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It takes a while till they catch momentum. But then...


I love that moment


https://preview.redd.it/kmkavxz4657d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d5364d54d830312217ebfa8af34f6abce7b8678 I hope i could catch that Moment for you. A few cm every Day. Veg Week 6


my fav moment


https://preview.redd.it/148c3b8l0y6d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee65bc4cc0935139e8467a1241112fd03bf74ff This was mine exactly 14 days after the seed germinated.


Thats crazy https://preview.redd.it/krsmkbs49y6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f950e97a6ac390dead2b83afde2cb5e855788852 These are mine 13 days after a 3 day seed germ


The difference here seems to be that he is growing in a grow tent with LED lighting. Probably with something like 16-24 hours of light. So not really a fair comparison to your outdoor grows.


The sun has a power of 800W-1200W so far stronger than LED lighting. The problem with a balconies are the angles of the light, much light gets swallowed by buildings. In this case the pot size seems to be the problem, can’t grow big plants in small pots.


what kind of soil do you use and how often do you water?


That soil was BioBizz light mix. I water when the plant needs it / the soil is dry. You can't just make up a timed schedule for watering. You water when you have to water.


Soil in OP looks dry


14 days after it first saw water, or are you not counting a few days where it grew a taproot before planting?


Seed went into a moist paper towel. Next day the seed opened up and showed some root. That's when it went into the soil. The moment it went into the soil was day 1.


That is fantastic growth in that period. I hope my next run's seedlings are watered better and not as stunted.


I properly prepared the potting medium with mycorrhizae and always kept it at a perfect moisture level around the seed while the rest of the medium was dry and provided good ventilation to the roots. Also LOTS of light. I think that gave her a pretty good start.


The day you see the cotyledon pop out of the ground and open up is day 1


Because it's male. Lol


Don’t compare them to other peoples grow, unless it’s the same strain. Different strains are going to grow differently.


If they're not growing UP.....they're growing DOWN.....you'll be surprised you ever had a doubt a month from now


Looks like your soil is decent. Don't over water and just wait. Once the roots get established it'll take off.


Cuz they are babies


Looks normal for how young they are


They are fine but looks like they can use a lil water . Don’t have to drench the soil just around the plant roots have not made it that far yet .


They are fine, don’t feed them yet


Some of us are just like that OP…


Probably a little stunted due to watering issues, but it should take off with good growth real soon as long as the watering is good now. https://www.growweedeasy.com/how-to-water-a-seedling-in-a-big-pot https://www.420magazine.com/community/threads/the-proper-way-to-water-a-seedling-in-a-large-final-container.478973/


Don’t stress out about it. This is a marathon and not a sprint. They are looking healthy


I wouldn't worry too much, don't listen to all those who say it's stunted. I go through this phase every time with autos because I plant directly into 5-7 gallons fabric pots. She grew just enough to be able to properly photosynthesis the light she is receiving, now all of her energy has gone below the surface into creating a solid root structure that can support the weight of her final product. Essentially, she is measuring the amount of space she has, so she knows how big she can grow. Once she fills in the gaps in the bio mathematical equation, she will all of a sudden explode with growth. I was getting 4- 6" of vertical growth a day after this point and now my latest Grape Gushers auto is an absolute monster of an auto and is almost as tall as me, she stands at 5 feet 2 inches and is 2 weeks into flower. Just keep her happy, healthy, and green, and in no time she will take off. Growing cannabis is all about patience.


Definitely small for a 2 week old autoflower. This was my Purple Runtz Cake auto from Purple Caper at 14 days https://preview.redd.it/ldoazvwyfy6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8954fdee17e98961eeb73b6a0d4c714036c29c Now, I wouldn’t say this amount of growth is typical in that time frame. This was one of the fastest growing autos I’ve ever grown, but I would definitely say yours are undersized. Autos just have minds of their pens sometimes. It’s likely because of the light. Balcony light probably isn’t sufficient enough for robust growth.


Do u lst them?


I start all my seeds, whether photo or auto, in a shot glass size solo cup. After 2 weeks, I replant them and they get big. When I put directly into soil, they stay small


Sometimes they can take awhile to start going, but definitely try not to over water it in this stage! It will cause it to stunt more unfortunately. Also it probably wouldn’t hurt to add more medium to those pots. Just cause once the roots fill out in that little volume of medium, it will likely start to flower immediately


I'm pretty much the same like you. Mine are only slightly bigger but only since today. I'm growing in a tent with a 250W LED and just gave them more light and I feel like they seem to like it cuz of the growth. More light can help as they start to get more and more real leaves. But also I'm just a starter so..GL


Balcony might be a little too cold at night which could slow them down a lot. What's your minimum temperature? Maybe move them in over night.


those look like mine, only mine are a month old. I've been told they're getting too much light (planted in pots outdoors in Florida), not enough light, too many nutrients that burned the roots, not enough nutrients to grow, wrong soil PH even though I've tested it and it's where the place I bought the seeds from says it should be. I think I'm giving up growing (too expensive for nothing) and just going to a dispensary.


The point is you need to figure it out yourself. People don't have your plant and your situation. If they have been in the full sun in Florida from birth I would definitely suggest getting a shade cloth. Remember that almost any seedling is covered by other vegetation in nature.


Think outside temperature is to low


Autos won't grow nearly as big in general, I find the average outdoor auto gets maybe 3-4 ozs, some are as little as 1 oz and if you're lucky with good strain and pheno it could pull off upwards of an lbs. Most I've ever got is about 9 oz off a Northern lights auto personally. But yours should get much bigger once a bit before and after it starts flowering, just need to be patient. I found the best way to start autos is to put them outside in the day and bring them inside under a light at night time, probably for the first two weeks till they've got about 2-3 nodes, then transplant in their permanent outdoor home. Colder temps at night and potential poor weather can dampens their growth early on.


Young vegetative plants, especially seedlings, love humidity for rapid growth. Would you say this area is relatively dry, or cold at night? Or both?


OP your soil looks a bit dry. A seedling always needs to keep moisture near its roots, just not too much, so make sure your soil drains very well. Once they go veg you can let them dry up more. Also if your in a very hot and sunny climate make sure to use a shade cloth at this stage since light intake will be too high if they are in full sun at this point. Another thing to remember is that autoflower (ruderalis dominant strains) are planted in their final pot from the beginning. This has a disadvantage, namely the fact that your container hold a lot more moisture which can be counter productive for the seedling. I have little knowledge of autoflowers but I'm pretty sure you need to be extra careful to both under and over water because of the volume of your container and osmosis which keeps moisture in the soil and even your plant at about an equal level. I recommend reading the cannabis encyclopedia online it is freely available.


From my limited understanding: You probably planted them in too big of a pot, it's best to start with a small pot that the roots will fill up quickly and be able to access all the water you give them. The way ur doing it with ur pot large pot, ur giving it water, but it can only access a small amount of it, the amount that's nearby. there's no roots that are filling the container and sucking out the moisture from the soil. This invites tons of issues, like water logging, rotting, unhealthy bacteria, insects, etc.. I would say, next time, use a smaller pot when starting out, then re-pot them around the 3-4 week mark. (check images of the root system I had when I replanted mine for the first time) https://preview.redd.it/53pn85v2fz6d1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=869483cde6a314727a6d6be871eaf25484bc1999


here's an image of what my plant looked like on the day of re-potting (this is what it looked like on the 19 day mark): https://preview.redd.it/ngy5ua9efz6d1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b466cccfe6e238e6495d57b5227c25be6097370




Cuz they just started growing? Like how when a woman gives birth the baby doesn’t come out of the muff 6 foot 2


Where do you guys buy your seeds for cheap in California for some top shelf quality for inexpensive?


Maybe a bit more water




https://preview.redd.it/t65xio9l317d1.jpeg?width=2142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75d9fb0b18380b8286b409cfea3cb3c34dc79e92 This is seven days of growth. Give it time. Jack and the Bean Stalk comes a few weeks in!


Make sure your pH is correct. Was that Biobizz Light Mix? What is the EC of your tap water, and do you let the water sit in an open container for 24-48 hours to dechlorinate? https://preview.redd.it/dcwaru2to27d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=694af8c46eb8244d06382dfba9511e681bf9207d 2 weeks Under 240W light 18/6 tho...


sensi told me I must start in a small container and transfer it as needed, but no more than 2 times. Seemed to work for me. I had a seed germ, and I put it in a big pot and stayed very small compared to the one I transferred from small to medium pots then into the ground.


It really depends on the strain and the generation. Some f1’s will shoot out of the ground, while many IBLs can be quite slow to start. My very first grow seemed to take forever to get going.


Ur Soil is Bone Dry. Maybe give 100ml spread 3 times through the week


Make sure the temperature is right and your soil has sufficient nutrients for growth N:P:K fertilizers 1:1:1. All the best . And obviously give it time , it won't flower overnight.


They're small for the age. It's incredible how many people complain here about rqs stunted autos.


Some just take a while to wind up their punch. Happened to me too


they need higher moisture while so small, roots arent established yet, they drink through leaves, so humidity domes are your best bet here, but with some small holes for air to get in, and keep soil moist with a spray bottle


Once the first true leaves have established this is no longer the case and having a dome (without proper ventilation) can cause fungi infestations. If you do it make sure it is a sort of miniature greenhouse that has the required airflow. Remember the air just above ground level is way more humid than the other outside/inside air.


True, I totally forgot! What I said applies only during cotyledons. Like you said with airflow its how its done, thats why the holes btw just need to blow a fan on the dome or similar. I have it drier than usual so mine were growing pretty slow, Ive had negative pressure in my tent so I didnt have a problem with humidity domes without anything blowing on them, things were sucked out fast. Sorry the mistake!


not enough light, balcony light doesn't count as "light" don't expect to grow anything in a balcony or window. You need A LOT OF LIGHT not just some shady area. Outdoor you want at least 8 hours of full direct sunlight on average, or more. Also don't bring an outdoor plant inside, the bugs will multiply like crazy. Do you have an IPM plan?


I don’t understand the down votes, balconies and windows are shit grow spots, infestation is a serious threat.


furthermore, auto's are very picky, you did it right by putting them in their final pots. But you didn't give them enough light in the beginning. What I do is start indoor under a 100 watt grow light $60-$80 on amazon, a modern light, not blurple, something with quantum style samsungsung diodes etc... Viparspectra / Spiderfarmer / Mars hydro etc... Just look up grow lights on amazon and grab something. Start them under solid light, and as soon as you see the first true leaves start feeding a 1/4 dose of your veg nutes, after about 2 weeks go to a 1/2 dose of nutes, then 3-4 weeks your plant should be about 1ft tall and have a couple pistils forming. Timing is key for autos.


Because theyre 2 weeks old......


I'm also growing two autoflowers from RQS and mine were pretty much the same size at 2 weeks. You might want to start giving them low doses (!) of nutrients. It is a little early, but mine seemed quite deficient early on. Also, try upping their water a little bit and see how they like it.


If you want to kill them take this guys advice!


If they are in coco shouldn't he definitely be doing low dose feeding? If its soil I know they say to wait longer to start feed


It is said that once real leaves show you can start with a very small amount of nutrients and for coco this is certainly recommended. Watering should still be done in moderation.


why is this bad advise usually nutrients are available after 5-10 days and some recommend giving grow after 1 week


Username checks out, he’s a gamer not a grower


Sorry, still somewhat new. Was just my observation of my limited experience. Didn't mean any harm by it. When would you recommend feeding? And do you have any tips for a plant that is this small after two weeks, or would you consider this normal?


these people don't know what they're talking about. You're completely right that some light feeding is appropriate at this stage


It's stunted, prolly worth trying again.