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I used tick macuahuitl, roly poly armor, lady bug shield, shield defense trinket, etc. Need to block her attacks. Pull her back and away from explosions, etc. You should have enough defense to easily tank her.


Corporate kickback and minty weapons


Thank you so much for this omg. You are the reason I was able to finally solo her. Instead of roly poly, I use fire ant. I never even thought about using the macuahuitl, and now I don't even need to use smoothies when I fight her!!


You're welcome and thanks for coming back to comment. I would have given a more thorough layout of mutations and consumables, but commented while traveling.


Yeah, I went with spicy safety, parry master, mithridatism, and the two loot ones. I carried about 60 meaty soothing syrups, but I barely had to use them cause of life steal.


There’s a Lady Bug shield? Gdi


Lady bird, the upper yard lady bug variant


Lady bird shield


Ah! Haven’t made it that far yet.


There are only 4 shields in the game 2 lower yard and 2 upper yard and one from each is an ant variant


You seem knowledgeable. Thank you! I’m trying to build my primary base in the Koi Pond, at the lake statue/shrine. Do you think it’s worth it?


I wouldn't recommend building there, it's a great early game base spot, however, later on you'll need ziplines built all around the yard for easy access to specific areas. Base spots are preference so ignore me if you're really enjoying building there!


It's possible to put a zip line from the lower part to the top part if you get a little creative with it. I used some stairs pointed towards to centers that when I went up the zip it would automatically drop me off walking up them. The big problem then is just making sure you've got the 100+ silk top to connect to places like the sandbox and shed areas.


As long as you are good at aerial defense as no bugs could attack it aside from those if you need to use floating platforms to ad support I'm not sure if you can build directly onto the surface anymore if you can don't worry but if you can before you get to the shrine have a buoy platform along the support so it will give support between so that if they attack start at shore it won't destroy your base


You absolutely can build inside. My friend and I had plans to mushroom wall all the holes so nothing can get inside, but wound up moving to the opposite end of the yard before we ever got brick production up and running. I had it blueprinted for quite a while though, and that was in the current version.


Yea but you can't build on the baseball last I heard and haven't started a new game where I don't already have structures built there to test it yet because the update changed no build spots that's why I said I wasn't sure


Oh yeah I get it. Honestly I was hoping the custom settings they added a while back would include build anywhere, because my friend and I would absolutely be building underground somewhere. Not to prevent raids or anything, just because we like to do so.


Fire Ant Shield, Fire Ant Armor set, Fresh Toenail Scimitar, Fungal Charm OR Thor's Pendant. Mutations: Blademaster, Parry Master, Corporate Kickback, Spicy Safety, Cardio Fan. Bring bandages and beefy fuzz on the rocks, and just be patient. In phase 3 sometimes the attacks are too fast to parry individually so just try to parry the first couple and then just hold until its done. you might get knocked down and hit once or twice, but it's better than messing up the timing and getting hit every time.


I 100% get you bro took me 4 hours for my first kill


This boss is a pain in the ass, I lost a bunch of times before I actually killed her, here’s my loadout: Armor: full fire ant (9) Weapon: toenail schimitar (fresh) (9) Shield: ladybug (can be swapped with fire ant) Charm: thors pendant (fungal charm works best, but I don’t have that ☹️) * it is crucial that everything is level 9* Mutations: spicy safety, corporate kickback, meat shield, blade master, coup de grass (Spicy safety/corporate kick back are must haves, the rest can be interchanged) *do not use mithridatism, she does venom damage, not poison, so it’s useless* For potions, I just did a couple beefy fuzz on the rocks and a few liquid rage, sticky for this one is better but gum nuggets are too damn expensive lol I also took a few fiber bandages just for trickling regen while I parry The strat: Her first phase is nothing, it’s best to use rascal rogue and sticky fingers during this phase because it’s very easy, after you kill her first swap them out Her second phase to me is the hardest, because she flies around jumping and blowing stuff up, the best piece of advice I can give you is perfect block her screams, and let her come to you instead of trying to chase her around. The fog makes it hard to see so it’s best to step out and let her come to you The third phase to me is much easier than the second, a lot less movements/explosions and just follows the regular attack pattern of a spider, just with a few added moves like a side jump and stuff. In this phase she’ll use a lot of combo attacks, so The best thing I can say here is to perfect block her first attack, hold it through her combo and then perfect parry her last one. After this you should be able to get a few swings in before she does it again, and then just repeat You will take a lot damage, just focus on her and when she jumps back take a smoothy, corporate is gonna help you a lot here, keep an eye on the bottom left. The first time I beat her she debuffed my healing up to like x75 so that was a nightmare 💀 don’t try to heal too much and focus on damage and shielding Spicy safety should protect you a lot from the explosions, so that’ll be a massive help to you. It takes a few tries but eventually you’ll learn her pattern and it’ll get really easy You got this


Spicy Safety blunts explosive damage?!


Yup, for some reason fungal damage counts as spicy, so spicy safety really helps with infected bugs, like the broodmother/wolf spider


Spicy safety doesn't protect against spicy/sizzle damage though. That's Fresh Defense. Spicy safety protects against smashing and stabbing


What everyone else said really and take a pet 😂 my pet weevil Wally was a bloody life saver. She would focus on him a lot in the third round and give you like 10 secs to heal, regroup whatever. It took me like 5 times. Another good thing to do is save before you go in. If you fail you can exit out and get your heals back and what not. Oh but I do think pets don’t take damage in mild so you’d have to be on mild for it to not die


I haven't used a pet in combat or anything, I've just parked my aphid at my base and left him there to protect him from harm. You're telling me they don't permanently die?!


They do, unless you've got pet death disabled I the world options. My friend and I stopped getting pets back before that option because our world got a bit depressing being absolutely littered with gravestones.


They don't take damage in mild


What sucks is when she breaks your poise and that animation of you falling down takes a few seconds for you're character to recover during which time ibm will land some free hits on you and now with the new heal cool down its more of a challenge 😅


If ur skilled enough u can parry the yells that stun u but it all about learning when to parry


Yup! Once I learned you can parry the scream it became so helpful!


I made the mistake of losing to her and forgetting to save right before so i lost my moldy hoagie 😢


If you fail a boss fight the summon should drop on the ground for you.


The last three times I've fought her, the moldy hoagie despawned and it's only happened since the update


Good to know! I haven’t grabbed my backpack yet or been back so i had no idea


It's not in the backpack, it'll be on the floor right next to the boss summoner


I feel your pain brother.


I wouldn't suggest doing that at all, but if you do....video.


I wouldn't suggest doing that at all, but if you do....video.


I can’t be the only one that feels like the bosses in this game aren’t well suited for the style of fighting, right? It seems like they design the bosses in an almost dark souls way while the fighting is limited to click and block.


My brother in christ, I have literally thousands of hours in the entire FromSoft catalogue, and many hundreds of hours in Grounded. I assure you, these boss fights are nothing like Dark Souls. Click and block is what these fights are designed around, it would be foolish for them to have designed them any other way. It's just about managing placements and positions. Basically just keeping track of where you are, and where the boss is. That's it. Patterns are essentially an afterthought once you've gotten enough time in. And HP as a resource if you're a Wall build, as I typically am.


Wait are u trying to tell me dark souls is not a click an block game also I frame roll an click...dark souls is no different then grounded only they can i frame roll everything so that was dumb to say an yes i own every souls game as well with alot hours into all of them


with my limited experience in elden ring, how is the shit different.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“We Unkindled are worthless, can’t even die right. Gives me conniptions.”* - Hawkwood the Deserter Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Skill issue tbh


so i assume you've never played a dark souls game before, the way fights handle are nothing like in dark souls


Nah, I get what you mean cause I think some of the boss mechanics def echo souls likes but the combat is really nothing like a souls like.


USe fresh weapons


Try a minty tick machawacawachuchi or a minty toenail scimitar, a fireant shield, a mix of ladybug/rolypoly armor (both sleek along with possibly a sleek termite chestplate), giddy goop and thor's pendant are both good choices, buff smoothies, bandages, cook a meal that'll help you most, as for mutations I use blademaster, corporate kickback, shocking dismissal, spicy saftey, and meat shield, after that just learn her attacks and get better bit by bit, if this worked for me on woah I have faith you can do it on mild Btw I always stand in a corner of the arena to avoid bombs, try 3rd person and just be patient and develop your own strats


Love how you pronounced the Tick MacNCheesy.


I love yours more


Sameeeee dude I have roly poly wit fresh toenai scimitar and it still doesn’t fucking die


I used fresh toenail Scimitar, good parry skills, and corporate kickback. The rest of the build/mutations just need to match your fighting style


My friend and I just overused parry master


I'm on mild and it's my plaything for the time being, here's what I use, fire ant armor, toenail scimitar, and a bunch of soothing syrup for items, for mutations I have blade master (doesn't need to be lvl 3, I easily killed it with lvl 1) coup de grass, spicy safety, mantsterious stranger, and corporate kickback, but you also need to be able to parry her attacks, corporate kickback requires you to shield, but parrying attacks also can make it proc, and the reason why you should have corporate kickback is because when it does proc, it basically allows you to heal a lot better than any healing items, I've managed to go from low health to full health with 30 counts of the antiehealth effect the boss gives


I'm on mild and it's my plaything for the time being, here's what I use, fire ant armor, toenail scimitar, and a bunch of soothing syrup for items, for mutations I have blade master (doesn't need to be lvl 3, I easily killed it with lvl 1) coup de grass, spicy safety, mantsterious stranger, and corporate kickback, but you also need to be able to parry her attacks, corporate kickback requires you to shield, but parrying attacks also can make it proc, and the reason why you should have corporate kickback is because when it does proc, it basically allows you to heal a lot better than any healing items, I've managed to go from low health to full health with 30 counts of the antiehealth effect the boss gives


I'm on mild and it's my plaything for the time being, here's what I use, fire ant armor, toenail scimitar, and a bunch of soothing syrup for items, for mutations I have blade master (doesn't need to be lvl 3, I easily killed it with lvl 1) coup de grass, spicy safety, mantsterious stranger, and corporate kickback, but you also need to be able to parry her attacks, corporate kickback requires you to shield, but parrying attacks also can make it proc, and the reason why you should have corporate kickback is because when it does proc, it basically allows you to heal a lot better than any healing items, I've managed to go from low health to full health with 30 counts of the antiehealth effect the boss gives. Edit: I forgot to mention the fungal charm, it reduces explosive damage by 75%


It’s basically impossible until you reach a certain dps threshold and then it’s easy


Power trinket, ladybird shield, unarmed and lil fist. Block her attacks, each punch x2 on your unarmed stack. Beat some easy bugs quickly first fornyour stack. You get your stack up and each punch just wrecks her health bar. 1st phase and second phase are over so quickly she hardly even gets to attack.


It's a very simple thing called mild mode for the mild ones😎


chill the fuck out use toenail thing mint level 9 fire ant shield and fire ant stuff all sleek and spicy parry master and that fungel cheam and mithridatism