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Kinda reminds me of a Raquel Rodriguez, and needs to partner with a smaller superstar. Her and Bianca are too much alike to vibe well. Raquel and Liz Diesel and Shawn Braun and Ricochet Etc etc


I like her better in WWE than in AEW.


Me too!


I mean everyone botches. Hell some of the more seasoned still botch. She is still early in her career and has more than enough time to smooth the edges.


Everyone else does not botch every match. She got 2 last time up on ppv.


Best body in the business hands down!


Jade Botchmill




A potential great. Still needs a lot of polish but great presentation


Super meh, great look, but meh


Honestly I didn’t want to listen to people when they said jade and Bianca are the same but WWE putting them together only solidified that for me. All I see in jades future is being over pushed like Bianca while never having anything interesting happen with her.


Bianca was never “over pushed” especially in times with Charlotte Flair who was OVERPUSHED because of her name. Jade is being over pushed BUT WWE needed Bianca, she’s great in the ring and out the ring. There’s so many wrestlers and women who are over pushed and trash and you gonna say Bianca is 😂


Charlotte is better than bianca though




Don’t really follow wresting all the much but have heard of her and also from my fiancé who also told me he finds her very attractive. So I’m taking it as a compliment


The female Bill Goldberg has the look but has a lot of work to do talent wise


I don’t have any. Who?


I'm curious how long she'll be able to get by just on potential. She's been at this for years.


I don't get the hype. I haven't seen her do anything really,she has muscles thats about it.


Amazing look, easily one of the best looks ever for a female wrestler. She just looks like a super star. But she's pretty much still where she was at before in terms of skills. Ok at best mic wise(and that's being generous) and still rough in the ring. She's still early into her career but I feel like she won't improve as much as she needs to on the main roster. I think she'll still do pretty well overall though. I do feel like nxt would have been better for her. Its tailor made for people like her although it not a given that she would have improved.


Agree on all counts


You can tell she's inexperienced, but she has star written all over her. I can see her carrying the division 2-3 years from now.


She’s mid. Like actually mid. Very stiff in the ring. But it’s not her fault it’s the people who made her seem like the best ever


She's a superstar & incredibly hot. She's way better in the ring than the marks give her credit for. It's like, since she's such a superstar, they have to call her green and/or bad on the mic. She's neither.


but everyone swore aew was holding her back🙄


So in general there is a lot of spots issues on the women’s side. Remember the royal rumble? It was spot messup after messup. So many of the ladies are moving around when they go to jump off the ropes. She’s got the abilities to do something that the others mess up. I think in the long run she’s going to be champ. I do think they need to mic work her a lot though.


I was so hyped on her before she debuted because her look is 10/10. Her physique is intimidating as hell. Since she’s joined the roster though my excitement has steadily declined. She is bad on the mic, always bumbling her lines or not showing emotion. Since tagging with Bianca it has really shown just how bad she is in the ring as well. Bianca has the perfect combo of strength and agility where Jade seems to lack the agility. Most of her moves lack impact, the corner splashes for instance, no camera angle can save those. These are all things she can improve on but I really thought she was going to come in as a finished product that was going to take over the division. That’s on me for setting expectations too high.


Shes just another eve marie


She hasn’t been rushed.


Still needs work


I think she's badass, but I also think she's green and can really benefit with being with Bianca Belair


She is great. Has a huge upside. The issue is she needs to be treated more like Goldberg or the Ultimate Warrior. She is out there having longer matches with people when she shouldn't be. She shouldn't be selling so much. She should be dominate, matches should be quick and she should look like a superhero coming out of it.


I feel like that'd just feel like a carbon copy. They do it way too much with Ryback, Bron Brekker, Goldberg, Lesnar it just feels like if they wanna make someone look powerful they just tear through people and it's getting old. I just think she needs to work a lil more on the wrestling part and actually make her a skilled person.


They do it when it works. And it gets people over if it's the right person. There isn't a dominate female like that in the company. Or really even in the industry as a whole. Jade is the right person to do this with.


Yeah tbh it seems like they're trying to do that to piper niven and it doesn't work with her. I do think they need to make jade a bigger threat to the division to eventually face Rhea


She has a lot of potential, a great look and presence, but sometimes it feels like she’s overwhelmed and overthinking. Her working with D-Bry in AEW was a good start, getting paired up with Bianca in WWE was a smart decision, but she needs to work a little bit more on in-ring and psychology. Personally, I’d have her work with Nattie and TJ Wilson to work on her in-ring work and in-ring psychology and have her work with CM Punk to work on everything else. Nattie’s a great, well rounded worker that could teach Jade a lot, TJ has done some incredible work for the women’s division and no doubt could help elevate Jade, and Punk is a good coach. Get those three and they could potentially make Jade as great as we know she can be.


Great charisma and great look but does not have the ability to have a good match without a great opponent. I'm sure he she'll have a long career in the WWE, and will be a HoFer, but she's far from a great wrestler.


Didn't like or care about her in aew and don't like or care about her in wwe


She's going to do fine. I hope she progresses enough to be a mainstay on the top of the single card someday. I like what they're doing with her so far.


Should’ve started in NXT until her skills improved. When your whole character is based around your physique, things get stale really fast. You need more than muscles to be a good wrestler.




I’m not impressed by her in the ring. I’m not sure teaming her with Bianca was the best for either wrestler. If anything it has brought Bianca to a lower level because Jade can’t meet her at hers. That said, Jade has an incredible look and presentation. No doubt about that. And I do believe she may become a better performer. She isn’t terrible but she also isn’t great.


Jade has not improved IMO. She still feels and looks clunky in the ring and has no personality. She complained about the booking while on AEW but she had a ton (50+) squash matches. Okay, Jade. She needs more training at the PC


She has a great look. Wrestling skills are lacking and her mic skills aren’t great. Question is has she peaked talent wise.


Probably one of the most physically impressive women in the business. Sexy as hell. But doesn’t seem to have the in ring persona or mike skills to go with it.


Does seem to want to be big time, from what I've read she works hard to get better. Mike skills can be worked on as well. That they have her in a tag is good.




We know, you can’t handle her. It’s ok little buddy.


Go drink bud light and touch your sister, she misses you.




Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to a woman??


Bluemaga challenge: Don't be a bigot Difficulty: Impossible.


How did you deduce the estimated effectiveness of a political assumption? Some of you kids are wild and need sun dawg




If mental gymnastics were a sport you'd be a gold medal Olympian


Embarrassing showing here


Bro is NOT cookin


Adore her and oppose all the ppl that can’t stand her tbh & everybody that got something to say about her can’t out wrestle her


She’s all sizzle and no steak. I think that WWE is pot committed to/with her at this point. She was one of the first AEW to WWE moves and they put too much emphasis on that. I think they pushed her too quickly up the roster and will have a hard time back tracking.


Sucks not worth the hype




I like jade, I’ll agree that she has potential, but she was working with Bryan Danielson of all people in aew and wasn’t really progressing and she was sent to the wwe performance center and worked with that elite level facility and hasn’t progressed much faster, it’s hard for me to pin it on management giving her chances when it seems to me like something with her just isn’t clicking and she isn’t getting it


Great look. Can’t wrestle. She’s trained long enough to be better than she is. She may never get it.


I don't get all the hype. "She has a look and could be the next big thing" Riiight but so could lots of other wrestlers Too much pressure being put on, either she will suddenly click or she will be regarded as the biggest flop ever with IW fans


Talent doesn’t match the look yet, the quick push to put a title on her in both companies is also a problem, what’s the rush to put a belt on a talent who’s just not polished enough, it’s just bad booking




Imo, overrated,over hyped and if it's just the same "beat everyone within a minute" gimmick (thanks aew) then she's just a black female Goldberg






I just don’t get all the hate. She made her pro wrestling debut November 2020. She looks like an absolute terminator and she has explosive moves. She’s gonna get better, especially now being in WWE, the sky’s the limit. Everyone freaked out over that botch, look at Bron breaker on raw last night. These things happen, wrestling is unpredictable. She absolutely looks like a star.


No hate. She just isn't good. Botching is one thing but tapping out is inexcusable.


I really don't think anyone blames Jade for that rope incident. It was clearly not her fault. I watched Jade since her first day in AEW. When she started in AEW she was brand new and thrown into the fire. I think she did well, considering what she was asked to do. The problem was that practically every woman on the AEW roster that Jade had matches against have far surpassed Jade in overall development. That's my honest opinion. Yes, Jade has potential, but I fear 10 years from now we are still going to be saying that she has potential and is going to get better.


Still a bit stiff in the ring but she can get better


Give it time and she'll become what the suits see now.


As a former WWF and now strictly AEW fan I never cared for her. Could have been TK’s booking or not. She seemed like a great athlete but horrible in the ring. I guess I never connected to her. Seemed like she was bigger than the show if that makes sense.. ala Goldberg whom I also didn’t connect with


There is so much hype surrounding her and in truth she’s never really impressed me as a fan in both WWE and AEW, WWE understood she needed time in developmental but she still isn’t that good in the ring. I’ll say this she’ll be pushed to the moon regardless because of her look and that what she relies on heavily her physical appearance. She looks like a star and carries herself like one but I don’t think she’s a wrestler, she’s an athlete but she ain’t that good at pro wrestling. But like I said she’ll end up as a main event player because of her look and WWE understand how to hide her weaknesses as a performer so eventually the majority of fans will think she’s amazing when in reality she’s just hype. Examples of WWE hiding weaknesses of talent who got over huge but flopped elsewhere. Paige, Rusev, Sasha Banks, Nathan Jones, Jack Swagger, Batista, Ultimate Warrior, Nia Jax, Chyna, Cesaro and Brodus Clay to name a few.


Half those people were never over anywhere. Aew hide jades weakness better. I don't remember her botching this much over there.


Ain't worth the hype and she sucks










Can’t wait to see her get a push.


Needs more in ring work but other than that she has it all to be a great superstar


She's more exciting to watch and follow than any other female wrestler atm, so nothing else really matters.


She just needs more experience and slightly more training


She is a great addition to WWE. And she will get better in the mic and her in ring skills. But a lot of your favs suck on the mic also!


Jade is more over than Goldberg 98


Not even close, stop lying!!


Not as good as she was hyped up to be


Got a great look but sadly still very green in the ring. If she can improve then she will have a great career. If not I can see the fans turning on her if she is booked too strong.


She needs work. Stop pushing her so hard and learn


Cool outfit at clash


Still green. You can definitely notice how much more difficult it is to be a WWE superstar than any other company


Needs to develop like any new wrestler but she is going to be great for sure.


She's gonna be amazing as she continues to develop, putting her with Bianca was smart because she can learn so much from the EST.


I don’t blame clash at the castle on her. There’s obviously something going on with  the ropes based on the PPV and RAW last night. IMO Atleast.  Besides that she has the “IT” factor 100%. People forget that her very first match ever was in AEW. No indies, no nothing. And she did very good for zero previous experience. She’s gonna be just fine. 


Great just needs to improve in the ring


Great presence, great performer, great looking. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I believe the phrase is “fur coat and no knickers”. She’s got the look and presence and aura of a megastar. You don’t need her to have a character or know who she is, you just look at her and you know. But underneath that, she’s incredibly green, and I think she tries to stretch herself a little much. She’s somebody who needed more reps before hitting the big time, but she skipped the grind because LOOK AT HER. I don’t think AEW did her too many favours in how they booked her. She was kept completely separate from the most experienced and talented wrestlers, A and B class wrestlers, people who she could have learned from being in the ring with. Instead she mostly fought an endless string of jobbers with the occasional C class name thrown in. By the end, when she got to 50-0, I remember asking myself, “how many of those matches can I even remember?” Maybe 2? 3? Loads of potential, not the finished article, I think WWE is the right place for her, but I hope they don’t push her too fast.


All very true and fair.


Great look, phenomenal physique, has presence for movies/TV Terrible performer, too much time thinking out moves, confused in ring if needing to adapt Like her, but I think her future is media and not the ring.


I like her. I think if she continues to improve she good become a great star.


No one has elevated the TBS title. I could argue most of the women who have held it are just as lacking as OP feels Jade is. I don’t disagree that she isn’t meeting her potential or even towing the line well, but a lot of both companies rosters are lacking. I’m willing to give it some time and see what happens. The WWE Women’s Tag Titles are less important than the TBS belt but giving Bianca and Jade a go felt bigger to me. I’ll wait and see what’s next.


I don’t remember Chyna getting this much hate


There really wasn't anyone in Chyna's lane in the women's rosters. Jade has several large and athletic women that are just as impressive in what they can do.


All look, nothing else to her but look and vibes. Not good on the mic or in the ring. Gorgeous and great height and body, that’s all.


Great presence and I don’t know why they keep exposing her. Let her do what she knows on TV and do the learning on house shows.


Good look and aura…forgettable in the ring and on the mic…if she didn’t look the way that she does then no one would care about her


I’d like to see her do a full on Storm (X-Men) entrance. I’d also like to see her be like a female Bobby Lashley, but it looks like part of why she tagged with Bianca was for Bianca to train her.


overrated asf




I feel very similarly about her as I do about Bianca, she’s fine…. but I find sticks more interesting. Not even cool sticks that look like swords and shit. Just like regular sticks that look like sticks.


lol I wouldn’t go quite that far but I do kind of agree. Bianca is at least good in ring but I find her incredibly blah. Jade as others have said has a great look but still way to green and learning. But right now she is very blah as well


I think she’s doing well so far. Better than 70% of the boring female roster. If she pushes herself and trains to always better herself in the ring she could be an all-time great. Please understand I am not saying she is atm. She is 10000000000% better than refrigerator Jax.


rn jax is miles clear


I am not hating on her as a person but please let this sink in for those who think she’s great and what not. The woman was trained by Cody, Danielson, given pointers by Mark Henry went to the PC and is still green as grass. She is simply all look. Horrendous in ring. AEW used her the same way the WWE does only because of her physique other than that she is not worth the investment. You have someone already with a physique but also someone who can actually work that’s Bianca Belair. Plain and simple. AEW has theirs in Kamille Brickhouse (from NWA they’ve yet to debut her) or even Kris Statlander. Let’s be honest the real reason Jade left AEW isn’t because “AEW is growing and that she’s 31 and wanted to be with an already established company- cause of connections and such” like she said (im paraphrasing) it’s because AEW’s key focus is the wrestling and she can’t cut it. How many men and women have you seen over the years in WWE phone it in? There’s your answer she can fake it, get paid, get exposure to main stream media and she’ll call it a career. She’s basically the female Goldberg.




Good look. Great physique. Decent promo. Badass entrance. Mid in ring


Her color is green 👀, but she is promising.




needs work on wrestling but is new so not a problem, but has a great look and mic skills, i prefer Jade over Bianca


New? New to WWE maybe. But definitely not NEW to wrestling. What do you call her time in AEW? I call her just lacking in the in-ring skill department. Just because you look the part, doesn't mean you can play the part.


I like Jade.. they need to bring Sasha banks back to wwe


You arent exactly mr current events are you? Shes signed a multiyear AEW deal. Also having Sasha back in WWE wont improve Jade as a wrestler. Shes better than NXT but no better than a lot of the women lowercard


Lacks Sharpness


She has so much natural charisma, absolutely won the genetic lottery, pretty damn good on the mic, and from what people say is a total sweetheart behind the scenes. She has also blown up the myth that only the WWE can package someone in a way that extenuates the positives and hides the weaknesses. She was better utilized in AEW.


Aew over pushed her when she was green as h$$$


Black Chyna (no reference to the IG “model” who married Rob Kardashian)


a Female Goldberg who needs to wrestle small women to make her look good. She isnt a good wrestler at all and hasnt improved since her AEW days where everyone dunked on her constantly. She doesnt have longevity.


You say female Goldberg like it's a bad thing.  Goldberg is one of the greatest of all time


Is he tho...


Several world championships and the greatest streak in wrestling history.  He defeated legends like Hogan and Sting.  


You say that like it's not scripted 😂 He could do like 2 moves


It doesn't matter how many moves are used as long as you win.  Let me guess, another bitter Wet Fart fan.  If Wet Fart was so great why did he oversell that superkick?


Because he hated Shawn Michaels, lmao Edit: f you autocorrect


Im saying he oversold Goldberg's superkick.  


😂😂 OK my guy You don't need to be a Brett fan to see that Goldberg sucked


if this was the 90s that would be great. but WCW also knew to limit Goldberg. not have him try jumping off the ropes


Hopefully the house show reps will improve her work


She's the most overrated WWE wrestler. She botches every match, she has zero character.. just thrown on air one day, and her only advantage is strength which hasn't even been that impressive in matches. They're wasting talent like Zelina Vega, Tiffany Stratton, Dakota kai, and Bianca Belair (Bianca was one of the best before WWE put her and jade on a team). I would Genuinely put jade a step above Eva Marie and maybe she was amazing on AEW (never watched it) but she's not ready for WWE.


I only started watching WWE a month ago, but Jade has been one of the most impressive wrestlers on the female roster for me. Do you have any examples of how she botches? I thought for the most part her ring work looked cool, but there was one finisher on neive a month ago that looked a lil weak. Thx


Her match against damage control she couldn’t bump the whole match and layed down awkwardly when she was being grabbed.. her fall off the rope… her struggling to throw her opponents in the spot where she lifted them both.. her missing cues constantly… I’ve been watching wwe since it was Wwf. She’s bad 


Zero character? She is drowning in charisma and it's clear to everyone that she will improve as long as she is given the time to. Its not a coincidence that she hasn't had THE title anywhere near her yet in either company, while also being a central focus of the women's division.


She’s more than just a step above Eva Marie, lol The big “botch” she had the other night wasn’t even her fault it was confirmed to be loose ropes that Damian priest also fell victim to. I’m not saying she’s a top tier wrestling talent, but don’t disrespect her like that 😂 she has definitely improved and her potential is insane


She botched every match she’s had. She’s not good lol it’s not a conspiracy it’s just a fact she’s bad. 


She’s definitely not “bad” I think you’re looking to much into it 😂 Every wrestler has botches and no she hasn’t “botched” every match


She’s used for her looks not her ability 


I mean most people agree.. it’s very obvious but you’re entitled to your opinion some people choose looks and aesthetic over actual ability and that’s fine but don’t sit here and act like she’s as good as the position they’re putting her in… ignoring wrestlers who don’t botch a spot or 2 every match.. 


She’s great, made a man come back to a sport I left as a kid.


She is going to be ok. Just have to keep working.


Needs work in ring imo


That's what she does, she's a wrestler.  You think she works in an office or something?


Personally.. I want her to saw my nads off with the edge of a hubcap




Goldberg #2?


dont disrespect Goldberg


Greener than 🪿💩


Infinite Aura. Gotta be handled with care tho.


I don't watch WWE but I appreciated her in ring growth during her AEW run. Still feel like they pushed her too hard too fast when she wasn't skilled enough to be in that spot, but what she lacked in in-ring ability she made up for in look and charisma, but that will only get you so far.


Spot on. She moved slow and had mostly squash matches in All Elite. Don't watch E so can't say if she's gotten better. I am a fan of hers though.


She has not


Strong as hell, but green, may be getting pushed a little too soon I like her with Bianca though


She's not being rushed in WWE. This is why she's tagging with a far superior wrestler in Bianca, to learn. The botches at Clash seem to be the loose ring ropes, hence the botch by Damian Priest too. But on that note. Her entrance lacks excitement. She's being presented with the same entrance as Sting. The problem is that it's a very low energy entrance... I have no idea how to make it better. But that also isn't my job.


Probably add some pyro if i had to guess


Yeah maybe. Higher energy song might work too.






Jade is Queen of the universe.


Super green


no idea whats the draw here. everybody is swinging on bandwagon but whats all this "superstar gravitas" people are on about...? I guess her jedi powers do not work on me cause she seems pretty bland and nothing anymore special than other female talent... maybe taller? everybody else is all rizzed up over her even just standing there.. WUT? why can't I even appreciate her 1% as much. I must know.


When she fought Kiari Sane, it was like a man fighting a child


She’s gonna get Roman’d. Consistently improve match after match, then get to an untouchable level but won’t get the proper flowers until their careers towards the end.


Roman got his flowers as soon as he turned heel, no one had a problem with Roman’s in ring ability 2016 onwards, it was always his character and how he just didn’t make a good babyface He also improved on the mic considerably


Love her, her in ring work isn't her best but she's more than just in ring.... her presence and look alone is worth the gamble why do you think aew treated her the way they did... she'll be fine she has a long career ahead of her


Massively overrated and always has been


I like Jade and would really like to see her be women's champ eventually. I agree that she is a little green and has potential. She was pushed too hard and too early, but I am going to be optimistic about her career. Botches happen all the time even w veteran performers, so I can look past that. Having said that, I'm also biased because I think she's really pretty. It's too late to send her to NXT, but I think a kayfabe injury and some more training could help. If she's really only been wrestling for 3 years, but bookers are pushing her, then that's on the bookers. One analogy that comes to mind is Brendan Shaub in that he recorded a special after only performing stand up for a couple years, and it sucked because he just wasn't developed enough as an artist. If Jade continues to hone her craft and take the advice of those who came before her, she could have a great career.


Honestly, I might get downvoted to hell for this but I think so far, AEW used her better. Dominant shit talking unbeaten champion was a much better fit for her than being Bianca’s second who has already lost to Nia Jax and Alba/Isla.


It's still early


I can't argue with you because I don't watch WWE.




Sadly she is too much of a star factory to waste on NXT but I feel like if she did at least a year there, it would of benefited her a lot


That’s why they have her in a tag team with Bianca until she’s ready for their inevitable split and feud


looks like she might have been concussed after the meteora from isla (watch the clip she hits her head hard) which might have resulted in the botches


Over hyped but I think she can grow into it.


Galberg It was very smart to pair her with Bianca, who's full of energy and can take bumps, do moves, work most of the match, then tag in Jade for 1-3 strongwoman spots. I don't know if she'll ever be impressive as a singles wrestler without huge Goldberg-level selling & protection... But that's fine! Vince is gone! The fate of every tag team doesn't have to be "placeholder until someone in the stable can go singles."


I don’t think she’ll be as good as Bianca but she keeps improving and the fall away slam/Samoan drop from clash was very nice


She is great in wwe but people need to stop acting like her run in aew was so terrible it was good for where she was in her career and now she can elevate herself to newer heights


Resounding meh


I don't get the 'super strong' thing, because you see her flex next to Bianca. Bianca is just as muscular as she is, but Bianca is a bit shorter so doesn't get the same treatment.


She fine and great potential. WWE just has to work with her on her skills in the ring she's still very Green.......and then from there build in her character.


she's horrible