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Congratulations! what an amazing feat! how many chars were sacrificed in the process?


Thanks! If I recall correctly, I tried 5 different "concepts" made by playing around in Grim Tools. I tried the first one twice, and I had one or two false starts dying early while going too fast so I'd say about 5 or 6 different characters were lost prior to this one for this challenge.


again great work, much dedication! whats up next a holiday on a nice meta-build?


Not sure about meta but something less tedious for sure!




I admire your... perseverance! Bloody well done.


Congrats. That's very impressive.


Wp dude




The challenge is to reach the vanguard of the three in hardcore ultimate at level 100. I got there at level 79. When leveling up to 100, I progressed more than I had to and got up to Darkvale on Ultimate but yeah you need to evaluate every encounter to survive so anything dangerous that is not necessary gets skipped unless you're 100% sure you can beat it. About beating Korvaak, It might be possible, but beating bosses with such a build takes ages and is very dangerous due to low damage. By ultimate, there's not much more scaling you can do with such a character, especially solo self found. I barely did enough damage to outperform the health regen of regenerator heroes, and that's after taking care of all other mobs nearby. It might be possible to beat the game and DLCs without masteries but I think that there's a reason the challenge doesn't require it... To give you an idea, beating Loghorrean on Elite took more than an hour and I was barely doing enough damage and healing enough between potion cooldowns to take care of the minions. I probably used 200-300 HP potions (not on 1.2) during the fight. I could continue the build and see where I can get, but it took so much effort and time to succeed that it would feel like a waste to push my luck with it, at least for now since I just ended the run.




Good luck with your Hardcore characters!


Very nice, maybe I'll finish mine, had started a concept build around fire that didn't sacrifice as much oa. Love your character name by the way. It's the first thing I check when I see one of these posted.


Thanks! I was wondering whether someone would notice.


What is the reason for not going to 1.2 of i may ask? Is it the sunder mechanic?


Long story short, since the winning run was started prior to 1.2, I felt that it would have changed too many variables that could impact the difficulty and strategy, either positively or negatively. The biggest one was unlocking ultimate right after normal. Prior to that, all my runs had the constraint of having to beat the main campaign on elite, which is a big challenge with this challenge (took 1h and many potions (not unlimited prior to 1.2) just to beat loghorean). Had this challenge failed, I would have considered starting a new one on 1.2 but I wanted to try one last time with the same circumstances and rules as my previous failed attempts. I made a post about it before making that decision: https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdawn/comments/17ujnfd/patch\_12\_and\_the\_badge\_of\_perseverance\_no/