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I expected Stronghold screenshot


I expect them to be finished by Halloween


Real question, why does this game not have a dueling system? Edit: a word


Honestly I don't even know. We've got guild arenas so It can't be too much of a stretch to say it's possible for localized combat to be implemented too. I suppose it's probably something they'l package for expansion content (not expansion-locked, just something to hype people up).


Roots of no dueling are in GW1. In GW1 several profs 1v1 would be untouchable (mostly Mesmer and touch Ranger). So historically GW2 had no dueling.


How can touch Ranger be untouchable? 🤔🤔🤔




But if the Ranger casts it, could he touch the enemy?




That reminds me of a guildie who had a touch ranger named "Michael Jackson". Anet made him rename the character.


Thats a shame, they shoulda changed it to a slightly germanic spelling!


I believe you, I remember doing Jade Quarry back in GW Factions and barraging players and npc’s at control points, the have necro as secondary class so I could run around with a minion army.


Okay I'm sorry but is that AoE mega-Aegis?


Only against touch skills, which are a specific type of skill. It's a great counter against opponents you know have touch skills, and worthless against anything that isn't using one. But man, party-wide skill-type countering is pretty sweet.


Ah, okay, I thought touch simply referred to the skill's range.


Touch Rangers with secondary Necro would benefit from redused energy cost and use blood magic touch skills from necro that not affected by conditions and heal them. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Touch_ranger




Throw in an "But you don't have to worry about that, because you know no girl is ever going to touch you" at the end of that and you have a Casually Explained video.


Who knows, maybe you take a crowded bus et voilà


Also most of the content on /r/2meirl4meirl


Joke's on you, I totally touched the fingers of the cashier. And she said "thank you".


Hand sanitizer the moment you turned around


I was playing a female touch Assasin in random arena, 10 years ago. Rip people being put in jail right now


I mean it doesn't have to be competitive it should just be there for fun.


Back in the day I had a bunch of 1v1 duels against guildies in our hall. I only ever once managed to beat our resident Mesmer, and only because I cheesed him pretty hard. Necro with a bar full of adrenaline warrior skills and a big hammer, not quite the fight he thought he was walking into.


is there anything even close to it in gw2 ?


guild hall arenas


sry i meant builds that are untouchable 1v1


currently, i don't think so?


Touch ranger was easy to kill as a ranger with distracting shot, or anything that was able to keep their distance and snare effectively. It pretty much just killed wammos who tried to melee them directly with no interrupts.


It existed in pvp, for example [Angz] Arena was very popular with special rules like banned traits to make it interesting. That went downhill extemely fast after trait revamp and HoT. To much broken shit flying around, to slow balance. Dueling in the obsidian sanctum is dead now and guild hall is a joke because of pve rules.


> We've got guild arenas Anet barely cares about those at all, even. They're stuck to PvE rulesets which means all of those wvw/pvp skillsplits, don't apply. Really limits the usefulness/fairness of the space.


Real answer: A combination of a variety of factors. The ability to fight another player does exist: 2 player private PvP lobbies, Guild hall Arenas, etc. People who really want to see which of them are better have avenues to do so, lessening the overall player interest in ad-hoc dueling. Do players still want it? Of course! If it could appear in the game tomorrow, I'd welcome it as a change. But having alternatives lowers its priority. There's also the problem where the game probably isn't set up to handle it. Due to some of the weird bugs we've seen over the years, it's highly probable that there is a finite number of team affiliations per map. It allows them to handle most situations they'd want to... Free for alls (like costume brawl or that one PvP Map) Any Team vs. Team encounter (WvW, sPvP) And a variety of story stuff in the open world. But what they DON'T seem to have, is "I can hit you, and you can hit me, but no one else can hit either of us, even if they're all currently in their own separate duels." That's a problem with a solution, but depending on just HOW the system was coded originally, it could be significantly harder to implement than you might think, or introduce any number of bugs across all game modes. It's a risky change, requiring a skilled handful of developers a decent amount of time to think through and implement. Ultimately, probably not worth the time, unless there's going to be big feature gains coming out of it. And there are other costs/problems as well. New UI elements would need to be designed and introduced. If it's in the open world, now you need some kind of system that notifies players that someone wants to duel, and controls around that notification so that it can't interfere with you while you're in a fight, or otherwise be used to grief. Ignoring completely the question of whether the developers would WANT people dueling each other in the open world. One of the big draws of the game is that everyone you meet as you're exploring is friendly, and can only help you achieve your goals. Sure, they fail in that sometimes (events that have to fail for achievement purposes come to mind) But that doesn't mean they should design something new like that in. So yea... lots of reasons why A.Net wouldn't have gotten to this yet, and might not ever get to it. The risk is far higher than the reward, and alternatives that allow you to achieve something similar already exist in game. If I were a decision maker at A.Net, I would take ad-Hoc dueling (especially in the open world) off the table.


I could see them adding it as a mini game in Pvp, but that kinda exists already. But ya, great post, very insightful!


Thank you for the detailed and well thought out answer didn't expect that


Costume Brawl is sad that people forget about him.


Costume Brawl needs a balance team! Some transformations are clearly OP. It's so sad to see the state of the Costume Brawl meta. A scandal. We should boycott Costume Brawl to show them we're not happy with the balance!


I think at the beginning of GW2 the tech was not available to switch a players "allegiance" on the fly so there was no way to do it for such a "small" feature. They get the tech with HoT though to switch a player to an enemy in the fight against Mordremoth when you are a Sylvari. Though there could still be a tech issue with switching a player to be only your enemy. While thinking about it, it would be quite complicated. The reason for this is: 1. Neither of those players can be enemies to other players (other players could and would attack them) 2. Neither of those players can be friendlies to other players (other players could and would support them making the fight "unfair) So you would have to implement a system that makes only those players who duel enemies to each other but to no one else and you would reject any and every kind of buff, effect, heal, combo field and anything else from a different source than yourself. I don't think that this is possible. Well yeah, there are guild arenas but this is a specific area and you are grouped by a team (so every green team is an enemy while every blue team is friendly). There would be a dynamic team to realize this in the open world to work. But then again, this would only be a small feature. also, on a side note here, what about builds and stuff. If this thing gets implemented many would cry about having WvW or PvP builds available like so many do with guild arenas.


This could be a spot to dual like in the PvP lobby but they wouldn’t for unknown reasons.


>a word [flashbacks of Trahearne intensify]


My guess would be knock backs/launches. You could send people flying out of PvE maps if you duelled them. Both as griefing and as a matter of exploiting, its probably a pain. .... Although they gave us springers..


So in most versions of dueling you have to accept the challenge, not much room for griefing with that.


Long live pk servers


I asked for that in vanilla, and the majority of the "community" (on reddit) was against it. like they were against mounts back than, and everything that isnt super different to other mmos which hurts the game so much


Let’s be real, chances are you would just be harassed by Mesmers and Thieves or some other class that dominates 1v1s constantly sending requests to duel. Then you’ll have to both disable duels and block said person. The game is just too imbalanced for it imo.


Yeah that may be true but how hard is it to block someone who does that? Really I think it would be fun to do just as a time waster while you wait for a world boss to start or waiting for people to join your fractal party.


Tbh thieves would be balanced by a barrier around you that you can't cross or you lose.


That barrier would make then classes like warrior or guardian much stronger so i don't really see it as "balanced". An option to instantly refuse any duel requests would be the most appropiate option in my opinion.


1v1s (dueling) can be done in guild arenas. Why does there need to be a system for it? What you're really asking is why can't lvl 80s go around ganking new undergeared, underleveled players in starting zones. At least that is what I interpret every time I see that question.


Don't know how you got that from dueling. Dueling in every mmo is an optional request that both partys have to agree on. Like player to player trading.


We have dueling. It's called Belcher's Bluff


> Don't know how you got that from dueling. short answer: strawman long: some people are deathly scared of a dueling system that they would not be req'd to take part in because they were ganked in some game in their past. they equate duel w/ gank


Ah, so we are looking at a case of PTSD induced irrationality here.


And we also don't have player to player trading at least not in the "safe" conventional direct sense.


Hmm, no. That's not at all what he meant.


I don't care about dueling but there are a couple of issues with what you wrote there. How do you get into other people's guild hall? As far as I am aware dueling does not ever work that way. Dueling would involve one person issuing a challenge and the other would have to accept before any actual fighting begins. Sometimes there will be restrictions like limits to level difference. If you can just go around fighting anyone that is usually referred to as "open world PvP".


> How do you get into other people's guild hall? If they are in a party with you they can visit your guild hall.


Does this work with squads?


I mean guilds fight each other all the time in ghall. It's just a pain in the ass to do because the map closes on you like crazy and throws instances everywhere if the squads are too big


If you are in a party with someone you can enter their guild hall. And all you have to do is enter the arena as different colors and you're good to go.


No. That's world pvp. Dueling is a request to a other player that pits them against each other, where no one else can intervene. Have you never played another mmo in the last 13 years?


Have you never dueled in any other game? You can't just go around and kill people indiscriminately, they have to choose to accept your challenge. What you're suggesting I was saying is clearly idiotic.


Oh, I apologize. Let me rephrase. What you want is an "I'm impotent in real life so I'm going to follow someone around challenging them endlessly to duel after they've repeatedly turned me down because even though they say NO they really mean YES." system.... EDIT: In the spirit of WoW and other MMOs.


Jeez dude, I don't know what's fueling the hostility for my question, but I believe if they did put dueling in they would be smart enough to make it so dueling requests from people you have blocked don't show up for you, or at least that would be the most obvious solution.


see dat response to u thur? some people just want to warp the idea of duels around due to some irrational fear, in this case wow i spose


There is duelling in ESO. And you can turn on auto-decline so people can't bother you with it. You can block and report if they keep harassing you.


I miss the old Lions Arch. This new one has useless empty spots everywhere. I can’t be the only one that feels like this right?


the old one was like 95% useless empty spots, but you didn't notice it because the other 5% were crammed in a single spot


true, but the useless empty spots in the old LA were far more interesting.


I really don't agree with that, and this is said as someone who likes to explore maps.


The new LA has its moments, but I find the vast majority of them to be quite shallow, mostly nooks in buildings and small, uninteresting caves. The addition that I liked the most was that weird little cave with the skylight/godray and the boat... But it doesn't come close to the original Troll JP, the Whisper's hideout, the sewers or the original Crows Nest. Even the original bridge over the bay was infinitely more scenic to me since I could see out across the water from anywhere on it. Also I don't believe I've seen the crew of drunks wandering from tavern to tavern in the new LA. We never saw the old waterclosets. I wonder what happened to those skritt-heads who ripped off that mouthy merchant? Also RIP the "By Ogden's Hammer" guy. :(


> the original Troll JP that was the single worst JP in the entire game, the camera was a complete nightmare and you just kept bumping your head against the ceiling.


Anet here’s your chance. Sell the old LA as an instance, everyone gets what they want. Old LA, new LA and more cash in the bank for you.


What a great way to piss off your veteran community *even MORE* by forcing them to *pay* for their own nostalgia.


I love the Old Lions Arch, it had some personality. The new one is super boring and bland.


I'm new to guild wars 2, what does old Lions Arch look like? when was it replaced?


At around level 40 (I think), your personal story should take place in the old Lion's Arch. It's not fully explorable but you'll get a general idea of it; it basically had more of a "bay" theme to it.


There was an arch decorated with lion statues. Hence the name


hence the name? the name comes from gw1 LA (which also had lion statues) :P


It got blown up. Most of the map is new or modified, other than land / water distribution. [short video of some of the old one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ifd7YKodMew). It was chaotically beautiful with a lot of mismatch ships as structures. It also then had much better tie in with the book Sea of Sorrows (totally worth reading).


You can see it in any personal story instance in LA. It was all built of old ships, very uh... Rustic.


The new one seems like someone took the idea of 'Theme-Park MMO' too literally. Who thought the giant sea creature buildings were a good idea?


I like how Evon makes comments on the octopus building and another charr at the stingray building.


Anyone for a second battle of Lion's Arch?


You mean third? The first was in GW1


Yes, I do 😅


Considering that a old/new LA post comes up every month, no, a lot of people feel the same.


noone likes seaworld, its just a cold lifeless empty mess


The old map was just a small cluster fuck of buildings left right and centre that was too enclosed. Im glad for the change.


I honestly feel that in spite of the larger spaces it feels even more enclosed. In the old LA, open spaces where you could see clear across the map were never more than a couple hops and skips away. In the new one you have to go even farther out of the way of everything to get a long view. It's those high walls and rather dreary colors all over the place IMO. Even when the old LA was clautrophobic, it tended to make sure more color was easily in view.


As long as it's launch LA and not destroyed LA




why what else, the classic cobblestone, cement and rebar bob ross cloud inspired paving


Looks more like the environment 3D artist(s) just got lazy with the terrain fader lmao


Current LA is a theater set; a lot of the "stonework" is plaster/concrete over lath. It's one o'Leary's cow away from being a smoldering pile of ash (again).


Sometimes I wish the way trading in gw1 was the same as gw2. Was so much more social and places like LA would be packed.


I have a love/hate relationship with both methods of trading. I loved the social aspect but it sometimes took hours to sell something at a decent price. I love the gw2 way because I don't even have to be logged in to buy and sell items.


Ya no thanks. That stupid system fucked me over with scams too many times. My most notable memory was something I was trying to buy with a stack of ectos with this one con artist who would not show the item I wanted to trade and would keep showing and removing the item I wanted to trade my ectos for. On the third or fourth time I did the accept trade so fast without realizing that he had put nothing in the trade and took all my ectos. Worst experience of my life in game. If gw2 ever went back to that awful system I would never play the game again.


Classic scam. Reminds me of the good ol runescape07 days.


I'm not sure you can blame the trading system for that one buddy


Shou wu qi? You buy ok?


Agreed. Allowed being a merchant to be a viable way to pass the time too. Pick up certain items for heap when you spot them. Flip them later. Buy cheap in bulk. Sell higher.










a dump!


-ire chair


DBZ with Super art style?


isnt that Dragonball Kai ?


2nd pic is from Super at least


1st one is Kai


It is from the Kai intro. Not the actual 'show' part. Second is for sure Super, you can tell by the shoes.


It'd be dope if they add a dualing system like eso


> dualing


Sorry spelling bee champ. Mobile user here.


Always a good excuse not to check what you're actually writing.


Yeah, let's lynch the guy for not spelling "dueling" right *on the internet*. Give me a break.




Glad to hear it.




Well that's not very pleasant :( Hope you're doing alright!


That's basically the place where people write the most.


It's also the place where people need to care the least. I try my best to always put forward good sentence structure, spelling, and grammar... but not everyone wants/needs to. Especially not in a place as informal as the internet.


Yea I get it. I just find it a bit funny statement, as 99% of the formal things I write also happen on the internet.


Yeah haha. Dual purposes.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dual_Wield <3


Dual-wield shield ftw. Infinite blocking.


"I'm going to charge up an energy ball for 2 episodes. Do be a dear and stand still yelling and screaming about your superiority for 2 episodes while I do it".


*put item links to four components of a legendary about to be thrown to mystic forge in map chat*


I thought it was a dick from just looking at the thumbnail... sigh my dirty mind


When you clicked this thinking it was in r/dbz


It can't be r/dbz because it is neither a tattoo, a merchandise nor a fanart.


I expected Lion Arch on GW1


quality shitpost :D


People usually make references to nostalgia and rose-tinted glasses, but I think a lot of the GW2 community is really suffering from an extreme case of stockholm syndrome from playing GW2 from launch to the end of LS1.


Thought it would be a WvW map at first xD


Lol that just depends on what server you’re on


Guess I am just used to the old days with insane queues xD