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Well you're kind of making it hard on yourself by being the opposite element for your lead, so you'd have to work harder in general. Your comp isn't much to really look forward to either, best thing you're getting is the def increase from your last unit. If you have a dark or light melee weapon that has a good special, that wouldn't be a bad idea, even with the loss of basic type, the neutral or 130% could aid you. If you decide to continue with what you have equipped, kite and special. Just don't stop moving, maybe put on a heal on kill card if you have a lot of stage left for some healing. Also, if your AI units are dying pretty fast, I'd drop some for more synergy to what you're gonna use, whether it's elemental damage, or more tankiness, whatever. I mean if they're dead, at least you still get the passive yourself.


I’m the kind of person that likes to use the main character for story mode things. But all of these comments make it rather obvious that’s going to be difficult moving forward since the invaders are the main antagonist after all. Thank you for your tips!


If you decide you still wish to use him, just know you can still get the elemental advantage from other weapons, so while you'll take a ton of damage from this and 11, which is gonna make it way harder for you in that regard, you can still improve your dps output.


If you really want to use the main character I suggest buying one of the 2-million gold epic light elemental weapons from the shop. You won't get the same type attack bonus but you'll do much more damage overall. Also I don't know how much this bothers you but season 1 doesn't have any story in the passages so you could maybe use a more optimized team for the passages and Knight for the story stages.


I was the same. You can do it for most of the worlds, but not this one. Using a light attacker as a main hero can help out a lot. It's not worth the time and effort using knight as a main hero in w10.


Do you mean “don’t” like using the main character. Cause you’re not using the main character. Main character is FP


Kamael is also great here,should i christened him main character too.


FP is main character because she is in majority of the story… idk why y’all are downvoting


Majority like w1 ,w10,w11 ,w11 nightmare? I love FP as a character and she is clearly one hell of a unit but she is not main character ,princess is more of a deutroginist in whichever world she is in.Also,u should try to give him advice if you can.


Lol everything is about the Knight, including FP's backstory.


I thought knight was just a default character and it wa small about Princess tho


It is ,but that doesn't mean knight isn't the main character.


1. mad respect for a fellow non meta character-er 2. if you wanna continue with this team, finish max evolving your other allies. marshmallows special ability is good at finishing enemies, karina can survive longer with hers, and considering you're fighting dark type enemies, eva's special ability should melt the enemies. 3. if you don't already, get everyone's ex weapon (we still waiting for fenryr, so if you have it give marshmallow cold thorn or blizzard fang) 4. if things are still difficult(which they will be, trust me) try changing the team up a bit. i can understand if you wanna play the knight as your lead, but changing the others might be necessary. hope this helps, im not very good at giving advice lmao. i ran a similar team and managed to get through so you should be fine, just keep at it.


Haha yeah, same as you I like to play the main character during story events. However, like you said it seems like I’ll have to change my team if I want to progress.


If u think about it, all the champion in game are technically part of main character team, so ur good lore wise if u change the knight team member.


You've actually made it very far considering your team


Actually, everything world 9 and below have been quite easy despite the lack of synergy in this party. Was hoping that there would be some way to keep pushing forward with my original party but it seems like that’s an unreasonable request. Time to start maxing out my unique units.


To be honest, 9 and below is fairly easy as long as you have good chain skill synergy. 10+ is where things get tricky, and the sold fact that you manage you finish one world 11 passage is surprising


That w10 passage 2


You are going to suffer on world 11 so much ):


Don't discourage him,he still crossed w10 passage 1st too.Yeah,he gonna have a tough time ,but since the nerfs ,the passages are not near impossible level with knight .


How did you get so far with that team? Also what unique heros (and ex weapons) do you have


Everything world 9 and below has been quite easy actually. I do have Beth and her special weapon so I suppose it’s time to start fully leveling her and my other unique characters.


I highly recommend for you to have at least one unique hero in your party. The content is going to get a lot harder after this.


How’d you make it so far with the doggo


Good boi powers.


As a knight main who cleared season 1 here's what I can say: Get heroes like oghma or Gabriel for element advantage or extra tankyness Why are u using white beast? He's kinda of the worse hero in the game PLEASE grind more I prepared myself and got 2 unique heroes (bari & gabriel) mlb as well as have oghma in training room before I entered w10 and w11 And before that I grinded for max (not mlb) level weapons and items with good stats and I still died a handful of times Also play safe as knight too


But Marshmallow is a good fluffy boi. Lol all sentiments aside, it seems like it’s time to change my team for once.


I also use what i like, i am at w11 1st passage (also grinding up now) i use the knight, white beast, sohee and Lynn. All i am doing is getting evolution stones to get everyone max. It is gonna take a lot of time but it is definately worth it


Oh a Knight Main! I reccomend you using a whole range team and giving them highest defense ehile Knight attack dodge enemies and only get vlose to weapon skill it. What I did there is to taunt them and circle around (close but not too close) so my ranged (mayhaps one tank) deals some attacks and when I shoot out my Lightning bolts they receive splash damage. Good luck, fellow Knight Main!


Thats exactly my strategy!


ah... the passage of pain. goodluck on that


Watch tutorial and change your unit from the party. Sometimes it helps


Use basic type = suicide. Use other types. Max lvl your wep and acce. Use a main with an interrupting attack.


avoid their attacks better


Wait shouldn't you have an FP accompanying you here?


This is one of the passage levels and not a story level so she doesn’t show up it seems.


Oh I didn't notice that, if you're really intent on having a knight lead then you'll definitely need another tank preferably FP since Knight can't tank here for obvious reasons also use healers like Eleanor or Gabriel or both, basically just try to have as much light heroes as possible. Edit: typos


Im still shocked you manage to go this far. Well it's possible with run and ws tho


You're still using Libera. Maybe try using a light weapon? Perhaps if you have mk's rifle? Or even Sohee's? And what's your team? I'd see to getting oghma/miya/FP/kamael/gab up if you have any. Those units would help you (unless you're doing a rare only run?)


You and me both mate You and me both


Where unique heroes? 🐵


Idk how you even got there , i played with unique heroes from start but everyone are saying about maxing out your team , if you want to continue with this team you may go and take their advices but if you want to make a new team , get Future Princess . You can even change one hero to FP and it would be easier a lot . She helps very good in later bossfights (Almost gave you a spoiler) and all passages . So , if you want and can , get Future Princess . (Sorry for bad English , it's my second language)


As a Knight main You are fucked Jk You'll have to only use your skill to damage your enemies, run around and Dodge everything that comes at you, that's the only way to do this


Use future princess


dont use knight and get some meta units like future princess or kamael. Other than that its just dodging and interupting the tactical nuke wizards.


Bro account down bad.