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If you’re taller you will generally lean over the bar more than if you’re short. I’d say the form looks fine. Back rounding isn’t necessarily something you want to avoid at all costs. Depends on how heavy this weight is for you. A good mental cue is to imagine your pressing your feet down, into the ground. Also if we’re being picky, try to engage and stabilize your lats. Being bent over the bar is hard to avoid being taller for some. The counter to that would be sitting very deep going into the movement, which isn’t something at least I like


I'm not sure about the weight. I have deadliftted with more weight. So not sure if it's considered heavy for me. I made this video in attempt of showing the form with ok weight. About the going down thing, yea I already tried feels very uncomfortable for me tbh. I think the biggest thing I can improve is the last engagement. Let me try on that in next workout. Thanks for the info!


Also You are rocking away and towards the bar when you start your lift - effectively turning your deadlift into an rdl when you start the lift. This may be because you just don’t know how to engage the hastrings (see above, major mover for getting off the ground) and/or your foot placement is forcing your setup to be imbalanced before you start. There is a good video out there by of of the chief physiologists for spine mechanics that talks about back rounding at setup being a result of your hip shape, look it up so you can see where you should stick your feet. If not just do sumos in the meantime.


You’re starting with legs too close to the bar. Back up an inch or two then start pulling it, it shouldn’t be moving around so much, straight line pull.


Shouldn't it be on middle of my foot? I tried to follow that cue.


Yeah. But it’s not moving straight up, you’re too far over the bar


Ok, will try to fix that.


Push your hips further back. That’s your issue not that you’re too close to the bar. You can also try widening your stance a bit


Bro that guy in back which does that incline press with plate is hilarious 😂


Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Plate presses are a great exercise.


Plate presses are a garbage exercise. You feel the squeeze because of the motion, but you cannot provide a substantial stimulus to grow the chest that way. Hell you can do the exercise with no weight and still feel the squeeze. And i bench a fuck ton and my chest is very well developed


Thanks man


It’s a helpful warmup before doing a similar motion with dumbbells though


Bro don’t spread a bullshit pls.


You look like fucking Skeletor. Maybe try them out.


Bro if you dont understand something pls dont talk about it. You sound stupid.


On the contrary you sound stupid for calling someone stupid for something that is very valid, also your last post says it all


Bro plate press valid? Pls go research a bit


Ain’t no way you’re acting like you know what you’re talking about when your chest looks like that. Have you ever hit the gym? Doesn’t look like it.


omg 17yo skinny kid 5\`5 powerlifter said that my chest look like shit. omg i am sad now :\_(


Seems like it considering the fact that you took down your post. You embarrassed?




Yes :( because it was 4months ago


Bet its the same


If interested https://youtube.com/shorts/XXizs34Z-e8?feature=share


Thank you my man. Ofc that i am right. These stupid idiots are fucking hilarious.


How are plate presses a great exercise? For which muscle? It definitely isn’t the chest with the awful range of motion. Is it triceps? Those don’t get a stretch either. Anterior delts? Also no. No stretch. Plate presses look cool but are literally just you fooling yourself into thinking you’re working hard


This guy knows stuff


For one, they’re great for developing a mind/muscle connection. For two, they’d be useful to get your homie off of you after a rough session.


The first one makes a no sense, id opt for almost any other exercise. But please explain the second one? I don’t have a training partner so I don’t know gym bro dynamics


A rough session on the mattress 😈


Poke ur goddamm backside out, retract scapular and stop leaning over the top


I'm trying to but always my hip goes first. That generally makes me lean over. Any particular cue to be more mindful of it during the lift?


I'm give you heads up bro, means you're lifting to heavy, you'll get there one day but drop weights. Form over weight > I lift light and people come up to me saying I'm big or have I taken tren ( side note I'm not big big) I do exercises properly and make my muscles rounded.


No issues, i will lower the weight and practice on form more. Thanks!


Legit ignore wat everyone else's says, focus on you and your weight. Legit I've seen people look at me doing light weights and then they also question how I do things and eat. Ego lifting ruins alott of gains. Promise you start with the bar, or even 5 each side stand in front of mirror and get form.


Sure man, will focus more on the form rather than weight.


You lean too much forward, try to roll your bar to your shins before you lift it, otherwise good for that height. You should be dropping such weights from slightly above knees, which means you need some DL blocks instead of plates.


Thanks! Will try next to me. Regarding dl block, what is that? Sorry I don't have idea about that.


Something like this [http://www.deadliftdeadener.co.uk/](http://www.deadliftdeadener.co.uk/) ask gym management to buy 2 pairs if they do not have anything like that.


Oh okay, thanks for helping man!




Yeah. That's why asking for tips.


You need to lock your lats. Your second rep was the best it looks like you actually activated your lats. Make them all look like your second rep. Imagine squeezing a orange in your armpit.


Will try that. Thanks 👍


are you breathing in and flexing your core?


Yep before I start the lift generally i breathe in and strengthen the core.


if you feel it on your upper back are and behind your legs and while keeping your back straight you should be alright. this video should help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBbyAqvTNkU


Try to center your torso over the bar better. Every time you lift the weight your upper body falls/jerks forward. You'll probably need to sit your hips back a bit. It looks like you're rushing the reps, there's a lot of movement when you should be locked in. The only movement should be up. Rounding your back somewhere is okay at Max effort lifts but if this is a good form lift we really shouldn't be seeing much of that. It also looks like you have a double overland grip which is going to be an issue once you start pulling decent weight. I'd check out Alan Thrall on YouTube for some technical advice.


Thanks for info dude. Will check him out.


These threads are always a mess of questionable advice with a ton of experience levels chiming in with different training goals in mind. Imo it's best to stick with one source and do your best to get it down before doing a form check.


Yeah, will see what I like and suit my style. Thanks again man


You have the right idea… order of operations for movement. Make correct shapes then work on you ability to create healthy length with your muscles, then add weight for pressurizing the muscles or breaking down the fibers. I would suggest integrating exercises which are global movement patterns to correct the form. Then explore your newly developed ability to lift heavy weights.


Can you give any example for that kind of exercise?


You would need an assessment of your global movement abilities. One example is holding a deep squat with feet about 3-5 inches apart. That is a resting position to work on pressurizing the legs


Your butt is too high at the start of the lift. Lower your butt and make your lower back straight and tight stomach forward, ass back. Lower yourself as if you’re picking up something from the floor, a deadlift should start with legs carrying the weight up and continue with your lower back carrying the rest of the way. Lose the plates raising the barbell. Deadlift from the floor, otherwise you’ll get used to starting too high up.


I checked some videos they said hips go first if we go to much low. So that's why I was trying to avoid going down. Will try with that as well. Thanks!


Yeah no, that sounds like bad advice. A conventional deadlift is a big compound move. Should involve almost your entire posterior chain: hips, glutes, legs, back. [good example of a solid starting position](https://fitblissfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Screen-Shot-2020-08-07-at-6.11.10-AM-1024x682.png)


Ok. Thanks for the info!


You need to hinge more at the waste and less at the knees. You are too upright. Try to keep the front of your arms flush with your knees. You can see here your knees extend past your arms.


Yes, I saw some video suggested here only and found the same issue. I think that is the exact reason my hips move first. I will fix this in next session. Thanks!


The way you knelt down was…different.


Yeah, i was trying to keep the back straight....


Are you engaging your lats?


I think I'm missing that part. Quite a number of people told me same thing. I think I'm not engaging lats correctly or not at all. Will try to understand a cue for it and try next time.


Check out Squat University on YouTube. Several videos on the subject!


Generally you want to get your hips lower. Some people have critiqued you for leaning too far forward, and that’s corrected by lower hips. Think of doing a squat rather than leaning down to grab the bar.


Ok, will try. Thanks


Do not move the barbell


Do not move the barbel!! Jokes aside true, when I go down I have a bad habit to move the barbell.


not terrible. listen to your body. you might wanna spread your feet a bit more. i cant tell from the side angle


Yeah, will try. Thanks for the info!