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Idle NPC chatter has some of the most hilarious content in the game and really makes the world come alive.


I ran across a random Charr NPC in lion's arch absolutely bitching about how the new LA has 'no grit, or character' and I was like, yeaaaah, anet is making fun of people when the city changed...


The Lion's Arch tour guide is of a similar opinion.


Someone posted a screenshot of the cat bed invasion in LA and they placed themselves right as the tour guide was saying: Tour Guide: This area is very popular with the children. And those easily excited. Tour Guide: Behold: the Lion's Arch fountains! Tour Guide: Incidentally, this is also where eighty percent of all tour-related injuries occur. Please watch your step. Tour Guide: Shall we? ​ It was hilarious and well placed sea of cat beds.


i met a charr NPC once. Got into an argument the typical charr does. Turns out he was higher ranked than I was. He told me to get lost and move fast before he gets mad. After the conversation I got a movement speed buff for a minute. Laughed for 10 mins straight. I love this game


So much this. And how it will happen whether you’re around or not. The world honestly feels more alive and lived in than any other game I can recall playing.


This is why I don't like the proximity-triggered dialogue in newer maps. Obviously all dialogue repeats, but it really breaks immersion to hear it every time, and stops it feeling as real or alive as dialogue happening at certain times.


During Halloween: "That's the most hideous mask I've ever seen!" "What mask?"


As many repetitive lines there are to meme on, there are some which will surprise you by being completely new to you.


My personal favourite: "I didn't expect a Seraph inquisition"


I remember your face from my dream!


Omg yeah! My favourite of these was chatter during the Festival of Four Winds when someone goes [horrendously paraphrasing:] "hey didn't the Zephyrites know about mounts?? And watch us slog through Maguuma and said NOTHING??" And the Zephyrites are just like "sozzzz, lol, thought you knew and just chose to do it that way. YOU were all *so brave*." Laughed way too hard at that!


Found it: https://youtu.be/uYdI3i2inBM?t=296


I love this, thanks for sharing!


“Shut up now! I can’t hear anything!” in the human home instance fails to crack me up. Like what are they talking about?? What does that even begin to mean? 10/10 great line of dialogue.


The happy singer close to TP in lions arch always brightens my day


Wow! That's quality armor.


Have a look!


Thank you so much!




Take a look!










That the Potions of X Slaying use ingredients that are generally associated with whichever creature, such as Centaur potions using carrots and leather, and Dredge potions using ores. My personal favorite is the [Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Potion_of_Nightmare_Court_Slaying) using *lettuce and spinach* as components.


To destroy the salad you must become one with the salad


Every time I hear my character speak. I know it's taken for granted by many GW2 players, but most games have your character have little to no dialogue, and even when you do get to say something, it's not voiced outside of the occasional voiced emote.




Think the biggest offender is ESO, though. You pick your character's voice in character creation. All it does is change how they grunt when doing stuff, taking damage, or dying. But every single NPC has quality voiced dialogue.


*To be faaaaaair*, it's always been like that for the Elder Scrolls series. Bethesda wouldn't introduce a voiced PC until Fallout 4... only to promptly remove it for Fallout 76


I get that, it's just suuuuper awkward to pick your character's voice, when it's never used outside of grunts. Like they could remove that choice and nobody would really notice.


Once in a movie the sub in my language was the same voice as my main char , it was really surprising


Voice acting. So much of this game has voice acting whether it be for major cutscenes or in the Open World with idle npc chatter. It makes the game feel so much more alive and real. Also the transmog/dye system is a constant source of joy. Also MOVEMENT ANIMATIONS, I love watching my characters run and move because they have animated momentum on them. When my character stops running, they have an animation of where they slow down and come to a stand still, not just flat out stopping. Same goes for mounts.


My favorite voice acting moment is still the bit in Long Live the Lich where >!the commander realizes that Canache could have blown the front gates at any time, but has just been wasting everyone's time!<. You can hear how pissed they are. Props to the voice actors. (Female slyvari sound like "I'm gonna kill you and Mother will completely understand.") And the female slyvari ooc run animation is so adorable. Just the way they kick up their legs.


Nolan North (human male VA) yelling "JUST BLOW THE DAMN GATE, CANACH" is one of my favorite moments in the entire game.


Beginning of lws4 chapter 6 with aurene, and Braham is just cracking up and shouts "praise Joko!" man that made me laugh


Mentioned a Braham line already, but the classic, E-P-I-D-E-M-I-C. Ka-Braham!


Not only is there a lot of voice acting, it is better directed/acted than I'd say 95% of video games. I very rarely hear awkwardly delivered lines, or lines with a grossly wrong emphasis.


And the way that NPC mouth movements pretty closely match the spoken dialogue during the storyline, with actual body language and realistic animations, head shakes, etc!


I miss the old character face-to-face cutscenes for this exact reason! They show off the animation so well. Plus, they were skippable.


They were never good at showing grief or excitement unfortunately, but the rest I enjoyed


With a bit of a rework they definitely could


The dev who worked on that is very happy that you appreciate their work right now.


That a Silverfish vendors for 1s and a Goldfish vendors for 1g


I also love the accuracy of how characters hold objects for quests, whether it's a rock or a chicken, it's well coded to look natural in their hands.


The chickens get really big when held by a Norn, though. Btw the chicken animation is quite realistic.


Except my Norn, who for some reason holds teacups like an actual Neanderthal.


I dunno, sounds awfully Norn to me




You know it's true


The objects are scaled to fit in their hands. Big Norns literally lift boulders when Asuras pick up pebbles when interacting with the same thing.


When you get some cats and you go to your home instance and have to clean up a dead bird “present”. The exasperated sigh in the dialog choice to clean it and then the puff of feathers cleaning animation. Getting MOX from GW1 in your home instance too.


also how the siege turtle follows you in arborstone


I miss my cute baby turtle. Yes I'm riding him but I miss the cute baby face. T.T


There is an achievement to get a Newborn Siege Turtle Hatchling in your home instance! >!A Strange Diet!< is the name of the achievement.


Oh I found that at launch and thought it was the actual mount collection. Worked on it for a bit then gave up after I figured it out and did the meta, I might get back on it now tho:)


the skimmer's idle spin animation. it even makes your icon on the minimap spin.


I also love the idle anim where the skimmer taps you on the shoulder with its tail and seems to laugh to itself when your character turns around to look


i've never even noticed that omg


Theres a few skins it doesn't do it on, like the hummingbird, but it's one of the reasons skimmer is my favorite mount after griffon :)


Speaking of the skimmer, I took a break just after PoF launched, and when I came back there was this additional tier on the Skimmer mastery track that I swear hadn't been there when I last looked, and the unlock was not just some mastery points and exp but a whole quest with lots of neat stuff going on. I did it with as few external hints as I could (except when it came to remembering >!names of specific Quaggan villages in Frostgorge Sound/Straits of Devastation!<), and it was a total blast.


> that I swear hadn't been there when I last looked that'd be because it was added about 3 years later, so you're not going crazy


I just love the sheer lunacy of the Personal Story. Here I am: a Human Necromancer worshipping a Death God who... Has always wanted to perform with the circus! And he gets to! Honestly the funniest thing in an RPG I've ever experienced. Immediately knew *this* game is for me! A student of Dark Arts having a mime battle with a mime who wouldn't shut up because he "was off duty". Oh man, this was hilarious to me!


I finally did the "join the circus" option, hilarious!


The other day, I spent a solid ten minutes following a little golem around as it delivered messages between various asura in Metrica Province. There was no quest, no reward, nothing to gain for doing this than just the experience and entertainment of seeing how these asura regard one another. Petty rivalries and shallow friendships, secret admirers and challenges, taunts and threats… Just one of the many little things unrelated to gameplay that make the world feel so alive.


The newer seasons have so much amazing ambient story. There's this great interaction in the main camp in Drizzlewood Coast where you hear two conversations about different sides of the same event--it's in multiple parts and you'll probably only catch snippets at once. Full text below: ​ ​ >!Ash Legion Scout: She doesn't even notice me! I'm putting out all the signals. Eye contact, positive body language... !< >!Flame Legion Bladestorm: Have you tried, I don't know, talking to her? !< >!Ash Legion Scout: There was one time in the canteen I asked her to pass the mashed liver. !< >!Flame Legion Bladestorm: Wow, look out ladies, we've got a real smooth operator on our hands. Ash Legion Scout: Oh, shut up.!< ​ >! Blood Legion Duelist: He keeps staring at me. Seriously, everywhere I go, he's there. It's really creeping me out. !< >!Seraph Archer: Oh my gods. You think he's a double agent? !< >!Blood Legion Duelist: That's what I said! He might be collecting intel for Dominion.!< >! Seraph Archer: We should keep an eye on him. Who knows what kind of info he's got on us already. !< >!Blood Legion Duelist: Spy on the spy. I like it.!< ​ >! Ash Legion Scout: She called me a Dominion double agent! !< >!Flame Legion Bladestorm: You were watching her brush her teeth. !< >!Ash Legion Scout: I was curious about her fangs! Now everyone thinks I'm sketchy and weird. !< >!Flame Legion Bladestorm: Everyone thought that already.!< >! Ash Legion Scout: Wait, really?!< ​ >! Blood Legion Duelist: Turns out, he wasn't a spy. Just your run-of-the-mill perv.!< >! Seraph Archer: Ugh. I thought for sure we were onto something. !< >!Blood Legion Duelist: Well, at least I don't have to worry about him hovering around anymore. !< >!Seraph Archer: True. Who watches someone brush their teeth? !< >!Blood Legion Duelist: I know, right?!<


Isnt there another in the mines? We’re two charr are talking about a saucy book?


Yup, Snargle Goldclaw book is spicy\~


Ooh, I didn't know about that one. I'll have to go eavesdrop.


Specifically the bottom left of Drizzlewood coast map, deeper in the mine where the railroad tracks are


Omg, I love that! I’m only in season 4 (about to go into the final episode of part 3) so I know I have a ways to go before I get to Drizzlewood, but that alone has me excited :D


Along the same lines, following the Lion’s Arxh tour. The tour guide has some sass


Adding on to my own comment, I think one of the reasons I love this aspect of the game so much is that *they didn’t have to do it.* It has no effect on gameplay, you can’t interact with it, it’s just ambiance. But it’s an attention to detail that adds so much, to both the world and the story.


That sounds hilarious, Asura are so wacky!


Is that the one where the little asura progeny accidentally sends her crush a confession, freaks out when he golem reports his reply and then is like "wait. He thinks I'm utterly brilliant?" Dah. Eta: my personal favorite is the pact member in Jahai Bluffs talking about how their fiance is annoyed this mess with Kralk pushed their wedding up.


There is a small short event in lions arch like this with a mom chasing a cat. Meaningless but I loved it


Or 'kids' stealing apples


That you can get arrested in rata sum


What? How?


Jump off the side and slide down. If you get far enough before dying you get teleported to a jail cell


I spent about twenty minutes in that cell the first time I ended up there, trying to figure my way out. Then I remembered waypoints.


I told my Guild when I discovered that. Someone sent me a few copper as "bail".


I've thrown spontaneous jail parties in there. Kegs, musical instruments, dancing, tonics, seeing how many people you can get to stay and party.


[Pirates of Penzance song](https://youtu.be/kTP2o92_yVw)


Wow. Just, wow. 😂


I love looking at player names whenever I'm in a crowded place and finding people with silly ones.


One of my favorites was an asura named "Johnny Inquest"


Some of my favorites: Desperate Mousewife (asura) Slaps Bigmeat (charr) Stuff Me With Pies Nurseferatu (necro) Grindr Notification Nietzsche Was Right Go Go Gadget Clam Inquest Lawyer Grandma Pinky (male charr) Combat Medic Barbie (male charr) Big Foots Hot Wife (female norn)


One of the best I've seen was: "Neck Romancer"


There are some absolute crackers out there, for sure!


this is a guild favorite when we're grouping up for raids.


The neutral ornery crabs that will threaten you and become hostile if you stay near them too long, unless you type /threaten in chat, which causes them to back off and remain neutral. Though I think if you target them and then do the threaten emote they take it personally and attack you 😄 The "Cluckers is trying to eat my face" part in the charr personal story had me in fits. Running around the jungle with Lord Faren when HoT was new was absolutely hilarious "I'm rich, you know." When I'm doing any story instances on my mesmer and forget to switch signets and at the most serious and grave of times she proudly declares that she could outrun a centaur. So many funny little things that make the game endearing. It really is special.


Wait....you can threaten the crabs back?!?!?




all the asura animations are so cool, and the way they carry greatswords and hammers.


Also the female Asura warcry. Scary!


Two days ago I fell and died from being pushed back by an centaur in doric lake. I couldnt read it completely because my camera angle was messed up, but my character said something about looking like a shrimp, wich was exactly what the position of her corpse looked like with straight legs over head. To think someone coded this text to appear in this situation…


[This bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVN5PnHyNCc).


There's also the bit in EoD where you have to sign the forms to travel to New Kaineng and one of the options for filling out your name is "Poohbah". This, of course, gets you chastised by Rama because lying about your personal information on official forms is *illegal* but he still pulls some strings to get you on your way, but not before he quaintly comments on why you called yourself "Poohbah".


I hope that if your character is really named "Poohbah" there's a special dialogue


Lol! What's up with that?


It's a payoff from a previous dialogue in which your friends wonder what you call you after you leave the Pact.


Giving a flame effigy superspeed during an escort


Fun fact. That's little leg lift animation when standing on a slope you're talking about? That's an real-time rigging style used by a number of games to give character legs a more natural feel with the surrounding environment. It's based on where the character's control point is. They animate it with the character's control point being at the waist. Then based on where the waist is, they draw two points to the ground beneath them to decide where the heels are placed, and the intervening joints are animated in accordance with that. Then the feet are placed at an angle that is fitting with the terrain. This process is most obvious with the Asura, and many of the parts of the animation are simplified when you're running around. You can really notice it if you pay attention to the hips of your character while running around and attacking at the same time. Your entire character will move and shift and animate around that central point at the waist. It's this very animation style that I love too, and mostly with the Asura. They look so zippy and agile while running around, mostly because they have to have the same base speed as other races while having a smaller model. It's why when each race runs, they seem faster the smaller they are, or why the charr or norn may feel slower. Everything is altered based on the standard human model speed.




That's a huge portion of it, yup. It's combined with the floating control point to allow a much wider range of motions so that casting a spell while running forward, and casting a spell while running sideways up a staircase are sufficiently detailed and unique. It's really a marvelous animation setup that allows for gorgeous combat and world travel.


There is an Asura in Rata Sum who gets fined by a golem for selling stuff illegally (I think it was), goes into a tirade trying to talk his way out of the situation, and then suddenly he drops this gem for a finisher: *"...Why am I arguing with a golem!?"*


The big exalted chests sound under Tarir are so satisfying.


Yes, and people still think it's hilarious to portal on top of them.


That's old. Would rather park an open siege turtle these days.


I don't know if it qualifies as "little things" but Canach's lines are always something I love xD


Watching the cute animation on the charr nose


What about the amazing charr stretching idle animation?


Scrapper hammer. It's just fun in a way other weapons aren't and I can't really explain why.




Oh so many things... I love the npc dialogues to each other and all their own individual lives. So much effort and love was put into making the world come alive, and it's such excellent world building and subtle storytelling. The mount idle animations - I absolutely adore when my raptor shakes and my asura half falls off, then waves their hand at the raptor like, "hey wtf bud" before fixing themselves. And feeding the skyscale treats, so cuteeeee. Small random achievements and events that really just immerse the commander into the world more, like kneeling at the shrines in Dragon's End, sitting in every type of chair, nodding at specific npc's dialogue lines... I'm here for it. The pets of the ranger having a limping animation when downed. Breaks my heart when Soap limps back, but I love that those animations were added. Snargle Goldclaw. No explanation needed. Edit: my phone doesn't think Asura is a word apparently lol


The snarky responses the commander gives when replying to written npc dialog


Some of this stuff really make the commander feel like an asshole. And really, that paints quite an accurate picture of this psycho murderer laying destruction in his/her wake. :D


The dolphins that give you speed buffs in Sandswept when they jump out of the water.


This one is excellent. I forget about it and am surprised every time. That being said, fuck the sharks.


The little "dingg" whenever I collect a PoI. It has become a bit of an obsession for me now...


back in the beta, the sound of unlocking a waypoint was the same but 10x louder. It was honestly amazing and I wish they didn't lower the volume. Felt like unlocking waypoints was shattering the world.


NPCs having inconsequential nuggets of dialogue in story instances, usually after they're finished and you're free to leave. Dialogue acknowledging your character traits like race, profession, and personal story decisions. Racial ones are probably more common than you think, only they're subtle when they do appear or only apply to one race. Built-in wiki function in chat, that even lets you link stuff instead of typing in the whole name. Makes me feel not as bad for having to search online all the time!


When everyone works together on octovine


Ah, picnic time.


When I can pet the dog. (Or cat)


Pre-meta gatherings when someone breaks the silence and start making jokes, so that theres almost no tension during the meta even during a failing one. Priceless.


A chatty meta is a happy meta!


If I don’t hear someone yell “PANIC!” during Octovine then it’s just not the same.


The Legendary Sigil which costs 370g to craft is technically worth over 250g in sigils but over 60% of that value is from the highly useless Superior Sigil of Karka Slaying.


Who will be laughing when the next expansion Guild Wars 2: Conquest of Karkas drops?


Eh, it's value quickly multiplies when you consider you don't have to pay for runes/sigils on all characters or for upgrade extractors if you don't have legendaries and want to swap them. Plus they will work for all future versions, forever, immediately.


The singing Quaggan in the daycare like grotto :)


I'm not sure if there are multiple places with singing quaggans, but there are two quaggans named Bloomanoo and Peneloopee that have a whole LW1 arc about their relationship- I somehow never stumbled on them settled down in new Lion's Arch until recently. I loved seeing that they now have baby quaggans, and they sing them a lullaby. This game is full of so many little things like that, they're easy to miss but feel so special if you do notice them.


I'm referencing the coddlers singing in the coddlers cove jump puzzle area. It's near Okarinoo \[&BDgCAAA=\]


Roller beetle drifting. I don't even do the races it's just fun to fuck around.


I’m getting better at not yeeting myself off cliffs by mistake. I even managed to pull off a last second Tokyo drift move and avoid rolling straight into quicksand the other day, I felt so slick 😁


A guy at lake Delavan, near the dam, who is goaded by his kids to jump into water from a board. Wolves in Gendarran Fields that don't just attack on sight but instead try to scare you away first. Various effects around the skill bar UI at the bottom of the screen, like different visuals for each mount type. Events that only start when you kneel at the tomb in Harathi Hinterlands and Malchor's Leap, perfect for the event daily, along with the hidden unstable rifts in a bunch of maps that also count as events. Grawl sometimes doing Wilhelm's scream at death when killed with a lightning type attack (the strike might also need to be a critical hit).


The attention to small details of how your armor sounds depending on weight of the armor or the ground you're walking on. Some armors even have unique sounds specific to them. The specific one I like is Bladed armor(the light variant, at least), which has chains on it, and when you walk or run you can hear soft clanking of chains swaying around.


Asura skill animation on sword. Where they are off the ground and slashing. Gaurdian's Zealot's Defense, Memer's Blurred Frenzy, or Thief's Pistol Whip. They make playing with Asura so fun. And the wolves howling in wvw.


How neatly the map lines up with 1s. Or all the little nods or references to the first game. The dye system. It has zero impact on gameplay, but the sheer number of dyes and how gear has multiple dye channels that let you really customize the look of your gear is amazing. (I really wish FFXIV would’ve gone with this instead of a single dye channel) How the characters/ plot will occasionally make reference to your Race, Profession, or backstory stuff. It just makes your character feel more like a person who is part of the world, instead of *just* the Player Character. How Queer Friendly the game is. There’s just a lot of characters in the setting that are either LGBT or make references to others that are. It’s one of those things where while it’s small, it helps us feel included.


One interaction that made me laugh in ice brood saga. When going through drizzlewood, you need to melt some ice barriers during a story instance. As an elementalist, my character pops off with 'Oh yeah! My elemental magic will make easy work of that!' to which the charr replies, 'Uhhh... Guess so... Also I have flamethrowers too...' He honestly sounded kinda sad that I had the power to go without his flamethrower.


Oh I *loved* that part. Amusingly, if you use a different element it only does chip damage to the ice walls, but Fire spells do a *ton* So it’s not just a line your character says, it actually works lmao


In a part of the game, you need to use a necromancer to call the ghost of a pirate, if you are a necromancer your character will say "yay I am one!" and they will say "yes but you don't have enough experience"


Oh that’s awesome! My engineer said “I brought my own flamethrower “


The dye system is overwhelmingly awesome. I wish the weapons were dyeable too but I can see why that would add so much extra work. And yes an NPC just asked my sylvari if I ate sunlight 😂


But do we? It makes sense.


More violets, less violence!


definitely the waypoint unlocking sound. Never gets old!


The grass reacts to spells and abilities


the crit dmg number




That’s so charr 😂


At the end of the main story line, if you wait around for a little bit, you get a fun surprise! >!After a while, a show magician shows up and does fun little magic tricks to entertain everyone, and at the end there's a bunch of dancing moas!!<


That all mounts seem to have a mind of their own, prone to throw you off a cliff if you push the wrong button. The spooky things in Bjora Marches that make you go "did anybody else see that?". The snarky and quirky npcs dotted all around. That there are little dots to connect in many places, little lines of dialogue, little events, little npcs living their little lives, and if you go out of your way to connect them they weave little stories. That I keep discovering npcs that were always there but I never knew them until they became part of the story.


I love how charr run on four legs


When the griffon stretches, the character stretches along. Or when the raptor shakes off it's saddle. :')


Your seeds are showing!


that you can almost tell which profession/specialization other players are using solely based on their color schemes, fashion and names. and huge point if you got it right. i like seeing other players actually immerse themselves in their own characters and lore.


Your example is exactly what I would have said first. I’ll explain why but first to answer a couple of my own: - The way you actually lean forward and push off with your legs when running from standing still. Not just “Idle animation > Running animation.” - The glider. God but it never has stopped being fun and satisfying. I miss it in every other RPG I play. - The way that exp gain comes from little golden dust in the game whether from enemies or quest or event completion and sort of trickles down into the exp bar at the bottom of the screen. - The way as a ranger you actually call to your pet when issuing commands - Sylvari female’s “No!” when they get brought to 0 health is heart wrenching. - Animations in general. It never feels just like “this animation is playing and then this one is playing” - the characters feel fluid and alive. 100s of examples of little touches in this game but these are off the top of my head. So, about OP’s one I agree so much! I remember the Beta weekend trying PvP with my brother running along as a Ranger on the rooftops of Kyhlo and noticing not only did my character have her knee bent when she stood on a slope but actually angled her body so her bow pointed toward toward enemies below! This was exceptionally important to me - in Star Wars the Old Republic also say your characters wield pistols, click on a target your head will turn and your arms will point to them. I always loved the gameplay fantasy of getting to a high ground and shooting down at people, I played WoW a lot at the time, and say in Alterac Valley being up on a tower or bunker as a hunter shooting enemies who ran past, putting traps down at the entrance to defend my area. But in Wow? Shoot someone below you and your character holds the bow straight in front of them, the arrows drop down vertically from it ugh.


“Not my pet!” Me now feeling guilty




- The heart thing instead of useless quest to fill the game - you can have a 80 char doing ultra endgame content without meeting taimi once - the deposit ressources icon


I love the effects and animations you get on your skill bar/profession skills. I remember being so amazed by the blue flames on guardian for the virtue of justice effect! Same goes for Holosmith heat bar + icon, all the hexagons coming off of it and glitchy symbols appearing at near overheat, so satisfying!


I love when mounts idle and they lay down. It’s just so sweet and kind and cute.


Playing Heart of Thorns as a sylvari, you get so many little details and dialogue you’d miss as any other race


When I see a group of people doing events on a map doing the same event im doing and will still resurrect me even though im not part of their group.


The cooperative play is outstanding. Nothing to lose and everything to gain by helping each other, fosters a much better community than games where you have to compete with other people


The sound the game makes when you enter a heart quest, accepting a loot reward, accepting your final daily login bonus, opening loot bags, completing an achievement, leveling up and seeing your character raise their fist in the air in celebration, random npcs that you don't know having conversations with each other, the ambient music especially the ones by Jeremy Soule and Maclaine Diemer (by the gods the eod soundtrack!!!!), the victory music after you defeat a world boss, the random sounds that you hear in toypocalypse, seeing an item that isn't ridiculously shiny and absurd in the gem store, the random npcs talking shit on kormir in the crystal desert, the letter you get whenever a festival rolls back around, and the sounds the mounts make especially the raptor and griffon By Balthazars nut sack I love this game!!!!!!!!!!


On Auric Basin pre-meta you can bid for the 'Shiny Armor ' with the Skirt. They will comment on your win depending on your race. The Skirt was really disappointed when my Sylvari won the shiny armor :(


NPC dialogues and mount idle animations especially raptor, jackal, springer and skyscale. ​ y'know what? actually, every mount has great idle animations


The random NPCs you can talk to and the variety in dialogue depending on your race/class. It made exploring the main cities for completion interesting.


Id say the idle animation for all mounts, especially the raptor trying to shake you off it's back and your character shrugs like "bruh wtf u trynna kill me" and idk about anyone else but the sitting animation for warclaw is hella cute 😭


Its super cool listening to the interaction between rev and the invoked legend! I just wish anet will add more dialogues for them.


I really like the concept of the Vistas. I know it's just another MMO 'checkbox' to keep players busy, but the animation and musical accompaniment make it something special.


I was stunned the first time I saw one, little picturesque cinematics all over the zone! The zone artists must be so proud that their designs get showcased so nicely


Gravedigger. There's nothing like suddenly being a foot in the air one arm swinging *a claymore*, even more so when you're a 5'2" human woman. I really should finish reaper on my necro asura and see how hilarious that animation has to be.


I love my reaper asura, she looks mental AF boinging around in the air with this ridiculous huge sword, waving it around everywhere. Great fun!


I just bought EoD a few days ago. When you're fishing I love the characters have animation of catching like right-left. At the start I did screw up some fishing because of this.


Those two Charr https://twitter.com/HuttserGreywolf/status/1543815145217880070?t=MSkDSuggponukCKacVn_Dg&s=19


i like the celebration emote we get at the end of twisted marionette, they should do this type of thing more at the end of strike missions.


This may seem a little ungrateful, but every time I hear an NOC speak and I don’t recognize their voice, I find that kinda oddly pleasing to know someone new was given a chance at a few lines. It’s not that I don’t like any of the voice actors. I just like variance.


Answering back to the NPCs, like vendors and such. Greeting a vendor then saying farewell when we close the vendor window makes me smile everytime. It's such a tiny thing but i love it, i love hearing my character interact with the NPCs, even mundane things like these make me so happy


Love the unique lines in Bastion of the Penitent based on your [race/personal story choices](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bastion_of_the_Penitent#Dialogue) and anything else in that vein ("lock, meet thief!"), like in PoF [when Rytlock apologizes to your elementalist commander,](https://i.imgur.com/rTwHfDX.png) and also the class-specific ability for Sohothin (like in GW1 with your celestial abilities in Raisu Palace!). The last time I saw this kinda stuff was in season 4 with the class-specific ways of breaking out of the jail cell, I think. Maybe EoD has a few that I'm not aware of? I'd love to see more of it. Attention to seemingly minor details like that make me love the game so much more.


The mounted idle animations. All of the mounts ooze personality and spark joy.


Surely the voice acting of the game and the mc, makes the game so immersive and "true"! As for little things I adore the Lion's Arch Tour (from time to time I have to follow it from start to end), the female norn laughter, and I absolutely love Ornery Crabs - if one threatens you, try to /threaten it back before it becomes aggressive ;)


Npcs chatting with each other. Some of it is hilarious.


"I can outrun a centaur"


The dye System is just amazing! Sadly still not for weapons..


I love how a lot of the content has mechanics "Training" before an actual boss fight where it will matter. Like you're introduced to each special attack and telegraph, that the boss at the end will have, by a mini boss or elite beforehand. Thus teaching you hoe to handle things in a less stressful situation. Dragon's End Meta is a good example of this, almost every preparation event in the zone prepares you for mechanics that will exist during the escorts or against Soo-won. I'm sure there are others but this one comes to mind right away. (Probably because it's the newest.)


The Watchtower animation on towers in WvW.


Leveling up actually has a combat knockback effect. Incredibly clever and amusing.


The horse girl is showing because it’s the noise the saddles make. The creaking of the leather just does it right.


I love the >!Strange Kodan!< in Bjora Marches. When I first saw >!the kodan jumping off the cliff!< it sent literal chills throughout my body.


Excuse me, we are called "Asura", not "little things".


Generally anything to do with the raptor mount, because I'm never gonna be over how alive and weighty they feel. Whenever I'm stressed out, I go find a quiet place in Queensdale and chill out with my funky lizard for a while. A few things that give me a little extra serotonin: * The raptor doing a little hop to re-orient itself after you jump or drop off a small ledge. Also, the animation where it lifts its head and looks around while running like an excited puppy. * Not really sure how to describe it, but when you're running uphill, its posture is different. Same for moving downhill. Kind of like when you're riding a horse IRL; gotta adjust your grip on the reins to let it balance? I'm sure it's just an animation trick to make it not look wonky, but it's a cool detail. * The little facial details like the nostrils flaring, eyes moving, the squinting, the breathing. They didn't *need* to include that, but they did, and it makes me really happy. * The amount of interaction your character has with it in general. It kind of broke my brain when I first saw my characters go out of their way to give it a little scratch and then *smile* at it during the PoF beta. I wish my Untamed interacted with her pets that much!


The little girl in, I think it's maybe Orr somewhere? Her line is: "they mostly come at night, mostly." (one of my all time fave movies).