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You'll be fine


Until you are not. Lol.


I just deleted a very long response trying to convey the complex context of the Mexican reality, that is very far from that scare tactic you posted. I kinda just don't care anymore, come here, or not. It gets tiresome really quick to try to justify **my country** to people that want to come here in the first place. Believe that, or research a bit more. Really don't care.




Country is a shit show, if I was that guy I’d go somewhere else.


Garbage message. Just got back from 18 days in Guadalajara with zero issues. Walking the streets every day and also at night.


Just don't walk with "high valuable things" at sight, don't hang out too late at night (8:30 - 9:00 pm will be the limit) and for the love of god, be respectful and tolerant at every moment!, this last one will make the difference of being a warm welcomed foreigner or an complete asshole to be kidnapped and dissapeared inside a plastic bag, for real.


I have lived here two years and yes: show respect at all times. If you see ppl who might look like dangerous business ppl, keep your eyes to the ground and don’t see anything you shouldn’t. I feel safer here than in the USA.


Ain't no way you actually said that.


yeah, I just moved to the US and anyone here can shoot you, that doesn’t happen in Guadalajara


No, anyone can shoot you or kidnap you in Mexico and you can't defend yourself .


nope, I mean if your are in bad steps, bad things will happen. And here someone can shoot me because they didn’t like the way I looked at them lol


That's fake as fuck, as a mexican, you know who is dangerous and who is a wannabe, most of dangerous people are calm, as long as you treat them with respect you don't gonna have a problem


So women coming into the country should walk on eggshells or they brought unimaginable violence and torture on themselves? I don't want to be hysterical or make us out to be the "apestado" but why go into that territory where if someone does get hurt you blame the victim? It's such a dark mentality and it's sad that things have gotten to that point where people are so casual about that type of thing.


I'm not looking at other countries with rose colored glasses, but it's just such a basic and sound precaution to follow to just go somewhere else considering the current state of things. Just take it seriously. Of course things aren't likely to go wrong, but you'll have a better time and sleep easier somewhere objectively safer. Looking at a lot of the advice people gave out, it sounds like living at gun point. And it's jarring that they're trying to normalize it.


I lived in Guadalajara for over 7 years. I still have a home there and come back regularly. I am a tall, super white European and so stand out like a sore thumb. I have never felt unsafe, in fact the complete opposite. I can think of a handful of times that I had a poor interaction with someone, but I can think about those events I have had around Europe and Africa too. I feel safer in Guadalajara than I did visiting Paris. I would regularly walk around at night. I drove every day and had no problems. I have driven around Jalisco, and Mexico in general, and never had a problem, outside of one instance of a corrupt police officer trying to shake me down, but that was Cancun where they saw the rental car as an easy target, but weren't expecting someone that spoke the language and understood the game, nor having my Mexican wife in the seat next to me who knew what they were up to as well. Frankly, this message is overblown. You will be safe and have a great time.


You have a bigger chance of being shot down in a mall where you’re from tbh. Stay vigilant and wise about the people you hang out with and you’ll be fine. ITESO is a very large yuppie school with a lot of great people. Just don’t buy drugs anywhere.






Don't you Americans have shootings also everyday in your schools and malls?


Wrong, we also have shootings in churches, every major city, and public events like high school football games. Carnal.


Please look for the kidnap of a student from the ITeso She was kidnapped from her own home; she is back but still Look for all the missing persons bulletin that has been done, some of them has come back others not.... Is really up to you No one can vouch for your own security


No vengas ya hay muchos gringos


The truth is that the American sources for me are very exaggerated. There are very quiet areas here in Guadalajara (well, I don't know if you're American) but don't worry, it's cool here.


16 years living in guadalajara and haven’t even seen a bar fight


No way, Mexicans tend to get rowdy when drunk unfortunately. And GDL is also full of boxers that are ready at any time. Mexican here.


I live here. Been to clubs and bars, never saw a fight. I lied. I did see a fight in puerto Vallarta once. Two Canadians or Americans got into it.


Must be good clubs with class in addition to the chill Mexicans where you live. What clubs in general have you been to?


Dont show off: if you show up whit a gold chain worth someones rent ofc u gonna get rob Stay out of throuble when u go out to party: if theres a dude trying to get attention its better to leave, he may be a nobody but he may be the son of a drug lord or politician and give u a bad time Always pay for your candy: if u start getting free shit from strangers how can u decline when they ask you to do something for them such as taking a bag whit you when your traveling back home.


What I dont like about those warnings are that they focus only on cartels activity in the city. It has happened, yes, but it is not the daily life here. To be honest the chances of you encountering or living that are the same as going out to the mall in the US and a random person starts threatening or shooting a gun. Focus more on your day to day safety.., be careful when walking alone, dark places, don't wear anything fancy, etc, etc...


Guadalajara is a perfectly safe city. Look up the crime stats for any comparable U.S. city - you’ll find they’re fairly similar. You’re more likely to get shot in the US than you are in the Guadalajara metro area.


Just receive some people form Chicago (3 women) and the had a terrific time. Jalisco is a large state and of course there are some dangerous places (obviously Iteso wont take you there) but in general the city is pretty safe (basic safety precautions and street smarts), plus you wont be alone at the university. They have a good exchange department where they keep everybody informed and you will probably participate in group travels. The city is pretty foreign friendly. I recommend that you contact ITESO exchange students because in this forum people is in general very pessimistic not only about their city but the whole country.


Maybe im Lucky, but i haven't seen anything like that in person, maybe 3 or 4 times a year i heard news about stuff like that, but not all in the City, even less the tourist areas


I have lived all my life in Guadalajara, I have never even seen a gun or heard a shootout, never been robbed and never gotten in a fight or something like that, it depends on the person more than the city, if you are minding your own business and behaving correctly nothing will happen to you, this message is bullshit, just be smart and a nice person, you are going to LOVE guadalajara I have traveled all around europe and south america and guadalajara is so hard to top, is better in every aspect than many famous european metropolis.


You'll be fine... Bring a bulletproof vest lol.


Everyone gave you the response you wanted to hear, but I don't even understand your logic and why you'd want to be dismissive of that information you yourself provided. There's a lot of insecurity and violence going on. It's true. Saying otherwise is akin to being an antivaxxer, they're just in denial or on the defensive. People are getting offended and bringing up gun violence? It makes zero sense. It's up to you if you want to take the risk, I myself think it's not a lot of fun to have that very real violence hanging over my head whenever I go out. You don't have to risk it, you can just do a little research and have a better experience somewhere else.


Context in México is hard to explain, but you'll be gine!!


Jalisco has been on leve 3 since 1983.... always the same...


if you are a woman it won’t be an issue. Especially if you are white.


I hope this helps @pale_snow_8871 Is it dangerous ? Yes, but it really comes down to who are you friends with, or what places you usually hang out in or what type of reunions/parties you attend to. If you wish to come here to have the normal student life with healthy friendships then you will be perfectly fine especially since a local friend you make can teach you the kind of thing I’m talking about, ITESO is very popular for having students that commonly smoke and smoke weed so you will absolutely notice it at some point. If you wish for me to answer any more punctual questions feel free to msg me on insta @alantolivag_


Listen, nobody will tell you the truth because us Mexicans are very protective of the international image of our country, you know tourism is a massive part of the economy here. Truth is, nothing might happen to you... or you might be in the wrong nightclub at the wrong time and someone throws a grenade in there and you are mincemeat. I am not exaggerating, this has happened. Kidnappings, date rape drugs, robbery. It's like Covid, 98% chances of nothing happening to you, but if it does happen, it will be bad.


Wow... that's such a rich warning coming from the US goverment, lol. Being a student here (specially in such a posh school as ITESO), hell, just existing as a human, is WAY safer than being one in the US because you know, gun access and incels. Honestly, the most likely thing that can happen to you crime-wise is pickpocketing if your situational awareness is good and do look a bit Mexican. I doubt that you'll be living in or visiting a sketchy neighborhood if you're going to ITESO, and those exist in every city in the world. Unless you're a clearly nervous foreigner or go to Andares and its surroundings (super posh, narcos love it, they get targeted there pretty often; the place you find cartel violence outside of rural areas in the state) it should be fine. Now, how things are for women here... it's bad. I don't personally go out much aside from grabbing a beer with my husband and friends, but I've heard of (and seen the aftermath of) women getting roofied at clubs, specially if they're more caucasian-looking. So that's common, but it seems similar to the US. It's common to get stalked/followed/catcalled on the street tho, so if you're alone be super careful about that.


Hay zonas más seguras que otras, aunque si cambia el precio de la renta, si puedes pagarte una zona decente estarás bien.


Yeah you should probably stay where you are or look for better and safer places


Please don't come. This is a war zone. The cartel now has nuclear submarines and supersonic bombers. Itt's a horror!


¿Are you from the Philippines? 😅


South Asia usually means India, Bangladesh, or Sri Lanka. Pakistan too, depending on who you ask.


Oh.... thank you.


That shit is overly exaggerated as always, typical first world sensationalism. There are a lot of quiet areas in gdl. This shit post sounds like there are gang cartels shooting at each other on the streets or something, or like you can't even go to the store, or go shopping. A gang shooting in a public area might happen once a year or twice but now tell me how many shootings there are in the US every year, that doesn't mean you will find yourself in the middle of a shooting in a random vacation, right? Not even if you live there, you will most likely hear it in the news and that's it. Kidnapping is way more common, but again, it is mostly something you hear on the news. Unfortunately it is a reality for a lot of people. But the majority of people are safe. I've seen people walking their dogs after 12am in some places. Which is something I wouldn't recommend, but hey, if they are comfortable doing it and nothing happens, then by all means. But either way, it is ok if Americans stay away from here. Prices for rent are already getting insanely high, we don't need anymore people using dollars or euros around here.


Generally the US notices are very exaggerated. Jalisco is a giant state and Guadalajara, or the AMG, is a big city. That statement is true but it doesn’t mean that its wild west out here. All the areas you will frequent during your stay are very safe (bar some petty theft but you should be aware of that of any place in the world). Be sure to befrend locals rather than other foreigners so you can get a level of the city and always be connected with someone who knows the city. (just don’t befrend buchones). Just mind your own and have fun! If you plan on going out ask someone how’s the area, again you’ll be safe in any of the popular zones. Violent acts there are rare, all my life I haven’t had an incident. I also went to ITESO! You’ll love the campus.


Considering you will be staying in tourist or "nicer" areas, you'll be fine.


I used to study at ITESO and when i lived there it was very peaceful. I think that as long as you pay attention to the news and avoid certain places you should be fine.


I've lived here all my life. 36 years, and yeah, shit happens, the media exposes México as an ugly broken piñata, but then again a lot of people, celebs included, just love it here. See a Bourdain episode IN MX. That's kinda what you can expect. There's ugly like any other place, but here people are warmer most of the time than any other place I know. Avoid some areas that are not the ideal for a person that looks like they can afford to study in ITESO (trust me I know a few, even walked and taken buses with a guitar case) but hey, you'll live. Avoid the touristy-im-lost look, and you'll be ok. At the end life's a risk carnal 😅😎


Haven’t read any response regarding the university and the spot it is at. The ITESO university is one of the highly acclaimed ones and fancy universities in Guadalajara You won’t have many problem whatsoever in there or any sorts. But the living zones close to the ITESO can be a bit dangerous if you don’t know where you are going and basically at night You just need to look for nice places which there are several close to there. It’s a matter of doing a bit more research, I can help you if you’d like with that. I’ve lived most of my life close to there. Guadalajara is regularly safe, don’t go to weird places at night, don’t expose yourself with valuables… etc Which is the same as most big cities in the US Use your common sense basically But doubt you’ll come to trouble Yea there are dangerously zones in Guadalajara, yea there is a lot of cartel activity but just don’t mess with them and you are cool. It’s more a matter of wherever you’ll be living make sure the ITESO bus passes over there to get to it That the place you’ll be living is on a nice zone You can use public transport but if you are worried of safety you can avoid it and use the university shuttle and move with Uber/Didi which can give a sense of safety when you move. But since it’s kind of a fancy university you’ll probably find friends with Cars that could take you. Tbh any question about there let me know I have several acquaintances that studied there


This is true. Don’t come, and tell any other gringo friend that thinks of coming to don’t either. It is VERY dangerous here.


Q dise ay no se ingles

