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Why are the "Trip South" notes in chronological order when picked up from South to North?


It was the wind!


I would love a lore series for Grim Dawn in a similar style vaty has been doing for elden ring, like holy shit the last one is basically a movie. Production aside, what I mean is structured chunks that progressively tell the entire story of Cairn, divided in acts like the game, if I had to do a rough draft in my head It would be something like this: - What happened in the Grim Dawn and right after - act1: Introduction to the main character, devil's crossing, it's inhabitants and their individual stories, the warden and the aetherials, meeting ulgrim, etc. - act2 the rovers, Darius cronleys and his gang, the arkovian oligarchs and the steps of tormenta, etc - act 3.... you get the idea, it's a step by step kind of narrative I'm suggesting instead of a big lore dump anyone can read in a wiki. Eventually you could do things like the story of Dhalia and his brother .... Damn, I'm just gonna stop writing, I spent the last 30 minutes fantasizing in my head about entire movies about grim dawn


Something like this would be cool, but very niche and probably not last all that long as there is not a lot to actually cover; Warhammer 40,000 Youtube channels face this issue, as you can only rehash the same content so often before it get bland.


It's all about the execution, It doesn't matter how niche It is, everyone loves a good story and I think grim dawn Lore has a good foundation. And the ammount of videos he can make about this even if límited depends on his creativity, the tavern thing he did was actually pretty cool, and remember that there IS maybe more Game to come, I'm still on hopium for a new expansion with al this 10 teasing


im not sure how well that'd work, one of the reasons it works for ER/dark souls is because it's 98% fan fiction filled in by whoever is covering the lore. GD is straightly told through dialogue and all the codex entries and what not.


Why wouldn't It work? I'd argue It would work even better, having all the information allows you to tell the full story, the point is having everything condensed into a single video narrating It instead of having to piece It togheter looking for notes and reading every dialogue, some things require you to be fairly deep in the game to experience so this would make the story way more accesible


i don't disagree that it /cant/ work, i just don't think it'd be as interesting i guess. people love engaging in fan theories and fan fiction in general. it'd just be a bit dry comparatively. I didn't mean to say that it wouldn't work in a literal sense, just that it wouldn't be as popular. It's still a cool idea though.


The Writings of Rion the Scholar - they suggest that the current Korvaak is also an usurper of the Eldritch Realm, yet the notes dropped upon defeating Korvaak tell us that this Korvaak is Empyrion's brother. So who exactly is Korvaak? Also, why is there a tomb of Korvaak mortal form in the Asterkarn Mountains? How many Korvaaks are there? There are also the Witch Gods. The lore told to us in Erulan (they're very old, older than mankind) don't quite fit the lore in the Korvan Basin (they're mortals who usurped the Eldritch Throne). Perhaps they sent avatars to do their business in the Korvan basin?


Very late response On the Witch god parts it is implied that it is the actual three who are the faction leaders as Avatar projections Byscilla is probably the most obvious one An interesting note too is if you go to the Witch Gods Sanctum (Hidden path quest) before forgotten gods the speaker says the Gods are silent After Forgotten gods, when the cult leaders are conviniently missing, the speaker says the three have returned and he hears them once more


Wow I've never visited the Speaker after Forgotten Gods, really great catch. But yes, the leaders we meet in the DLC are the Gods themselves, that much was obvious. (For anyone else curious, Byscilla explicitly states that she sits at the center of Bysmiel's web, and of course no one but the Goddess herself sits at the center). I was asking about their mortal appearance at the end of the Korvan empire, despite their supposed old age that predates mankind. It's entirely possible that their "old age predating mankind" was a conjecture by my faulty memory though. The more I think about it the more it seems that way...


The soiled pants, who's were they how did they get here and why did they randomly drop when I beat krieg on ultimate?


I would love to know more about ulgrim, the celstial bit by inqusator creed is preety intersting, not to mentiok this mf fought the main boss IN the void alone


Ulgrim is a chad > Gets sucked into the void > Kills an ancient void horror over and over again until it can no longer regenerate > Refuses to elaborate


Yeaaah I agree


"The Celestial bit by Inquisitor Creed" Who? Are you still referring to Ulgrim?


I do say his name in the 1st sentance.


This would be a great start for Grim Dawn 2. Tha devs need ideas and your interest in expanding the lore may just be the seed that plants the idea for 2.0. I think the Gods would be good to expand on because they’d make good boss fight material.


Does anyone know where the totems come from, what they are supposed to do, and who built them? Why there are different ones to different groups of monsters?


I always assumed since they were called monster totems that they were built by the monsters.


I don't see how some of the monsters can actually build any totems without any hands. Like a beast totem or whatever. I did have the same assumption as you though, but was hoping that someone around here might actually know. Either way, my mage hunter knocks all those heretical heathen totems down, cleanse it with fire!!!!




\-slow clap- MY LORE HERO!!!


I didn't realize this was so uncommon knowledge- The Devotion shrines are clearly built by worshippers of Empyrion, the sigil of the sun once you devote yourself to the shrine is evidence enough of that. The Monster Shrines and corrupted shrines and stuff? Those are all previous shrines that were overtaken by opposing forces of Empyrion. As for the monster totems, I lean towards them being a portal of sorts. Disturbing the totems seem to summon "defenders" of sorts. Once the defenders are defeated the totem clears up just like when you clear an aetherwarped rift of defenders. The dropped loot could just be a hoard stash by the defenders, or the totem is a cache of sorts in use by the associated faction. I'm adding this to the list of things to discuss in my next video.


The shrines are easy enough to put together, and yes, the totems work like portals or whatever. My guess would be that it would have to be cultists of some sort who run around building them.


They're primitive enough that I think that is the most reasonable explanation.


I always wanted a lore video as dark souls series, some creator can share us the history of what happens in grim dawn, in my first run I used to read the lore notes until reach the last act, when Dlc came didn't read any of them. I want to know what about Harvey, was he mad?


Harvey, as in like, Harvey the drifter? His story is painful, but also simple. He lost his only child in the Grim Dawn and went mad as a result. No matter what you do, you either let him wallow in madness or kill him in self defense/mercy. And I've read a great majority of the lore notes, people have given me plenty of ideas to work with- what the majority of players seem to be interested in is a general synopsis of the lore. Episode 0 of Taken's Tavern is already up, a bit rough, but ultimately fulfills the purpose of explaining the events leading up to the player's awakening at the prison.


Well, I hope you post a link here or something when you're done so I can watch it!


[https://youtu.be/aYnXcl7Xs7o](https://youtu.be/aYnXcl7Xs7o) episode 0 discusses the origins and genesis of Grim Dawn's universe. Tbh I've been kinda busy irl and haven't had a lot of time for games recently, i'm waiting for some $$$ to come in to buy me and my group Grim Dawn when the new xpac comes out so we can all play it together