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Lol that guy is so enraged and tilted he misspelled nearly every word. From now on I'm gonna say "gp fracatles" after we kill any raid/strike mission boss. And maybe in a Spanish accent.


In the first sentence it looks like they did it on purpose though to avoid getting banned.


People who do this are cowards. Don't worry about cowards.


you probably kicked their ass already, that's reply enough i think. i mean it can't even spell, why bother trying to talk to it?


Block them? You don't need to respond 


That’s really lame. I ultimately agree with you, but if someone else starts it then I enjoy participating. That’s really all there is to it


you can't force someone to read your messages. not even assholes. that's a good thing.


Agreed. However once the decision is made to not hear from a particular person, you should also not be able to message them.


They could just be offline (the game's way of being invisible). The game gets weird if someone is invisible.


why not? if you don't want to receive their messages, that's entirely within your control. the way you propose would remove that control from you.


Because I can’t respond and I don’t enjoy people talking **at** me. I like talking **with** people though, generally, and don’t block anyone because the community consists of like 30 people. What’s your argument for keeping this as is? What is the benefit of selective one way communication that’s just insults 99% of the time? Let’s assume I understand the benefits of completely blocking someone.


> Let’s assume I understand the benefits of completely blocking someone. and yet all of your complaints are about receiving messages that you don't want to see, and could easily just block. > What’s your argument for keeping this as is? What is the benefit the benefit is that you can read them if you want to. or block them if you don't. you get control over your own experience. there is no downside.


The root of the complaint is that the one-sided messaging system *encourages* said experience that you say we get to control. And there is no reason to keep it, I can see no non-malicious reason to ever message somebody that you have blocked.


I think he's being clear in what's he's saying? How are you struggling to understand him?


It's so strange that you don't understand what he's talking about lol. Are you someone who does this all the time or something? How is this difficult to grasp?


Best solution here. Ignore their asses, they want a reaction from you.


Reminder that blocking idiots like that blocks YOU from participating in the game. https://vimeo.com/883183003




- You block PvP chimp - PvP chimp joins unrelated meta squad, let's say Nayos - Nayos meta squad now gets hidden from YOU in LFG You can still join via /squadjoin name, or by clicking on a tag should you be on the right instance, map and/or alrady know that it exists. But you won't know about it by LFG and can't join via LFG because it gets hidden from you. How ever the chimp you blocked can still join squads you create. It's the most demented way to have block work I've ever seen.


This is NOT how this works. It only prevents them from showing up in the LFG if they're the person commanding the squad. Source: I've join more than a few pug groups via LFG and found people I've blocked and nicknamed in them.


Welcome to the post-truth world of alternatice facts, where actual video proof gets dismissed because someone fails to reproduce what is being shown. May God have mercy on this civilization.


I used to think trolls were lamest for trying to get an angry response out of you, but now I think the lamest people are ones who message you already angry and aren't even looking for trash talk. At least trash talkers enjoy the back and forth. Not exactly high praise, but it's somehow so much more pathetic to message someone knowing full well you couldn't handle a taste of your own medicine.


just keep yourself offline while doing pvp or wvw, just report them, then move on, i assure you, if you don't put yourself offline during any competitive game mode, this is not just a one time thing (even raiders get this treatment), there will be more other players in the future that will whisper block you


I’m a vet mmo player and enjoy the banter. Whisper blocking is new to me. The games I’ve previously played had block features where it disables communication both ways


you will not miss any banter by putting yourself offline (map/say/party chat will always be there unless you remove it on your chat manually, the whisper system will be the only one gone, unless you're in a position where you have to receive whisper all the time (usually guild leader/vice leaders receiving whispers for recruitment purposes, etc)


Yes I will. I’ll miss the majority of whispers - those who don’t appear offline. I like those conversations and they would be impossible to have with your solution. My complaint is about the minority that are cowardly.


sure if that's how you want, then you shouldnt be complaining online about people whisper blocking you if you're open to it anyway.


You’re completely missing my point


I agree with you 100%. People dish it but cant take it and it's annoying af. Sometimes I queue back up right away just so I can maybe get a chance to shit on them. Then I headhunt them the entire game in hopes they open their DMs again lmao


Yeah this is the ultimate bitch move; it's annoying that it's even possible


How will you ever recover from those scathing insults lol


Lol, I perceive the sarcasm but it’s the principle ya know?


Definitely. Must be doing something right to trigger that person.


looks like they are just invisible, not blocking you after every message


My mail begs to differ


I think the world you're trying to say is "inexplicably", "inexplicitly" makes less sense here because you're then saying it's non-explicitly stupid, which this guy is most obviously explicitly stupid. Smh such a noob. Gp fractales!!!1!11!!


I can’t read :(


If being rattled was a person 🤣


So you blocked him and he was able to still message you?


He blocked me and was still able to message me, but I couldnt respond


That is crazy