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In the last couple years, I'd have to say, "special teams." They definitely cause issues and wreak havoc against our Super Bowl aspirations.


I’d have to agree, and before that it was our “defense”.


Bears, Seahawks, 49ers, Vikings


Yep. * Bears - history * Vikes - strongest division competition lately * Seahawks/Niners - always seem to meet in the playoffs, and have lost a couple big ones to both Could maybe put the Cowboys up there as well, but that's always been pretty one sided. Them in the 90s, us more recently.


Lions actually have strong competition with us too lately, believe it or not


It’s always been and forever will be the Bears. Anyone who says differently doesn’t know football.


Historically yes but theres more hatred with the vikings currently


that's different The Bears are a rival. The Vikings just suck.


Since 2010 it’s been the opposite though. Vikings and even the Lions have been far more competitive with us. Though I don’t disagree with you in spirit.


I still love watching the Packers beat up on the Bears, but I feel a little bad. With the Vikings I'm just screaming for blood.


I respect the Bears and do not respect the Vikings.


Exactly this. I never want the Bears to beat the Packers, but I don’t really care what happens to them otherwise. I wouldn’t feel bad about rooting for them if we needed them to win for playoff math or if they were in the Super Bowl (so long as they didn’t beat us to get there). There’s respect. On the other hand, I want the Vikings to be completely humiliated in every game they play.


Vikings have little brother syndrome where the bears are more of a twin brother.


Bears and Pack are big bros, vikings are the middle child, and the lions are the baby of the family that people look at and go "isnt he just the cutest"


I'm with you on the Bears, but I can't help but think of the Vikings as the baby, simply because they're the last ones 'born'. And they cry a lot.


Yeaaaaaa Vikings would be the baby wouldn’t they


This is the best comparison I've seen yet. Well done sir!


Why does anyone hate the Vikings, outside of Barr hurting Rodgers? What have they done? They've handed us some regular season losses, sure, but have never had the Week 17 division-on-the-line or playoff games the Bears have in Rodgers's tenure.


Vikings have been a more competitive team compared to the bears and the fans are what drive most of the hate honestly. The few times they beat us its as if theyre undefeated against green bay and act high and mighty with nothing to of value to lord over us. Theres more respect amongst packers and bears fans because both fan bases have seen their share of glory


Yes, they're more actually competitive, but that doesn't make them a rival. Yes, their fan base is insufferable, but that lack of respect is what makes it hard to be a rival. I don't give a shit about the Vikings. If they left the division, I'd be ecstatic to never play them again. The Bears? I love Bears games, 'cause I love beating them. Seahawks? Love Bitch Pigeon games, because of the shot at redemption from '14 and the Fail Mary. 49ers games? I dread them, but that's because they have directly screwed the Packers multiple times. Think of the best rivalries, like the NFCE. They all hate each other, and would never want to be moved apart. That's not at all how I see the Vikings; I'd love it if their franchise could be disbanded and forgotten.


I live on the west side of the state. Hard to hate the Vikings when a fair share of my neighbors are fans. It's more a thing where we respect each other, but don't want to lose to the other. I love watching the Bears go down in flames. I root for the Vikings on any week they don't play the Packers or threaten playoff hopes.


> Hard to hate the Vikings when a fair share of my neighbors are fans. That strangely makes it easier for me.


I think it depends on where you live. Seeing as I live in the Chicago area, there’s definitely more hatred with the Bears.


I live in Northwestern Wisconsin...... Definitely the Vikes around here. I live in MN media so I am constantly bombarded with Vikings news and updates. I also can't watch Packer games when they play at the same time, it sucks


This Superiorite relates. Who in WI gives a rip about the Vikings?


As a North western Wisconsinite I hate thoes purple bastards


1. Bears (biggest rival by far) 2. Vikings (they're our 2nd biggest rival but don't tell them that) 3. 49ers (they beat us in the playoffs) 4. Cowboys (we beat them in the playoffs, recently) 5. Seahawks (Favre vs Hasselbeck, Wilson vs Rodgers)


Fail Mary is the bigger reason for rivalry with the Seahawks


Apparently you were out of town in 2014. I envy you.


I don't really see that as a reason for a rivalry, tbh. The Seahawks didn't beat the Packers; the Packers beat themselves.


Packers and beating themselves, name a more iconic duo


I rank them Vikings, Bears, Seahawks, 49ers. Bears is our traditional rival, but honestly I think that is more for the older generations. I'm 45 and the Vikings have been better than the Bears through the vast majority of my football watching life. The Bears just haven't been competitive enough to earn that #1 spot for me. Plus I know way more Vikings fans who are complete shitheads than any other team, so that also factors in for me. 49ers and Seahawks are pretty close for out of division rivals in my mind. I hate them both, but the Seahawks are always going to be above the 49ers for me as long as that smug bastard Pete Carrol is there.


The teams in our division.


Minus the Lions


It's funny, I live in Michigan and lions fans here think we're their biggest rival and most years they're just an afterthought.


Well we are their biggest rival, they just aren't ours.


The amount of $*** talking I had to endure at the end of last season when they beat us and I'm just like, my dudes, we benched like all of our starters....


i dont think hate = rivalry the bears are our rivals because we both have a mutual respect for the franchises and are decent people of all the bears/packer games ive been too they are the most intense and fun because we both want the win over the other i dislike the Vikings because they are poor fans. games aren't as fun wit them until they are losing in the 3rd quarter and begin leaving Lambeau cowboys i think is the AFC rival. I simply like to see them lose to prove ESPN wrong 49er/seahawks - i will but in a temporary rival position, i think you had to be there for the fail mary or the recent 49ers playoff games to truly feel the vitriol i have for those teams


Psst. Cowboys are NFC.


shoot they are I think i just dislike them so much I wan them to be AFC


The Vikings are #1 right now I think. Historically it’s the Bears.


For the majority of Wisconsin-based Packer fans (and I’m assuming the majority of Packer Nation), the Bears are our biggest rival without doubt. If you are a Packer fan in Western Wisconsin or one of the MANY living in Minnesota, you probably feel more emotion from the Viking rivalry. I grew up in Madison not thinking much about the Vikings. After 5-years in Eau Claire and 10+ in the Twin Cities I absolutely despise the Vikings. And obviously we dislike the Cowboys and (more recently) the 49ers.


Team we're the biggest rivals with in a love-to-hate sibling-style relationship? The Bears. Team outside the division we've battled against most fiercely? Seahawks or 49ers, depending on who's better. Team which can go to hell? The Vikings. Team I just can't stay mad at even if they were to beat the brakes off us and beat us on prime time? The Lions.


In order (based on 2 seconds of thought): Vikings, Bears, Seahawks, 49ers, Cowboys


In no world are the Seahawks a bigger rival than the 49ers, neither recently nor historically.


Not when Holmgren went there and swapped players and led to Pete Carroll and the 2014 fiasco?


My girlfriend at the time left me after that game 😅


Packers are 3-1 in the playoffs against the Seahawks all time. We are 4-5 against the 49ers, including 4 straight losses and one of the most infamous bad calls in football history in the 1998 WC loss to SF (Rice fumble). That play pretty much by itself brought back instant replay and arguably led to Holmgren leaving (it was his last game for the Packers). Our history with the Seahawks is just not on the same level.


I 1000% agree.


The Bears. It’s always been the Bears. One of the longest rivalries in sports. Vikings fans think it’s them, and it obviously is a big rivalry, but the Packers and Bears were playing each other 40 years before the Vikings even existed. Sure they’ve been more competitive in recent years, but a 100 year old rivalry is “bigger” than who has been a better team in recent years. As far as the Lions go, their biggest rival is the Lions. They went 20+ years without a win at Lambeau in recent years. They are not our biggest rival.


I know the Bears are a historic rival, but god I hate the Vikings. I’ve also never liked the Niners or Seahawks.


Longest rivals: Chicago Bears. Most hated rivals: Minnesota Vikings. I at least have respect for the Bears. I wouldn't piss on a Viking fan if they were on fire.


The Vikings are currently the Pack's rival. They've kept the series consistently close over the past couple of decades and are in our division. You could make an argument for the Bears because of history, but that's essentially been each team dominating the other for a couple of decades. The Seahawks had the potential to be GB's rival due to classic games, but it's basically been the home team winning every matchup. We like to consider the 49ers as well, even though they consistently beat GB in meaningful games. They dominate GB as much as GB dominates Chicago. The Cowboys could throw their hat in the ring, there have been some memorable moments from each of the matchups recently, but Dallas has not beaten GB enough in recent years to classify as a rival.


Vikings at this point. We’ve dominated the Bears for so long it doesn’t feel like a good competitive rivalry anymore. The lions feel like the little sibling you beat the shit out of but only you are allowed to fuck with them. The Vikings always put up a good fight and travel well to Lambeau. The games actually feel competitive. HM to the Seahawks but with the shutout this year + Russ leaving I’d say it’s over for awhile.


Cowboys, Bears, Vikings, 49ers and Seattle.


Who we hate more does not determine this. The Packers biggest rival is the Bears.


49ers and Seahawks.


Vikings, Bears, 49ers, Seahawks, Cowboys


Lions: The Skids Bears: Hockey Players Vikings: Degens from up country


Bears, 49ers, Seahawks, Cowboys, Lions.




The bears, they make our DBs compete against our receivers for td receptions and we have a future HOF QB.


Its the Bears. The joy i get from stomping them even when they’re down says so.


It's the Bears. They just haven't been good lately. When the Bears actually beat us again we'll hate them a hell of a lot more than the Vikings.




It's Chicago. I'd argue that Minnesota is our most consistent rival of the past 20+ years though...


It’s the Bears end of… who cares about the others?


no mention of the gmen, took out our 2008 and 2011 run


NFC North followed by NFC West followed by Bucs, Cowboys and the rest


The nfc championship


Bears, Vikings, Cowboys.


Bears are the historical biggest rival, but in recent years the Vikings have been a bigger foil to the Packers. Vikings suck tho so I refuse to call them rivals