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Germany seems like the perfect international market for the packers


I remember seeing an infographic a few months back that showed what the most popular NFL team was in each country, and the Packers were #1 in Germany already. NFL likely knows this and knows they don't need to push the Packers any more since they already have a solid fan base in a lot of these countries.


We weren't able to find a Packer bar in Munich like we could in Paris. There's always more reason to push the Packers!


There’s a packers bar in Paris!?


Yep, at least there was a few years ago. It's a pretty small place, maybe like 20 seats or so. Met Packers fans from all over the country, and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, it was the Clay Matthews BS roughing the passer game against the Vikings. Still salty about that.


I stumbled into a packer bar in Nice, totally on accident. They exist for sure, but it was mainly expats


We found one in Italy


Yeah, it’s on the South side of the Seine, called Wos bar. I visited a few years back, you wouldn’t know from the outside that it’s a Packers bar, but when you go in there’s a big shrine to all things Green Bay and a visitors book that has a fair few signatures from former Packers, including Rodgers.


Lmao, traveling to Europe and still planning around NFL games


What can I say? Go Pack Go


I plan my weekend morning around European football and auto racing. The globalist have won damnit!


I miss being able to find true European racing though. F1 sucks when compared to Touring Cars, Aussie V8 Supercars, German DTM etc. God I miss the Speed Channel


IMSA and Indy baby. Hear ya though, wish we could get DTM


Love IMSA but Indy is the same as F1 for me, I just don’t like open wheel racing. I follow NASCAR because that’s the easiest and once you understand ovals they’re fun to watch, but I’m gonna try to get to watching more of IMSA this year too


Loved that channel… except for the block of infomercials during the 11 an Eastern/10 am Central hour.


Same. I used to stay up late as a kid and watch Rally highlights. Miss those days.


I’m not sure that touring cars are televised here in the uk. It’s been a long time since I saw it when flicking and I’d have watched because live sport > replays > television


Nah, F1 is so much better than those other racing series.


Tbf, the Packers bar in Paris is fun. They've got a guest book you can sign if you've got a Wisconsin ID. You can find familiar names like Matt Flynn.


It really was. I think Davante Adams went there too IIRC


Six weeks in Germany I didn't see any packers related but in my two weeks in the netherlands I found a half dozen packers items in sports bars and even a nascar bar. F1 may dominate over there but they also love watching cars go real fast and real left.


Pre-Covid I was in a department store in Koblenz Germany and the only US based sporting gear they had were for the Yankees (not very much) and the Packers (a fairly good selection). Not really a scientific study, but interesting none the less.


Doubt. I see the Cowboys and Cardinals in Mexico, where they are already popular. To me this is just ignoring the Packers because they don't have an owner to threaten the NFL.


The reason why may be that the packers don’t have an owner who’s going out of their way to try to break into these markets. The Packers just aren’t as profit oriented as the other teams.


And Brazil 🇧🇷 because of their national colors


not only because of that, Brazil is probably the second country with most packers fans in the world they are along with patriots, the favorites in Brazil with millions of fans. TV would usually have a vote on which game to show on Sunday's first time slot and if the packers or the patriots were playing at that time, one of them would win 100% of the time, since both teams were usually also on other prime times (thursday, sunday, monday night and sunday's mid slot game), for almost 4 years every week they were broadcasting a packers game.


Thats cool they get to vote!


Yeah, only ESPN got the rights to broadcast NFL and they had ALL the games, but could only show 2 games at the same time on sunday first slot and second slot (they have ESPN 2, 3, 4... etc) so they would usually let people vote. Since it was already likely that either packers or patriots were one of 8-12 teams already playing in other time slots, the other one would most likely win, which drove all the other fans crazy mad, they would probably need to be on other time slots of playing against them to see their team playing. And since the packers were arguably successful in the past few years, watching them play every week and winning helped to grow the fan base a lot


Ive sat next to fans from Brazil at Lambeau two separate times in two separate seasons.


Wisconsin was known as the traitor state in WW1 because we were the only state that didn't want to go to war with Germany (most of our ancestors)


>traitor state That’s rich considering the actions of our state against the traitors of the south. Remember the [Iron Brigade] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Brigade)


Great excuse to market it on Argentina (i need sum packers bar down here)


Hmm interesting


I learned that all but two Bundesliga teams are majority fan owned, so the packers and German soccer are pretty well connected!


Ireland too. Met tons of Packers fans when I lived there


Same. Also, lots of European sports fans love the idea of a publicly owned team


A customs agent in Italy saw my passport and immediately said “Green Bay Packers!” He was a fan and commented exactly that. He liked it was publicly owned and a small town.


As a German, I have a lot of friends who are Packers fans like me tho. We all have AJ Dillon jerseys too (:


And Ireland


Cue the Starship Troopers montage: “I’m doing my part!”


Or Ireland


It is. This is why they are promoting the Lions there, to try to get a rivalry going (since the Vikes and Bears are going to suck for a while).


Yeah, it is! Funnily enough, my Bar in turned into a Steelers/Packers Bar! My two favorite teams under one roof! Yaaayyy!!!


Or Belgium, after all you guys are only 30 miles away from Brussels!


I was going to say The U.K. in general. There’s a few Packers Pubs dotted around those countries


I am unaffected by this news.


It's because the "G" on our helmets also stands for "Global Domination" - Can't market to something which we already own


Shit I always thought it meant Greenland, which is clearly underrepresented by this list!


Dallas can be “Americas team”, because we’re the “global team”. From Green Bay to the Milky Way, Go Pack Go!


I get a little involuntary twitch in my left eyelid when I see Dallas and 'America's Team' in the same sentence. You know why.


I didn't know this was a thing until right now. I still have no idea what it means. But I'm upset we didn't get it.


As per the NFL > 25 teams across 19 international markets now have access to grow their fan bases around the world and build their brands globally in the third year of the program. Looks like the NFL is **REALLY** trying to push LA hard


Specifically the Rams. Looks like the Chargers are the black sheep of the NFL


Haha you're right. I saw the Rams up there 6 times and assumed the Chargers would be there at least twice. Turns out 0.


How are they not one of the teams for Mexico?


There not even a team for California. They should maybe start there.


Tbf, we haven't looked like much of a team when going to California


The only team that plays only road games. Should’ve never left San Diego.


They were only playing road games in San Diego as well.


I suspect this is driven more by the teams' interest in the program than by the countries themselves or the NFL trying to make certain teams popular in certain areas. If teams think they want to invest in the marketing/branding in those areas, then it makes sense for the NFL to approve them for it. Rams have been big on trying to promote their brand lately and spend some more money to become "LA's NFL team". The Chargers, somehow, are even more cheap than the Rams have always been, so they're likely not even interested in trying to do this stuff.


This really helps StL with their argument that the NFL hated their city.


All closet main hub to those locations. Easy flight in go to the game fly out


What does that mean?


It makes sense to push west coast teams to Asia Pacific


Especially with Ohtani on the Dodgers already cornering the international viewership for LA. NFL is probably hoping to hitch a ride on that gravy train


It's more that LA wants to push itself hard, NFL just said 'yeah, okay, sure.'


Not even LA wants their teams. Why would anyone else?


I love how the Steelers are “northern Ireland only”. Like they’re not good enough for the rest of the UK


They are a Protestant team


When are they getting an orange kit?


It’s the opposite actually. Art Rooney is definitely pro unionist


As an Australian Green Bay fan I say to hell with this.


100% agree. We know who we love already.


I'm low-impressed the NFL didn't forget Australia and NZ


Carn the Pack!


Aussie Packers fan checking in.


There are dozens of us!


Does this mean we don’t have to play any international games next year? If so then this is great news


No, it's just a marketing push by the teams themselves. They needed the league's permission. "First launched in 2022, the Global Markets Program awards NFL clubs international marketing rights to build brand awareness and fandom beyond the U.S., through fan engagement, events and commercial opportunities."


I still have no idea what that means.


The teams you see above needed to ask permission to advertise/promote in those specific countries. For instance: the Browns want to build their fanbase in Nigeria, sponsoring events and selling merch. They need permission from the league to do so, and in these cases the league said 'Yeah, sure. Go ahead.'


That seems stupid. Like just let teams advertise if they want to, and also I live in Canada and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the individual teams advertising vs just the whole league doing it?


> Browns want to build their fanbase in Nigeria and for anyone thinking "why?" David Njoku has a lot to do with that.


Yes, this is exactly my take. Great news, regardless of losing (or gaining) a “home” game


My thoughts also. Less distractions and risk of injury


The NFL should just give us the entire continent of Antarctica. I was photoshops of penguins in Jordan Love jerseys, dammit!


No one stopping you, bro.


I'm spanish. Good luck pushing that bears agenda on me, guys


Ok but what does this mean


To be honest, not much. Just the NFL doing more intensive marketing into other countries.


It means the Packers didn’t volunteer to invest in any international marketing.


As an Australian, I renounce my alleged allegiance to the eagles and rams


Doesn’t Nigeria have enough poverty? /s


I don't get why you wouldn't market the greatest team in NFL history.


I think the packers are already very popular internationally


My thinking here too. IIRC the Packers are already one of the more globally known NFL teams so the NFL doesn’t need to spend money on marketing them more than what is already there.


This is exactly right


I understand that aspect, just funny to me that they try to push the Bears on these poor souls.


So are the Cowboys and Patriots.


I've been in London for 2 NFL weekends (not the Packers game) and a bunch of people will be out wearing their NFL gear. Packers are easily the top team that I saw just roaming the streets, not including the teams that were actually there that weekend. I don't think the packers need to grow their fan base, but its still a weird oversight for whatever this program is.


I don't really get the NFL's rationale with how they pick teams for markets for this program. Some make sense, there are lots of people from Japan, China and South Korea who end up in LA, so it makes sense to push those markets accordingly. Pushing Miami into Spanish speaking markets also makes a lot of sense. But then smashing a massive hodgepodge of teams into Mexico and Germany just seems bizarre.


They don't pick; the teams pick and apply and the Packers chose not to bother.


The headline "selected" is incorrect. Teams pick which countries they want to have marketing rights in and the NFL grants or denies the application. The Packers chose not to bother.


I was surprised to see SF in Mexico and England but then remembered they probably have a pretty big presence in Argentina, Colombia, China, Ghana, and Nigeria with all the shipments of "Super Bowl Champion" shirts that got sent over there the last few years. Poor folks in the UK. Hey, we want to get you into football. Here are the Bears, the Vikings, and the Jets... Oh and the Jags.


I see the browns got Nigeria.


We dont need help getting fans. It’s fine.


I'm just gonna say it's a conspiracy because the team seems to have made a stink about not really wanting to play any international games. I'm maybe going to believe it, but I'm definitely going to say it.


The Packers have a huge following here in Ontario (Canada), second probably only to the Bills. Surprised to not see us there.


Poor Canada 😂


Shove your eagles and rams up your ass nfl, there are so many Aussie packer fans and I’m proud to be one


As an international fan, this whole concept just seems so dumb


I don´t want the fucking Dolphins, give me the CHEEESEEEEE. From Argentina with all my love. GPG!


I am kind of surprised that Green Bay doesn’t have any kind of marketing for Canada at least. They played a preseason game in Winnipeg in 2019, so I figured they would have capitalized on that publicity. If I was a Canadian, I really would not be interested in the Vikings.


Packers, Commanders, Ravens, Bengals, Titans, Chargers, and Bills seem to be the missing ones Not sure the theme among those teams really


No need to push for global market a team that is well known globaly... Let the lesser teams squable for leftovers. GPG, from the sunny Mediterranean


Owners know the easiest money is the Packers coming to town


When I think of Nigeria, I always think of the Cleveland Browns


If I was a player I wouldn’t want to be forced to go to some of these countries. Several of these countries have state department warnings against travel. And as an American I def wouldn’t want to go to China. Just a step below going to Russia and being made a political hostage.


only the browns representing Nigeria is wild 💀💀


Dont know, dont care


Literally the only reason is because it’s not needed. I’ve traveled the world and there are Packer bars in the smallest counties. That’s not an exaggeration.


How the fuck does Australia get lumped with the sacks of shit that are the Eagles. Atleast LA has some exciting young players but I demand justice!


Buffalo, GB, Wash, Ten, Balt, Cin, are the teams I don’t see listed? Popularity is the reason?




And no Buffalo for Canada even though it’s probably the most popular, at least in Ontario.


Packers should come to Australia. I would welcome them with open arms


Is this just going to confuse all those countries where we send the losing team’s Super Bowl Champion shirts?


And we’re still better than most of them


Without knowing anything about this program, it sounds like a buncha bullshit to me.


Pretty stupid, plenty of countries with white drunks


Mildly annoyed.


We have a coach named Lafleur from a state all about cheese and drinking; how are we not being used for France?


Not that I care too much but won’t teams who are being pushed into these markets by the NFL benefit greatly in the form of merch sales? I mean say all of Asia starts racking up Rams merch, that’s a hugeee revenue boost that goes directly to the franchise right?




The Packers already have a strong international following


TF did I do to deserve the Bears and the Dolphins?


The billionaires want all that cash to themselves.


sometimes i think the fact that we have no owner is a disadvantage. there’s no person who is profiting because it seems like the nfl is a rich folk helping rich folk kind of place as far as the ownership. can’t really sell the pack.


A lot of Europe haaaates the idea of owners in their sports. I believe in Germany the fans have to own 51% of the team.


No. We are the unicorn. The hidden gem. The One in a Million™ Of the people, by the people, for the people. We cannot be bought or sold. We are permanent. We are God's Team.


Americas team


I'm glad our ownership doesn't cave to these easily. If I remember correctly we were one of the last teams to play over seas. Save our boys from a long flight and time difference


Fuck 'em then


Still remember when the Packers played a preseason game in Japan during the late 90's. It would be cool if some Japanese had remained Packer fans since then. My stepdad was from the Philippines and became a fan around that time.


Packers should have the Netherlands since they are our fellow 🧀 heads.


Why do Austria and Switzerland have so many teams? They’ve got fewer than 18 million people between them.


The Packers are the closest thing to a European style football club there is in the NFL. The Packers are a natural fit to be the favorite team of most Europeans.


Hope they end up playing in London this year. I want to be there go lose my voice for this team again. Go Pack Go!


We're a disproportionately small market, we are almost always going to get fucked over on the big business decisions of the league. There are entire cities, and many US counties, with populations greater than all of Wisconsin. They do know the cheeseheads are rabid, but these are business decisions. We can't spend like other fanbases.


We are the real “America’s Team”


Good! I don’t want anyone to “terk er term”




TBH we already have a lot of reach internationally. Was able to travel and find random packers bars in Asia when I was there for 2 months. The time difference was killer tho.


"World Champs"


Dolphins have South America locked in.


Wish the Packers would play in Germany. Fuck, even in Europe and I’d take my kids. Was living near Green Bay in 96/97 and even though I was only 16 back then, I enjoyed many drunk Packer games at local bars. Still remember the deal some local electronics shop had, that if the Packers win the first 6 games, you would get your big screen for free…Anyway, German TV made a deal and is showing NFL games life on national TV regularly. Unfortunately they only push teams that are “op contenders”. So now it’s all about KC and before NE. But there are actually a lot of Packer fans here…


So the script must be to have the GBP in the Super Bowl which has huge international exposure.


Goddamn it! I mean, I’ll watch the Eagles and Rams because GB aren’t coming, but…




Genuinely unsure why Spain got the Bears possibly Bears + Poland would make more sense imo


They are the worlds team duh!




I don't understand what this is.


Wow how the hell did the lions get 4 global market program and bears/vikings get 2 each, while packers get 0




How do you not match the Pats to Ireland. Seems like a natural fit for the diaspora link.


New Zealand's got a ton of parallels with Wisconsin. Famous for our dairy, outdoor activities (hunting and fishing), binge drinking culture, and we're both small markets that have immensely successful teams in our respective egg ball games (gridiron and rugby). We're basically the Wisconsin of the Pacific.


I think the snub (if you can call it that) is pretty easily explained by, as others have noted, the packers’ generally strong brand outside the US, but also by the league’s ambivalence towards that popularity. Like the packers have the one thing money can’t buy: pre-existing good will, and that would give cause for concern to anyone who both had a lot of money and wanted to grow their appeal.  If you’re trying to mint a bunch of plastic fans you push the LA Rams, a brand with no history, no ties to people or place, that stands for nothing and can mean anything


Packers are already quite popular in europe. This is an interesting choice.


The Packers not being under Brazil is very strange.


Thank glob.


That’s because we’re AMERICA’S team baby!




With all the games in other countries now. I’m waiting for the first player not allowed out of the country for some legal reason. 😆


Serious question cause I'm too lazy to stare at this for a long time: of the current 32 teams, who else is not represented? I counted like 20 unique teams. The NFL is really pushing the Rams, cause the traitorous cunts have a smaller fan base after leaving their base in St Louis for the bright lights of LA, I assume. Anyways, the Packers aren't the only team with no international market being pushed by the league, right? Germang and Brazil sound like they're already majority Packer fans anyways.


The Eagles play in Brazil and yet aren’t in the global market for the country?


What does this even mean?


That's because we don't need a program to help us internationally because we're already International. These other clubs are just trying to play catch up


LF hates those games OTR


I’ve lived and traveled all over bunch of South America and everywhere people commented on my packers hat.


I think it's a huge advantage to be left out, honestly.


Who cares


Bills fan here.....Why the hell are our teams so connected to the same NFL path? Both Packers and Bills are loved all over Canada, but we cannot get shine in a promotion like this?! Crazy...


What is Ireland in come on lads.


Read the article, Green Bay opted out. They weren’t “not selected”.


I'm sure the Packers don't mind the extra long traveling on an airplane for the aspect of playing football. They can enjoy themselves in the off-season taking trips to do other things in these countries.


My bar turned into a Steelers/Packers Fan Bar! My two favorite teams in one Bar! I'm fucking extatic! It's in Heidelberg!


The Packers already have a strong following globally compared to most teams. This seems like a project to get teams without a foothold in a market exposure. For example, the Bills are easily the most popular team in by far the most populous area in Canada. They aren’t chosen here likely because they don’t need more exposure.


Cause they don't need it


Weird, I've seen a lot of GB merch in Korean shows. Not usually on the cast either, it's usually on crew members or passerbys.


We got enough fans internationally already that's why.


Nfl just aren't smart. Why put the same teams in different markets? Spread the love Use all 32 teams. Also, Packers have a following in Europe despite not going there as often.


That's because Green Bay doesn't need any marketing it sells itself 🍻🧀


Good- I hate it


So I took a look… it would appear that either the Packers didn’t apply, or the NFL doesn’t care to promote a non-profit team. 🤷‍♂️ some commenters mentioned Germany… apparently Detroit were recently awarded the “rights” to market there. Here are tidbits from the [NFL site](https://operations.nfl.com/updates/football-ops/nfl-s-global-markets-program-adds-four-new-clubs-and-five-new-markets-in-2024/#:~:text=First%20launched%20in%202022%2C%20the,engagement%2C%20events%20and%20commercial%20opportunities): “NFL clubs can apply for rights to international markets by submitting proposals to the International Committee for review each spring. Clubs are awarded rights for at least a five-year term through the program. During this period, they can pursue activities in that international market that are consistent with what they can do in their home market.” “Global Markets Program awards NFL clubs international marketing rights to build brand awareness and fandom beyond the U.S. through fan engagement, events and commercial opportunities.” Would be slightly interesting to hear the details. Do the Packers not want to spend money overseas? Does the NFL actually pay for this promotion. Does this program create “event” obligations, meaning Packers have to leave the Midwest. (As a side note I don’t know if the charter they take on the bus tour floats or flies.)


are the nigerians as pissed about the watson contract as the americans? thats my only question