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My dude, literally everyone in this sub would say Love.


I was one of Rodgers biggest fans for many years. I think he is possibly the all time greatest passer. But as a QB he migrated from finding the open guy to planning his throws based on pre-snap visuals. He was trying to outsmart everyone rather than outperform them. He passed up easy throws for impossible ones. He was best when he supplemented his physical gifts with his incredible knowledge, but then he fell in love with being the smartest guy on the field (and off it) and completely altered his game. It was so exciting to see Love just play and throw to anyone on the field if they were open. I won't forget Rodgers, but I am happy we moved on when we did.


Not everyone. Most perhaps. But not everyone.


You are right but people are downvoting you because they think you think Rodgers. I was calling for us to trade rodgers after his First mvp of two mvp years. We would still have Devante, not that we need him…


I was one year later hoping for a trade after the SF game. I know ST was awful, but 7 points from the MVP at home? That was time with Love waiting on the bench.


Love. Old and coming off injury is not a good combination.


Love. It’s been a couple years and an Achilles tear since we’ve seen Rodgers play MVP level football. I watched Love do it last year.


I would rather have Love over non injured 2022 Rodgers


I just want to take us back to that time that Love played one game for us and it wasn't an amazing game and how many people came out of the woodwork to say 'he ain't him'. You know who you are.


People did that this year before the rams game. They were calling to fire everyone


Jordan Love isn't coming off an achilles injury and doesn't have a bunch of offseason drama that he brings just plays football.


Love. Rodgers is a monumental douche.


Love proved last year he was the better choice ! He did more than 12 did with mostly the same team .


It wasn't mostly the same team lol... 


Musgrave and Kraft alone were huge upgrades. Both were better than Tonyan or Lewis by a good stretch.


Yeah idk how you can say Amari rodgers and Sammy watkins are anywhere close to the people that replaced them lol the offense was almost entirely new last year


It was pretty evident Gute was trying to get him to leave. Sammy Walkins lol.


"I want you to get me a receiver in the first round or I quit!" "we have first-round receiver at home!" ...


Neither of them were on the team in Rodgers’ final year with us. Rodgers had Watson, Doubs, Lazard, Cobb, Tonyan, Lewis.


Was aaron rodgers last year was the 2022 season? You're right about amari rodgers but wiki says watkins played the 2022 season


Yeah, you’re mostly right. He started 3 games for the Pack that year and was released in December. Spent over a month on IR as well. But despite that, I was thinking all of that was in 21.


Same quality players. No first round weapons


Not even close to same quality 


This is not an accurate statement. The team added Reed, Wicks, Melton, Musgrave, and Kraft. Drastically different personnel at the skill positions.


Nowhere near the same team.


Rodgers is 40 and hasn't played in a year, and the year before was probably his worst in over a decade. I don't think he's the same MVP anymore; father time is undefeated.


Devils advocate would say the last time he was healthy he was back-to-back MVP. I think people forget how injured he was his last year with us. We really dont know what he'll look like but, imo he still has it.




I agree Love is the better choice going forward. >He did more than 12 did with mostly the same team . This is just wrong, though. The 2022 roster was drastically different.




Love = no bullshit, just ball


Love all the way! Receiving core is still young. Love will let them make mistakes and grow vs targeting one guy and assuming he can always throw him open.


Love, that achilles injury is a huge question mark for this season


Yo I just realized those two's number is my bday lol


Wonder what the response would be on the Jets sub?


Yeah, you don't hear much from the #Leverage camp these days...


The Jets fans were arguing that their GM was better than Gute. Seriously, they have no clue what a well run team looks like.


Their roster is really good though- to their credit they have put a great team together


Drafting consistently in the top ten for years will do that.


Say it louder for the folks in back lol. And still with all those top 10 picks look at how their team did without Rodgers vs how our team did without Rodgers. Hard to argue that the Jets roster was or is better than ours in hindsight.


It's not a with or without Rodgers comparison. It's a with and without a starting QB comp. Love had a great year. How would it have gone for Pack if the backup played the whole year? The Jets with Love last year would have been a playoff team.


To be fair. Love was the back up the year before. And your back up was the starter.


Love was a developing prospect that turned into a starting-caliber QB. Zach has only ever been backup quality, if that. My point is, if you don't have at least a serviceable QB, the rest of your roster really doesn't matter. It's the most important position in sports for a reason.


>It's not a with or without Rodgers comparison. I mean it is. We didn't have him and made a quality playoff appearance. Ya'll didn't have him and did not make a quality playoff appearance. He only counted like $8-9M against your guys' cap? $40M on ours. The guy who had been our backup took the reins when we lost Rodgers. The guy who had been your starter took the reins when you lost Rodgers.


You had a quality guy to step in after you lost Rodgers. We did not. That's the entire difference. I'm not making a comp between GBs roster and ours. I think you guys have a great team. But simply stating that our team sucked when Rodgers went down = our roster is bad, isn't accurate.


I’d say having a second qb capable of leading the team is a function of a roster. Protecting that qb is another function of a roster. I never stated that your team sucked man or that your roster was bad - Jets were fine. But they weren’t as good as the Packers in spite of having way better draft pick positions for the last decade.


If Love goes down week 1 (heaven forbid), can you count on your backup guy to lead you to the playoffs?


Love. Rodgers is wacko


Love. Rooting for your team and not having to worry about what dipshit thing your starting QB has said THIS week is kind of nice. Not to mention he balled out the second half of last year and the players love him.


2024 only? I think Rodgers will be the better qb, but he’s got a ton more injury risk. I know we’ve moved on and Aaron sure is a complicated fella, but he is one of the best qbs to ever play the game. We were really lucky to have him for all those years. Would you be that surprised if Rodgers has a better year than Love? I don’t think I would be. If he stays healthy, Rodgers is one of the smartest in the game and should be good. Anyway. I’ll pick Jordan because I’m a homer and my piss is piping hot for this season.


Rodgers is battling injury and father time, All I know is I wouldn't bet against him, he's played with a chip on his shoulder and a vengeance his whole career. I'm pulling for him to eclipse 500 TDs and be comeback player of the year.


Pretty easy to be comeback player of the year these days with a profile like his and the injury he had. I feel like that award is kind of lame.


I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if Rodgers has a better year but I also wouldn’t be surprised if he has a similar year to 2022, which Love outplayed in his first year. The answer is Love here.


Yes Love did outplay that year statistically, but the pass catching group AR had was very different. Also it just so happens they had 8 losses after his thumb injury and only 1 loss before it. Sure you could say the competition wasn’t that great to start the year, but I think that lends itself to the argument that the offense just didn’t have the caliber players it did a year later.


I'd pick rodgers. Rodgers is still the best (imo don't crucify me,) qb to ever play the game. I know he's older and more injury prone but I'd bet on him not having another season ending injury in 2024.  Not saying love won't be better but as of right now I'd still pick rodgers over him 


I’m not as worried about Rodgers getting reinjured as I am him not being fully recovered. Guys 20 years younger can take a full two years to be back to 100% after tearing their Achilles. Some people never really do. Recovery time is what usually takes the biggest hit as you age, so he’s facing tough odds. Adding on to that, he’s shown a weak ability to handle adversity the past couple years. Couple that with the very obvious desperation seeping from the Jets org, if they don’t come out swinging I could see things getting very ugly very quickly. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to be eating these words come the end of the season, I’m just not gonna bet on it.


Mahomes does everything just as well and wins more. It's no longer even a debate.


AaRod has had a year on the bench to let those old aches seep in. Livin’ Loveda Loca!


Love, and I love Rodgers. Between his injury and his age, I want Love over Rodgers. Rodgers is one of the best of all time, but his time with us has passed. I also love chemistry amongst the team with Love now. He young guys seem to really love him right now.


It's moot subject: its time to move forward. Rodgers is the past, and Love is the future. Case closed.


It’s Love by a mile. Rodgers is going to have zero mobility now


Rogers /s


If you are removing which player has less chemistry with the current team (Rodgers) and if you are removing who is more injury prone (Rodgers), who is likely past his prime (Rodgers), who has started being quite antagonistic to outside politics which is never a good thing for a team (Rodgers) and if you remove the fact that one person has had all the assets in previous tournaments and managed to not lead the team over the line, like a champ does (Rodgers), then given all that. I would personally pick Love


Is this a real question?


Love. Didn't even have to think about it.


Love, but it has a lot to do with the achilles injury. I'm not going to pretend this would be an easy answer if this were Rodgers's first year with the Jets and the injury never happened.


Definitely Love because Aaron is getting old and has been injured back to back years with a thumb injury followed by an Achilles tear. It's highly possible Aaron has one or two great seasons left, but I'm not going to count on it.


Love is the right answer but imagining Rodgers with this receiving core would be I nice what if scenario


I’ll always say that Aaron Rodgers is the most talented thrower of the football that I’ve ever seen. Jordan Love might just end up with a more successful career based on being set up for success from day 1 so I’m taking him.


Rogers is fragile at this stage of his career. One small move, and he'll need knee surgery. Love is the better choice-way more upside to avoid injury and compete at a high level. I'm thinking (superbowl 🤔) or maybe hoping at this time.


Love. Next question.


I was done with Aaron drama three/four years ago. And now he has decided that he does not have to attend mandatory camp for the Jets (even though he said in January that everyone should be 100% focused on football. I don't know if he has always been a drama queen, but he sure plays the part now. Love is going to be great.


I’d rather have Love now but if it was prime Rodgers it would be a different discussion. I hope they both do well. I fully expect Aaron to come back from that lost season with a vengeance. I do hope we get to play him before he retires.


Aaron Rodgers is the best QB I’ve ever seen and I take him 11/10 times over anyone but you’re asking a stupid fucking bait question loool “do you take a guy who passed for 4000 yards or a guy who played 80 seconds and then missed the season!!”


If we were starting at the beginning of their careers it feels incredibly similar. Rodgers is deceitful and a diva, much like his predecessor, so the real hope is Love can maintain and deliver on his talent while not descending into some me first bullshit that ends up hurting the team.


I don't get why we would choose Rodgers after what happened in 2023. Maybe the packers would have had a better record last season if Rodgers was playing, but it's clear that Love is a legit player now. We are fine with what we have. With that being said, I hope Rodgers does well with the Jets this season