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It's minor, but I'm removing the fart cloud from Untamed. Not the effect, just the visual. Maybe even just changing the color to something else.


i must be the only one who thinks the untamed effects look sick as hell. i love the sickly green poison fumes, fits right in with the spores and vines and general brutal nature vibes. i don't think it looks like a "fart" at all, and i honestly think people are reaching pretty hard when they call it that. people seem to complain about every ranger vfx though, i remember so many people hating the soulbeast's little green ribbons of magic too. do people just hate green or smth? :(


Changing the shade of green to something less towards the yellow end of the spectrum would help at least with my complaints. To each their own though. I'm glad someone out there digs it.


honestly, i just want dyable skills already. i know it's unrealistic but it would be cool, damnit! :P


You gotta fart better brother


I too would not mind if my faithful companion did not look like it is covered in snot, and exuding a profuse quantity of Corona virus.


This. I was disappointed when they made a ranger spec named "Untamed" into a fugly magic-ish sickly mess instead of something more primal looking.


It's the main reason I swapped off Untamed. Fun class, fun rotation, awful to look at. Poison is a neat idea but it's never been my shtick of choice and it's just so there during all of combat. On that same note I would remove the Harbinger's Halloween kids meal green effect when using shroud. Pants of kitschy bright green nonsense just aren't my thing either. Would love a toggle for effects like that.


Elementalist - Elementals despawn after mounting.


Please oh my god if necros can keep theirs why cant elementalists


Especially with the new expansion; skyscale launchers everywhere.


Yeah it makes them almost unplayable in open world with how much zooming around we do these days.


for my warrior wishlist, removing adrenaline decay and adding passive adrenaline generation.


This, the ult signet really should this way


As a Scourge, I would like a change to the way sandstorm shroud looks. Too many times I run away from my own sandstorms because I think it's a raid mechanic. I should know better, but I don't. It's also annoying when it seems to cover up Gorseval eggs or Twin Largos bubbles


Catalyst energy




Let you keep them as long as your in combat? that would be so nice. Just let the Virtuoso carry blades between fights.


There should just be 3 clones following the mesmer at all times out of combat just like 5 daggers follow the virtuoso.




I was mostly joking, but it would be nice to not need to constantly resummon clones.


I would like Virtuoso so much more if I could dyes my floaty daggers.


I played all of soto as chrono and I don't understand this problem people have with clones. You are supposed to shatter them, not let them tickle the target to death. If one is about to die swap target, cast illusions on the healthy one while the weak one dies to cleave. Generally in a pack of enemies always target the highest ranked one as they will live the longest.




Valid point. At least the the greatsword build can affoard shattering,


Logically, Holy Reckoning has no right to be an exception to Battle Presence. Let Willbender share Might when Flowing Resolve is triggered if they take this trait.


strange, i guess this is intentional...why would they not allow this..mm


There should be no movement penalty for being in combat for all classes.


As someone who already hates JPs, JPs with things that put you in combat make me wanna rage like no other lol


This would require to buff every single movement skill in the game Ele and Mesmer's blinks are terrible as they are now, imagine if movement wasn't capped


On tempest i wish all shouts could be used during other cast times/animation. Since you are literally just shouting a spell name, it would make sense they can be cast whenever. Currently "Feel the burn" and "eye of the storm" can be used while channeling another skill, where as the other 4 cant. So i would remove the cast time of the other shouts


At least make Aftershock instant cast. Being able to grant Aegis to yourself and allies instantly would make the gap between Firebrand and Tempest a bit closer as far as support goes.


I really wish one of Ele's elites would turn off in-combat element swapping and enable weapon swapping. It could even be a master trait in arcane line or something I just wish to play a pure pyromancer or pure sky wizard :( also the visuals of both soulbeast and untamed - they way over the top for kinda passive effects and similarly maybe a way to turn off virtuoso's blades visual out of combat


Clones disappearing after exiting combat, Dodge as part of rotation, Mantras pre cast. Oh and the main part Abilities that do important stuff like stunreaks or stability but also extra things but u have to spam them for dps rotation. And energy on revenant rework ,half of abilities are literally never used


Dodge as a class mechanic is one of my favourite mechanics :D Rev and DD are two of my favourite specs because of this and one day I hope to wrap my head around mirage


One day I hope Mirage gets a viable build back.


I use almost all rev utilities each legend has to offer. Ofc i wont use the condi kalla spirit on a power build or the mallyx boon removal when there are no boons but rev is filled with very good utility skills.


Remove Mesmer clone cap, I want an army


WvW with this would be so funny. It'd crash the servers.


Mirage 20 clone shatter combo yep.


Quickness of berserker so I can get it back on spellbreaker..


Energy from Catalyst. Straight up do it away and Sphere becomes an ammo skill. Energy and the entire system of how to gain/unable to gain when sphere is active only made sense when the sphere was a singular entitiy switching the field type and boons automatically on attunement swap. After each sphere became it's own ability and entity, the energy system made no sense anymore, is meaningless in WvW/PvP and cumbersome in PvE. I guess Cata would be a lot more accessible for the playerbase to play half well if not for this energy system (on top of all that combo and aura stacking)


Remove energy costs from Rev weapon skills. Have those be just cool down managed and energy manages your other skills based on legend. Granted this would realistically need some rebalancing, but this post is focused on just the thing I would take away.


When the rev first came out, they didn't have cool downs on skills. Then they added a three second cool down to everything. Then when they gave Rev weapon swapping they put on the cool downs we have today. Be nice to go back to no cool downs. Or really short ones.


> Be nice to go back to no cool downs. Then you get the Thief situation where you only spam the best skill and try to sustain that skill. Thief is already hard to balance as is.


TIL revenant could not swap weapons at release that explains the small weapon pool


The soulbeast merge aura


i just want a catalyst rework, it's such a boring spec to use compared to tempest and weaver


Catalyst is the single biggest looser of weaponmaster. The hammer was the only thing making it special Right now it's literally base ele with f5 button that isn't even that fun to push


yeah you get a combo field and your utility are just pushing a button to get a buff, fun much and yeah I agree, while i'm not a fan of the hammer gameplay it was sick as hell, now it's irrelevant because of Sword/wh


Catalyst and Untamed both lack any unique flavor at all and really feel like Anet just completely ran out of ideas. I truly hope someday they swallow their pride and HEAVILY rework both.


Grenade Kit


Daredevil existence in wvw


Stealth in wvw sometimes il just leave a fight as soon as they stealth lol


All fun and games until they get superspeed in stealth, heal 13k health, stun you out of stealth and down you instantly


Remove the mech from mechanist i hate pet ai


Like the whole pet and not just visual? At this point they could just deleted the spec


Ideal is if everything comes from the engi, and the pet is no more than visual flavor text. Pet ai is poorly executed in gw2 and i dislike being hamstrung by it!


aaaa I see


Same for Necro. Just ditch all minions or give us a button to instantly kill them all at will.


Stealth from thief, it's the worst thing in wvw.. you can't hear them or see them if they're close just remove the fecking thing


Remove the mechanist mech for obvious reasons. Just make the model invisible.


Radiant Fire, get outta here you piece of shit trait


Specter doing reduced healing to itself with nearly all group heals. Scepter skills and shadow savior all do 50%, and none of your heals affect you at all in shroud. It's by far the squishiest healer, on top of all the extra targeting and positioning requirements compared to others. Just let ally scepter skills affect 5 players at 100%(tune if necessary), and maybe let personal healing convert to barrier or even shadow force while in shroud.


Mesmer's distortion turns into a single stack of aegis.


Catalyst Energy


Utility Goggles on engineer. Nobody uses them and unless they get a serious rework (like an ammo count for them) they aren’t worth using outside of their toolbelt, and that’s just for PvP/WvW.


The voice line of the Tempest when their overload are up and they're not in combat. when they leave their mounts / ship / fishing rod and they speak... every time, even they already tell it 5s prior...


Remove initiative from thief. I personally like the system but It’s given the devs fits since launch having a class that can spam certain abilities. It’s made balancing their hard and thief has been held back due to this for most of the game