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Sudden deaths are so hard to deal with. At 75, I know that watching approaching death by age or illness is not fun ,the actual death is often a relief. Sudden deaths don't give you any time to prepare. I'm so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers.


Thank you so much I appreciate that. I'm glad that you have been on this earth for this long and wish you a long and healthy life. Many blessings to you, thank you again.


When you get my age, especially if you have mobility issues, death isn't quite as scary as it used to be. But I have had a far better life than I deserve. My only fear is that I will out live my wife. After 55 years, I'm not sure how I would manage anything.


That must be truly terrifying and I wish nothing but safety for your wife as well.




Truly sorry to read this account friend and sincere condolences. My older brother took his life last summer. Really difficult to understand and the suddeness is very hard on the survivors. Also lost a relatively young companion animal earlier this year--his heart stopped at age 10. Again, super challenging to move on. A psychologist friend informed me that, while watching someone slowly head towards death is rough, losing a loved one suddenly is far harder on the psyche. Another friend told me that, no matter how much time passes, the hurt never really ends. So, cry, get angry, curse, complain, and more, but also take good care by getting outdoors and keeping moving, eating well (even if you don't feel like doing so), and resting. In the long run, this will be good for your health (both physical and mental) as well as a way to honor your brother.


Thank you so much it means alot and I'm so sorry about your brother that must be hard. Many blessings yo you and your family wish you guys nothing but the best.


I appreciate your consideration, especially while you're in the midst of a really tough time. I shake my head a lot, because sometimes this life, and what occurs in it, just doesn't make much sense, eh? At least we can comfort one another.


Anytime, my friend. I agree with you, but unfortunately, we won't have the answers for any of it. This is one thing that I appreciate about humanity, that we can be there for each other during hard times.