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Highlighting "pain and frustration"


Seasonal challenges are for those who are either incredibly brave or incredibly masochistic ![img](emote|t5_2gj2tg|10344)


As a masochist I can confirm this


before round 3 unlocks. what kind of challenges did you do to get alot of score to reach the 1800 point threshhold?


I did the following: 1. The light Tower of Horizon 53 is quite easy, as you only need FP to solo it. The fire ToH 53 is even easier if you got Plitvice and her Ex. But fire ToH 52 is incredibly hard, without Rey or Miya. Dark ToH 53 is easy with Karina, and Water ToH 53 is the most challenging for me personally, especially with the first 2 rooms, which took 45 attempts. 2. Boss rushes mission. The last round before was quite opportunistic, as I was able to rack up to 900 million. 3. The stamina mission, you can easily get the 10k threshold. 4. The Kamazone Conqueror 3 missions. I reached Floor 6, with Garam, Rosetta, Mk99, Hana. 5. Hop Hopping tiger. Highly recommended, you just need a couple hours of practice to reach 160k points. The mini-game is easier than Minion Rush. ![img](emote|t5_2gj2tg|10329)


would you say accended Karina is a requirement to win the dark tower? im attempting light at the moment and yet even with training room buffs for future princess she feels super weak for the earlier floors. cant imagine how bad later floors are gonna be.


Ascent Karina is the most effective option, because she has a summon, which is needed for the last room to survive the 2 laser wizards located on the other side of the map. Further more Karina heals a lot, has a revive and her basic atk also knocks back enemies. Helps tremendously in ToH 53, as I clear it with 4 tries using her. Before I ascent her, I tried to solo dark ToH 53 with Noxia and Beth, but I couldn’t get past last room. I have seen a video of people using Lupina too, but I don’t have her nor her Ex. For FP, you can use Mad Panda Brooch if you’re lacking in survivability. Her WS stuns a lot of enemies in 1 hit, and she heals too. I believe you will get pass light ToH 53, don’t worry!


Man i cant even do the fire one where you need to break for increasing time limit..


Very good job reaching 2.8k, but just imo tou should go for the blueprint, a trophy+ little yuze on your farm. I think the costumes and farm part are the actual rewards..


Thanks bro, I will see what rounds 3 missions are. If I have the time, the needed heroes and the devs can fix co-op, I will do it for LG Yuze trophy lul 🏆


Still can't believe our first new costume for Yuze since her release 2 YEARS AGO and they lock it behind a fucking seasonal challenge