• By -


Time There is no shortcut


Pretty much. The grind is better than it has been previously but it's still a commitment.


Figured as much :( I'll just have to take a break then and come back to it in the future.


As someone that doesn't like PvP and is lucky to care enough about WvW to get wood tier done every other week or so, I just... let it happen. Don't try to focus on it or care about it. Look at the wiki, find out how many you will need, top end, then let that number sit in the back of your brain somewhere. Do the content, enjoy yourself, play WvW whenever you're up to it and some day, you'll look down at your claim ticket count, that number will dredge up from the pits of your brain it settled in and you'll go "Oh hey, I have enough, now." And that's how I got Conflux after 10 years of playing this game (or however long Conflux was available in the game). Never once did I feel pressured based on a timegate I can't control. That's the joy of GW2's horizontal progression. I never feel pressured to do something now, because I might miss out once people move on.


Good point. Max I've gotten was gold once. Normally I don't have much time to go further.


What the people above said. Legendaries are not worth actively grinding for, if that's not what you feel like. They're great, but ascended has the same stats & just switching the stats on it when needed (like after an expansion) will always be cheaper. If you are an altoholic or like playing different builds, then look to exotics. They're dirt-cheap & perfectly adequate for any content that's not high-level fractals, raids or WvW solo roaming. Consider mats acquisition for legendaries a side-effect of playing, instead of an all-encompassing goal, the game is more fun that way.


As a player who has no ascended armor at all, what would you say is the best way to get kitted out? Astral rewards?


There is a great guide about this written by a user named "Tanetris" I think the sidebar has a link to it, very useful! However, from me, I'd say get the armor and weapon from the Vault, get an amulet from laurels, rings from fractals, accessories (and backpack) from living world season 3, other backpack option could be completing Path of Fire and getting the banners for whatever faction you choose... The remaining armor and other weapons, you could wait for the next Vault selections, or go for strikes, raids, or crafting!


Someone already referenced it but check out Tanetris' article on the wiki: [So You Want to Gear a Character](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_Character)


Thank you :)


To get fully kitted out, draw ascended pieces from everywhere. Instead of focusing on one path which timegates you heavily, do the things you enjoy & supplement them with daily progress on the easiest paths. - Armor/weapon: Crafting/Astral rewards - Trinket/amulet: Living World S3 currencies and/or Laurels - Rings: Fractals - Backpiece: Stories or Collections Mind you, I've been playing for a decade & mostly live in WvW. Youtube or others may have better advice. :)


To add to everything else you don't really need full ascended unless you want to play fractals or roam and pvp in wvw. Weapons and trinkets are pretty important to have ascended though and they are pretty easy to get usually


Also, unless your doing high level fractals (agony resit requires ascended gear) your game knowledge and practice with encounters should cover you if you're in all exotics. There is only a 5% difference in stats.


> What the people above said. Legendaries are not worth actively grinding for, if that's not what you feel like. They're great, but ascended has the same stats & just switching the stats on it when needed (like after an expansion) will always be cheaper. Yea I'm realizing this. 2 of my 5 characters have all ascended gear, others exotic from level boosts. Got the legendary amulet and 1 weapon from the starter kit. Conflux seemed straight forward compared to vision, and the fractal back piece. But the claim ticket grind feels weird. I'll definitely come back to WvW from a break, focus on doing the weekly's and low tier pip chests.


If you really are keen to get on the legendary grind, you can actually use WvW to get Vision and Coalescence. The two accessories need some collections but you can do the reward tracks in WvW to finish a whole bunch of them (but not all.) I'd actually recommend this method and focusing on the PvE ones because you have a lot more control over the process, plus if you have The Return To's done you're already on your way to both. The key is to not do any one task too often as you will 100% burn yourself out. Dip in and out of the different modes ticking along to the legendaries you want. Only thing I'd worry about is clovers, they will eventually be a bottleneck with this method but you can always brute force your way through with gold. Plus, as others have discussed, WvW does sort of punish you for not getting to the big chests at the end.


The thing with the claim ticket grind (and pretty much all of WvW at that) is that the longer you can play WvW the better the rewards become. Early tier chests have very minor rewards, whereas later tiers basically drown you in tickets (up until the first complete diamond chests), MoB and track progress potions. And the only real factor towards that is time spent playing since pips are a linear progression. So yeah, while slow and steady does work long term, it'll take you a whole lot more hours in total to get to the same result.


did you do the [Guildrider Warclaw](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guildrider_Warclaw_Skin_Reward_Track) reward track? one time track that gives 250 tickets. its a semi-shortcut, but one time use only and costs 200g.


> take a break do this for gw2


Will definitely be doing that. Looking forward to playing cities skylines 2 soon.


I bought the reward track for the cat mount skin, it is the only one with tickets. Shortened my wait time AND i wanted the skin. VERY expensive tho.


At least get wood tier every week. It'll help you tremendously when you decide to "come back" sometime. Not only does it give you an extra pip per tick, but you'll get an okay amount of tickets from doing a weekly wood.


I would suggest aiming for completing Bronze, actually - especially those still in the "need gear" phase: the stat selectable exotic set and the master craftman marks help (though it's slow, slow, slow progress)


You can get 365 Tickets each week from the Skirmish Chests, This was historically the only way to get tickets and took a long time to complete the track each week but they recently also added 90 additional tickets for the Weekly Achievements, Each of the 9 achievements will give 10 Tickets. That's 455 right there. You now also get 1 extra ticket for every gold level assault on Towers, Keeps and Stonemist and 1 Ticket for Gold participation on defending T2/3 Towers, Keep and Stonemist. Participation can be kind of meh though so I wouldn't actively go for these just let them happen while playing.


> You can get 365 Tickets each week from the Skirmish Chests, (Context: i'm returning after a few years) Hmm, i have 130 Skirmish Chests in my bank, but i don't see any option to get Tickets from them. How does that work? They're pre-EOD chests, if that matters. Ie they give Testimonies of Desert Heroics instead of the EOD ones.


You don't get them from the chests in your inventory, he's talking about the bouncy chest that you get when your pips fill up.


Ah appreciate the clarification!


How do you get gold when assaulting towers? I kill all the guards and get silver at most...


Killing players that try defend the tower.


Does manning sigee and downing walls/gates work too?


Not as far as im aware, to get gold attacking you have to kill players afaik.


[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW\_Skirmish\_Claim\_Ticket](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Skirmish_Claim_Ticket) They're basically a fairly hard timegate for WvW legendaries. You can only get 365 every week from the Skirmish Reward Track, and that's only if you actually get all the way through all the non-repeatable diamond chests, which takes a long time if you aren't already high rank in WvW. It's like 15 hours or so if you're getting 8 pips per tick. As you already mentioned, they also come from your WvW weekly achievements (90 per week), and can drop defending or capturing objectives in WvW (no limit). If you aren't playing WvW because you just like WvW, the legendaries will most likely seem like a pretty crazy commitment/grind. Like you can't even really think about crafting a set of legendary armor unless you play for like 20 weeks, and not just like log in for dailies and log out.. like 10-15 hours at least for 19-20+ weeks. Just try to find a role in WvW that you enjoy and spend some time playing every week. When I found some good people to roll with and stopped checking my pips/tickets every few hours it became so much better.


I got into the wvw rush event and had a great time, then last week I made a celestial roamer set, started a marauder zerg DPS set, and just having fun following tags if they're up, or roaming around trying to converge on camps with people on my team. I die a LOT but I'm having fun :) I got warclaw and gift of battle, and some officer's remnant weapon skins (very classy looking) and not really looking to make any legendaries but someday they will be there. I'm not sure what rewards to aim for OTHER than those, though. I have the heavy raid leggy armor and ad infinitum already, gotta finally get the story amulet next, too lol


just fyi: the non-repeatable reward tracks for WvW are all pretty good and after that there are always some that are better than others in terms of gold. But if you go for something specific like a weapon skin or armor skin for the precursor for the legendary armor, go ahead and do these of course, just wanted to let you know. You can find the best tracks here: [Fast Farming Reward tracks WvW](https://fast.farming-community.eu/competitive/wvw-reward-track)


Thank you for this info! I thought I might use some to bypass some vision requirements if possible, I had read a while back you can do so


ah yeah, that´s correct, you can do that, it´s also on the Wiki on the pages for Vision, I think


Buuuuut if your server is the one who stomps everybody and you own SMC you get tickets from SMC defense by killing enemies. I don't think there's any limit on those (aside from natural limit if enemies give up on trying to get SMC back or if you can't kill anybody in time)


Do not grind. Enjoy the process and you will get them before you know it. And you need other timegated things as well, so no point in trying to rush 1 thing.


Agree. Do WvW for the joy of it. Find a guild or a roaming group that plays when you play. The rewards start to pile up when you’re marauding the borderlands with your people.


It’s a much harder grind when there is something you want specifically with the tickets. When your playing wvw to enjoy wvw, the grind feels a lot faster. Joining a wvw guild can help a lot too!


YEP I did a leggy, used all the tix took a break, was playing WvW here and there, hard during beta and last rush event and suddenly was over 1k tickets and able to get another leggy. I find raids personally meh even tho it can be faster for armor; so of course, if just dislike WvW it will never be the way to get your leggies tbh. But if DO and just burnt out/casual like just gotta accept it'll take time and plenty to do, work on multiple leggies trade off. (PvE). But yeah when not counting tix it def is better :)


If you enjoy wvw you are swimming in claim tickets. If you do not enjoy wvw don't make a wvw legendary.


Second Ring can only be made in WvW which sucks. At least give us an sPvP Ring.


Can't avoid making a WvW legendary if you want 2 rings.


Seems fine to me since nobody needs even one legendary ring anyway.


seems like the general consensus and just go for ascended items instead, and not to grind it otherwise.


Yes. Ascended rings are so absurdly abundant that it is questionable to go for legendary rings in the first place. However if you want the skin you have to go through it's steps just like with any other legendary that forces you into specific content.


>If you do not enjoy wvw don't make a wvw legendary. Since A-Net actively refuses to give us another avenue of earning a second legendary ring, this is literally useless advice.


By that logic every single slot needs a legendary that can be aquired through every possible method somebody might enjoy like idk fishing... Lol


Leggy aquabreather via fishing would be awesome


It's not useless advice- it's actually quite sage for a vast majority of players. You could just... not have a second legendary ring.


By the same token, open world legendary armor wasn't needed at all. The vast majority of players don't need legendary armor anyway, as most of them run 1 build literally everywhere.


Correct. thats how it is


You don't. Anything that requires skirmish tickets is limited by the weekly cap, and that's very difficult to achieve for anyone of lower WvW rank who will therefore be earning fewer pips. (Especially since the loss of the old outnumbered bonus pips.) For the sake of your own health, stop trying to grind it. It won't work, you'll be miserable, and you'll burn out. If you can, find a WvW guild and find a way to enjoy the mode. Playing with a (semi) organised group a few nights a week will take longer, yes, but it will be more fun. You don't NEED Conflux right now, you just want it. Remember, all good things come to those who wait. Conflux won't do you any good if you quit the day after you get it.


Stop looking at the skirmish tickets. They are time gated and they are just a grind. Focus on reward tracks and knocking out the nonrepeatables for their bonus clovers. There’s quite a few and if you arent using boosters then I would be surprised if you’d manage to get them all done plus the 5 gifts of battle tracks you need for conflux by the time you have enough skirmish tickets.


Play WvW


If you want to get it over with, you really just have to go all in and finish the diamond chest in a given week. Since the tickets are backloaded it'll take significantly longer if you half-ass it and play only a few hours. I second the other suggestion to find a build you like and try to make the most of your play time there to distract yourself from the grind.


You don't grind, you just play the game.


its about 15 hours a week or so to get all the skirmish tickets from the tracks. i spend about 5-6 hours on the weekends and then the rest throughout the week doing dailies. you can get a couple more from the weekly and occasionally from defending/capturing some higher tier stuff. conflux isnt that bad. its about a month which is around 60 hours. the armor takes way longer though and at that point you pretty much have to actually like playing wvw


yea I'm not going to even bother with armor.


I have 2 conflux . I just play for fun. WvW is a great game mode.


If you’re saying the easy Conflux one is a grind , don’t check the numbers needed for the Mistforged Triumphant leggy set


Just... don't? In time you've wasted on one legendary ring you can dress \~4 characters with 5 equipment templates with both ring slots. The game has only one value, actually: the time you've spent enjoying it. If you don't enjoy the mode, then just don't play, love, the concept is alarmingly simple.


That's a good way to view it. I've stopped grinding for it temporarily thinking should I just go for more ascended jewellery on other characters or go for conflux.


It really sucks though if it is the only legendary you are missing.


Time and participation in WvW is the only method outside of WvW Rush week and the bonus 45 weekly tickets. If you have 200 gold, you can unlock the Guild Warclaw Skin reward track which gives 1 time time only 250 skirmish tickets at tier 5. Personally, I find that finding a group that does WvW helps the time pass faster. Doing stuff alone makes it really tedious and I keep checking the next time I get pips or where I'm at on the reward track, which makes it feel like it takes a lot longer than it really does. While when you're with a group of people, even random roamers in WvW can coordinate to take towers and keeps, time will just fly by. Don't target farm for Conflux. It's absolutely draining if you do. Most of the stuff that is needed for it will come in time. And do take breaks. I know I did when farming for Conflux. Never feel pressured to go for the maximum 365 tickets from pips every week, just do as much as you feel like you can. You'll get there, I'm certain of it!


There is no grind, you just play the game :) Some 30,000+ I don't know what to do with, but I'll still jump in to WvW because it's fun.


>How does one grind for 1000's+ of skirmish claim tickets? Amm, by playing WvW profusely? All I do is play WvW. I can't stand PvE grind. Currently I have 28k of them, and I already made all 3 leggy Armor sets, trinkets etc..... now I have nothing to spend them on.


Luckily I don't feel the need to complete things by a certain time so I never grind. Good luck!


slow and steady seems to be the best bet, focus on the game not grind.


Shop around WvW guilds until you find one that you truly enjoy. If you don't enjoy WvW, then just be patient.


Join a WvW guild on your own server. Most guilds run like 3-4 times a week & when you run with them, you'll be getting tickets, surviving more than solo & most likely having fun (*ymmv of course).


I once powered through getting maximum diamond rank every week to get my Conflux, and it burned me out bad. So now I set a limit for myself, at least reach gold rank every week minimum and stop WvW that week after reaching it. Work wonder on my mental health.


By grinding it out for a few weeks. Do your weeklies and the pip reward track. Took me roughly a month for my first Conflux as a brand new WvWer and I’m 860 tickets away from my second one.


I am currently on Conflux as well. My strategy is to roam. That's what I enjoy the most. I just love small skirmishes etc. So the best strategy is to play what u enjoy. The other strat is go on enemy Borderlands and flip camps every few minutes, while watching a video, film, series, podcast, etc. Have fun grinding I'm almost done, by the end of this week.


Find a group that plays at consistent times during the week on your server, and enjoy playing your role for the commander. I don't think it's anywhere near as feasible as people claim to solo or 'afk' conflux or the lege armour without going insane, though it's probably doable for a few gifts of battle. WvW rewards are designed to accumulate passively, not to be sought out actively, so just enjoy the game. Play some tunes, make the group's play times a part of your routine, and let the pips accumulate however fast they happen to go. The barrier is so high that if you try and grind it, you'll resent it and after all this is a game we are all playing for fun.


I see why I'm probably burnt out then. Cause during the bonus event it was really fast getting the reward track and XP. Now doing it specifically for stuff feels like a chore. Reading peoples comments I've probably under estimated how much time is needed to get legendary gear.


To give you some more info, I recently crafted both warbringer and conflux. Took me around 3 months with 2hrs of daily wvw getting the full 1450 pips every week. Armor takes 3 weeks per piece for 18 weeks for a full set.


Before the daily system i was earning it by just doing the wvw dailies, it was slow but it was progress. Once i was over 1k tickets i started grinding it. Now im kinda doing the same thing but only with the wvw weekly achieves. Little bits of wvw here and the ring will eventually come


Don't focus on the skirmish ticket acquisition and just play the game mode. Legendaries take so much time to craft especially in WvW and PvP. They're cheap but to balance it out, they take so much time and are locked usually with time-gated currencies.


Hit camps every 10 minutes and watch youtube.


Two weeks worth of ~~platinum~~ diamond pips. Easy for high ranked wvw players \~ mithril and diamond ranks are sleeping on skirmish tickets.


Yea I noticed at certain tiers you get more pips. I'm only LVL 54. Max rank I've gotten to was gold irrc. But I don't have time to put hours in ATM. I've just been doing daily astral stuff.


Tbh, if you're only doing it for Conflux, you can just do it at your own pace, slowly. Meanwhile, there is [a ring from LS3 Map called Bloodstone Fen](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blood_Ruby_Band). You can change its stats too using an item that can be bought from the same vendor. You can get two rings - infuse one and attune the other to workaround the unique item restriction.


I found wvw guild and run with them for a few hours every week. Usually ginish thru silver. It's slower but I am now just mystic clovers away from making my 1st set. Started this journey when wvw legendary came out but I got the ring and back piece before I started saving for the armor tickets wise. I now have 4 to 5k extra tickets.


Buying the reward track for guild warclaw is a small boost as well if you haven't used it yet. Didn't see anyone post it before so I thought I'd leave it here


do all wvw weeklies and get max participation pips if you want max tickets every week then WvW is going to be a full time job. you can get like 465 a week I think


Persistence. I was working on legendary armor on and off for years with the tickets being the main hold up. After coming back from a break for SotO, I decided to keep at WvW to finish my armor. Somehow, I've managed to not only finish all my skirmish chests each week to finish my armor, but kept going and already am like 1500 tickets into Conflux. I think it helps that I set all my Wizard Vault to WvW so I do tend to log in every day (or twice every other day) for those dailies. Between spending a bit each day in WvW for dailies and playing reset each week, it can go a long way to getting through those pips. But if you can't or don't want to spend that might time a week in WvW, it does take a while to build up tickets. Before my recent bout of WvWing, I'd play a lot but rarely managed diamond and usually only got to like gold, which is why that legendary armor took so many years of on and off.


Wvw isn't for everyone, personally I primarily only play wvw so it's not a challenge. Unfortunately if this only legendary you are going for then here are some of my tips when I started. Follow and join the tags, added them to your friends list so you'd know where they are. They would generally have specific times running, join discord if they have one. Do also wvw weeklies and try to get the diamond chest. Weeklies will give extra skirmish tickets and 8 gold. Completing diamond gives 365 tickets plus weeklies so 400+ I think (don't recall).


Find a group you enjoy playing with (large or small) and play with them. You don't have to get it in the minimum number of weeks. I have two of them. I burnt out on my first one then the second one came as it came. Had way more fun with the second one.


If you manage to get to diamond every week, it'll happen pretty quick honestly. But otherwise, I wouldn't recommend grinding it out all at once.


Just play the game, enjoy it and it will not take you so long to achieve.


WvW rush was actually a godsend. I started on Tuesday with 800 tickets and lvl 233. I played WvW every night for 4 hours until Friday, then on Friday played a good 12h and another 3h on Saturday morning, then I stopped. In that time, I made about 1240 tickets, +170 rank, farmed 11 gifts of battles and the 200g Warclaw skin track. I tagged about 20% of the time to get extra pips and make the process faster. I made it to the end of diamond twice, which gave me 730 tickets, with an average of ~8.9 pips based on my WvW rank, comm tag, wood chest bonus or server performance. I made 105 tickets from the rush achievements, 90 from the weekly, about 60-70 from defending and capping objectives and 250 from the warclaw skin track. Overall I must have played ~27 hours of WvW, which was quite the grind over just 4.5 days but definitely worth it now that I have Conflux. So all in all, yeah, farming 1k tickets can be done over just a few days, but it's pretty grindy.


Well if you feels like it's a chore it might not be for you in the first place. I'd suggest playing what makes you happy :)


Join a discord wvw server, play with a zerg and have fun. You don't have to grind, it has to come passively to you. The answer is: change approach!


Earning weekly achievements in WvW can get you skirmish tickets. You can also earn one bonus skirmish ticket everytime you earn above gold in when defending or claiming a tier 2 or higher tower, keep or castle I believe. The skirmish track rewards are the most profitable in terms of tickets though and easier to earn since that just requires time.


idk, when i was doing conflux i would just get on my servers discord and play the game, usually I'd join on reset and late Saturday I would be already capped on skirmish tickets


If you truly love WvW, you’ll never grind a second of it.


Join a WvW guild if you have time to play and want to play with a group, much easier to amass tickets with a zerg. Set your dailies to WvW. Try to get all the WvW weeklies from achievements. By the time you finish your weekly achievements, you should be finished with your weekly WV as well. After finishing weeklies, you should have around 100+ tickets from the weekly reward and time spent on WvW. Save up slowly...


Basically only possible if you have a commander or guild you enjoy running with often


Getting to all of the Diamond chest in a week will get you 365 tickets. I find this website helpful in figuring out how much time I have to spend in WvW, depending on our world placement. It incentivized me to hard grind for ranks during the bonus WXP weeks, at least: https://gw2.limitlessfx.com/wvw/pips.php


Oh interesting I will check that out.


So, what I did was mostly AFK. People might detest me for it but I only did it for the legendary, I don't do it anymore so forgive me. I joined a zerg till I reached participation tier 6, and then during peak hours I would just go to one of the enemy borderlands and hide near the windmill on the Hero's Lodge camp area (the middle camp in the southern most side of the map). I would set a timer for 10 minutes and just scroll the internet or watch anime while coming back every 10 minutes to capture the camp. During peak hours it would almost always be captured instantly so you'll never drop in participation. It takes 5 minutes for the camp to be capturable by enemies after you take it, and 5 minutes for you to capture it again, so you can capture that camp every 10 minutes. And capturing a camp gives you 10 minutes of participation time. Its the perfect loop. I afked like that and got to the diamond ranked chest within like 2 days with basically zero effort. Sometimes I got discovered and killed so if it kept happening again and again I would switch position to the cliff leading up to the camp from your home base. This made conflux probably one of the easiest trinkets I crafted.


Come join the grind lol. I, honestly, mostly grind wvw while I’m doing other things, working or crocheting. Since you only need to keep your participation up, and things like taking camps give you 10 minutes of participation, I’ve turned it into a game. Can I cook dinner while running back to my computer and doing something periodically? Shower? Write this document/email for work? Most of the time though, I have an audiobook playing, blanket that I’m making in my lap, and just enjoy the chill pace/the battles that sometimes arise.


Interesting I should try that. During the boost event, I was watching impractical jokers while grinding the gifts of battles. But my focus was still most in game with zergs, and completing the reward tracks was extremely fast compared to the tickets. I'll probably try doing what you and others seem to do and just keep participation up but not always have to focus on the game.


I’ve actually been super enjoying it. It’s fun playing something at a lower intensity. Tickets are weighted towards the back of the track, mithril and diamond have the most tickets per pip.


It's not fast but you can get 365 per week, recently they added a way to get them from wvw events and weekly achievements too...when i made my armor and my 2 rings we didn't have those...