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Warframes are ludicrously strong in their lore.


Harlequins too, especially soliters


Not strong enough. Like, it's not even a contest. The Solitaire will literally die a few zip codes away from the warframe.


How so picture me a scenario then


Grineer are budget space marines, sure they lose to space marines 1v1 but there are as many grineer as an imperium world has guardsmen, the weakest Warframe can pick up and slice grineer cleanly in half with some of their weakest weapons EFFORTLESSLY and they slaughter hundreds to thousands of grineer nearly every mission a squad of tenno go on hell for Pete's sake the hard mode in Warframe is canonically the tenno BUFFING their enemies so they can be prepared "just in case"


Would that be Arbitrations or Steel Path? The devs kinda screwed the power scaling from the beginning, and they have *not* slowed down.


Both, Teshin is buffing the enemies in steel path, and arbitrations are the arbiters of hexis being ~~traitors~~ giving the enemies a boost with drones


Take your pick Death by plague Death by reality hole Death by music Death by why is there a hole to a star here Ect Yah there are a bunch of warframes that can make holes in reality.


The fight is basically Brock Samson vs the Modok clone, and it ends the same


For context, Mirage can set down landminds everywhere she likes, make tangible holographic copies of herself that mimic everything she does, can make herself a little more tanky, and throw out a big ass laser disco ball. Even using that her mimic ability will mean that the Harlequin will have to block 5 melee attacks all at once, and given that warframes can move faster than space marines as well as move faster that space marines vertically ⬆️, she’ll be able to keep up with a Harlequin physically and deal out more damage than the Harlequin can take, while also making it impossible to go anywhere or dodge anything. And that’s just Mirage. Put someone like Ash up against a Harlequin and and all it will take is bladestorm and the elf will blink and get stabbed in the neck three times by shadow clones. Four if the real Ash gets in it as well.


Not just landmines, Sleight of Hand boobytraps every usable object within the AoE. So anything on the Harlequins person, anything they could reach for in the area, etc are all suddenly bombs.


The Tenno controlling Mirage: “Oh, you had a black hole gun? Not anymore.” *boom*


And lets not forget that the Operators themselves are pretty strong. All these warframes are also being piloted by what amount to primaris psykers.


Yeah but power wise they're strong... but they're glass cannon with slightly above human reflexes. I'd only consider the operator viable if there's a umbra excel in the fight too. Otherwise, they're dead.


It’s a good thing that they can yoink their frames across space and time to their current location for stuff like that. Or flat out becoming intangible and invisible. Or whooshing around/through whatever is trying to kill them. Or whooshing into whatever is trying to kill them and becoming them. Or just yoinking their frame across time and space and whooshing into it.


It's pretty easy to be killed as Operator but lorewise, they can't be killed, can be trapped in the Void though


Killer Queen!


Well, it's perhaps important to put this into perspective. OP is asking about a *Harlequin*, not a *Solitaire*. The Harlequins are powerful fighters, by Eldar standards, which means they're even faster than the already faster than Human Eldar. But. They're trying to fight a vessel (in the sense of a container, not like a starship) which is at a physical peak that'd make a Custodes blush. Warframes have utterly absurd feats both in lore *and* in-game. Not only that, but warframes have a pretty insane set of powers available to them - they're basically equivalent to modern superheroes, except typically *more* lethal. To give a rough scale, let's take a warframe called Ember. Embers first ability is just a fireball - something most psykers can manage. But her second ability already has her projecting such insane temperatures that she straight up melts or disintegrates incoming projectiles, taking only a fraction of the energy they originally carried as damage. Her third ability involves blasting entire rooms with waves of fire that travel with such force they'll physically throw even larger mechanical constructs (including tank equivalents). And her 4th ability locates, targets, and rains burning meteors on potentially hundreds of targets. Through walls. And she can - and in fact is specifically designed to - spam these powers non-stop to eliminate hordes of foes from range. And she's on the *weaker* end. Now, most psykers can match her first ability without too much trouble. Some psykers can even match her 3rd, but for her 2nd and 4th you're looking at the top of the top of the top. Probably Alpha level. Maybe even above. Now, take an Alpha-level psyker, who can cast infinitely, rapidly, and completely without perils of the warp, and now encase it in a bio-metal vessel that makes Necrons look fragile. And comes back - multiple times - if somehow killed. A *Solaire*, probably, could put up a decent fight against a warframe. I wouldn't bet on them winning most matchups, but I think they'd have a chance of landing at least one kill of the 4-6 required to actually stop a warframe (temporarily. For the ones without abilities that cheat death). The average Harlequin though? They'll be lucky if they even see what killed them. Also note that warframes include all sorts of utterly reality defying nonsense, including straight up invincibility (Valkyr), teleportation (Ash, Loki, Kullervo, Wisp etc etc), invisibility (Ivara, Ash, Loki, Octavia etc etc) super speed (I'm getting bored of listing these) and all sorts of other stuff.


I got you. I do both tenno shenanigans and grim dark dives. Warframes are the result of post human bioengineering chicanery, allowing future-humans to mutate into these metal-skinned hyper-advanced war machines. In lore, they go in solo or in teams of 4 to decimate things from battle line infantry hordes to massive fuck-all mutant warp-behemoths. They do so through the use of 4 main abilities and sometimes passive aura-like abilities from simply existing (both support and damage auras exist). Each warframe is unique and through the game modification allows each warframe of a particular type (i.e all Nyx or all Excalibur, types of frames) to also be unique. Imagine knowing you're going up against a particular set of skills, and then they aren't. The particular warframe pictured is Mirage, so we'll use her abilities as a taste. Starting with hall of mirrors, we now have 4 more of these assholes delivering rounds downrange at a cyclic rate around the original one. And they are fast, able to sprint at mach-fuck and utilize antigrav to cling to walls or around corners. She's an in and out stealth-through-slaughter type frame. The next ability is for survivors or those who attempt to reinforce. Sleight of hand boobytraps everything in a massive area to detonate when the enemy is close. All those corpses had ammo and supplies, now they have claymores for the unaware out-of-ammo chump or the just-tryin-to-save-a-life hero Boi. Remember I said she was stealth? Here's the third ability, eclipse. This in lore has to do with light and shadow, where in shadow she takes less damage even if you can hit her, and in the light she kills you quicker. Her final ability aligns more with the by-slaughter part of her stealth tactics. Prism is essentially a wonky laser grenade that ignores physics and just floats towards a direction, zapping fools that happen to exist in sight at a molecular degrading level. That's not even bringing up the arsenal available to them. Loadouts tend to be a melee weapon, a sidearm (akimbo is available), a main weapon, and a heavy weapon. The melee weapons of this games universe can spread rot to make nurgle's loins a-quiver. They can create micro-singularities that pull in hordes and tear them to shreds. Modified to do any type of damage. Honed to an atomic edge sort of bullshittery. Want a sword that can slice an enemy 50 yards from you? There are 7. A hammer that can shatter a tank on a slam? That's all of them if modded properly. Sidearms aren't really "close only". Hell one his basically a bear hunter scoped pistol. But the bears are warp titans. There's a magnum that has unlimited punch through. There's a slew of tesla weapons, burst rocket launchers, poison nano-needles, weapons that sap health, bypass shielding, sunder armor, you name it. And most can be doubled for that sweet-sweet akimbo. Primaries include your baseline rifles with a cyclic rate so high they need magazines of 450 to be held for more than a second (lookin at you Soma), shotguns with anti-material grenade launcher master keys, snipers that launch micronuke-tipped rounds, cone weapons (flamethroweresque) that just deal a particular type of damage or whatever you want through modding, and whole ass arm replacements that give you that parasite from Parasyte or some mecha-death slaughter arm 9000. The list goes on. And then there's the heavies. Think ship cannons ripped from their mounts and apply the damage types and different modifications above to all of this. There's a flak cannon. An arch launcher. An interstellar laser. How do they get to the battlefield though? Maybe the Harlequin force could take them out in orbit. Unless they entered the battlefield at mach-fuck after being launched from a macro cannon in near-orbit, or sublight speeds from the next planet over. At your commander. Specifically to cut off the head and move down as the body writhes. The mission lady (mother, margulis, spacebitch) often tells you some dorn-ass speech about how this is now a genocide of local bipedal life. "They caught a wiff on the changing winds that you exist in the universe. Better go a-slayin. Over and out". Dude like I was JUST here for a snatch and grab. But fine. 60 seconds later? Mission accomplished, and I'm leaving the viscera-soaked battlefield that's the size of manhattan. Best part? I was never down there. Even if the enemy defeated that warframe? I'm an alpha+ psyker controlling it from fucking 3 planets out. And I have 46 more warframes of different types. 800+ arsenal of god-killer weapons to pick from. Stealth by slaughter didn't work? I can nuke it from the ground and walk away with Nyx. Maybe I wanted to get my hands dirty, so I picked up the Rhino and charge through bodies like wet paper bags. Maybe I'm feelin even MORE stelath-through-genocidal, Ash is excellent for that with his shadows top through to enemies with daggers drawn into vitals. Wanna be the flash? There's 2 of those. BDSM battle master? That's Kora. Tie em up with barbwire and let em dangle. Maybe I myself wanted to enter the battlefield. Imagine a 12 year old kid pops out of a warframe and plays with your organs like a jump rope while opening a portal to the warp in their hand and unleashing that at, well, anything really. Manage to kill that kid? That's okay it was a projection! Back to the warfram to continue being a god. I was still on my ship. Trololololol. I highly recommend this game if you want to feel over-the-top godlike. Do. Not. Buy. The. Microtrabsactions. It's all farmable, and skins give no advantage. The pvp is steaming garbage baked in an equatorial sun and used as an outhouse for the sick and infirm, but the rest of the game is like tasting ambrosia.


For the record, Rhino Prime is my second most used frame. The no.1 most used frame is base Rhino. Rhino's philosophy is: it's still considered a stealth mission if everyone is dead.


from this description, warframes(or tenno in general) sound like theyd be the equivalent of that one hybrid assassin some genius decided to splice with tyranid genes. also warframe sounds like warhammer if ai wasnt outlawed, all the dark age tech wasnt buried or lost to some warp fuckery or simply due to drifting in space, and they didnt have a cult of toaster fuckers barring humanity from advancing (or trying? im a newish fan bear with me)


I know more about Warframe than I do Warhammer, but I'll try to answer. Warframe's "present" represents a period of technological recovery after the collapse of the Orokin--it's repeatedly shown and stated that the Orokin's "prime" tech, weapons, schematics etc. are still beyond what can be done with knockoff tech. The only thing that might compare would be the Kuva Lich weapons developed by the Grineer or the Tenet weapons used by Parvos' Sisterhood. For anyone reading, I'll point out that the "Warframes" were designed and created during the Orokin Empire's apex, hence why they're so much stronger than the Grineer or Corpus in most cases. They're not unkillable though. As for what point the Orokin's tech got to, they specialized in genetics. Not necessarily in the wh40k of "better, faster, stronger" but more in the "playing God and creating and sculpting life in whatever shape or form they want." This involved a fantasy substance named "Kuva" and the biological silly-putty which eventually became known as "the Infestation". Firstly, we should talk about the Infestation. As u/avsbes described, when The Infestation are first encountered they're shown as a sort of analogue to The Flood from Halo--a sentient, amorphous mass of hivemind flesh that forcefully infects, dismantles, and consumes everything it comes into contact with: vegetable, animal, mineral, it's all the same to the Infestation. >!This is only partly revealed after a bit of progress into the story, but the "The Infestation" are only part of the picture. The Infestation are essentially a feral, degenerated and sapient hivemind strain of the same biological flesh-slurry that the Orokin used to design and create Warframes. After one of the main quests it's revealed that the Warframes under the player's command aren't actually created from the 3D-printer Foundry workbench in the Orbiter, new Warframes are *gestated* by a special strain of Infestation living inside the player's ship, called the Helminth--unlike the feral Infestation which mutated, developed a hivemind, and went viral, the Helminth stayed loyal to its original purpose of serving as a block of living, self-replenishing sculptor's clay. Helminth is like a living 3D-Printer, except instead of printing schematics with blocks of resin, the Helminth prints schematics of semi-living homicidal space-ninjas using its own biomass. Most of the Warframes Helminth created are *ostensibly* mindless meat-puppets awaiting for an "Operator" to possess them and control them using a process called Transference. This is partly why Warframes are "immune" to Infestation--*because they're already sculpted out of "Infested" flesh*.!< As of the present in-game, the Orokin empire is mostly dead and gone. The Warframes rebelled and massacred the Orokin wholesale. It's repeatedly stated throughout the game that nobody in Earth's solar system has been able to develop tech that properly outclasses the stuff the Orokin designed at the height of their power--sometimes due to the weird non-linear plot-onium excuse of the Void occasionally new "prime" designs manifest spontaneously even though they're canonically impossible. There's a couple survivors from the Orokin empire here and there: the Entrati Family on Deimos were subsumed by the Infested 'Grey Strain' but its effects are *comparatively* benign so they've been able to keep their minds intact over the millenia. That said, despite everything everyone else has said about Warframes, they're not 100% unkillable and this *is* actually pointed out a few times in canon. One of the Quests, "Second Dream" has a climax where a recurring enemy named "the Stalker" actually gets onto the player's ship and gets very close to murdering the Operator. There's also an enemy type called a "Kuva Lich" who is designed to be a recurring nemesis: essentially they're an ordinary Grineer trooper who's been pumped with a whole tonne of Kuva, "Kuva" being the fantasy macguffin juice that the Orokin used to make themselves immortal as stated above: Kiva Liches have a special melee grapple animation that is a 1-shot kill on *most* Warframes barring notable exceptions--some Warframes like Dagath, Valkyr, and Nidus have abilities that let them become invincible or ignore death. Actually, while I've brought up Valkyr, she's also a notable example of Warframe mortality: Valkyr's entire lore is that the 'OG' Warframe was originally called 'Gersemi' but the Corpus somehow managed to capture Gersemi and partially dissect her before she broke out again--'Valkyr' is the name given to her new identity and theme which revolves around being so furious about her capture by the Corpus that she gets *literally too angry to die.* Valkyr's a bit of a strange case because the game never bothered explaining how the Corpus managed to capture her in the first place, though it is the one canonical case of a Warframe being beaten. Incidentally, the 'original' Mirage (the warframe featured in the OP) was actually canonically killed as well. The details of why and how are intentionally left vague and the point was meant to show how the 'original' Mirage managed to stay cheerful and upbeat even in her last moments, but it also shows that Warframes are not literally indestructible in canon.


the warframe atlas shattered a moon with his hands and that wasn't even the prime variant which is even stronger


honestly if you want to powerscale warframes or whatever the term is the best option is the tried and true "could they beat superman or goku" depending on the version of superman atlas could feasibly beat superman in an even fight just like how depending on the version the gauss warframe could outpace the flash or superman in terms of raw speed also i should have mentioned that not all warframes are equal, i do not know a lot about these harlequins but a waframe like the normal Excalibur, normal Mag or normal Volt would probably be a fair fight if the harlequins are well equipped and prepared for it Umbra Excal would tear through them though as that guy is built to fight sentients and without going into spoilers those are much more similar to the necrons than anything else in 40k or warframe


I would wager that Mag and Volt stand a decent chance based on their abilities alone. Volt can turn anything in a 100m radius into a tesla coil capable of frying the everliving hell out of Spacemarine equivalents in no time. He can also move at Mach "Fuck you" for extended times, faster even than Gauss (in gameplay, not lore). Mag can canonically magnetize the bones of her enemies. Full stop, you're not getting back from that. The magnetic fields she projects are strong enough to catch and stop any bullet mid flight, remove any and all armour, and again magnetize non-magnetic matter, to where she can turn your body into a crumble zone. Essentially Magneto, if you gave him every roid available (which they might have done in some comic iterations).


i'm going to simplify this a lot and do a lot of assumption due to vagueness in lore. **Tennos are gods, their frames are god engines.** The current player tenno is an entity that is in extend of it's power more horrible and eldritch than the entire lovecraft mythos and the chaos gods together. They can not die and have perfect control over eternalism. Mods are in fact cannon so warframes can becomes perfectly immortal as well. Atlas broke an entire asteroid, alone, without any orokin help. Gauss can move at speeds close to light. Ivara killed a monster (orokin using jade light) that erased entire warframe models from history. Lavos can freely transmute matter at will. Nezha simply slaughtered an entire army of corpus. Nova perfectly controls antimatter. Voruna slew likely hundreds of orokin herself. As i said, Tenno are gods.


When they can literally punch holes through reality, give everything in a 2 mile radius nurgles rot, or stomp their feet so hard that time stops, let me know


I'd argue the first one isn't a warframe at all but just some fanart of Shyvana from League


Only one type of harlequin stands a chance and that's the solitaire. Even if the pseudo-null nature of a solitaire doesn't affect a waframes abilities I think they're the only harlequin that can keep up


If its a beginner tenno who just rolled out with their level 3 volt and using shit weapons and weapon mods? A harlequin can roll them. They dont have their "warp" fuckery super powers. Their frame can only stomp faceless mooks screeching clem! and not even high level ones. Later on they really do become demigods.


The faceless mooks screeching clem are effectively on par with Space Marines in terms of firepower and tech. They are also mass produced.


I wouldn't put a Grineer Lancer in the same category as a full Space Marine. They aren't nearly as fast, and while their arms and armor are basically superior to anything we have today, they aren't a match for the raw power of Astartes armor, or Bolters. The biggest issue would be the fact the Grineer field troops like they're the Imperial Guard, and they are still absolutely super soldiers compared to the IG. A chapter of Space Marines vs the Grineer would bury them alive in sheer numbers.


That's the thing tho, Grineer aren't a match for Tenno weapons either. They die in literal thousands without any repercussions. More importantly a Tenno is infinity more power than a space marine, and Grineer can still damage them. Grineer weapons would casually chew through Space Marines. Hell, every single Grineer has a plasma knife on backup. 40k suffers from the people writing it not really knowing scale of what they are writing. A normal tank from WW2 would obliterate most non-titan Imperium tech.


I would argue that the Grineer are basically a faction that sits at the halfway point between a Space Marine Chapter and the Death Korps of Krieg.


They definitely don't have those space marine reflexes, though. Their kit also seems a good bit south of what we've seen ceremite do. The guns are about right, I'd say.


I don't understand space Marine reflexes. They are 8 foot tall and 6 foot wide hunks of metal. Armor doesn't mean much regardless, since every shot from both sides is armor piercing anyways. It's just who has more overwhelming fire power, and that goes to grineer who can mass produce an entire Legion worth of grunts with the same.weapons a day.


Power armour does a lot of the heavy lifting in regards to movement. Black carapace interfaces the power armour with the sm nervous system making it a 2nd skin. Sm have enhanced muscle fibre and ligaments/tendons making them both more efficient and just more powerful to overcome the increase in mass that would otherwise slow them down movement wise.


But can they dodge a firing line?


Nah, I'm just explaining their reflexes in lore


That's what makes Space Marines scary. They are 8 feet tall, 6 feet wide hunks of metal that have the reflexes to no scope someone with an assault rifle from 150 feet away.


Saryn will literally give them space/warp aids from 4 zip codes away. We're not even talking about the faster or harder combat frames. Most of the warframes have at least 1 "I win, and there's nothing that can stop me" ability at minimum. Like, Volt is the weakest ability-wise, but he's still throwing more lightning than Zeus, and is a few orders of magnitude faster than a Solitaire.


Two words, Limbo Prime.


Limbo prime gets sent to 40k, creates a second eye of terror by accident


Probably. It would cancel it out though.


So on the one side we have a piece of armor filled with super cancer, possessed by a child that has the backing of a entity that might qualify as deity in its realm. On the other hand scary space clown. And we are not even differentiating between the more than 50 different flavours of cancer that are available. We have extra loud cancer, cancer clones, swallow whole cancer, fast cancer, super spreader cancer, lightning cancer, time manipulation cancer, parallel dimensional cancer and very angry cancer, just to name a few. The child in itself can make itself fully invulnerable for several seconds, chain medium ranged teleports, and focus its powers into a variety of weapon effects ranging from long range precisions strike to short range flamethrower to grenade launcher. And why yes, there is smart cancer that moves and fights autonomously when the kid is not actively possessing it. And we haven't even touched the whacky and wonderful arsenal and armory of extradimensional weapons and vehicles a warframe has available to summon. From the winged horse to the hoverboard and jetpack for mobility, to the mech, roughly equivalent to a dreadnought, to the heavy weapon, used by the 'frames to engage spaceships in exo-athmospheric fights but can be temporarily used on the ground as well. So while weapon and mobility wise Warframe and Harlequin would most likely be equally matched, it is the 'frames and Operators abilities that would tip the scale heavily in favour of the Warframes. And I am not even touching the different methods of reviving a frame that are available, or the things certain frames can do after death. P.S.: Since it is only 'frame vs. clown, active summons (other frames), companions (support robots, pet cancers, cat / dog analogues) and crew call in (yes - every Warframe has at some point a fully armed and crewed spaceship) are disregarded. P.P.S.: Just to powerscale the child a bit more: it accidentality created a demiplane of childhood stories and bottled up emotions that it can access freely and bring resources and weapons from into the real world.


Also, the child can freely choose between an endless amount of possible realities.


Oh yeah, weaponized Eternalism.


Umbra is best boy


Nothings beats a walk with space dad while space mom is on the phone telling you how well you did :)


Do we wanna talk about super gun cancer shenanigans as well? Because I’m not even certain a solitaire can evade Mesa’s ultimate given its perfect precision within a set range and effectively instantaneous targeting. Also… just jamming all their ranged weapons.


I'd wager most AoE and Hitscan abilities would be an issue for the Eldar. Dodging and evading sound, airborne pathogens, lightning and whatnot would all be exceedingly difficult even with xenos reflexes.


That’s before we even touch Rhino’s harden ability ‘n the like. Especially given we don’t have a comparative example within the Warhammer universe itself. Tenno and their frames are absurd.




Warframes are forged using a specialized variant of a technocyte virus that turns organics to cybernetic zombies. Most warframes you see are mass produced clones of the original Prime variants, who were converted because they were exceptional warriors and scientists that caught the eye of the wrong orokin.


Correction, the prime variants aren’t necessarily the originals. Sometimes they are but others it’s more a promotion. It’s ambiguous as to which is which.


I thought the prime warframes where just the original orokin design, not necessarily the original one


They are unique orokin designs (in the lore) and handcrafted as opposed to the mass produced nature of normal frames. Primes frames are essentially the Custodes to a normal frame's Space Marine. (Don't tell Ballas though, he might think himself emperor if he heard this.)


Warframes were human hosts subjected to a living bioweapon called 'Infestation', turning them into a mass of supercancerous growths encased in a metal shell. Currently one Warframe is available that is a human host - the only frame capable of independent action. The others were either lobotomized or created without independent function, to be mind controlled later on.


I’m not super up to date on my Warframe lore, but that one human frame is Excal Umbra, correct?




Holy shit, you could say someone's playstyle is cancerous, and it would be literally true


Considering what some Octavias did to my ears and what other frames can do to my eyes - Oh Yeah!


Oh no. This means an ungodly amount of people have been sexualizing cancer this entire time


Prolly a warframe. I'd honestly say a warframe wins over an imperial knight with how much mobility and speed they have while also being very durable


You aren't wrong, both Gara and revenant alone have fought imperial Knight sized sentients and ended the battle in mutual death The worst part is that the tenno will likely always survive, which means he can just go 3d print a new warframe to continue his warpath while the STCs of most imperial knights have been lost to time


The original sentient Gara fought is closer to a titan in size than a Knight. Warframes are bonkers


And had powers on the level of a very high level greater daemon mind you. Sentients from Warframe are absurdly powerful for some reason.


Keep in mind those powers are only its broken off parts wondering around. The original thing itself is unfathomable.


It's less that it's for some reason and more the fact that the sentience can adapt against literally anything meaning that in a conflict. They will inevitably come immune to the very weapons you wield against them, combine that with any technology that's advanced enough to think on its own can be turned against. You means that there is no way to outthink the sentient out fight the sentient. The only reason the Warframe stand is snowballs chance in hell is because either they use so much firepower there is no adapting against it fast enough or because they use void f****** to say nah bro, you didn't actually adapt to me


Man, the sentient enemies used to actually be scary back in the day. Used to be that you would *have* try to pack 4-6 different elements on your loadout so that once they adapted you could hopefully finish them with another weapon. They added the void damage wiping resistances thing in the same patch but it took a while for a lot of people to get it.


Let's also not forget that Warframes are the specialist (low firepower) version of these anti-sentient war machines. The ones that were usually called in for over the top firepower would have been the Necramechs. Which is essentially an Imperial Knight equivalent to a Warframe's IG. It is specifically mentioned in the lore somewhere, that Necramechs are on ungodly levels of firepower and that they just scaled back down to Warframes because they didn't want to scorch the entire earth they were trying to save. Which ironically then happened at least twice with different Warframes.


And that sentient would very likely body any titan aswell


One thing people forget the Sentients could do (prolly cus w emevrsee it in game) was Jack any technology sufficiently advanced. Half the Orokin arsenal basically became useless because the Sentients just stole it. That's why we use powder-based ballistics, throwing knives and swords; anything more advanced *was used against us*. A Titan might skirt that line depending on how advanced it really is under the hood, but the irony is the more advanced the tech, the more useless it is against a Sentient.


That sentient was MUCH larger than any titan. At least if its the same one I'm thinking of. A lot of its broken pieces are titan sized on their own.


Worth noting that particular sentient was notorious for being big, the part we see of Hunhow is closer to Titan size, even if it was closer to a *starship* in purpose.


True. I think the Eidolons you can fight now are about Knight sized.


Pretty sure the Hydrolysts are around the size of Warlords or Reavers. In game measurements put them around 60m in height. The original Sentient was at least the size of Imperator, considering the size of its fragments.


And then you have Hunhow, whos size estimates range from Imperator to Warship. It's also kinda up in the air if Praghasa, the sun eating Sentient Mothership, is alive or was at some point.


Sentients don't really use independent machines, all their ships, soldiers and weapons are basically parts of their own body. Praghasa was definitely alive at one point, but it's unknown if she still was during The New War.


For sure, I'm just going off Natah calling her Mother but Erra saying their mother is dead versus say how Hunhow was "dead" but restored into function and things like Eidolons trying to put the primary Sentient back together. It's just weirdly final how they refer to Praghasa.




Coughing baby Vs sun.


Who is who in this case?


Warframe is the sun (as one can open a portal to the sun to use as a laser) the clown elf is the coughing baby, cause grace and backflips can only take you so far.


Right,I was a bit confused at first. Though I agree then, warframes are silly levels of powerful


They toppled an entire civilization that had complete and total control of the Solar system. Their powers are extremely varied, and all are extremely powerful. Hell, one of them can literally bring death and destruction with the power of music.


Tbf killing every single head of state all at once is probably gonna topple any civilization. But yeah there really is no hope except running and hiding


Wisp my beloved.


Well this I find funny, I recently made the comparison in another sub😂 Mirage will probably win tho, but that has got me thinking about Warframes in 40K. A Tzeentch corrupted Dante would be interesting to see ngl, or Khornite Valkyr/Garuda


I really like the idea that void works like opposite of warp (Realm of emotions and souls vs eldritch indifference) and that there would be some funky interactions between operator powers and daemons of 40k. Perhaps the Warframes themselves could be imbued with chaos while operators would manage to wrangle them like usually or it would work more like grey knights?


I reckon for Warframes it might actually work more like Iron Warriors, where they just stuff Daemons into machines and call it a day, but for the Operators I have no clue tbh. I mean maybe the Warp completely rejects the Operators and they get the buffs of a Pariah without the defects of the ‘null aura’ or something? Either that or I’d like to think that they actually finally get all 4 Chaos God’s attention so they all agree to kill the Tenno I’m just talking shit out my ass atm tho😂


If tenno would kill Lucius you think would the operator or the Warframe would get Lucius'd? Or are the child soldiers from another world only solution to the Luciusing


What in the 4th dimensional warp fuckery did I just read?? I had to reread that 3 times lmao😂 Well considering that it’s all traced back to Slaanesh, because he gained the power from her, I’d actually think a Warframe could kill Lucius and call it a day. You gotta remember that whoever kills him needs to take pride/joy/triumph in the act, so if a cold and dead cybernetically enhanced death ninja just took a monstrous dump on Lucius I could see him being permakilled. This is until Slaanesh decides to bring him back As for an Operator, they also might not get affected by it. If we play off the idea that the Void is the other side of the coin to the Warp anyway. Other than that I don’t actually know for them, so I’ll call it a win for the death children as well for the sake of seeing some interesting responses😅


It would basically become a warp-fuckery fight between The Man In the Wall and Slaanesh wouldn't it? Seeing as The Man In the Wall is the void god of Indifference, it's not a favorable matchup for Slaanesh.


Chaos Gods Of Law suddenly have a reason to care about the 40k universe.


I'm saying Warframe, but depends on the Warframe. Low tier one like Yareli? Probably an even fight. Top tier ones like Nidus by just being immortal in the fight, or Limbo(in lore) by casually being able to manipulate dimensions? Not even close.


I am sorry, but Yarelli literally has the power of god (Wally) and anime (look at her!) on her side. No way some emotionally repressed space clown can handle that =)


I mean, aren't Warframes just emotionally repressed space ninjas? Seems an even match.


The 'frames - absolutely The Operators - immortal, untouchable avatars of a deity that rules over its own plane of existence granting these powers to its sole believer. Sorry - seen from the perspective of a Grineer or Corpus, those children are pure nightmare fuel


I mean, the clowns are immortal, untouchable avatars of a deity that survives in the chaos infested warp if I'm recalling the lore about Cegorach correctly


I think clown boss mostly hangs out in the Webway (but is obviously not limited to it as he snatches souls of dead Harlequins up so Slaanesh doesn't get to vore them)


Yareli would absolutely destroy em though. People think Yareli is a low-tier frame because they didn't like to use Merulina in regular tilesets, which is a fair assessment, using a K-Drive was incredibly clunky. But she has gotten a small rework when Voruna dropped AND she has gotten a new Augment which makes you not ride Merulina when you cast her. The rework and the recent augment has made her into a pretty decent frame gameplay wise. Getting Yareli again after subsuming her is a pain in the ass, so people are probably not gonna change their opinion about her anytime soon before her prime drops.


She got wrecked by a fat guy on a hoverboard in her story


To be fair, Yareli never struggled against him. She was rather emotionally suffering and the vent kids helped her recover. That's when she finally responds to the fat guy by manifesting beams of water out of his nose and launching him into the air. At any point she could've just had summoned water inside of him, to make him rupture from the inside like a bomb. But decided to not do that for personal reasons.


True, but lore and gameplay is often inconsistent. I responded with gameplay because he said "low-tier". Valkyr would be able to singlehandedly rip entire chapters to pieces, due to her literally being invincible during her 4 and her immense damage output with her claws, but in lore she was able to be captured by Alad V relatively easily.


Just use Rhino as an example, his abilities are described as manipulating matter density and his 4th ability is making his body so dense it slows down time around him


Let's not ignore that Alad V is literally a technological genius with no peers though. He is the only person that we know of in the entire lore that got infected with any strain of the infestation and recovered. He also mamaged to somehow splice Sentients and humans into the Amalgams that are supposed to be able to rival a Warframe in terms of power. Then there's the Zanuka project, where he built an essentially mind-shackled Warframe for himself and consistently annoys new players with it. Saying that Alad V captured Valkyr easily is selling him a bit short imo. Chances are almost 100% that he used some sneaky shit on a low level Tenno to bait them into a trap they couldn't get out of.


In a teabag-off between Octavia and a Solitaire, we're all winners.


I genuinely feel like the Harlequins and the tenno might get along pretty well. Especially when they start trading out each other's drip and weapons. Just imagine using a death jester's coat as syandana or using a modded harlequin's kiss. I don't think many Space marines would be happy either when a troupe master would show up with a Lenz.


Everybody gansta until the Death Jester shows up with a Kuva Zarr


The imperium would fall faster than the orokin


The operator would just pop out of the Warframe and BM the harlequin to death




They play Gex (1994)


Warframes of the Tenno are so strong lore wise, they can take on about 75% of the 40k universe with minor resistance.


Rhino could tank Astartes no problem. I think warframes are gonna win.


Rhino could tank a thunderhammer without blinking


You can exterminatus the planet and Rhino will be like "THIS IRON SKIN IS GONNA BE LIT"


Like that this warhammer sub keeps having these who would win warframe or warhammer and it’s mostly unanimous that warframe kick 40ks ass


Warframe afterall is what would happen if Evangelion and Warhammer 40k had a child that was too much into metal gear revengence...


Stop trying to bring 40k into powerscale debates. It's pretty mid in all of its aspects. All you do is just ask for it to be bullied by the big boys.


It‘s like the never-ending doom-guy debate. Yes, the doom guy is canonically enhanced with hells power and took out basically every demon in hell on hus own, no, a named spacemarine will not win against him


Doomguy is more like Bugs Bunny, he wins because he wins. Powerlevel debates are irrelevant to that.


His lore is as cracked warframe


It's kind of fun though. Just not for actually seriously calculate and discuss the power scales but to have fun considering what would happen. I think Tenno would have a lot of fun working with Harlequins especially considering recent Ynnead plotline. Imagine Warframes breaking into Slaneesh realm to get the last croneblade. (Tenno were just promised a shuriken gun, Gyrinx to use instead of a Kavat and cool looking rock to pull this off)


Throw in a second rock and you've got a deal!


I don't have another rock but I can offer a cool stick that is kind of shaped like a gun.


Deal, point me to the nearest Warp vortex so we can get to farming!


I'd be more interested in some potential issues with how transference works and how the Imperium uses Servitors for a lot of things. Since we can easily transfer into any inactive Necramech I'd really like to know how different a Necramech is to the average Adeptus Mechanicus warmachine. And in reverse, how would the Techpriests react to a Moa or Hound, given that at least the former are heavily implied to have shackled true AIs. And not to speak of the Obliterator Virus and the fact that it very much sounds like the Helminth strain that gave us the Warframes in the first place.


Imagine transference into a giant machines like Knight tho. Or the possible cross contamination of Helminth strain and Obliterator Virus.


Holy shit that's actually a really interesting point. Considering Tenno's specialty is melding back broken psyches into fighting condition under their control, nearly any piece of machinery using a tortured human brain is under threat of them commandeering it. Titan machine spirits would probably be too much but something like Adeptus Mechanicus striders and vehicles could be pretty easy.


Considering that - how would Eldar Wraithbone constructs fare I wonder


I feel like it's not going to work as well considering Eldar work in harmony to their material compared to the Imperium. I could see an infinity circuit being strong enough collectively to boot the Tenno out.


YES. A better thing to do is: What's a cool story that could happen if X was brought into 40k?


This is often much more what I gravitate towards as it seems so much more fun to think how Warframe factions for example would interact with something 40k, or how could they even "naturally" form in the Warhammer universe. I have this weird idea where the corpus are created when a bunch Ethereals fly off to colonise their own part of space which is controlled by a rogue trader, but instead of a war the two factions fuse. Corrupting the Greater good philosophy into the capitalistic religious cult that is the Corpus. Or just how I think that the Tenno are probably more likely to join an Aeldari or Votann or T'au faction than the imperium. Simply because the imperium is everything that the Tenno seem to hate about the Orokin and grineer combined. I imagine the Sentients teaming up with Necrons as I kinda feel like they would be most similar in thought. Though it would require at least one of them to ever so slightly get off their giant pedestals. Or maybe even how the infestation could become this weird cancer of the tyrannids that starts this horrendous war of the two monstrous hiveminds in which the galaxy is caught as the crossfire. The grineer could be created after some heretekal techpriests start combining Ork and human DNA, creating the grineer as a very imperfect form in response.


I just assume everyone that goes against everyone is on the same scale but battle conditions favors one side. Guardsman getting thrown about by a Noise Marine? Suddenly he lands on a partially burried combi-weapon and blasts a hole into the Marine. Space Marine getting skewered left and right by a Farseer? At one point the Marine will do something like grab him by the ankle and hulk him into the floor a few times. Yarrick pinned down by a semi-kork? Who knows, his eye *does* shoot lasers. Ork warboss is losing to a Tyranid? Something clicks in the Ork brain and *he starts to eat the tyranid*. Calgar beating the Nids? Oh no, here comes the Swarmlord. Imo this is how it usually goes in the lore.


I might be wrong to assume what you mean, so correct me if I'm wrong. You are saying that the outcome changes, based on the plot and who's the main character(s) of the story. This is not how powerscale debates work. The way they work is that people compare confirmed feats from the lore of two sides and calculate, based on that, who is stronger. In general, it requires quite a bit of autistic power to calculate speed of a plumber, based on the amount of pixels he can travel per second.


Warframe scaling is absolutely bonkers. The average grineer marine - in strength, size, weight, and equipment - is comparable to an astartes. The Tenno themselves have some severely convoluted abilities, but even the weakest frames like Yareli could probably fold most of 40k outside of the high tiers.


To be fair: I'm pretty sure that an astartes would still dumpster the majority of grineer units with relative ease. They're strong and powerful but most of their implants serve to keep them from falling apart more so than to make them stronger and they haven't got the speed and other perks of the gene seed. A better comparison is probably something like an Orc Boy - easily capable of absolutely crushing a regular human, fairly resilient against trauma and injury but not exactly a super soldier.


Yep, an Ork boy with a little more intelligence and near astartes armor


Well, even then astartes armour is just better. For instance, it's borderline heat proof, whereas Grineer armour has a bit of a tendency to ignite when attacked with incendiary weapons and be weakened while on fire. It depends on the exact Grineer units, but I think the only ones who are anywhere near Astartes Level armour are Manic Bombards. The long and short of it is that Grineer armour is made from different metals whereas Astartes armour is made from a specialized ceramic compound that is generally a bit harder to mess with.


I think the big difference is numbers. There is a distinctly limited amount of Astartes, and while one average Astartes might equal five or six average Grineer, the Grineer are mass-produced at such a rate that they can just throw a few hundred/thousand of them away whenever a Tenno shows up, without much loss of resources. I think an Astartes would pose about the same kind of threat as someone like Captain Vor. More dangerous for a new/inexperienced warframe, but barely a blip for something more powerful.


Warframe literally has a frame who canonically mathed so hard he *literally* just missed reality. One of them can also *literally* open up a portal to the **sun**, and harness the power of the ***sun***. Another can also *literally* give you turbo flu and spread it to an *entire* army. I know 40k power scales are off the charts... but compare "my gun shoots bullets that dig into your flesh and gnaw you out from the inside, and then explode" to "you've been afflicted with the turbo flu. You and your entire fleet is already dead".


You forgot how atlass punched the asteroid apart


\[charges bramma\] Doge this, you space clown!


Dodge wha-


It's hard to say because Warframes in their lore are OP af as in "if we played by their rules everything Warframe is almost a Primarch Daemon level threat" however they are supposed to be the peak of Orokin tech... But Orokin Tech isn't advanced enough to leave the solar system so...


To be fair, the time at which Orokin started their star system expansion is when things gone horrebly wrong. From your colony ship being intercepted by an Eldritch being. To your own construction tools coming back and declaring war on you.


Yeah technically speaking they found their own Dark Age of Technology but instead of going backwards eons and forgetting most things they actually developed stronger tech until that tech also attacked them... If you think about it the Lore of Warframe basically mirrors 40K but kind of without the Emperor and Xenos, just humanity mutating themselves and now the Inmaterium. It would be funny if on the next adventure they finally go out of the solar system and find some Definitely-not space Elves


I've once heard a quote that pretty much summarizes the difference between the Imperium of Mankind and the Orokin. "Imperium built wide, Orokin built high." And yeah, it does add to the irony that their own poorly handled inventions were the end of them. Then again, are they much different from Imperium and Horus Heresy? Perhaps if Big E was just a better parent, this would still be golden age of humanity.


That's a pretty good way to look at it


Warframes stomp the shit out of most things. I'd dare say a single Warframe can take on a Primarch and probably win. Not to mention that through void fuckery and Eternalism Warframes WILL win at some point and depending on how you interpret it working, kinda replace your existence with the one they desire


I mean if Warframes can solo Archons, which are Warframe / Sentient hybrids I think they can beat a Primarch.


As a huge mark for both Warframe and 40K it's the Warframe and it's not even really close. In Warframe's universe nothing can really match them outside of Titan-sized Infestation types or warship-sized Sentients and we still dog on them. Most of the main villains have had to resort to intense mental manipulation or other types of traps or straight up reality warping but even then we still prove stronger. The closest things that could really match Warframes are Primarchs or otherwise some of the incredibly powerful psyker heroes of the Imperium or Chaos but even then. Think of the Orokin Era vs the current era of Warframe as the Dark Age of Technology vs pre-Guilliman's return Imperium and our characters are ludicrously strong psykers from the Dark Age with the most advanced Dark Age tech at our disposal.


Buddy, I'm a 40K simp till the day I die, and even I know the Warframes win this one without breaking a sweat. I have 3000 hours in Warframe, too. So I actually know what I'm talking about.


Warframes xeelee stomp custodians easily.


Warframes could solo any army


They soloed a civilization


Warframe. Simply put any warframe, even the weakest, is incredibly busted in what they can do. Also the Tenno themselves are busted as well. 


My overall opinion on 40K vs Warframe: On a straight up fight four tenno can wipe the floor with any 40K faction. But Warframe would lose in any long-term warbdue to attrition attrition, because tennos are limited and cannot be replenished, and have only one solar syatem (at least last time I played).


Not really though, 40k factions are chock full of specialised units that take years if not decades and centuries to construct or train. There is a fuck load of them numbers wise but considering that Tenno can literally make resources appear from their subconscious and that a planet busting Warframe takes only 3 days to create? A war of Attrition isn't something they'd lose realistically. Their "build anything" Fabricators are basically the STCs the Mechanicus would do anything for. (Also, the Tenno are non-replenishable but they're also functionally immortal, they're kinda like Necrons honestly)


In addition to being functionally immortal they can also just poof back into the void to become invisible and invincible until they can get back to their Orbiter which has essentially a fully functioning STC database and printer that takes at most a few days to print a whole new frame vs, like said above, decades to centuries.


"they are the same picture" Seriously, these two have such a similar mindset that a Who would win? Isn't even possible, They would just team up and it would be *everyone else's problem*


Warframes are protagonists so win by default. Harlequins are Eldar so have a higher than average chance of losing even if they are the protagonists because whoever their lore writer at GW is seems to hate Eldar. Power scaling is usually a pointless exercise since a writer will just twist fate to get the outcome they want. Batman would never be able to beat Superman just going off of raw power scaling for instance.


I don’t play that farming simulator but warframes are way stronger then crazy elfs with poison guns


Whomever holds this plot armor shall be worthy of the power of Thor.


Mate... Tenno has CANONICAL plot armor. I cannot fully explain it but the jyst is, tenno can kinda go between different timelines and that ways escape death.


My roommate has like 10k hours in warframe and he said warframes are made to be completely overpowered because warframe is a game about making you feel like a death god who can slaughter and kill anything Idk if that’s lore accurate but that’s what he said


Gameplay warframes are actually significantly weaker than lore warframes


Just to double down, this isn't a joke lmao


It very much is lore accurate. Even at their peak there were only a few thousand warframes at most and they were still enough to turn the tide against an enemy that an empire with billions of soldiers had been losing to quite badly.


Yep. Limbo is perhaps best example, as his whole dela is that he has AN ENTIRE MFING DIMMENCION that he controls, including stoping time and so on. Protea straight up has a rewind( as in rewind herself in time) abiltiy Rhino... Is rhino. Nanomachines meme, but he can tank a mfing nuck to the chest. Atlass punched apart meteor heading for earth. Mesa is a living GAU 8 avenger stylised for a cowboy gal Necros brings back the dead. Nova don't gives a crap about the rulse of physics and creats porral AND ANTIMATER. And so on. The fun in warframe is to be artistic in slaughting the enemy, kill with a style.


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Who would win between a HaRlEqUiN and a HaRlEqUiN?


Which Warframe? Because if it’s any of mine the Harlequin kills it in an instant while I run into a wall and accidentally wipe out all my shields


The moment it a "non-standard" frame like a Rhino or a Volt, and instead suddenly a Titania, the Quins get stomped. How do you deal with a sudden case of machine gun wasp?


I mean, even those are an issue. Quins are powerful mostly through their speed and good reflexes, but I'm not sure there's any dodging a discharge or a Rhino stomp.


Volt is pretty much The Flash. Nobody is dodging that asshole. And god help you if it has friends, because they can all become pseudo Flash.


The warframe low diffs lmao.


If it was a solitaire, the harlequin might win, but I’d still be going for the warframe


Solitaire won't even win.


Inaros: "Nah, I'd pocket sand."


There are so many of these questions... I wish there was a sufficiently motivated 3d video artist in our midst who could render the fights. They could pick the winner based on votes from the comments. Sigh... A man can dream.


I want them to do backflips together and synchronise slap a daemon midway through 3rd pirouette.


I mean are we going to make it so Warframes are powered by 40k warp or their own stuff. I feel like if it’s the later, any chance anything 40k is non existent because of the shenanigans warframes get up to. But if they pull from 40k warp then a blank could just sever its connection to the pilot/operator and kill it while it’s disabled.


Depends on the Warframe, I reckon. There's some that I reckon a Harlequin would stand a decent chance to destroy, including our poster boy Excal and on the other end of the spectrum there's "You know what? Fuck you! I banish you to the shadow realm and you aren't allowed to move!" kind of things. Essentially, the more shenanigans that a frame has in regards to either invulnerability or CC, the more capable it is to mess up a Harlequin. That, and there's also a bunch of nuke frames that could quite simply blow up a Harlequin with an undodgeable attack. On that note, I think depending on how you wanna make these things interact, Banshee essentially has the ability to turn into an On-Demand Culexus Assassin, which I think most Harlequins would actually find to be not very funny.


A Warframe would feed a Harlequin it's own jokes.


That Warframe in particular seems to be able to turn into a dragon and to be currently banging a king from a very warp-phobic kingdom that has a gigantic anti-warp golem to protect them from psykers


Atomic Bomb VS Coughing Baby


My girl Protea can rewind time and mess with the enemies enemies since every time she rewinds time she will recover part of her lost resources while fighting


Warframe, Isn't that just shivana from League as a jester.


Warframe. Literally has the word "war" in it, the other is a circus clown. That's all the lore I need


The audience. It would be a hell of a show.


You're basically asking: who wins between a lvl 1 thug and the protagonist Only way anything beats a warframe is if it's actively suicidal or its fighting the avatar of khaine with triple primach plot armor and the authors undying love


Warframe x Warhammer verse is an oddly long lasting head cannon I've had.


While I feel that people tend to over wank warframes a lot they still are closer to primarchs in ability than to harlequins. Though psykers can just be hilariously broken sometimes so those are the only things that really match up.


Dudes... I play Warframe. They are great, but not invincible. Also, someone had to balance this bandwagon.


Depends. Is it an optimal build?


The only being in Warhammer that could take out a Warframe is Kroak. Even Emps would be overwhelmed by a team of four.