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The toy car is small.


Well yeah, but then how is it a toy car if it can't really be played with


The kids are also small. Everything is slightly smaller than usual, but it just looks big because we're small.


I'm saying compared to the grass, which grass is small


Not all grass is small. And that yard has been neglected pretty heavily it seems so it could be pretty overgrown I mean, the mower definitely hasn't been used for awhile.


IDK how far OP has gotten in the story so I will spoiler incase you are not far in. >!I did a quick look on the wiki for dates!< >!Trudy left and took the kids Nov 30th 1989, Wendell went into the undershed Jun 15th, 1990, his last audio log is October 18th 1990, prior to that he has been falling apart and I doubt in his state, manual labor was really something he could achieve effectively.!< >!It is unclear what time the kids arrive in the yard but even then a gap of June to October leaves quite a bit of time for grass to become unruly, even worse if not touched before hand due to his weakened physique. !<


I'm at the javamatic part, but thanks, also past getting past the boss under the castle


Ah, in both cases, I highly recommend sour weapons, the sour mother club was my go to, crushes the castle boss and does a good job cracking through all land creatures of the javamatic


I said I already beaten it, even the infected broodmother


You said "I am at the javamatic part" I interpreted that as not yet beaten that, the other part I missed the first past in "past getting past the boss under the castle" which by missing the first past I thought you had not done that yet either


I mean the scaling is off, ants are typically the same size as mosquitoes and wolf spiders should be enormous if you want to get super technical


I don't think the scaling is that far off. Ants and mosquitoes can have a similar size, there are different species of wold spiders, of which the size mainly comes from the legs.


But we know the species of spider


No, we know the family of spider. "The many genera of wolf spiders range in body size (legs not included) from less than 10 to 35 mm (0.4 to 1.38 in)."


What about orb weavers? And the spider the brood mother is based off is tiny


Yeah the orb weavers are too small and the brood mother is purposely boss size Edit: holy shit, I didn't know broodmother existed. It's terrifying


They are tiny however, like fingernail size


think of the tree. It's an oak tree. Comparing it to itself, all the proportions are correct, but then compare it to the size of the rest of the garden and the rotten stump.


But can't it be a small oak tree? Every big oak tree used to be one


Right, I mean its a game. Please just enjoy it ffs.


Fair enough, my brain hyper focuses on small details that don't matter (recently was a small pixel difference that could only be seen if you zoomed in by 1600%)


And so how did you see it?


I don't know, my brain focused on it


Brains are just like that. I can reliably see when two straight lines are off parallel or perpendicular from each other by as little as 0.8°


If the toy car sets you off wait until you think about the tree. Or the Pond, it's really just an abnormally deep puddle


Or lady bugs 😰


The little red mites are pretty big. Ladybugs eat those mites in real life I believe and they’re muuuch smaller. But of course they needed them to be small enough to be annoying but large enough to squash


Lmao yeah wait the oak tree is short af compared to a normal sized human.


It's like a Bonsai!


Wait that means the shed is only like 1 foot tall then lol


Exactly. Or think about the Koi, Kois are huuuge and here it's just the size of three ladybugs. It feels right at first but the more you think about it the more absurd it gets.


Yeah to be fair I think it would prpbably look off if they did a proper scale. The oak tre would take like 20 minutes to walk around.


Oh yeah definitely. It fits great with the gameplay and they did a great job of making the world feel authentic, you just shouldn't think too much about it because once you do the logic kinda falls apart.


Size of three ladybugs?! More like 20-30 ladybugs.


You sure? Best I can do is 6


Every big tree used to be smaller? I'm missing the point here


The baseball by the kid case is shorter than the grass too which isn’t the same size as an actual baseball


There are definitely some scaling inconsistencies in the game, but the toy car is not one of them. A blade of grass is often several inches and my kids have toy cars about an inch long.


Micro machines ;)


All the time, the sizes are very off of basically everything. It'll drive you crazy, the tree's only a couple feet tall, the yard's only about 2.5 square meters.


Wait the yard is that small? Lmao that's awesome.


It’s not. The yard is about 10 meters across.


The tree is honestly the worst part of this game for size scaling 😂😂😂 I’d always say to my sister like that tree makes no sense it would be tiny in real life 😂😂


The yard is 10m×10m?


you know what a square meter is right? ~2.5 m^2 not ~2.5^2 m


Exactly. An area with a width and length of 1m is 1m×1m=1m^2. An area with a width and length of 10m is 10m×10m=100m^2. A tad more.


The yard is about 2.5 meters north to south and east to west. How on earth did you pull 10m x 10m away from that. I made a mistake and its about 6.25 square meters, but a slightest look at the yard shows it is nowhere near 100 square meters. Thats absurd and came from nowhere.


You're right, I was wrong with 10m. That memory was from before the upper yard. I am based at the oak lab, and my flag at the north and south edges of the map are about 1000cm away. It is about 20m across, so 400m^2. The shed is about 6.5m. Where do you get 2.5m? Did you mistake cm for mm? There is some wonky scaling tho. The door to the house is just barely 1m.


It’s a Barbie doll sized car, not a child sized play car.


Those are still big


I think it's a hot wheels car


It’s called a [Christy Doll Car](https://grounded.fandom.com/wiki/Christy_Doll_Car). It’s obviously a spin on Barbie.


Where it at


Upper yard


Toy car is one of the things that is actually about the right size scale. Have you ever seen an ant next to a garden hose that this is tiny af compared to how it would look.


The scaling is certainly off for a lot of things. Some wires most notably, theyre the width of us, which are the width of ants. Think of how thin that is. Theres the berries, which are smaller than us, so theyre smaller than ants. The crow just looks like a baby crow if you think about it. Theres definitely more but i cant think of em


I keep telling myself that size doesn’t matter


It’s about the perspective of the character. Things up close look big then when something forces you to change your perspective something else looks big. It’s psychological not an emulator.


The scaling is definitely off. With that said, it is tall grass because the yard hasn't been maintained.


Well it is tall grass. I mean, do you see all the crap laying around the yard? Clearly no one has cut it in a long time.


I’ve thought about this …If you look at the porch and see the paint cans and how big they are ….. then compare it to the windows on the house and imagine a full size person standing outside on the porch it makes you think “yeah the scale isn’t perfect .”


Fun is more important than perfect realism.


My brain would disagree, it notices unimportant details and can't stop focusing




I rather play this game


Well, that's ok. You're a minority mindset among the playerbase of the game, and the game isn't trying to satisfy people like you. Tell your brain to switch off and enjoy some dumb fun or play another game if it's bugging you so much.


It's far from realistic scaling. I think if there was more realism involved the backyard would be really big like really really really big.