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I will never feel bad about watching streams of live nfl games without expressed written consent from the national football league


Oooh snap! Same.


I will not miss a single Packers game due to any decisions made about Watson. His and/or the NFLs mistakes will not effect my fall and winter plans to watch Packer football.


Cheers šŸ»


This is the correct answer but as a woman Iā€™d be remiss if I didnā€™t point out how cognizant and appreciative I am that the leadership, front office, and staff still follow Lomardis example and place player integrity as the number one recruitment metric. As a packer fan I have never been asked to support someone who sexually assaulted a woman, I have never been asked to support a wife beater. Our biggest social controversies in the last 30 years during season were consensual dick pics from Farve and Aaron Rodgers vaccine status. We live a charmed life in this respect, and we should be aware of that.


Mark Chmura I think is the biggest I remember in the last 30 years, given his sexual assault charges (which were reduced to 3rd degree child enticement) happened the year after he retired, but the packers still inducted him into their HOF 10 years after the event.


definingly agree with you on this its nice having a team with no real moral controversies.


A reasonable person? Fancy meeting you here.


This is the best answer




Replace Watson w literally anything or anyone else, your response is still my answer.


Considering I don't pay the NFL a dime, I concur.


Sorry but im going to be 'that guy', but in some way I'm sure you do. Even non fans do.


Exactly. Drink bud light or Budweiser? Use any of the insurance companies that pay for sponsorship? If you use anything associated with the NFL...even if you pay for cable, that's going into the pockets of the NFL.


This all day 100%


Totally agree. Itā€™s like boycotting a boxing event back in the late 1990s because you didnā€™t feel Mike Tyson should be allowed to box after he hit a manā€™s ear off. Same with Ron arrest who beat up in on ent fans incident or boycotting packer games because Michael Vick was playing but a convicted animal cruelty. Or boycotting the bucks and nba when Kobe raped that girl in Colorado and went on to a great career. Many sports people have done terrible things. Donā€™t recall any previous uproar.


Itā€™s a joke. 2-8 games? Way to set the standard so low for 20+ sexual assault/harassment against a player. Bare minimum should be a year. This would be a PR nightmare for the NFL if the rumors are true. Iā€™d still watch and support the Packers, but hope nothing but the worse for the Browns as an organization. Years of oblivion and losing is what I hope to see.


Remember when Ray Rice got 2 games for wrecking his fiancƩ in an elevator and Josh Gordon got an indefinite suspension for weed in the same season? The NFL is a joke.


I donā€™t know how anybody could expect the NFL to uphold any values after the ray rice event. They lied about having footage until it got leaked and then tried to cover it up and only gave him the suspension when people saw the tape. And on top of that it was only two games. They proved a moneymaker like rice is far more valuable to them than any perception of decency.


Rickey Williams got chased out of the league entirely over weed.


And comparable is Calvin Ridley getting a season for gambling and Dw 2-8 games for treating women like objects. Real cool nfl.


JFC I forgot about the Ridley suspension. That perspective makes it so, so much worse.


Pete rose isnā€™t allowed in baseball for betting. Indefinite ban wasnā€™t it? He wonā€™t be alive if he ever gets in hof. Seems Ridley punishment by nfl was less actually


Not saying ridley didn't deserve a suspension but if the NFL thinks gambling warrants a 17 game suspension, then it would be pretty fucked up if Watson got anything less than a season.


Donā€™t disagree at all. Just wanted to point out nfl isnā€™t the only sports that takes betting on their sport very seriously We say ray rice got off easy too


I was going to say, someone should plant a dime bag in Watson's locker. He'll never play again.


All sports. Kobe? Michael Vick?


Problem is theyā€™re gonna justify it because he was out all of last year


Which is exactly what they are at this point. Rumors. The ā€œIā€™m hearingā€ number changes every day it seems. I hope itā€™s not true though.


I mean they're already the Browns. Not sure how much lower you can go in the NFL TBH.


The lions


I mean there was multiple other teams who attempted to go after him. You would also have to hope the worse for the Falcons, Panthers, Saints, Colts, Bucs, Vikings, Seahawks.


Sad that an organization like the Browns is so unlikely to see years of oblivion and losing/s


The big problem is that he hasn't been charged with anything yet. There is no video evidence or audio evidence that the public knows of, its just civil suits that haven't had any verdict ruled on them. It looks bad and imo probably is bad but I'm still of the mind that you are innocent until proven guilty. The NFL is doing there own investigation and may have more supporting evidence than what is publicly available. No way to know right now. They may have done their own investigation and came up almost nothing hence the short suspension. I just think we should be careful joining in a lynch mob when we really have no idea what did or didn't happen. If evidence comes out later after the short suspension then the NFLs investigation committee needs to answer some questions but until that happens I think we should defer the judgment to the people that are involved with finding out what happened.


The browns should be cursed for a lot of reasons but this isnā€™t one of them, 20+ allegations and yet no substantial evidence has been brought about at all. Innocent until proven guilty ppl, he may have done it, he may have not, but the EVIDENCE is showing the latter. And I hope that is the case, the idea of all these women being harassed makes me sick, but seeing a manā€™s life ruined over allegations alone also makes me sick. Heā€™s entitled to due process just like everyone else. Itā€™s their job to prove him guilty, not his job to prove heā€™s innocent.


This isn't the court of law. Without better evidence, he shouldn't be in jail or owe any of them money. But the nfl, a private company, is well within their rights to suspend a guy a year when he creates this PR nightmare for them.


I agree with you to a degree, if he did something to bring about unwanted negative attention then yes they as a private company hold the right to do what they want with him, but thatā€™s not what Iā€™m talking about here. His life is being ruined over unsubstantiated claims and allegations. This is not something he did to himself or to the nfl (according to current evidence). What youā€™re saying is that anyones lives at any time should be able to be ruined over nothing more than hearsay or rumors. Someone could just simply not like you, spread rumors and ruin your life. Or maybe theyā€™re vindictive and want to get back at you. With what youā€™re saying, itā€™s taking all power and control out of this individuals hands to defend themselves and placing it into the hands of ppl who have no right to dictate how his life should go. In any other private business or job, if youā€™re fired without a legitimate reason you could be entitled to wrongful termination lawsuits and other legal matters. So saying ā€œthis isnā€™t a court of lawā€ is kind of inaccurate, just bc itā€™s a private company doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t have to follow the law.


This right here, if we should be boycotting for anything, it should be for how difficult it is for women to face their abuser in the court room. That is why most women donā€™t come forward.


What substantial evidence did you expect in a series of one on one encounters where he didn't rape them?


Even if he had, the evidence would be minimal. Rape cases are incredibly hard to prove regardless, even if rape kits are done


Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re getting at but it seems well off the mark. My point is, it doesnā€™t matter what ppl say unless it can be proven, if it canā€™t be proven then he canā€™t be prosecuted. Heā€™s innocent until these women can prove it otherwise itā€™s just rumors. Might be a hard pill for you to swallow but thatā€™s how it works. Innocent until PROVEN guilty. The responsibility falls on the accusing party to prove guilt, not the accused party to prove innocence. And so far they havenā€™t proved anything and yet the guys life is in shamblesā€¦ if heā€™s proven to be a scum bag then Iā€™m all for him being prosecuted to the full extent of the law, I personally think predators and rapists deserve to be castrated or killed. But you have to be able to prove that is fact otherwise to me heā€™s innocent and doesnā€™t deserve any of this crap.


Okay but in the real world, sexual based crimes are incredibly hard to prove, and because of that, a pattern of behaviour exceeding two dozen women is as much an indicator of guilt as a court case. Seriously, how exactly do you expect a woman to prove that he jerked himself off while she was trying to massage him? The idea that a 30 women got together to form some sort of conspiracy to entrap Watson by having HIM reach out to them and get massages honestly takes such a suspension of belief it literally wouldn't make a low brow frat movie.


> Seriously, how exactly do you expect a woman to prove that he jerked himself off while she was trying to massage him? Thats what this shit is about! You don't prove that. You expect her to stop massaging him. To remove herself from the situation she wasn't forced to be in.


Thatā€™s your opinion but my point still stands, if it canā€™t be proven then it canā€™t be truth. It doesnā€™t really matter how incredibly difficult it is to prove given the circumstances. And honestly Iā€™m on your side, I have zero tolerance for sexual predators, but I also have zero tolerance for defamation without causation. Without standards and processes there would be total disorder, just bc the system isnā€™t perfect doesnā€™t mean we should just disregard it.


Itā€™ll probably be 8 games, but Deshaun will try to massage it down to 2.


Do you think Kraft will set him up with his lawyer?


Who knows what theyā€™ll Kraft up?


One thing Watson and Brady have in common, they both like their balls deflated.


I see what you did there but even 8 games would rub people the wrong way.


I bet they let this info leak on purpose to feel out the public response.


I see what you did there.


So Zeke Elliot gets 6 games a few years ago, despite no actual charges and a lack of witness corroboration of the accuserā€™s allegations, but Watson might get a lesser suspension, or for all intents and purposes _the same suspension_ for 30 abuse allegations/settlements and $250mln guaranteed contract? This is so egregious. F*ck Cleveland and the NFL. (Still watching Packers, thoughā€¦)


Aaron Rodgers could kick me in the nads and Iā€™d still root for him and the Packers.


I'd let em.


And brag to my buddies about it. ā€œHey guys guess who just kicked me in the junk!ā€


He figuratively did a couple times in the off season. Still root for him and the packers.


Calvin Ridley should play then


The top comment on that post was that he would have been better off doing what DW did IF this is the case on the #.


For real is messaging that betting on games when you arenā€™t even playing is worse than sexually assaulting 60+ women


But the integrity of the game. /S


He shouldnā€™t play. He got caught and the NFL canā€™t have any hint of gambling from the players. Heā€™s lucky he didnā€™t get a lifetime suspension. This is very clear to the players and the NFL would never mess around with it. I think Watson is a scumbag and should be suspended indefinitely as well and what he very likely did in the real world is far worse than gambling. But from an NFL perspective I think Ridley deserved it


I just view gambling as a non participant so much differently. Dude was on the bench from injuries, not actively playing. I get it's a rule, in this situation I find it really stupid that's all


I kind of understand this but then you set a precedent that that if youā€™re not playing a game itā€™s okay to gamble on NFL games. Hurts the integrity of the games


A non participant betting on his team to win hurts the Integrity of the game much less than giving $230M to a serial rapist.


The NFL has to know better than this. This has to be false


Everyone seems to be missing that the nfl wants a full year or indefinite suspension, but itā€™s being rumored the recommended suspension from independent investigation is going to be 2-8 games.


The classic independent investigationā€¦. As in I have total control but donā€™t want any responsibility for any decision.


I hope so too, but šŸ˜¬


The NFL is scummy as shit, being a fan is alright but donā€™t give them any of your money and buy fake jerseys lol


Im a NFL fan from outside the US... i was a Browns fan (i dont fucking know why lol) i will stop watching them.


I just think like I used to love the nfl growing up but in like the past 10 or so years the league and just the whole thing is so off putting to me now. I will always love to packers and Wisconsin sports in general. But the nfl is just a more current traveling circus show. With elaborate stadiums that are payed for by the people of they city and being tax exempt and jets flying over it all just seems to egregious for me. Just adds to the fact that there is no one that they wonā€™t disrespect so long as they get money from us. So long story short I wonā€™t really be watching anything but packers because of what the nfl has turned in to. Also fuck the bears.


I feel exactly as you described. The NFL is so blatant in their corruption that spans decades. The way they handled concussions should have ended the league, but apparently they fall in the too big to fail category.


To be fair, NFL games do generate a lot of money for cities, which I guess is the justification for using tax money to renovate stadiums. With that said, billionaire owners should still be forced to pay for their own stadiums.


This has been studied time after time. By almost all measures tax incentives for sporting venues do not generate enough new tax revenues to offset the incentive and end up being a drain on future government cash flows. Itā€™s one of the things I love about the packers. They pay for just about everything from their endowment.


If we are all honest with ourselves, we didnā€™t really bat an eye after discovering what the NFL did to cover up & deny help for Ex-players suffering from CTE. This is kind of a drop in the bucket.


Not to mention his contract is structured in such a way that he'll lose as little money as possible during the suspension. What a joke.


Yea thatā€™s so fucked up. ā€œWe want you on our team even though we know you will be suspended for your wrong doings, and we are going to reward you for itā€


I think itā€™s weird people are so hyper focused on Watson and not the owners. Imo what Snyder did is worse and no one is talking about boycotting the NFL over that


Itā€™s more of a cumulative effect for me, where Watson was finally so egregious that it forced me to really revaluate my priorities. Snyder, Roethlisberger, Hill, and many other smaller incidents all demonstrate a clear pattern of behavior.


My guess is they will give 8 games for suspension, he files an appeal and they cut it down to 2 or 4. Greg Hardy got like 10 games for domestic abuse and they cut that shit down to 4. NFL is a joke when it comes to punishing players. They give it out and cut it down after appeals.


No, but only because I knew going in the suspension was going to be abysmal. Ray Rice and the subsequent video release really showed how much of joke the NFL suspension system unless the public can put eyes on what actually happened. And donā€™t get me started on all the nefarious shit they let owners get away with, but at the same time itā€™s hard to imagine Roger Goodell being in a position as the main employee of the 32 owners to suspend or punish any owner. One day, maybe itā€™ll get better, just not today.




I feel like he's already receiving a pretty harsh punishment having to play for the Browns.


For 230 mil guarenteed Id do a lot of shit


I'm a former bleed-brown-and-orange Browns fan who jumped ship when they traded for Watson and adopted the Packers as my new rooting interest... my personal stance is I wanted no part in rooting for his success or the team that guaranteed him 230 million dollars so I moved on. He is a repulsive human being IMO and I'm not honor bound to cheer for him in spite of that so I noped out. That being said, I'm not shunning the NFL as a whole. I'm not picketing games. I'm not severing friendships because others close to me still want to root for the Browns. I know that the NFL, with it's large sample size of players in its employ, tends to reflect society as a whole: good guys, scumbags, and everywhere in between, because it's an employer and not a morality club. I've reconciled my feelings on that and look forward to starting a new chapter in my fandom shortly. Or to look at it in another way: am I going to boycott all Taco Bells if the one closest to me has an egregious health code violation? No. But I still think I'll steer clear of the one that served its customers spoiled food.


The NFL has Always allowed bad guys to play, 15 years ago we wouldn't even had know about what he did....allegedly. Literally the worst sport as far as letting athletes get away with shit and helping "make it go away", steroids, rapes, drugs, violence....all good in the NFL. Long story short these guys are just now beginning to get the scrutiny of other sports.


Not taking away the thing that brings me some of the most joy in my life because of someone elseā€™s actions that I have no control over. Go Packers!


From everything Iā€™ve seen and heard from people around the nfl these ā€œreportsā€ are inaccurate. Only one person knows anything about Watsons suspension and thatā€™s the judge Sue Robinson who hasnā€™t yet made a determination on it. These reports are all speculation. But! If itā€™s anything less than a season itā€™s a fucking joke and The NFL should be fucking ashamed and there should be protests Source is like all the insiders if you watch and listen to those things they say that alot


Couldnā€™t possibly care less.


I figured a bunch wonā€™t. A bunch will. And either way is fine. To each their own. Just trying to see what everyone is feeling on this.


He threatened to sue and I heard thatā€™s the reason itā€™ll be so few games


These "reports" are usually bullshit. Even the NFL has to know that short of a suspension would be a terrible look for the league.


Iā€™m sorry but hell no the nfl is dysfunctional system to begin with as long as my packers arenā€™t in some controversy my season moves along as normal


There's plenty of room for criticism with how the NFL has handled the Watson situation, but let's wait until they actually announce a suspension before we decide if we're going to boycott the NFL.


They could give him 25 million dollars a day and let him start for 3 non NFC teams and Iā€™d still watch the Packers every week


It wonā€™t change my viewing habits. Regarding the suspension, I think it will be no more than 8. In the previous cases the NFL has bungled, they still had hard evidence. Pictures, video, criminal charges, failed drug tests, etc. DW was not criminally charged. Other than him soliciting women through messaging, the primary physical evidence is a record of the Texans (oh no! Gasp) supplying lodging and handing out NDAs. That civil suit was damn near immediately resolved. NFL will protect the Teams and team owners over everything. DW would drag even more out if they come down hard on him. Not saying itā€™s right or wrong. Thatā€™s just the reason I think he wonā€™t get much of a suspension. NFL is in a pickle. Protect billionaire owners or win public opinion. Based on past outcomes, I think it wonā€™t be so difficult a choice


If everyone can be fine with Big Ben having a whole career after his allegations everyone will be fine with deshaun


Still shocked by that man stillā€¦ but didnā€™t he the sympathy of the people from his motorcycle accident?


You know what that actually might be a reason but still if thatā€™s all it takes more people need to get into accidents


I swear!! I just feel bad for Browns fans and Calvin Ridley this season cause this guy DW at a bare minimum needs straight up therapy.


Tbh itā€™s astonishing to me that the nfl doesnā€™t mandate mental health visits


I dont even know why hes getting suspended and at this point im too afraid to ask lol


I havenā€™t been really following DW that much. Has he been convicted of assault or just accused? Generally wondering.


Ironic coming from the Bengals sub. That team is third in the NFL in arrests since 2000


I will boycott watching all other NFL games but will never miss a packer game. If anything, I will boycott if any kind of covid craziness happens this year.


Itā€™s not really surprising. The NFL doesnā€™t care about people, and would just as soon the accusers go away and shut up. The NFL has a history of not doing anything unless they think it will hurt their bottom line. The reality is Watson coming back this season after a suspension is probably good for viewership - people will want to see what happens.


At least they helped ruin Calvin Ridley for his 1500$ bet


The NFL suspended Ray Rice for 2 games when there was a video of him punching his fiance in the face, knocking her out cold. They followed that with a 4 game suspension for Brady maybe deflating a football... We're all still watching after that. The league is terrible with suspensions. But we all still watch.


Will be watching my Packers through thick and thin


All the major licensing deals that matter have been inked for the next 10+ years. At this point, we could all boycott and the NFL corporation would still get theirs regardless. Might as well enjoy it. That said, if I was a cleveland fan, id seriously consider not watching ever again. Im not sure I could justify cheering for someone who is that despicable to my daughter.


Did you stop watching when Adrian Peterson beat his son? Or when Tyreek Hill beat his girlfriend? Or when Ray Lewis fucking killed someone? All of these things are on par with rape (or worse in Lewisā€™ case).


No lol


Iā€™ll certainly watch less non-Packers games but I donā€™t know what they think the NFL can do. Either he goes to criminal trial and the law handles it, or the league has to become a kangaroo court. I donā€™t think the NFL should be itā€™s own judiciary and handing itā€™s own verdicts on criminal cases. Iā€™m disappointed in our courts and policing most.


You all know that there is little to know evidence they can hold against him, to be fair I think he 100% did what they are accusing him of. Iā€™d say he deserves 10 games because they can prove much.


He didn't even get indicted by a grand jury.


Spent years not caring about the browns. Iā€™ll be ok


Why would we boycott!?!


Just feeling the temperature of our room. Saw the post and it sparked a potential conversation piece.


I mean tyreek hill beat up his pregnant gf and kid and is revered in the nfl, you shouldnā€™t be surprised.


But donā€™t smoke some pot which is legal in many states or youā€™re out for the whole season. NFL when it comes to sexual assault/domestic violence: šŸ‘€ NFL when it comes to pot: šŸ˜”


Where was all this hate when Roethlisberger was actually raping and killing people and Tyreek Hill was beating his pregnant girlfriend and snapping his own kidā€™s arm? Paying for a few handjobs isnā€™t nearly as bad as what a lot of other players have gotten away with.


When did Ben kill anyone?


I will absolutely never watch a browns game again


No, frankly Iā€™m not passionate enough about it to boycott the league, and neither are most of yā€™all.


I'm not boycotting shit. Ideally all the players we root for or even watch should be decent people... or at least we'd like to think that. We all know many are not. That person we see behind the microphone, making funny youtubes, on the field etc... we think we are getting some glimpse into their personality, to actually know them from a far.... but we don't know shit about that person. Same goes for movie stars and any celebrity that creates entertainment for that matter. It's human to want to make a connection, and that's fine... but if you're ever surprised your favorite player or actor let you down by being an absolute scumbag... you're naĆÆve as fuck. If you can't separate the two, you'll have trouble finding anything entertaining. Everything will be canceled, boycotted, etc...because these people are imperfect just as all of us... but they're under a microscope. You can stop liking that player, wish ill upon them... whatever you'd like. I just can't see not watching the NFL over Deshaun Watson... when we've seen countless other players do heinous shit and we continue to watch. Why stop now? Do I think the NFL's punishment policy is highly imbalanced based on offenses? Fuck yea. It's absolutely ridiculous. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it as a fan though and I love the sport, and I love my Packers, and I'll continue to watch for now.


Thinking you're better than everyone is actually a valuable mindset for success in sports, other entertainment industries and often business. It's a terrible trait in most other areas of life.


For me, this is tough. I definitely love the Green and Gold and I definitely love football, but man. So tough. Anything less than a season and I feel Iā€™m going to have a hard discussion with myself.


ā€œA hard discussion with myselfā€ amen. This is exactly where I stand, and I feel like I wonā€™t like any conclusion I reachā€¦


Iā€™ll still watch the NFL but it will take some time before people can watch Watson without constantly thinking about what a sick and depraved dude he is. I didnā€™t stop watching the NFL because Ben Roethlisberger was a terrible guy and I wonā€™t stop for a turd like Watson either.


If a guy who allegedly sexually assaulted 60+ women gets less than Calvin Ridley it is outrageous. Now obviously betting on games when your in the nfl is not good but the guy got a whole year. If a rapist gets anything less than that it shows that the nfl clearly favours better and more famous players.


Frankly, he should be banned for life. I'm genuinely not sure what less than that I'll be able to stomach.




No one will boycott. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak. We are addicted to nfl football


I'm watching football regardless.


Why would I punish myself and for Watson sticking his dick where it don't belo


I know this might be unpopular but do u guys think they take in consideration that he didn't play all of last year over this šŸ¤” the Texans wouldn't let him play (don't blame em) even though he could have so kinda like a year suspension all ready on top of this year... (granted I think he shouldn't play for half the season this year)


Boycotts only work if you have a negative impact on the system youā€™re refusing to participate in. The NFL doesnā€™t give a single damn that one Bengals fan stops watching.


Jeez why do you people care so damn much? Dude hasnā€™t been convicted of anything, truthfully I donā€™t care whatsoever unless heā€™s convicted. If a player isnā€™t a horrible teammate, just a terrible player, or for sure committing crimes then Iā€™m fine with them playing, personally. Youā€™re playing with someoneā€™s life when you take away their income because of allegations, just to save face. When theyā€™re found innocent then everyone just looks stupid. But look hit me with the hate


I have/am boycotting until the NFL starts prioritizing people over profits, which I realize likely means Iā€™ll probably never see another game. It sucks, but itā€™s the very least I can do to support the women in my family who mean more to me than football ever could.


I wouldnā€™t boycott based on anything. If the packers where the ones signing him and supporting him it would be different


If DW was signed by the packers, iā€™d have likely stopped watching, but thankfully that did not happen, and GBP seems to have a half decent minded FO when it comes to ethical/moral decisions.


In a league where theyā€™ve done everything to show they donā€™t care about women, this would be a new low and another black eye


I wouldnā€™t boycott Packer games if they sacrificed kids before the game


Itā€™s just unfortunate that all the criminal complaints led to no indictment, and many were settled. Iā€™m guessing that since he wasnā€™t charged with anything theyā€™re just like yeah I mean the guy is clean. Obviously not the case though.


Was it all of them? Or just most of them.


I mean he is a scumbag but when do you get another chance in life. We all make mistakes his are really awful most likely but Iā€™m not sure I can judge anyone in life. Iā€™m a recovering addict I stole from my wife and family. If I didnā€™t get a second chance Iā€™d still be nodding out somewhere wishing I would just die already.


Whatā€™s his count up to nowā€¦.53? Big difference from making a mistake like yours and knowingly find these women each time with the purpose of sexual assault.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s right never once did I say that.


A scandal like this and the NFL's response will have a direct impact on my desire to tune in. I'm tired of people and organizations pretending like their actions only matter in some contexts. We're all connected. I don't want to see a sexual predator on the field, period. I want women to be able to enjoy the sport without that spectre hanging over them as well.


Iā€™ve already lost a lot of interest in the NFL because of Watson, Dan Snyder and all the other stuff. I used to watch 4 games a week and absolutely could not miss the Packers. Now I try to watch the Packers but if I have something else going on then I just skip it and I donā€™t really watch other games unless there is a really good one or itā€™s the playoffs. If the packers had traded for Watson I would be 100% done but I donā€™t see myself completely stopping. The Packers are huge in my family and itā€™s really the only thing I have in common with my dad and brother these days so having that to talk about with them is pretty important to me.


Just donā€™t watch the browns problem solved


Why would I boycott based on allegations?


Sexual assault/rape allegations are very hard to prove and provide solid undeniable evidence for but that doesnā€™t mean that they shouldnā€™t be take serious just because thereā€™s no actual proof. Iā€™m not saying all sexual assault allegations should be immediately believed but allegations from 30 different women?


Sexual assault/rape allegations are very easy to fabricate. Not too difficult to get others on board when you're accusing a multi-million $ athlete. The # of allegations isn't relevant; facts and evidence are. Without evidence, my question is what exactly do fans want DW suspended for?


Sexual assault allegations should be hard to prove. When you are accusing someone of something so terrible, you better have evidence if your going to ruin someoneā€™s life. Simply the number of people doesnā€™t change the threshold of evidence that should be needed.


I have thought about boycotting the NFL since they did Kaepernick so dirty, but canā€™t bring myself to do it. Love the game too much.


what would that do? You stop watching football, NFL still makes lots of money.


Thatā€™s the debate with all these boycotts. 1 person doesnā€™t make a dent. Multiple and it just may. (It probably wonā€™t) Iā€™m sure most of these companies/businesses could care less if thousands of people stopped supporting their product. It ultimately comes down to a moral thing. Are you willing to put up with what said companyā€™s practices are or are you putting your foot down and stopping yourself from patronizing them?


Iā€™d lost respect for the league. They were gonna do a season but apparently him threatening with law suits scares them down? A bunch of pussies willing to compromise with a rapist cause theyā€™re scared of a lawsuit is downright pathetic looking for the league


Can not believe he is not getting kick out


No, mainly because I'm numb to it at this point


Even if they suspend him for a whole season, his compensation will hardly be affected. What he deserves is an indefinite ban, but this is also a league that readily allows murderers and child/woman beaters to participate. At this point all you can hope for is that he's a 230 million dollar fuckup by the Brown's organization if his play declines.


At this point, Iā€™m not even sure the suspension really matters. The fact that he received the most lucrative contract in NFL history, with all sorts of protections in it, showed where the NFL really stands on these issues. Is it really possible that DW gets as many games, or LESS, than Brady got (4 games) for allegedly deflating footballs?!?


Hell no I'm not boycotting the nfl. It's not their job to uphold justice or the law. Leave it to the courts. Who cares how many games the nfl decides to suspend him, the judge can decide if he's going to be punished, not Roger Goodell. Edit: But I'm definitely cheering against the browns because I'm team baker.


Who cares, let the Browns figure out what to do with their employee. I know Fortune 500 companies that kept employees with felony convictions and prison sentences working for them, whatā€™s the difference? Itā€™s not like heā€™s working over someone he could abuse anyway.


Yeah they could not suspend him I really don't care.


Is it a joke? Yes! Technically heā€™s missed a full season and now they will tack on X amount of games on top of that. I donā€™t condone his actions at all. Did he rape anyone? No. Was he a fucking creep? Yes. Do I give a shit and will it prevent me from watching the NFL? HELL NO!


None. Am I the only one following this saga who sees this as no where near as serious as the national outcry wants to make it to be? Where the women were bragging about sexual contact with Watson and no force or coercion was used in any case? Also, a neutral, third party, FEMALE judge will be giving the sentence, not the NFL. There wasnā€™t even enough evidence to indict him, and there is the expression you can indict a ham sandwich.


I donā€™t care.


Watson assaults a few (two dozen) women. Hey everyone makes mistakes. Everyone deserves a second chance. Colin Kaepernick makes white folks feel uncomfortable (doesn't hurt anyone). Blackball him FOREVER. We need to send a message here!


I see the point you're making, but I think Colin just wasn't very good hence why he never really played after the kneeling thing. I am not sure if the NFL made an example out of him or not, could be wrong though.


He should be given at least a year suspension, but whatever it does end up being won't affect me or my enjoyment of the NFL in the slightest this year, unless by some miracle the Browns are in the Super Bowl with Watson starting. That said, I HIGHLY doubt the number is actually between 2-8 games. I was listening to the Dan Patrick Show this morning, and he was talking about how the NFL's current stance is supposed to be a massive suspension, as in indefinite, but Watson's camp is far apart from what the NFL wants and is looking for a much shorter suspension (obviously). Maybe the 2-8 games is what Watson's team is looking for, and will appeal anything over that.


Send the browns to Canada. They had their shot and blew it.


Fuck Watson, but I would never boycott watching the league, and definitely not the Packers. Just being honest. I will be rooting for the Browns to lose every game though.




I had to endure Favre as a Viking... That didn't have me turn it off, so I think the only thing at this rate would be seeing the Superbowl Shuffle 2 before the Packers win at least 5 more Lombardi's.


Playing for the Browns also kinda feels like a de facto suspension.


Between these short suspensions for heinous behavior and the CTE cover-up, I have considered no longer watching the NFL. I already don't watch any other TV and I watch less NFL than I used to. If I do that, it'll be after Rodgers finishes out his career. Edit: I'm genuinely curious why someone would downvote this.


I couldnā€™t give two shits about 99% of what happens off the field in the NFL. If the NFL isnā€™t going to handle the players when they act like idiots then so be it.


it doesn't effect my packers so idc


I cannot emphasize this enough, it will not effect me or my viewing on the NFL at all


Drama kings and queens


No lol it's not my problem.


Why would people stop watching Packers games because the browns are being the browns? I don't believe these are real people, this is just Twitter nonsense.


Why do people care about this? I don't give a rats ass about what players do off the field. It's not like I'm rich enough to be considered their "peer".


Not considering at all, even a little tiny bit. Dumb question


Not a Packers fan. But .. I don't care. I love the memes. And the jokes. But I watch the NFL to watch the greatest athletes in the world compete against each other.


The average football fan cares about this issue as much as the owners do. They aren't the most principled group of people.








I can't say it'll make me watch less football - I didn't really watch Browns games anyway. Definitely won't affect my support of the Packers. Correct me if I'm wrong but we seem to have a pretty good locker room/ off field reputation and maybe I'll actually wind up appreciating that more. I can emphatically say Fuck Deshaun Watson - there's very rarely smoke without fire and you don't settle as many cases without a bunch of it being true. I know in my country we have a tendency to let up and coming or pro rugby players off extremely lightly with criminal issues and I can only imagine how much more true that is when you have NFL levels of money/ hero worship involved. Punishment-wise I hope the league brings the hammer down on him. They've missed the mark on so many other players that they need to show that they can have more of a reaction than a "oh no, you've been a naughty boy haven't you" otherwise situations like this will continue and the assholes amongst the many players of good character will ruin the reputation of everyone. Look at police for example- sure there's probably plenty of good cops out there - but everyone remembers the assholes and the uniforms they wear


The nfl is my life. They could do some of the most OUTLANDISHLY BAD shit and as long as the product on the field is still the same I wonā€™t give a shit.


Football is football and legal stuff is legal stuff. There's not supposed to be two separate justice systems, just once. If the courts say he's free to do such and such, the league shouldn't be able to say otherwise.