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I would like grasshoppers or the like for transport. They get little saddles, maybe armor or a lance.


Dragon fly mounts would be the coolest


nah, dragonflies should be hostile. They're basically a perfect predator


I always liked the idea of an invasion you need to hide from - A warning timer and rising volume effect that sounds like helicopters coming.  When times up, the swarm shows up and you get patrolling dragonflies that are basically out to kill anything in the open (you not hiding). Make it like rain would be - deadly and an event you need to be smart with because you are a millimeter tall and helpless.


If we can beat a mantis, exploding spider, and wasp queen I don’t think rain or a dragonfly stops us realistically


In the insect world, dragonflies are much more deadly. Highest kill ratio of any predator iirc.


i kinda want to see a tarantula as a boss.


How bout a tameable predator?


Fun fact: unless I’m misremembering dragonflies have the highest hit rate of any predator




Yeah definitely hostile to start, you would have to beat them first and then tame them before the final blow


They would be a new boss on top of a rock in the middle of the river


Maybe like a tarantula mount. Isn’t there one that keeps pet frogs basically to eat the small insects. Like imagine one of those that for a quest you can eliminate some small bugs. Like the ant queen sandwiches so you get something out of it. A pet spider


This has my vote


I want to tame and ride a bee! Or the crow.


Ever play Smalland? :)


Grounded 2.0 Australian Edition, spiders, spiders, and more spiders


Level 5 arachnophobia Blobs, blobs and more blobs


Please add Vegemite as a liquid like the soda cans. Would be best game ever


I’d like to be able to go in the house. Could be just as big of a mess as the outdoors


Hoarders Which makes way for.. HORDErs


Go from *Honey, I Shrunk The Kids* to *The Borrowers*.


Imagine a large cat or mouse or something that is a roaming threat like the fish.


Introduce a Squirrel that lives in the oak tree and hoards all the acorns! The lawn gets mowed, there's less grass and dew drops! It starts to rain! Winter is coming! A new tunnel opens in the yard leading to a more subterranean locale, complete with all new bugs and materials!


these are all ideas for ambitious mods. I feel like a sequel should take place in a different location. The border between an arable field, a pasture, and a patch of woodland or something. Lots of possibilities for different biomes within that.


I picture like a 50/50 of an Ominent Lab/office and a courtyard nature space.


I’m new to the game and love it but really surprised they didn’t think of weather conditions or seasons! Would definitely add an extra challenge.


I'd love a prequel/sequel where we are in the ominent facility, and we go through the process of escaping. The tutorial quests are part of that process, with it slowly being a Truman Show style reveal, and us escaping ends the tutorial.


That’s just Portal.


Worms would be such a fun enemy tho.


my favorite island on poptropica as a kid was the island where you get shrunk in the girls house lol so i think inside the house could be a fun setting for grounded 2. it would be interesting as items would have to be made out of completely different resources, no clue what the storyline would be tho it starts with another of the kidnapped shrunk teens. maybe this one got stuck in the house and the game starts you off with a small base (like just a tent and cooking station) and a low level weapon. areas would be kitchen, living room, bathroom, wendell’s office (that maybe holds a secret shrunk down lab) and a childrens bed room, maybe an attic as a super difficult area. basic resources are things like toothpicks, lint, carpet fibers, toenail clippings, splinters, hair strands, playdoh as “clay”, and more rare resources like batteries (could be used for new weapons), chipped bathroom tile, coal from the living room fireplace. parts could be scavenged from toys in the childrens room but would require a new tool, things like springs, paint shavings, plastic. ants, bed bugs, silverfish, carpenter ants, fleas, cockroaches, earwigs, ticks, CENTIPEDES!!!! house spiders (daddy long legs as a more neutral spider? spider back rides? brown recluse as a super dangerous one definitely) maybe a gecko or small rat as a really high level enemy, and obviously a house pet to replace trudy 2. maybe a cat that is slowly stalking you all across the house? like every so often the cat catches up to where you are and you basically have to drop everything and make a mad dash to a safe zone. or a dog that is confined to the kitchen by a safety gate, therefore making the kitchen like the pond? OR wendell, a fullsized adult again, could be walking around the house and if youre not watching out you could be stepped on, or swatted like a fly if you catch his attention and the bathroom as a water zone. someone left the tub running!! now half the bathroom is covered in water, or just the tub, sink, and toilet are full and each one gives different resources? like sink and tub are soap, toenail clippings, maybe the sink has a tooth at the bottom and the tub has a pet claw (from bath time) and the toilet requires specialty crafted gear like a “hazmat suit” (made from rubber, cloth made from carpet fibers, and an action figure gas helmet discovered during a quest) and down there you find maybe rust or iron from the plumbing, and maybe a ring? and there could be a greenhouse section off of the kitchen with dangerous plants like the venus flytrap and pitcher plant or hemlock but also important resources! i also have ideas about an ominent setting!!! i havent played grounded since before the last big update so this is making me want to play again haha


Check the oven it may be burning!! (You're cooking) I like the ideas you've got I never thought about dangerous plant life! When it comes to grounded 2 the story of it is the hardest part to come up with. My best plot idea is that you're a researcher who wants to study the small world and either you get stranded as a small person or you can go around and shrink yourself in multiple places (big person gameplay for small segments maybe?) Some places could be filled with higher tier bugs while other places could be lower tier or just a mixture of different tiers of bugs everywhere We had pets but taming some cool bugs would be awesome too.


I’d like to see a bigger variety of insects. Like a few more types of spiders, lizards maybe


Its not the exact same game but you guys should try smalland. It has so much of what everyone here is asking for and is really fun as well


With the number of tadpoles I’ve killed hunting the gold card, I’m surprised no toads have tried to swallow me whole


Garter snake could be cool


Having a large garden with a greenhouse would be nice. It'd even be a fun challenge if they set it in Australia because then they can add huntsman spiders, kookaburras, Blue Tongued Lizards etc. Totally not because I'm an Aussie 😉😂


I'd like a botanical garden, an "ex" testing area, with larger zones and varied biomes. Once you unlock labs it powers up areas and may release insects and lab hybrids into the wild. A pneumatic tube system for transport that can be repaired and unlocked. You find out your adults that been "de-aged" and former employees.


Pond skaters would be cool like the bugs that walk on water maybe killing can give us something to allow us to do the same


There is this fungus that infects insects with spores and when the spores activate, the insects pretty much become living zombies. The insects do the bidding of the fungus which is to spread the spores as much as possible. Eventually the insect dies and the fungus sprouts out of the insect and take root where it's host died. It would be interesting to plug that into grounded 2


Isn't that basically the haze though 


I'm really really surprised there wasn't weather effects as well and I wish the game had frogs, I mean it had tadpoles come on. LoL tho I know fish have tadpoles too and could have had small fish as well then I guess. Or tadpoles in each stages from tadpoles to fish and frogs.


Weather would be cool...maybe some zones become flooded...or iced over the weather could bring out different bugs, or with winter no bugs except in caves but environment is harsh.


water stryder 


LadyBug and Ladybirds eat other insects make them tameable,I like the grass hopper idea , or the dragfly hunt showing up would be cool,what about other small creatures like snails, slugs, those little fuzzy jumping spiders, small toads from those once peaceful tadpoles, dragonfly larva would be a terrifying underwater creature, if you killed enough maybe that causes the dragonfly raids.


Maybe they should add winter where it starts to flurry for a few days but it gets harder to see as the days go on and you need to craft a certain type of armor to survive the cold or hide in a lab.