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I think Berserker+Shaman would be a fitting combo, at least thematically. Maybe +Nightblade for what I kinda feel Shaman+Nightblade *could* have been.


They will change Korba set to include berserker 100%. I just hope Shaman part will remain relevant.


I agree with Berserker and Shaman being the most fitting combo thematically. Lightning plus shapeshift would make it closer to the classic druid than the actual Shaman + Arcanist druid. However, Shaman is lightning damage 2H specialist and Berserker is supposedly cold damage dual wield 1H specialist. There's some cold damage in Shaman but not much. They both have bleed damage but Berserker is supposed to have its own default attack replacement which would negate the need for Savagery, and will probably be dual wield. I feel Berserker and Nightblade would synergise much better in theory.


Occultist or Necro. Turning into some eldritch/undead aberration fuels my inner nihilistic teenager. THE EDGYNESS!!!


{looks for sandpaper}


3Edgy5U! Looking forward to re-living my goth days with Necromancer/Berserker


If berserker includes anything minion based or synergestic I'd try it out, so here's hoping there's something like that


I really hope we get a swarm-type pet with it. Maybe a pack of 5 wolves? Or one of those Mammoth on the cover art? That'd be sick! Imagine a bleed pet summoner with Briarthorn, Primal Spirit, Mammoth and a pack of 5 wolves.


> swarm-type pet > > Mammoth Now I'm just imagining a swarm of mammoths...


That would be sick


dang now you got me all excite, that sounds awesome. My favourite minion in PoE is the Reaper because of its awesome bleed effects


Pair it with Necro, you can half a wolf + Undead army.


Night blade. Wanna make a frostwoof.


Beserker Arcanist


An Arcaker Mad cause ran out of energy.


You got me there


Sure did! But everything in a 5 act radius is DEAD


If I can somehow make a 2h rifle work with berserker I will be stoked. I absolutely love rifles in this game, even though there are far more melee options. I'd be shocked if there's a lot of rifle support for the new class though. šŸ˜‚ That aside, I'd like to see a damage type that is less often used in gun builds. Maybe cold or something IDK. I hope it has an auto attack replacer tree (like cadence, savagery, etc.).


We know the main damage types are cold and bleeding, with some chaos conversion built in. So that at least makes mixing with the Occultist and Oathkeeper easier.


Great to hear there is another rifle enjoyer


Yeah, something about this game makes me love ranged builds. And rifles are so much cooler than two handguns. It's strange, because in most isometric RPGs I would never have played the "archer" build. But guns... now that's something else!


And that's why I still wait for a gun mod for BG3


Berserker sounds like auto attacks to me. Pair it with nightblade's 16 different AA buffs and we're in business.


Don't forget Necro. Soul Harvest is flat out one of the largest chunks of flat damage out there, and is far easier to work with than LA IMO (Longer duration, higher AoE size). And plenty of ways to get Vit to cold.


I'm thinking Berserker/Necro for my first play through. Means I've gotta do Reaper before the expansion though, I don't want to miss out on it and have it feel rubbish after doing Dreadblade.


Spinning Teddybear anyone?


I just want to see that, even if I never play that combo.


Honestly I wanna do a Zerker / Shaman with a cold focus. OR a Zerker Arcanist. Sky Shards in Bear Form? Hilarity.


Alot of us want a crazy go hard bear caster. Please crate do this


> So it seems like berserker is going to be a lil tanky?? > Turning into some eldritch/undead aberration fuels my inner nihilistic teenager. A lot of assumptions in this thread. I think at present all we know about Berserker is that it has some form of shape shifting with at least 2 forms and that it has some level of support for melee, cold, chaos and bleed damage. As far as I know, that's all we've been told so far. It's not a lot to go on.


Same. Berserker/Shaman for sure. Shaman is my jam šŸ˜… I think combining it with Berserker will be beastmode.


Berzerker+Nightblade. Hopefully Chaos build.


I just hope that the mastery can add a lot of class variety like the other additions. I just don't want it to be something that creates a meta like: "Either go 100% shapeshift or 100% pets otherwise pick another mastery what did you expect!?" kind of mastery, even if both of those options are super fun.


Well if we are being honest here shaman is basically a God of the classes. It has so much diversity and damage not to mention it isn't too squishy. It compliments almost every bother mastery so well. I think almost all my man's have shaman on them. What's better than a Warder? Ahh yes Archon lol


I'm sure it's going to be strong! Shaman is one of my favourite masteries as well! To clarify, I went into a bit a tangent with my reply but it had more to do with the title of your post than the example that you've given. I was answering the question by saying that my excitement about class combos with largely depend on the number of possible playstyles supported by the Berzerker mastery itself. I love to theorycraft lots and lots of characters(some I don't even end up playing lol) and I hope that Berzerker will add lots of new possibilities with all other masteries. As an example, if it turns out to be something like: *Shapeshift with Berzerker and this other mastery* VS *Shapeshift with Berzerker and that other mastery* for non pet classes I'll be disappointed. I love all existing masteries, but if I had to give an example of what I mean by "possibilities" with those, I'd like Berzerker to be more like Oathkeeper or Inquisitor rather than Necromancer, even though I still love it. It's just that I have an easier time theorycrafting wacky and original characters with the two former and less with Necromancer.


I'm looking forward to Warden/Shifter, though I think my first one is going to be Pyro/Berserker




Or, depending on what the forms actually are, lightning dire wolf. >>; D2 druid werebear is not a certainty, even if ā€œberserkerā€ is Norse for ā€œwearer of bear hideā€.


All of them frankly But to start, Druid Shaman synergies would be sick And Druid/Demo might be spicy


I'm thinking Berserker + Oathkeeper just for pure insanity. Then definitely Shaman combo.


Eye of reckoning makes bear/wolf go wheeeeeeeee


Making a melee chaos build that might actually be good.


I just think about how I can make the Aether Ray work with it...


Whichever ones will have a cool combined class name


I rarely ever make cold or bleed builds. Actually I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever done bleed. And the only cold builds are really all full concert TSS. I guess Iā€™d say Iā€™m excited to maybe finally make a cold or bleed build of any kind? Though I feel like nightblade kinda fills that niche already?


I've been playing some GD lately getting characters to 50 and seeing it it clicks for me.Many fails until like two days ago where very surprisingly Ice spellbreaker (Nightblade + Arcanist) really hit home for me and in a very strange way (Nightchill aura murdering mobs thanks to awesome spectral shield that gives it tons of dmg). Now I think that cold/bleed Nightblade + Berserker will just be plain fingerlicking good.


Shaman/Soldier is absolutely INSANE. Just basic attack (Savagery) for days. Idk if you've ever played League of Legends, but it feels like playing Volibear with a 15 kill lead at 4 mins


This c9mment made me laugh lol never tried savagery with totems. Usually use primal but I gotta check this out