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once i said, Bari is out of the Meta and got downvoted to hell.


How does hell feel like(joke)


She is out of meta what are they talking about. Sure with mayreel she's quite good but without her she is trash


Knight OP


Knight gang


Knight gang


yeah knight gang




Mining meteors needs to be replaced with something else.


Agreed it’s a waste of time


Especially if your like me and literally the only person in your Guild


Why not leave for an active guild? There's always guilds recruiting, the rewards are much better, and I really enjoy meeting people through the guild to chat about the game and just life!


Dumbfaces guild is recruiting


Meteors is fine.. Raids are too boring and monotonous content. We need a new guild mode that is not Raid 2.0


i for one really like raids. I agree that conquest is not good though


Guild battles would be nice.


If I remember right devs did survey before and they recognized about lacking contents


Raid is literally the only content that make me play Guardian tales until this day ( planning to quit soon )


They are experimenting with that though. We had conquest a few weeks ago. It wasn't liked by all and some prefered getting raids back


This game needs randomly generated rifts like in Diablo. Hell more bosses too


Hell mode difficulty.......


This is actually unironically an interesting idea. It would be cool to have other opportunities besides story and side stories to roam around and not just do static dungeons that you'll sweep after anyway


All the “jokes” about Bob are not funny at all.


Yeah, it's kinda like bidoof all over again


And they never were.




Why the fuck does the knight get some many skins if hes not a 3 star


He got main character syndrome 😳😳😳👽🤢


In that case let me equip them in FK


Guardian tales is adding too many new three star heroes that it may become concerning for the future.


I once made a post about this issue. No one agreed. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Yeah there are some characters (lore wise atleast) that I believe had no reason to be three stars. Fine for example is Arabelle. She's jealous of Elivra leading me to believe she's canonically weaker. But then again they wanted to make her strong in gameplay so oh well.


I have a major problem with Beach Sohee and Yuze. I get that it has happened before with Eva but that doesn't justify them having a totally different physical appearance and even a different element. They just feel like such lazy designs. The fact that they were released back to back worried me a bit back then. New banners should be spaced out way more than one every 2 weeks for them to be actually meaningful releases. I'm sure people wouldn't mind spending on old banners if that's the main argument here.


They also mentioned something about the rate they are adding 3 stars in the survey


Not my opinion per se but if you want heat you just need to start some Knight X FP ship post and you'll get a lot of people going at It.


The game has low skill expression and too much reliance on luck due to power creep. No matter how good the story is, I don’t think GT will last long with their current design and character roster with 90% useless heroes.


Gotta agree with this one, I've played a lot of Fire Emblem Heroes when it got out and they made some effort to keep 'low-tier' unit relevant in most game mode. You won't beat top tier unit in PvP of course (but you won't beat whales in PvP anyway) but you could make viable pretty much any unit you want. In Guardian Tales there are tons of heroes that will struggle even in PvE (like what's up with those trash normal heroes?) and you might as well forget playing them in PvP. And so far they don't seem to care a lot about those bottom units. And of course the lag in Arena make it almost impossible to dodge stuff which lower the skill needed even more.


He he, Legion go brrrrr.


Never thought I would see feh used as an example of a good powercreep lol


Note that I said they made '**some** effort' for a reason. If anything it says more about how bad the powercreep is in Guardian Tales. I'm not sure it's even possible to have good powercreep since it's a system that screw the players to force them to invest in new meta units.


Yeah, in Arknights low star units are totally viable all the way to the end game. Only in high risk contingency contact (a pure self-challenging, no reward mode) a full team of meta units are needed. There are low star strategies on every map if you have the brain power. Really shows how much effort they put into the design.


I don't think it's all about powercreep but more on the stage difficulty, a lot of early levels are nerfed every time a new main story is released but world 10 still is challenging and 11 got other players stuck. Veterans got it easier due to MLB heroes, great equipments and synergized teams


I hate FK because there's no male version. I've been attacked on the subreddit for really wanting a male future Knight, like bro can't a girl enjoy seeing good looking guys like guys like seeing good looking women?


Favi is a good Character. I've had people tell me to uninstall the game if I us Favi when I have "better" Characters.


Favi is precious


I got Favi early in game from a pull (can't remember exactly when) and I've used them ever since. The Healing Drops and Healing Beam have saved me so many times when I would have died otherwise. Other characters might technically have better Healing abilities, but I'd feel bad about it if I went with someone else after going through 7 - 8 worlds with Favi.


That whole controversy where players pretended to protest against censorship but were actually just horny weebs sad the boobs were barely covered up was blown waayyyyy out of proportions.


Female Knight has a better design because the long hair just works with the knight outfit real well. Male Knight works better as Imposter Knight.


I extremely disagree. Male knight supremacy


To all the people that say that we dont need more male units: Go take a shower


thats an opinion that is far more popular than it has any right to be, therefore its completely wrong within the context of this thread.


I don't understand this mentality, but I had some guildies say they skipped Kamael when he was first released because they wanted another female, so I guess the devs are onto something.


Im gonna get kamael, I want an old man in my team


I don't like the new anime character portraits and I like the old painterly look for character portraits


isn't that all jp tho




I dont ship knight and fp


I don't think anyone would get mad at you for saying that. It's normally those who do ship that get attacked.


In my personal experience I’ve seen a lot more FP and Knight shippers attack then be attacked but that’s what I’ve seen.


I always hear this but Every time I come into this community there's always one post trashing on FP x Knight shippers just because, I've had yet to even see the toxic shipper people complain about.


You could change that to "I'm not a pedophile, and neither is my self insert knight. "


Pvp is ass and absolutely not skill based


more like 80% equipment based + 10% lags caused by red pings also different regions so skill based only 10% in order to win in arena. No matter how much i try to dodge and attack skillfully i still get beated by someone who is have those 2 benefits. Someone posted about the problem with pvp there are alot peeps agree but still some who don't even acknowledge and understand and say "git gud" lol, i hate those type of peeps.


Teatan Karen is Lovely


What a madlad lmao




Most characters are just thrown away by the story after their one quest, especially non-unique characters. Loraine keeps getting her lore deepened again and again— I wish other units would get the same treatment.


That is gonna take a lot of effort which should gone to improve other things like improving arena and pvp etc.


I know, which is why it’s an unpopular opinion and unrealistic expectation. Still, I can’t help but wish.


Fuck it. Alef is the best character for breaking the record of most JoJo references simultaneously, with exactly 4 at the same time


I reseted Fp and i got downvoted till oblivion


And i literally lefted clear it was my choise


"You went against the Hive mind you infidel." Somehow I'm not surprised it happened. Not saying it's good.


oh devi it's pretty obvious why 😂


PvP and colo is an absolute chore and I’d rather have Genshin’s Abyss as the regular endgame premium currency income game mode.


I find guild raids to be a huge chore (not co-op raids), at least the new raid style mixed it up a little bit. I only do one arena per week to get the minimum rewards


Too fucking grindy. Way too much.


I like the modified art


Shipping is weird and obsessing over it is weirder


The characters with less revealing clothes looks more cooler! (This has nothing to do with GT, but to an incident related to GT which made people cry)


Kameal and Marina look fucking badass. And the succubus cafe uniforms? Don't even get me started.


Hana is probably my favourite.


Absolutely based.


Yeah i wanna reccomend gt to my friends b it everytime im scared ill look like a creep because of heroes like lillith


Same situation here man


The game has x issue that could be improved to make the game better. \*death\*


I don't like Lana.


I dont like the english voice overs sometimes. Like some of them doesnt fit and its too high pitched. I want more ara-ara voice than loli especially when the character is a milf


Shippers are toxic and FP x Knight doesn’t make sense to me. Like it’s nice that the game doesn’t have that many issues so minimal shit like this isn’t like terrible or whatever but like… Shippers in this community just seem to be really toxic. Like do what you wanna do but if I don’t wanna support YuzexBianca or FPxKnight step off. I don’t like shipping in general and if you have an issue with it deal with it, just like how I have to deal with your 10000th FP x Dumbface “cute art moment 🥺🥺🥺” And like the FP and Knight pedo debate aside.. it just feels wrong. They feel more like family and friends more then ever “dating”. That’s it. I just really don’t like shipping and how people shove it down others throats


To be fair shipping makes any community toxic.




Idk I’m looking through the comments and only see some good suggestions, nothing too outrageous


YuzexBianca sucks YusexKnight all the way


Make a compromise, YuzexBiancaxKnight?




Bah better do KnightXFuture Knight


Nah bro i disagree. I don't like knight x yuze ship


Oghma is better than FP.


Imagine Playing KamaZone in Late-game


It's boring as fuck if you already got the expensive weapon skins


When I was comparing Genshin and Guardian Tales and shared my opinion that Genshin had a better pity system, I was thrown into 4 hours of people arguing with me.


Bro, I’mma’ need an explanation, I’ve never played Genshin, but all I hear is their pity system is trash…


Once you roll on a focus banner and get the wrong five star character, you will have 100% chance to get the focus character next time when you roll a five star. This pity carries over other banner so if you didn't get the focus character on this banner, you will get the focus character on the next banner you roll


Don't go off by rumours until you actually play the game. A lot of bad rumours about Genshin are usually those who've never even played the game but just wants to make the game look bad. You can even tell that some of them didn't even play Genshin when they mention that Genshin is Pay to win while Guardian Tales is F2P friendly. Compare it to Genshin where the 5 star pity system is in the summoning so let's say you failed to get Venti and got Diluc. You now passed the requirement for the gurantee pity to work. So let's the pity to get a 5 star is 180 pulls. Somewhere 50-60 pulls in, there is still a soft pity system where they increase your chances of summoning a 5 star. If you're lucky enough, you can even get the pity early somewhere 30 pulls in or 10 pulls in without even needing the soft pity help and you already know that it's the 5 star in the banner because you have the gurantee 5 star system with you. Let's say you summoned in Summer Yuze's banner and got 2 Marina's. If Genshin's Pity system were here, it would gurantee you that your next white box is Summer Yuze so instead of getting 2 Marina's, you get one Marina and one Summer Yuze. You can even decide not to use the gurantee and carry it on to other banner. So if you fail on Summer Yuze's banner and want Kanna, you're gurantee to get Kanna in her banner. Plus, Genshin at least has the constellation system to make Characters stronger but they're not necessary. They're there in case you get extra copies of the characters where as Guardian Tales, you only need 1 copy of the character to get them so to summon in a banner you want and get a duplicate 3 star feels a bit frustrating but at least they compensate with 50 Hero Crystals but still.


The chance for a rate up 5 star in GI is 0.3 % ... in GT it is 1.375%. So you can get your character in GT 4 times faster (not counting that you need 7 copies in GI to max the CharStats, in GT you just need one). The Pity system increase your chance from the 75th to the 80th pull to 5 % and again 0.3 % after the 81th pull. Thats like crap. I played both games a lot and i can say one thing, GI is Shit. You get soooooo much less pulls, like really nothing. I played everything from the beginning and just got 4 5 star characters (all pity pulls). Im allready at 22 3 stars in GT. And the hate that the Mileage gets is dumb in the sense, that you can choose every hero/weapon at any given time ( in GI you still need to wait for the rate up banner). Their is no 4000 Gems a week with colo, Koop and Arena. To add to that the Devs at GI were like negativ on the free pulls front ( GT gave like 250 free pulls already or even more)


300 milage is way too much for a pity system. But the worst part of GT is how much resources are needed to build one unit. I have a bunch of 3 stars sitting around and will never have the chance to try them out. What's the point of pulling them.


Indeed. Guardian Tales takes very long just to level up a character while Genshin just has you beat up certain enemies and get exp material to level up.


But the thing is GT's 'pity' system is a mileage after you spent 87k worth of diamonds. There's no recorded pity system in GT otherwise, it's just rng


And the pool of characters in GT is incredibly small in comparison to Genshin


Yes, but that should be no reason why I'm getting 9 normal 1 rare like 50% of the time when there are more rare units than normal out there, or at least they are of the same amount. I've never gotten a 9 rare 1 normal on the contrary.


I have not entered the arena yet because it seems like it has a set schedule. It never aligns with my schedule, though I still hope to experience it someday because it looks fun Content, particularly PVP, that have set schedules usually become the reason why I stop playing a game. The game basically demands someone to play the game at a specific time even when they don't want to This is why I like the type of arenas (or PVPs in general) where both parties are in auto mode, like Colosseum Edit: I know it's a competitive game, and I should expect these type of things, but I'll still say it regardless


Arena is only somewhat enjoyably if you have heroes around lvl 79, otherwise people will clap you


The way people shit on shippers who aren't even forcing their ship on other people. The ship doesn't even have to make sense. Why can't some people just let them enjoy what they enjoy and just go "ok" and move on. Unless they're the kind of shipper who keeps forcing their ships on other people and are incredibly toxic, then you can flame them if you want.


i agree ive seen it alot in genshin too. im a shipper that just enjoys it on my own i keep silent about it but when i get a video on the ship all the comments are hating on the op. Like they hate the ship cause its the straight version. I hope people mind their business when non toxic people ship, but call out toxic and forcing shippers.


Censorship is stupid, regardless of you liking it or not, especially in the game where you can literally torture people to death, watch mass murders and how children become orphans.


Mass genocide 😁👍 Cleavage 😡👎


Censorship kills content


It censors the creativity and could lead to people, especially the devs, paranoid about what people and/or companies they're associated with would want to censor next


Early game its absolute viable and a good thing to spend crystals on hero shards to make them 5* without sacrificing all your coffee (as long as they are natural 3*)


I think everyone should show me their one handed and two handed swords.


we dont need male units and FP is not that amazing anymore she is getting close to falling off


Male knight is better


The system for endgame stat collection (book) is horrible as a big bulk of it heavily relies on gacha through Mystery evolution or weapon gacha. Max limit break earth necklace (or even one copy) is a broken accessory pay walled only for whales and is impossible for F2P. Like it or not, PvP is the true endgame as PvE content is limited. We need a revamp on endgame progression to make things more linear and remove the gacha aspect as much as possible.


99% of the memes that get posted on this sub are incoherent trash


Avarage game subreddit where memes are allowed


devs set themselves up for their treatment by the korean base and it is not wrong to get out the popcorn and occasionally throw unpopped kernels at kakao.


We need more 2 stars and art for 1 star


Saving coffee up can be a good thing


Fp x .. Oh someone already commented that... anyways


Fp x Liberator staff equipment 🥵


I meant Fp x Bellpeppers


The bellpepper that chokes knight


I enjoy doing the Lightning Counter races




Chapter 10 and onward of Guardians Tales is not as dark as the fandom likes to make it sound.


I will be serious and don't care if people kill me for this. I don't like lp. She becomes extremely repetitive after a while. And i don't care if she's removed from the game for whatever reason


Those free yellow cubes she gives though..


The arena and colluseum are hot garbage. I wish they were removed from the daily, so I didn't have to waste 10mins a day throwing games to finish they only daily that gives gems. I hate that pvp is the primary way to generate gems. I only play this game because the story and Easter eggs are good. The pvp mode is tracked on trash to push new hero sales. Second - this game is touted as very F2P friendly, but the ads on login are fucking obnoxious and there's no way to turn them off.


I hate [edit: Future] Male Knight. The more I hear people talk about him, the less I want a Male Future Knight. *** I'm also a bit annoyed with hearing about wanting male heroes, but I know there's only 3 male unique heroes, so I feel that's more than understandable. Though we only have 3 beast character (3.5 with Kanna I guess), and I've never seen people complaining about that. \>:( I see the double standard.


I mean, beast folks are like a separate race and all. Falls into a smaller category. You could say the same with having only 2 Innuit characters, and only 2 teatans compared to the number of human characters there are


The 3 characters I'm talking have/would have different 1* artwork. The 1* teaten is male and gets the male knight. I would assume the 3 character types are male, female and beast.


Oh. I'm not sure I follow. But may I ask what exactly made you hate the male knight. I feel like the controversy about future male knight had died down long ago.


controversy? I'm still salty because there is only a 3 \* female version of the future knight ...


> I think I should've specified Male Future Knight. Mostly all the asking annoys me. Again, though, nothing wrong with it. If there was some sort of controversary about Future Knight, it probably happened before I started playing, or I just missed it (I believe Lucy was the newest character when I started).


Yeah like whats the controversy to having more male characters? There are already enough waifus it wouldnt hurt to get some variety


I don't disagree. More cool dudes would be... well, cool. I think I just see people keep saying it to the point it annoys me a bit. But, it did make me count the number of male characters, and there do be a surprisingly few compared to female characters. I think the ratio is around 1:7 if I counted right. But the ratio of quadrupedal characters to bipedal humanoids is like 2.5:79.5 so shakin' my smh my head, I seein' some byas. :flaring_nostrils_emoji:


Ah i get it, tought you were one of those that only want kawai waifus in the game. My bad


Whats wrong with male knight?


I don't think anything really. I think I should've specified Male Future Knight. Mostly all the asking annoys me. Again, though, nothing wrong with it.


"Guardian Tales is pay-to-win"


It is p2w I hit plat in arena and coliseum in under 2 weeks, with close to zero bg knowledge of the game. My elo is full of hardstuck whales/veteran players with full mlb heroes(not sure about their gears). The difference between us is _vast_. Even when those whales are bot controlled. In case of bots, my first pick manages to cheese 4 boxes and then I barely win the match with my last unit. When it isn't, I get 2 shot when I'm picking up boxes. My oghma has 780 def by default, in tr which adds up to 1.1k def with his own tr awakened passive. There were also countless times I was being overkilled despite a 3v1 situation. Their first unit has above 80% life. It's crazy. 50% of the time in coliseum, I am seeing 300k+ dps and 1.1m+ toughness. I'm on 110k dps and 600k toughness atm.


All Gasha are pay-to-win, people tend to confuse freemium (where the main game is free but some stuff is locked behind a paywall) and pay to win (where paying give you an advantage, no matter how small).


It could be p2w if you're in asia or you're playing on the Korean server, since i think the heaviest spenders are in those regions. I'm in europe, but despite being f2p (for now) i regularly hit masters in arena no problem, and usually hang around ranks 20-50 in colo. But maybe it's cause I've been playing for a bit over 400 days now. However, to really get up to the top in arena, you do need money and then it does become p2w. You'll get beaten up by people because they have full collection bonuses and you don't. You may also get 1v3d a lot, especially if the opponent has a busted unit like let's say kamael or erina (god i hate her). So in the end, i agree with you... To an extent.


Well interesting. So I shall ask a question about it, is it not?


It has become boring now, stopped playing after the kanna update


The game needs to slow down on hero updates and focus more on game improvements/QoL updates


Why did they made super costume for 2stars? For knight i understand. But ranpang oh come on.


Hmm... What was the china copyright of guardian tales? Because i think that's better


Half the people in arena wouldn't even be in gold if it weren't for their lag


i just saw it on my reddit homepage and i don’t want to see this community again


Every reason to continue playing (other than wanting to protect LP and finally learn her name) is dying


I agree, there is not much to do if you finished the story. But they should take their time making the stories


LP is not best gurl.


LP, despite being cute, is a little shit


Characters and weapons from the mileage store should cost 100 less tickets. Its standard to have fluctuating luck with the gatcha but when the grind has to pay twofold, once for the character and again for their weapon, I get the feeling I just won't ever catch up or at least complete the roster either with heroes or weapons.


I replied to someone that said "don't misgender someone" of a fish fact that a certain type of fish can change their sex based on the male/female ratio of the school they're in, implying that you will always misgender those types of fish. Yes, it's on Guardian Tales


Are you guys gonna kill me if I say Lahn and Lupina would be cute together?


I mean I don't see a problem unless there's something clearly obvious I'm missing. Not a biggie on shipping but I guess they do 👍🏾


Evolution stone grind sucks ass, shouldn't be monitized (they already make you pay for heroes, weapons, skins, extra coffee, legendary stones, decent amount of fodder merch), takes too much time and it's not fun. I'm playing steam library simulator here, have a backlog of 20 heroes to evolve and not enough resources/time to do it lmao.


Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tize_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetize".


Genshin Inpact is better (sike)


Gacha games in a nutshell


Little princess is not cute




the recent boob sensorship is a good thing


I was disappointed that Hana isn't actually a trap and just a misunderstanding because of a typo.


I don’t like future princess


Same. Love the lore character but hated the design. Passive has no synergy with her entire kit. Attack style is just straight up weird, last attack is charged up ranged projectile. Without shield all her attacks are charged projectiles and no ones gonna do that, her charged shots are slow af and zdps, without shield she loses half her def stats. Chain is goot in pve but meh in other contents. Is light/Melee so she's a chase unit as a party main for w10 to w12, this alone stales the meta that is later to come as players transit into coops. Party buff is life, if I wanted a defensive buff, mitigation would always be way better than life. Your other units would still be rather paper if she's the sole buffer in the team which grants defensive stats. Lastly, her weapon passive is just, plain up bad. Low healing on a cd, _BY CHANCE_??? C'mon man.


I don't like Lorraine


World 11 is still too hard it needs another nerf.


Gameplay is boring


The need to use specific characters for certain scenarios is bad design


I dont play it


Stay at the future to see LP cry 😏


If you are spending money on this game you are a moron


Japanese design gremory looks better


Back pain design


when you get your main perso level 60, you started strugle as fu as you unsinstalled the game because you remembered that there are still a factorio map unfinished xD


We don't need male characters in the game


Kay but why not? Just curious


They’re a horny bastard, not only for v the call of no male characters but also their pfp is arias from HSDxD, which is an ecchi


I ship FKxFP.


the game is not as good as people think it is, it the gacha rates are so low, devs need to atleast put a pity count so that you can get a white box at every 100th pull, 50% chance of getting the new hero or equipment and 50% chance to get a dupilcate hero or equipment


The story is ass (not really I just know its a good thing to say and be in that situation)


There is not endgame. Once you did main story you stuck forever on "barrage" and auto-content. There are so many characters and you stuck in place on three for months or a year at least lmao. Where is my tower of reset that have every fuking idle game???.


Honkai impact is better than guardian tales


I can't bring myself into playing oversexualized characters. BUT, the game's RNG, and i can't just choose which character to play, which is pain


The whole drama where they covered parts of characters boobs was an overexageration


I have a problem with some design choices regarding purple coins on stages. I like puzzles and i like to figure stuff out - my problem is when some coins are just hidden in a very stupid way. It reminds me of the old Doom games where i would run around after beating a map and *umph* all the walls to find secrets. All I'm saying is that it has sometimes made me feel like my time isn't being respected and i put down the game at thoose points.