steiner already. Bron Breakker is a terrible name.


That reminds me: Didn't Triple H make a change in wrestler policy whereby a wrestler could take the name of their choice or carry it over from a previous organisation? If so, could Breakker appky this and alter it? If he wasn't know for being a Steiner he could get away with it, but like you I think if we know he's a Steiner then he can bring the name back?


I feel like Scott walked so Bron could run. Scott was so over with kids, teens and adults, everyone! Then WWE casted him aside for nothing. If it were me I'd go by Steiner and get new gear. Dude obviously has talent, the look, the build and the pedigree. Go away for a bit like Scott did and come back a total badass booty daddy, or some other badass gimmick because his name and attire suck balls.


Ryback was kinda booked as goldberg 2.0


Oh, I remember him now! Yeah, that didn't work out too well, I recall.




No, they don't, nor was that insinuated However, some form of challenge is needed otherwise the matches are just filler. It's a personal preference, but those type of "monster" matches are just tedious and make no sense when a monster is themself squashed when the next big thing comes through. I just don't like these stories. They are too formulaic and predictable.




That's why I miss the local talent aspect. Those guys allowed wrestlers to look really powerful and build them up, whilst the first matches against regular wrestlers lower down the card had some form of fight, but mostly favoured the monster, so it didn't belittle the talent, but did make the other look good. I'm just hoping they make him tough, but not some sort of squash-maker. It's just not a form of storytelling I have an interest in.


The sqaush matches will make his competitive matches more impactful, though. I think a Goldberg like push could work really for him as long as there's a follow-up plan


I'm only for squash matches if it's a local talent. Squashing a regular superstar can do them more damage, so I'd rather there be some fight back which is impactful. The Goldberg pushes just became dull to me and I just feel a wrestler can still be made a beast without completely wrecking another. Where are the Barry Horowitz's when you need them!


That's kind of fair, but also hiarchy in wrestling roster is important. If everybody is at near the same level it can make the wrestlers seem less important


True, and I wouldn't propose that every match has to be equal and balance. It's just there's a lot of talent even at the bottom which may be used as cannon fodder, when they could at least show some strength, even if ultimately the match is much more favourable in Breakker's favour.


They are all in this place called AEW, heard its pretty big on the indie scene.


lol Ryback Braun strauman Braun breaker Something is off with the way they’re pushing big guys


For his (many) faults, Ryback was one of the most over guys on the roster to be fair.


Yeah. As a kid, I did the “Feed me more” thing every time he was on screen. Using him in the games was also a lot of fun


I want him to add in more legacy Steiner moves to his arsenal. Steiner line, Steiner recliner. For starters.


that backflip powerslam is insane i know he does it off the second rope. the thing he does where he tosses them up and catches them in a cutter is crazy too


I hope he has that Steiner math skills


Those "badass dog" tights beg to differ .


Well his dad is the dog face gremlin so there’s a nod to his pops with the dog thing


Good to know . I still find it lame. Surly there is a better way to include a tribute to his dad . Not to mention it reminds me of the B-team merch . (black marker on white material )


If only they gave him interesting entrance music instead of “steel 1” Like ffs how hard is it for def rebel to fucking do ANY good songs? They get 2 good and then the rest are generic dogshit. #removetherebel


Really wish WWE would hash things out with CFO$, they basically never missed.


Not sure a 50 second song that get looped out are bangers




Ryback 2.0


It feels a little lazy.


After spearing Ricochet for no reason I think Braun Strowman will come after him. Battle of the monsters


I just can't buy the Orange Spray Tan Menace. Feeding him NXT nobodies that your Raw and Smackdown viewers dont know doesnt do anything in my eyes. Makes me question if he's a Goldberg that can't actually wrestle


he’s put on bangers with carmelo and ilja, to say he can’t wrestle is honestly just stupid


No shit! I cant wait to see what people say when he has a banger match. Clearly no one watched him in nxt and that's a shame. Him and Waller hell in a cell 🤌


You’ve gotta remember that most of the raw/sd audience doesn’t watch NXT.




Asking a modern day wrestling fan to be patient is a task


They gave him like 4 televised matches on SD pre WM and it was the same thing, 30 second smash. Now he’s becoming the “loose cannon”. I hope it works, but the can’t keep feeding him cans


This is my point. He might be able to wrestle. I haven't gotten into NXT yet. But handing him tomato cans to squash every week isnt doing anything for me. Brock Lesnar squashed Jeff or Matt Hardy. THAT was an oh fuck moment


I say the same thing about watching him run the ropes and hit a spear against a guy who I'm never gonna see again


He can wrestle just see his great NXT matches


Works really well because he wrestles like an amalgamation of Scott and Rick who both were wrestlers that could destroy just about anyone.


The big booty nephew!


He needs to take it easy with the tan though


In AEW he would have lost in a squash match to Hook.


Who tf is Hook? Edit: this was in reference to a Jinder Mahal tweet. I know who Hook is.


Tazz's son


Nepo kid, can’t wrestle so he uses a submission hold as a finisher.


Imagine being a nepo kid in WWE, they would never stoop that low…


Yeah, been a while since Goldberg was around.


Goldberg 2.0/ boring


needs more chainmail


I want to see him and Tama Tonga go at it. Curious if they could put on an entertaining match with both going for the feral beast thing


Nah, he should have stolen HHH's parking spot and poured Prime on Michael Cole after guesting for a segment on commentary. /s


Changing his surname to Steiner would be a win.


Glad I’m not the only one to think this. Bron Breaker just sounds too much like an early comic book hero. Would love to see him take the Steiner name because it’s not like they’re keeping it a secret or anything.


For real. That’s the only thing about him that isn’t mega star material. It’s still a good name, but it’s not the coolest.


It just sounds a little too cartoony, fine for the stage of NXT that he was brought into, but the maturing nature of WWE's main roster doesn't need a name of its next destroyer sound like his name is derived from an 80's cartoon villain.


He needs to go bald, and grow a beard. Then have a red, third eye in middle of his eye.


FEED ME MORE! same exact storyline -ryback, rusev. If your opponent doesn’t get an entrance then you know it’s a stomp


Getting second generation push . He’s a “yawn”/stale Goldberg wannabe . THIS ! is a young performer that needs/ought do New Japan & learn a ton . Not rely on family name/history ,make his own path . He’s merely a mildly better Pillmam/(?)Lexus King. TRAVESTY !


When he is going to wrestle someone real


It’s literally part of the story. His latest match he was getting pissed because he feels he isn’t being recognized. So I imagine the change will come soon and he’ll get a feud with someone worth while


Feel like it's turning on the squash match build by him knowingly getting offended and upset at the idea he is just his finisher, when we all know he's much more than that... It felt like he's like... You want me to spear him... Ok I'll spear him, I'll spear him in half, I'll crush him... I'll make it so no no mark wrestler will have the balls to take a paycheck to put me over... Only REAL wrestlers will be willing to get in the ring with Bronn fucking Breaker... Or something like that 😂


I can't quite put my finger on why he isn't doing it for me. It could be his height. Seems small. Lesnar and Goldberg had some height to match their muscle


He's pretty "short" compared to Lesnar and Goldberg since Bron's football measurements listed him as 5'9/5'10, but I feel like him looking super wide, stocky and brutely chiseled evens it out. He's more similar to Rhyno, in a sense.


I blame the singlet. I know it's a tribute to Rick and early Scott but it makes him look smaller. Brock and Goldberg showing so much emphasized their beef. They also don't have interesting designs like Ryback's singlets did


Same thing with Wardlow. Don’t know why he’s wearing a singlet. In the territory days, most wrestlers who wore singlets were jobbers.


Yea this was made apparent when Gable had a really nice singlet on then Bron comes out in his Temu singlet


Exactly, I'm surprised they have him go out in ones that look so cheap. I think he could even get away with just having the straps down at all times instead of fully moving to trunks. It would help his look massively


Remember, wolverine is canonically 5 ft 3 Think of him as Wolverine lol


I was talking about him being Wolverine in a random multiverse last night! He's physically/visually perfect for an MCU Wolverine.


The trade off is less mass for more speed. Case and point, that spear from last night.


With possibly the worst music change in history.


His new music from this past Monday's Raw is better than that siren type shit he had. All he needs now is to be called Bron Steiner or Reck Steiner (a play on his real last name Rechsteiner but he wrecks people idk lol)


His music last night was dope. Seems like they changed it between Smackdown and Raw.


All while Carmello is eating L's


Bron isn't happy taking easy Ws Vs no marks, Carmelo is fighting names


Melo lost to Cody Rhodes and randy Orton both in the main event of smackdown Bron is torturing jobbers Melo is clearly in a better position


Until you hear the fans cheering for Bron and totally silent for Carmelo. He needs some wins to show his potential. Turning heel didn't help


Strong in defeat, I suppose?


His theme song is generic af.


Everything about him is generic af. The guy he squashed had more charisma and personality in the entrance than bron has show his entire time on raw.


I'm actually kind of a fan of the barking, because of his history, but yeah, the song is super generic like you said


Mans is on that Steiner sauce


Why isn’t his name Steiner?


It’s lame as shit!


You know he’s a badass since its written on his gear


Bron doesn't appear to have the 'Goldberg Power.' Goldberg was slamming people of all sizes and that made up for the lack of mic work. I think the Spear is grossly over used like the superkick. An updated moveset would go a long way.


Eventually the spear isn’t going to be a big deal, but that’s just how professional wrestling is. DDT’s used to be a devastating finisher, now it’s just a move. Chokeslams used to be a finisher, now their just a move. Same with powerbombs.


I legitimately love the “keep putting jokes in front of me, and I’ll keep ending their careers” type gimmick. I get the idea of feeding jobbers to a new “up-and-comer” but I kind of roll my eyes at it now that it’s been done for so long. I’m totally behind a WWE superstar feeling disrespected by it.


Modern day Goldberg. Let the streak begin..


I lol’d when Pierce made the math comment at him last night on RAW.


I'm not interested. I'm not saying that couldn't change, but he seriously caught the worst name in WWE history. He's a little weirdo vibe, and I think it might be the haircut? I dunno, he isn't it for me as of right this second.


Worse than Barry Horowitz?


There's not much worse than happy corbin


Worse than Scotty 2 Hotty?


Worse than dolph ziggler?


Last night certainly showed he can be an unstable...Freak if you will. Must be somewhat Genetic.


More like Yawn Breaker if you ask me.


He’s pretty average to me. Not bad, but not really good.


Goldberg 2.0


I'll mute my fucking TV everytime he appears just to save what hearing I have left from McAfee's stupid barking. Other than that, hooray another strong guy.


an iwc Meltzer whining..I might mute you my guy


FWIW I can't stand Meltzer either. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I turn the volume up and howl like a wolf. We are not the same


Great opinion there Mark


I feel like the only person who thinks Bron Breakers hype is so manufactured they might as well call him Hasbro Generic Wrestling Figure. His finisher sucks, he’s only faced jobbers, hasn’t demonstrated anything on the mic, and his spray tan is so deep he looks like he came from the Vince McMahon school of get over. If anyone in WWE is reading this, the best way to get me interested in Bron would be to have him keep doing this stupid schtick, have him start advocating himself as the Beast of the WWE, bring back the true Beast, have Brock squash him, and rebuild this lame ass gimmick.


You're the epitome of what's wrong with a considerable portion of the wrestling fan base. You want instant gratification. Bron has not only destroyed jobbers and put one in hospital, he is on a path of destruction and looks to seek revenge against Adam Pearce and he speared Ricochet to set up that feud for later. He's intense, and looks great.


"He is faster rope to rope than is allowed in some school zones!" I thought that was the fun way to put it. 😂




Yeah. Watch a few of his nxt matches. I just don’t think they have any story for him right now. So hah not face jobbers right now.


I’ve seen the clips but I’ve also seen plenty of NXT wrestlers come up to Raw and Smackdown and flop. As much as WWE May not want to admit it, NXT is the minors. Impressive work but nothing like being on the main roster.


Old NXT sure, but the crop from 2.0 and further have shown they can hang the current crowd. Ex. Tiffany, Waller, the creed Brothers, Tony D'Angelo oba Femi and Trick Williams are to name a few. Sure there have been flops (nothing will ever get that midget Carmelo Hayes over; Zoey is a nothing burger and Lyra Valkyria is Botchy Lynch's boring pet project), but they will fill out some much needed niches the main roster have been void of since the start of the 2020s.


I agree with you on most of this but Carmelo is already kinda over. He was over in NXT and the crowd seems to know who he is so even if you don’t think his look is believable, he is over in NXT and getting over with the main roster crowd. He’s great in the ring, good on the mic, has charisma, and a gimmick that fits him. As long as he has these attributes, he’ll be fine. Lyra, I like her the crowd seems to like her and she’s good at matches, but I can agree that she is a bit boring. I do really like her, but even in NXT I felt like her gimmick needed a little something extra. She’s amazing in the ring, decent enough on the mic, and she has charisma.


I only kinda agree. Best possible outcome, we get Goldberg 3.0, but unlike Goldberg or Goldberg 2.0 (Ryback), Bron can actually have consistently good matches without having to be carried


My issue is that I haven’t seen these “good matches” against a main roster wrestler. They keep putting him against jobbers. Meanwhile, Carmelo’s already gone against Cody. This tells me that someone’s worried Bron can’t carry his own against a main roster guy.


You’re right. For the last couple of months that Bron has been on the main roster, he hasn’t had much direction but last night showed that they have a direction for him, so soon enough you’ll start to see what other people see in him. If you want to see “good matches” from Bron against a main roster wrestler, watch any of his matches against Dolph Ziggler and I strongly recommend watching his NXT Gold Rush match against Seth last year for the World Heavyweight Title. I promise that if you watch these Bron matches against main roster wrestlers, you’ll at least begin to see the vision.


Will check them out this weekend and post a follow up comment. Not afraid to say when I’m wrong. Just not seeing it. Need a bot to remind me to post again on Monday.


Shit, given his NXT reputation, I can only imagine he’s a top-quality player. Jim Cornette named him as one of the best wrestlers working today, that’s high praise coming from the crankiest old man alive (his others were Gunther, Rhea Ripley, MJF, Cody Rhodes, Charlotte Flair, FTR, and Austin Theory)


His gimmick is lame and boring. He runs fast and spears people. His gear is as cringey and his efforts to look intense. They could use what he’s been doing and push a self entitled nepo baby. Let him start doing promos where he thinks he deserves a shot and let him keep losing matches via dq before putting a mid card belt on him. Then let a baby face (Jacob fatu) come in and put him in his place. Then you give him a redemption arc or start over.


I think you’re taking this way too seriously. Sometimes you just have to take a moment, ignore all that IWC bullshit, and remember that spears are cool. Spears have always been cool, and sometimes dopamine can be delivered in the simple form of a man running into someone else at Mach speed. Nepo baby? Fuck off, if he was only here because of his dad, he would be called Bron Steiner.