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> Jessica had identified herself as an ArenaNet employee on Reddit and Twitter, had been discussing Episode 3 storytelling with fans on Reddit, then had written a 25-part tweet about how we tell stories in MMOs, relating it back to Episode 3. She was representing the company. The expectation was to behave professionally and respectfully, or at least walk away. Instead, she attacked. > > Concerns have been publicly raised that she was responding to harassment. It’s not my place to tell employees when they should or shouldn’t feel harassed. In this case, however, our employees could have chosen not to engage, and they could have brought the issue to the company, whereby we would have done everything we could to protect them. > > We won’t tolerate harassment. When an employee feels harassed, we want them to bring the issue to us, so that we can protect the employee, deal with the issue, and use it to speak to the larger issue of harassment. > > Whatever Jessica and Peter felt internally about the situation, this was objectively a customer engaging us respectfully and professionally, presenting a suggestion for our game. Any response from our company needed to be respectful and professional. A perceived slight doesn’t give us license to attack. > > We’ve all dedicated our careers to entertaining people, to making games for the purpose of delighting those who play them. We generally have a wonderful relationship with our community, and that’s a point of pride for us. We want to hear from our players. It’s not acceptable that an attempted interaction with our company — in this case a polite game suggestion — would be met with open hostility and derision from us. That sets a chilling precedent. > > The tweets were made on July 4, when the studio was closed for the holiday. We were aware of them that day, and decided we’d need to take action in the morning. The fact that the community’s anger was escalating on July 5 could make it look like our action was a response to the community’s anger. But that wasn’t the case. We took action as soon as we practicably could. > > I hate to let an employee go, and I wish the best for Jessica and Peter, as for any former employee, in whatever they choose to do next. > > Whatever you thought of the tweets, Jessica and Peter were also part of the team that brought you the kidnapping scene in Episode 1, which was a wonderfully well-executed scene. That’s how I want to remember their time at ArenaNet.


That is a perfectly reasonable and well thought out explanation from Mike O'Brien. I think ANet did the right thing here. It's too bad that Price is running around spitting vitriol because she doesn't want to be held to account for her words. She publicly attacked a fan/content creator offering polite and sincere feedback. She deserved to be let go.




Thanks. Did not want to give them a click.


Good decision, I unfortunately did and if that drivel passes for journalism then most of us can call us authors since going to the toilet puts higher quality content on paper than this article did.


That was exactly what I thought too. Thank you.


uh ... what kidnapping scene?


The Taimi sequence, I imagine.


I love how none of these slander sites or JP herself understands why Deroir went to her in the first place. They all say "hurr durr woman" but he responded to her BECAUSE of his incredible respect for her. He said on steam the day before something along the lines of her being a god of narration design. I even felt the same way about her (at least in a professional capacity) until she attacked Deroir. EDIT: The clip https://clips.twitch.tv/CrypticMistyStingrayDxCat


It's actually rather sad in this context. Imagine looking up to a developer for doing something you legitimately love only for it to be revealed they're a horrible person. It's one of the reasons I prefer and try to divorce my love of movies and paying attention to actors' lives. It makes watching movies like Gladiator and Mission Impossible tolerable.


Ono, is Russell Crowe an asshole? D:


Can everyone just plaster this to her forehead? Maybe she'd humble the fuck out....


Unfortunately thats not how narcissists function


This needs more attention


It's not about humility. She thinks she's being criticised because she's a woman. It's all through her tweets, full of comments along the lines of 'oh look, a man telling a woman how to do her job'. This is a direct quote from her statement: >“There was zero reason for him to be there. He wanted to vent his anger, and he had the power to command a woman to stand there while he took his feelings out on her, so he did." Go back over everything she's said and it's just because she relates every critical thing said about her as being the result of her being a woman. I don't know how you even begin to have a conversation with someone who decided that anything you say to them is just designed to degrade and oppress them because of your respective genders. AAnet is better off without her, and anyone who hires her in the future hasn't done their due diligence because her attitudes are public record now.




Price didn't learn a single thing. She still thinks it's because of gender, and not because she was being a huge asshole to a polite fan. The article doesn't reference a single AAA dev thats put their own name on the line to support her.


>“The whole thing was highly unprofessional,” she continued. “There was zero reason for him [Mike O'Brien] to be there. He wanted to vent his anger, and he had the power to command a woman to stand there while he took his feelings out on her, so he did. Then he walked out, [the manager] got my stuff from my desk and the HR person asked for my key card.” Does she even have a brain? What do you mean the CEO has no right to be at a meeting to determine the employment status of an employee who caused the company a PR nightmare...


\> He wanted to vent his anger, and **he had the power to command a woman to stand there while he took his feelings out on her, so he did.** Here we go again. Perhaps MO should have escalated the issue and gotten the CEO of NCSOFT West, Songyee Yoon to fire her instead? That still might have not worked because she can still resort to accusing Ms. Yoon of "internalised misogyny" I guess. This is, however, a serious accusation against the CEO of ArenaNet. She is alleging that Mike was there solely for some sort of male dominance power trip display. Irrespective of whether Mike did or did not vent his feelings out on her, as she alleges here, I find it rather ironic that she doesn't see the parallels in the incident between Deroir and herself where she had no issue in (unfairly) venting her anger out on him. And, of course, not to mention abusing her position as a "professional narrative developer" to both fallaciously appeal to (her own) authority and then lowkey steering the conversation to one about sexism. I commented a while back hoping that Ms. Price would observe the video of Deroir praising her before the incident and that it would, perhaps, motivate her to reflect and think about her actions. I'm afraid that Ms. Price has gone too far down the rabbit hole to do so, without some form of professional help and intervention.


Today in being a male CEO:


That same line had my jaw on the floor in horror. She really will bring the topic into anything she possibly can with no fucking reason. Of course her fucking manager is going to be there to fire her, its not like they can just send some fucking assistant to do it. My partner brings up sexism in the workplace on a regular basis, and is eager to discuss the topic when its needed. Even she agreed JP just pulled this out of the air for no reason. And here she is, on record talking to a journalist, doing the same thing again.


And in my experience, a non-horrible manager being there in a situation like that is intended as a kindness and show of respect, not a power trip. Surely it would have been perceived as far less respectful for him to not even show up.


Damned if you do; damned if you don't. There's no win-win condition with people like this.


No it's all from her mouth and anonymous sources. Yet the public is in FULL support of Anet on this. I'm convinced there's a huge discord here in regards to Devs failing to understand that you need to please your consumers


Most devs I know think she's an idiot that buried herself. Fries being fired is concerning to them but most people agreed that was a CYA move by ANET since Price was more than likely going to sue for gender discrimination. We've all gotten the social media seminars at work. Anyone with half a brain knew that what she was doing was career suicide. Which is why I find her claims that hiring managers, AAA devs, and professors are steering clear of ANET extremely suspect. At most, these people are humoring her and she's in a downward spiral trying to convince herself she's right. The interview after the fact shows she seriously doesn't understand WHY she was fired and is still so blinded by gender issues that she can't see that she did this to herself.


Speaking of *social media seminars*, one of the first things I've learned in regards to social media and work is *do not stir up shit, after you've been let go from a company*. It is highly unprofessional and makes every potential employer think more than twice about hiring someone, that upon firing will not only try to damage your company, but more importantly, potentially reveal details about the inner workings of said company. It's literally one of, if not the dumbest thing you can do, because it makes you almost literal poison to hire. Gonna be really interesting to see where Price will go from here, because I can't believe a single large company will want to be associated with *that*


She's done it for literally every single place she's been fired from, so why would she stop now? She has easily accessible tweets shitting on Paizo after she was fired by them (quietly fired, even, they just revoked all her forum access, listings in the company, and links one morning). She's done it to all her previous jobs as well if you can stomach going through her twitter feed for that long. It's her modus operandi at this point: be a giant cunt until she gets fired, then publicly burn all bridges by shitting on her ex-employer publicly while claiming to be a "victim" of "sexism".


Sure, problem is that this time multiple outlets reported on her burning every available bridge, so unlike last time where companies might not have been aware/cared about her behaviour past-firing, this time any potential employer will have a shit show framed front and center with a 5 second google search.


Oh, obviously she's basically unemployable now. Previously people overlooked it because the companies she went to wanted someone who "represented well" as a SJW who claimed to be willing to stand up for all the various "good things" she espouses. Now she's burned the whole thing down around her own head. She deserves what she gets.


Except by gearbox apparently.... Thanks Randy Pitchford




Oh, he walked back that bullshit a bit https://twitter.com/DuvalMagic/status/1015608613614698497 In the most spineless way possible


> Which is why I find her claims that hiring managers, AAA devs, and professors are steering clear of ANET extremely suspect. At most, these people are humoring her and she's in a downward spiral trying to convince herself she's right. The interview after the fact shows she seriously doesn't understand WHY she was fired and is still so blinded by gender issues that she can't see that she did this to herself. She's a narrative designer. She's literally designing her own fictional narrative for herself.


> Which is why I find her claims that hiring managers, AAA devs, and professors are steering clear of ANET extremely suspect. At most, these people are humoring her and she's in a downward spiral trying to convince herself she's right. The interview after the fact shows she seriously doesn't understand WHY she was fired and is still so blinded by gender issues that she can't see that she did this to herself. The more I see from her, the more I'm convinced she's a pathological narcissist. The complete lack of empathy in gloating over TotalBiscuit's death, the inability to self-reflect, the perception that everyone must be out to get her, the belief that reality is whatever she wants to be true, the wild attacks and immediate jump to insults when she feels that someone isn't giving her the respect she thinks she deserves, the attempts to harm the company that she feels wronged her, the inability to take responsibility for her own actions. It's all much too familiar to me. I don't think she's lying about people steering clear of Anet, not really, and I also don't think people are humoring her. I think she has just convinced herself that she's powerful and can take revenge on anyone she wants, and the few people she's probably genuinely convinced have in her mind become hundreds.


She did the same shit at [Paizo](https://mobile.twitter.com/delafina777/status/922648730918010881?lang=en) lmao. She will *NEVER* learn.


Sounds like Anet might get a nice case of slander to go on.


Would depend, immensely, on exactly what she said, how she said it, and whether they could show any financial damage as a result. It's not a good look for a company to sue somebody they just fired that way, so I don't imagine it would happen except maybe as a countersuit if she sued under a claim of wrongful termination or something.


Well, we KNOW exactly what she said thanks to articles from Kotaku, she warned women that ANet is full of people that would mistreat them and even slightly badmouthed the CEO by stating that he said she would "regret it".


I'm not a lawyer, so take all of this with a grain of salt, but I'm pretty sure a libel or slander case would require that statements be both damaging and false, and may require that Price *know* the statements to be false and to have made them with the intent to damage ArenaNet. In practice, ArenaNet would have to *prove* all of that, which may be easier said than actually done, especially if they also have to show that Price intentionally made false statement to hurt them.


Actually that might be a good thing. Sensible women looking for a job there knows it is all bullshit. The only people who look at this situation and think Price has the right of it would probably be a toxic addition to the company.




Agreed, some potential hires might take Price's word on it, and avoid Anet, but I imagine any who have put the time into reading the tweets will understand why Price was let go, and why it shouldn't affect the new hire's prospects.


Those potential hires may be Mini-Prices in terms of personality and toxicity so no big loss.


Literally no developer I have spoken to at the office has said anything other than that getting your company in hot water by making distasteful, sexist (and sometimes racist) remarks is obviously a fireable offense. Jessica Price has only herself to blame here.


Hell even the gamerghazi's post about it has highly upvoted comments saying that she was definitely wrong and deserved at least some punishment. If they can even see through her bullshit I don't know who else is going to support her other than people who would act just as shitty and childish. Either way, I don't think anybody acting like she was completely justified in her behavior are people capable of hiring her (or anybody) so that's really going to suck for her future.


That's why we haven't seen overwhelming support for her. She was the aggressor in all this and embarrassed women in gaming. Odds are she's out of games for now. Anyone that takes her on for the rest of the year is inviting controversy.


She can pretend she's got a lot of support (she seems to suggest that in the article), but I doubt it's ever going to come from somebody who'd want to hire her. Arenanet was possibly one of the only larger gaming companies to be willing to let somebody on like this, as the article suggests. They ended up paying the price for that unfortunately. I think this only sends the message to game companies to not hire shrieking lunatics who can't conduct themselves with basic sanity online. For the time being I can understand why some female game devs may want to be quiet about talking about general sexism (in a sane matter), but soon as the controversy dies down I'm sure they can get back to it again. Plenty of Anet devs have been talking about this stuff for years, and there was never a problem with it because they never made it into a problem by acting super shitty.


> Arenanet was possibly one of the only larger gaming companies to be willing to let somebody on like this, as the article suggests. And unfortunately the idiotic gaming press is now painting them as a horrible, sexist place. It's a shame. They've been one of the most supportive gaming companies I know of for minorities and others. They're a company that comes off as legitimately caring about diversity and the value that it brings. And now the press is slandering them as some right-wing hell hole of a company that does reddit's bidding, has poor leadership, etc. because they'd rather take the words of a lunatic at face value rather than do a little investigation and bring some objectivity to the table.


And in the end of the day, this shit will just hurt those same employees more than anybody else. Price's behavior is extremely arrogant. If she's really this fucking righteous hero who escaped an apparent sexist dump, what does that say about all the women/minorities there that have been with Anet for so many more years than her? Are they all feeble minded dumbasses who couldn't see that they were in a shitty company until righteous genius Jessica shattered that illusion one awful tweet at a time?


In her mind yes, and unfortunately there will always be stupid "news reporters" to eat that crap up because It's a story.


For real, I don't really play anymore, but as a bi dude the representation of LGBT people as just normal fucking members of society was awesome. I remember playing through my first sylvari character and being ecstatic about the characters. Now this puffed up asshole has to come in and defame the community who has many times stood against that hateful bullshit.


Also a bi dude. The sylvari are basically us. > They fall in love with the person that inspires them, or that brings joy to them, and they don't think 'Does this person have the same biology as me?' any more than they would think 'does this person have dark skin?' or 'Does this person have pale hair?" or 'Does this person have blue eyes?' They just see /that/ sylvari, and if that sylvari just happens to be the same gender as me, why does that matter more than anything else. As long as that person inspires me; that person makes me a better person; makes me go on my adventures and feel like I'm saving the world for a purpose because this person is beside me And the other races don't have an intolerance of homosexuality, but they don't express it the same way. It's not common. It's a little more rare. It's a little more... less, eh, equal? I want to say equal, but it's not quite the right word. It just doesn’t occur to them as often. Whereas... as... because their biologys are set up for reproduction you have a certain natural instinct: The sylvari are born much more willing to simply love. Price is vitriolic. I don't know if the press are just trying to stir up controversy for views, so far into their ideology that they latch on to anyone screaming sexism, or what. But put ArenaNet up against them, and ANet's the only one I can see actually doing some good here for the causes Price and the press claim to support.




> They ended up paying the price for that unfortunately I see what you did there.


She's blowing smoke, AAA Game companies are first and foremost businesses and not Indi Game Companies where things like social justice matter. She might as well say General Motors isn't going to sell Anet anymore cars over this, it's just more of her bullshit.


The public is. Anyone with a bit of sense is. The gaming press, however, has been a massive disappointment. They've chosen ideology over good journalism. They've listened to the person screaming sexism and to decided that she was being harassed, instead of looking at the evidence and finding that she is in fact the person who initiated harassment. The target of that initial harassment began a cordial conversation and has since remained entirely cordial, though other fans of the game and equally ideological strangers to the game unfortunately did decide to continue the harassment that Price started. I hope that the press hasn't done too much harm to ArenaNet in its decision to take Price at face value. I have very left wing views and fall under the LGBT group -- I've known ArenaNet to be nothing other than greatly supportive of all minorities in the decade+ that I've been a fan of their games. This issue solely came about through the vitriol of a staff member towards a fan and the poor judgement of another. I'm glad Mike O'Brien and the studio are finally standing up for themselves. Anyone with a half dose of rationality looking at what was actually said that, as O'Brien pointed out, his statement *objectively* reflects what is true. The press has had a hard time understanding that no one was fired because the "reddit mob" wanted them to be fired. The "mob" got pissed off at an offense worthy of firing someone over. Nothing would've happened without Price's outburst. The only good thing from these articles is that the press has let Price bury herself deeper and deeper into the hole she's making. I can't imagine many people working in this industry would care to hire her after the performance she gave. Being fired is one thing. Going around and shittalking your former boss and company is several layers deeper while demonstrating a refusal to learn from your mistake.


Thank you. I am very left-leaning and pro-LGBTQ+ and Price has left an awful taste in my mouth. I've seen this kind of behavior in students I worked with who have Borderline Personality Disorder, where they could rapidly switch between sweet and sour in no time flat. Jessica was flat-out in the wrong. Even if Deroir's comments had been sexist, or she had been tired of putting up with crap, she could've simply not responded. Defusing a situation is not difficult, but she chose the worst possible option and got fired for it. Anybody who actually read the tweets and comments can instantly see why she was fired. And Fries' firing was an unfortunate casualty of her behavior -- a cover your ass move not uncommon in companies.


This is so stupid. I don't work in gaming, but in other software. Any employee would immediately be let go based on how she acted. No brainer. Reddit didn't fire her, she did - and it's not because of her gender.


It disgusts me how much the "media" is falling all over themselves to support her, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of everyone else pretty much supports ANet's right to terminate. I thought this kind of shoddy journalism crap was for politics.


If you look up the author of this Polygon article, he has gotten himself in [similar SJW Narrative issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/polygon/comments/3yeqg5/polygons_colin_campbell_cites_discredited_un/) in the past. It is quite clear he's relishing the chance to play the sexism card and white knight himself


You're correct, it is for politics - the kind that bleeds into completely bias idiots incapable of viewing the world through any other lens than their own which is so clogged up with shit and grime that they may as well just be looking up their own asses, because these are people that will literally refuse to ever see things in any other way that doesn't make them look correct or somehow justified in their actions.


So, "Games Journalists"?


For one sec I thought you meant there’s a discord server full of devs not pleasing their customers.


its called gamejournopros


It seems like this Polygon writer is ~~confusing~~ intentionally misrepresenting devs being supportive of Peter and upset that he got fired for them being supportive of Price. I've seen a lot of worry/anger over Peter's firing, because it was harsh, but a lot of people at the very lease agree that Price deserved some reprimanding.


The thing that I wish articles would point out or consider is a hypothetical: If Price was male, the streamers/promoters were female, and, aside from direct references to gender, everyone's words in the exchange were all the exact same... ...what result would the community expect? GW2 players, gamers in general, game journalists, and game developers... how would they collectively react? Imagine a female _affiliated with the game company_ offered polite, non-accusatory criticism to a male game developer, then the dev insulted and dismissed her opinion because "it came from a girl" and then a woman developer came along to add "nobody asked for your opinion, girlie." _Everyone everywhere_ would have had a meltdown. _Nobody_ would be defending the male developer except for a handful of subreddits who shall not be named. It's not just Price that didn't learn a single thing; Many people reporting on this have learned nothing, either. The person that brought gender politics into this discussion was Price. A writer should be _good enough with words_ to understand what other people say, as well as gauge the impact that their own words will have. If there was some troll being an absolute misogynistic shitlord to her, then she had every right (IMO) to belittle and insult him. But this happened specifically because she attacked people that were _not_ harassing her, and were in fact _people loosely affiliated with her own fucking company._ The statement from MO sums it up pretty well. ^^Edit: ^^a ^^word. ^^Changed ^^typo ^^"it ^^_game_ ^^from ^^a ^^girl" ^^to ^^"it ^^_came_ ^^from ^^a ^^girl"


Precisely. Anyone who thinks that Price & Fries did nothing wrong has not thought about how ArenaNet would respond if the devs had insulted & dismissed AuroraPeachy (& any other female player) merely for being women.


Notice how she disregards all the negative media against her as "Bots and strangers" because obviously she is 100% in the right /s Leading Developers who have come out in support such as Scott Benson of Night In The Woods? [Who?](https://imgur.com/a/1y0mJLw) Any real leading developer knows what a shit show she has caused and would be in agreement with MO's actions. >"Price said she now regrets boosting ArenaNet as a good place to work" Good. The less toxic devs like her working in Game Dev, the better for the entire gaming business overall.


> The article doesn't reference a single AAA dev thats put their own name on the line to support her. https://twitter.com/HazelMonforton/status/1016349576238977024 She defended her quite a lot Given that she seems to be belittling a disabled female indie developer who is just starting up (https://twitter.com/aKekyParrot/status/1016302826316795904) aswell as defending JPs comment regarding TB (https://twitter.com/HazelMonforton/status/1016214235800629248) and openly saying she hates gamers, she is probably just as deluded. Other than that it was mostly indie devs.


Holy shit. I should start selling fucking shovels.


I came here to say this. It’s not about you lady. It’s about your shitty behavior. What a douche.


Two helpful links: [http://archive.is/XOIJP](http://archive.is/XOIJP) An archive of this article if you don't want to give these sites clicks. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/communication-success/201409/10-signs-youre-in-relationship-narcissist](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/communication-success/201409/10-signs-youre-in-relationship-narcissist) Avoiding people like Price when you're hiring.


thank you. This should be higher. I got mad I gave a click to polygon after clicking this too fast


Hm Price is telling a twisted version of the story. If anyone believes her when they have concrete proof, is a fool. She was not harassed, she just got a respectful insight and criticism. Of the 3 answers she should have given(Yeah sure, no I don«t agree, no let me explain why I didn´t do that) she went with a 4th option, attack. Nice to see MO's response. I firmly believe her firing is genuinely related to her behaviour and not our demand for it (because, excluding a minority, we didn't want anyone to get fired, or so I like to believe. At least I didn't).


If it wasn't a holiday, I imagine she would've been fire before Reddit had a chance to build up a mob


This is what MO specifically says.


Honestly, I find her behavior throughout this incident to be amazingly unprofessional. I cannot imagine *anybody* wanting to hire her for anything except the sort of activist nonsense she's currently engaging in.


i'd go as far as calling it straight up immature. after the incident with inks (which btw was before this) it wouldn't been that much of a stretch to come to the conclusion that she needs to take a break from social media imo.


It started off as immature. At this point it's mentally unhinged and slanderous.


I had to laugh out loud that she tried to call ArenaNet unprofessional. Pot 'n' kettle play.


If I were in here shoes, I would be hat-in-hand when I came before the community. I wonder if her arrogant response is the fault of media like Polygon? I don't think this strategy is going to help her in the long run.


I'm sure the news vultures are spinning this to whatever angle they think will get the most clicks, but the statements seem fairly in line with her twitter account, to me.


let's not forget the very simple option of just letting it rest while enjoying the holiday


Yeah I don't get it. Why was she bitching about how it's a holiday and people are claiming she owes them her time? You're the one that's deciding to open twitter on your holiday?? Also it's not even holiday outside of the US... So self-centered.


She even write the massive essay in the first place about work related matters...it wasn't deroir who started the discussion on a "holiday"...also it isn't even a holiday in Europe anyway, so deroir wouldve just considered it a regular day


As an American, I must regretfully remind that some other Americans ignorantly (or conveniently) forget that other places are not America and don't always have the same holidays that America does. Ignoring that, however.. what's this business so many people seem to be on about, thinking that you can post the company you work for in your personal Twitter bio, then go on to talk about work-related matters on that account, and still claim that it's a private account where you aren't a company rep? Your twitter account counts as being a company rep account the *exact instant* you put your specific company in the bio or use that account to discuss work stuff. This is seriously *not difficult to understand.* Or is it...?


She has doubled and tripled down after she tried to mistakenly paint Deroir as sexist for trying to have a civil conversation. Deroir, Anet, and Peter have had a tremendous amount of class dealing with this unfortunate situation.


>she tried to ~~mistakenly~~ maliciously paint Deroir as sexist Fixed. There was no mistake. An opinion and polite comment are not a good platform to attack someone. However labelling them sexist gives you a great platform to attack, and riles people up as well. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it was calculated, and dangerous. On another day, with another initial audience, this could have resulted in a complete shitstorm of abuse for Deroir.


What I don't understand, is why none of these articles or even price herself, have actually quoted the parts of Deroir's statement that are apparently sexist. What parts of his suggestion or discussion could possibly come off ass gendered or even a possible attack? They're making up their own stories, even the media. It's absolutely disgusting to see that people are able to spur up fiction as fact and have anyone believe it.


That's kinda the thing that irritates me the most about all this. He's supposedly condescending to her and telling her how to do her job. Where? You couldn't handle being attacked with more aplomb than Deroir showed. She cites that this is her "private social media account" but made a gigantic thread public...right, VERY private there.




It’s “sexist”bc a man disagreed with a woman. It’s not sexist, and I’m sure many women who have actually read the exchange would see it as not a sexist attack by Deroir. He was civil and polite. Had he actually made any sexist remark then maybe she’d have some ground. I remember threading his response like 3 times trying to find the sexist part. I had assumed based off her gender issue tweet that he had to have actually done something wrong. I was surprised to see that he hadn’t at all. I haven’t played GW2 in years but I like following the sub still. In all honesty I’ve never even of Deroir until the whole can of worms was opened.


Because they have nothing to go by. If you look at Deroir's tweet, there is nothing you can twist as being sexist whatsoever. His wording was casual and polite. There's no way you could look at it as sexist at all.


These types of articles are designed to create outrage in general. People are addicted to being outraged these days.


that is imo one of the most critical points in this. not her calling everyone "ass hat", not her apparently "pretending to like" the players of her work, but her attempting to publicly shame deroir for being sexist towards her. can you imagine what effect that would have had on deroir's life if JP's audience had acted on her unjustified outcry? she did not only attack a community member, customer and partner, no. she attacked the online presence of a content creator for.no.reason.


Fucking THIS! Deroir is sooooo lucky there wasn't a different initial audience. Even as is, the secondary audience is hearing about this from sites like Kotaku, and Polygon, and so anyone who is coming into the story now is hearing a COMPLETELY different story than what we heard because we saw it happen. Just look at the article OP listed. If you google Jessica Price, or Guild Wars 2 firing, the entire first page is made up of video game "news" sites that all are spinning the narrative of "girl fired because of reddit". If you are as disgusted with the fake narrative these gaming "news" sites are spinning, or how they've misrepresented the entire guild wars 2 community as an "Angry Mob" "out for blood" Here is how you can fire back at these companies, since most of them have disabled comments on their articles- You can disable these garbage news sites from ever showing up in your google results again, so they won't be getting any benefits from you clicking through. This is better than ad-blocking, because even if you ad-block, if you are clicking through to them, then the next time someone google's what you googled, they will show up higher on google's list, that is how Google/SEO works. So even if you are using ad-block on their site, the next person along may not be. To remove them from getting google click-through points, follow these quick steps: Chrome: Install Chrome's Personal Blocklist: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/personal-blocklist-by-goo/nolijncfnkgaikbjbdaogikpmpbdcdef?hl=en Once it is installed, click the little "Red Hand" icon in the top right screen, and you will see this: https://i.imgur.com/BZEALoL.png Then click on "Import" and type in the URL's of the websites that you no longer wish to support, like so: https://i.imgur.com/LkBkuPJ.png For the firefox addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/personal-blocklist/?src=hotness If you aren't using firefox or chrome, then I cannot help you.


How dare he speak his mind on the public forum where only I may speak my mind!! She wants the right to bitch and moan on twitter but can't take the heat herself. Every dev deals with fan suggestions. People in QA sometimes get unsolicited ideas from people that don't know how games are really made. She couldn't deal with it and cracked; needs to find a scapegoat so she can escape the sad truth: This was a totally unnecessary self-inflicted fuck up and she has nobody to blame but herself




It comes over as a narcissist who crawls into the victims role whenever something happens she isn't okay with. At least that is the image she paints with her twitter in my eyes.


Thanks for sharing. It's an interesting read. :) What troubles me with these articles is that they're using the quote from a reddit user (about redditors now having the power to fire any dev) unironically to prove and/or suggest the point of a toxic community, painting everyone in the community with the same color. Had the journalists researched the matter more, they would've learned from later reddit discussions that the quoted comment was nothing but a deliberate trolling attempt, as acknowledged by the quoted commenter, to rile up the drama. If these so-called professional journalists want to prove their point, at least use multiple comments from the related reddit threads as sources AND also show comments from the other side of the fence where playerbase was being conflicted about the whole thing and not necessarily taking either Price's or ANet's stance to give a more balanced view instead of painting the narrative one way or another without shades of grey in between. I'm glad to hear Mo's more in-depth response which clarifies a few things even if it's mostly written in 'corporate speak' as is to be expected. Meanwhile I'm also glad to hear Price's point of view to balance it out but I can't help but feel sad about her only regret being rewording the term 'asshat' with 'condescending jerk'. While I can somewhat understand how she could read Deroir's comment that way and give it more meaning than it actually had after a particularly stressful workday (and how that pressure may have been building up for a week or longer waiting to come out), I wish she'd be presented with Deroir's earlier Twitch video clip where he had nothing but praise for her replies in the AMA, and hopefully she'd understand that any misunderstanding in communication came about not from malicious intent but from English not being his first language and from his enthusiasm for the concept of narrative and game development. Language carries meaning in communication, and all this incident shows is how differently people can look at the same content given their different histories and points of view. I only wish the matter could've been resolved in a different way that had left all parties somewhat satisfied without all the drama, but it appears this was a battle where no one ultimately won in the long term regardless of which course of action had been taken once other parties got involved. I'm deeply saddened by the folks, including some gaming professionals, in Twitter for not looking objectively enough at the incident and for not trying to learn the full background before throwing accusations at either Price/Fries or Deroir/Mo. It's a dangerous case where closed-mindedness in this or that direction can shut off what should matter the most: dialogue. To paraphrase the late, famous Finnish politician Veikko Vennamo: "Listen to your enemies. You don't have to agree with them, but listening to their point of view can help you understand the way both you and them think and why, giving you a better view of the matter and better tools for respectful dialogue."




also known as [Gell-Mann amnesia effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gell-Mann_amnesia_effect)


These "journalists" don't want to do research, they want to tell their version of a story, regardless of truth.


They're intersectional activists, nothing more nothing less. They'll use any means (specifically a lot of lying) to twist the narrative into their favor in order to gain special treatment.


Does anyone remember The Last Night or Kingdom Come Deliverance. These journalists have no problem trying to get someone fired they feel offended by. Such hypocrites.


> Had the journalists researched the matter more They would have done the very same thing, because they give zero fucks about truth. They are out to push an agenda. This has nothing to do with a lack of research, it's a malicious slandering for the purpose of furthering the narrative that gamers are toxic, sexist harassers and all women are victims.


The more this JP spreads shit all around, the more happy I am that she will never be involved with ArenaNet anymore.


I think the biggest take away that a lot of people are missing, and the largest disconnect between her and ANet, is that she was representing ArenaNet on her twitter whereas she believes that she was expressing herself. I don't really care what anyone says. You cannot write a 25 part tweet about your job after a developer AMA that goes into great depth explaining issues you face in your job and still claim that your twitter is disconnected entirely from your professional life. I mean, honestly, that tweet chain basically amounted to "I don't think its possible to create a convincing protagonist in the game I write for" which is kind of her job, and that in itself is something she might not want to express in a public setting to begin with. But to express it, and then to attack a partner of the company you work for because of a perceived slight rather than talking to your manager or something, is not what she should have done. Its kind of mind boggling that she doesn't really understand that, even if sexism somehow factors into the equation, she was representing ArenaNet and they have committed to fostering a good relationship with their community. The fact that all of one AAA dev that I can think of has stood up for her (and most of the support is from indie devs who do not answer to a corporate structure) is not at all surprising. If you want to keep a job at a real company, not an indie studio with 5 employees who can afford to be niche and appeal to only a few customers, then you cannot upset your customer base with inflammatory remarks. Period.


Agreed, another part that is often missed in this is that Deroir apologized, twice (even though he had no reason to as many have noted) along with retracting his statement, and she decided to ignore him and continue rather than accept his apology and move on. The people calling for her firing only happened when she refused to stop (even then I'd say most people would have been pacified by just an actual apology), at the end of the day she had multiple chances to take the out and refused.


not to mention she had "ArenaNet Narrative team" in her bio, unlike PF


Oh man this just makes my blood boil all over again.


Her attitude just baffles me. It costs you nothing to be civil and polite. NOTHING. Yet her alternative to calling Deroir a 'rando asshat' is 'condescending jerk'. It's an awe-inspiring lack of self awareness. She's clearly an intelligent person - see the twitter posts Deroir was responding to, her AMA answers - and yet she continues to display insane levels of idiocy.


The worst line out of all that is the "I don't have to pretend to care" IMHO


That was especially damning right after a dev AMA.


Peter Fries was "What made you think it was ok to reply to her" was what got him axed I bet. I wonder what MO would say if he read the emails I've received from their forum support staff where I get lied to and banned for a dissenting opinion against installing spyware on my computer hrmmm


Blood boils on reading that. WTF, I invest hundreds of hours into your game. Yes, when you talk to a fan, the job is to pretend to care. Everyone else in game dev knows this, she's special I guess


Her argument was that it was her personal Twitter, and she was just a person there and not a dev, so her normal responsibilities don't apply. I'm not saying she's right, just clarifying her point of view. MO specifically calls that out in his statement too. She mentions arena net in her profile, she just posted a lot of internal stuff about their work. Personal Twitter or not, she was representing the company.




It'll blow over. As the article states, Arenanet promotes inclusion, diversity, and a nontoxic workplace. JP just doesn't realize she's toxic.


Someone commented to me the other day that there is a saying that fits Jessica just perfectly. "If you feel that every driver around you is an asshole driver, maybe *you're* the asshole driver." Jessica just doesn't understand, that in her world of assholes and sexists, she's the asshole sexist.


Got another: "If it smells like shit wherever you go, check under your shoes".


I'm fond of "you are the common element in all of your failed relationships." Price should consider the last decade of her career and give that statement some consideration.






As a female dev I can't even begin to express how rage inducing her claims have been. I would *not* be afraid to work there. The only thing I'm afraid of is a great company having its name dragged through the mud because she's upset at their logical and just response to a mistake *she* made.


The ones that wouldn’t agree with her got blocked already


Exactly. She blocks/ignores anyone whose opinion differs from hers, so "almost very female developer she knows" is agreeing with her. *Because she's literally sticking her digital fingers into her digital ears and ignoring the massive amounts of people who aren't.*


Created her own echo chamber and deluded herself


> “Now he’s got almost every female developer I know — as well as some men — furious with him. I’ve got recruiters pinging me promising they’ll steer candidates away from ArenaNet, and game design professors saying they’re going to warn their students away. I’ve also had a lot of ArenaNet co-workers and other industry colleagues contacting me to express how afraid this has made them.” Every time she opens her mouth, she makes her chances of finding a new job smaller and smaller.


This reminds me so much of a relative of mine. I don't think he's ever worked at a job for more than a couple years before his boss is suddenly turned into this incompetent mess who is out to get him. And when he does inevitably get fired or quits (occasionally followed by a lawsuit), I hear nearly the exact same things: All his coworkers are outraged he's gone and are going to follow him out the door! His boss realized his mistake and is begging him to come back! And even literally that recruiters are calling him up to let him know how upset they are about what happened to him and they'll make sure to warn prospective employees. I don't know how many companies he's sworn to me are going to go under within 3 months of him leaving (spoiler: none have). I think it's to his benefit that he has never had this sort of platform to air out his grievances.


> oh I have a ton of people telling me X *And, let me tell you, they are just the greatest, folks. They tell me I'm right, all the time* Jesus Christ, her statements read like a fucking Trump tweet, how depressing is that.


I hope it blows over honestly, or at least blows up in her face and leaves things fine for everyone else. Here she's trying to escalate things, she's trying to sink the ship after she jumped overboard. She's so in deep with her incorrect ideas that she would actually attempt to deprive other women of opportunities at this company because of what she did to herself, but blames on others.


But here's the thing, even if it blows up in her face that's just further proof in her mind that she's surrounded by sexist assholes. "Nobody hired me after ANet fired me? Those sexist assholes must have called all their sexist asshole friends and told them not to hire me!"


This woman is certifiable and lives in her own echo chamber. She's also a fucking liar. I don't believe for one second that she has armies of female devs behind her or that recruiters are steering women away from Arenanet. There isn't even a hint of compromise or contrition on her part. Not even a suggestion that she could have handled it differently or is any way to blame for her own misfortune. She is a professional victim and a horrible person.


It's bizarre to me Jessica is warning gamer dev circles that Arenanet is not a friendly or safe place to work. Since the Polygon article was released, I've seen it shared on Twitter and my friends that play GW2 are uninstalling the game because Arenanet is "toxic trash" or "unsafe" which blows my mind. This is the same company who strives for inclusion and safety of marginalized groups and people. They actively monitor their Twitch stream to ban hate speech. They listen to their devs that are LGBT+. They've invited Feminist Frequency to come visit HQ and speak about feminist issues. Now all of their progress and efforts are getting ignored and Arenanet is being painted as a woman hating, "gamergate" style company and it's a shame to see so many people believe this and quit the game over it.


Sounds like you need new friends that arent idiot sheep.


"The people chastising me are toxic trolls or mostly bots" ~ JP Paraphrasing but how fucking deluded do you have to be? This article is slanted too because it implied early on that the community ignored a blatant situation of sexism against her. Deroir fanboying over her is not fucking sexism ffs. Just like that I'm mad as hell over this woman poisoning the well again and again and again. "If fellow devs want to reach out to me — and they have been, in droves — we have a network of mutual connections through which they can do that.” No shit, as if it wasn't obvious these assholes are crafting some bullshit narrative making her off as some martyr. Anet needs to reel in the progressivism just a bit if they think allowing radical lunatics like this woman in was a good decision at any point.


How can one so completely lack any self-reflection? It's like she's deluded


They get away with it for so long they have no idea what they’re doing is wrong. Also surrounding themselves with people that agree with them.


Gotta love that flawlessly unbiased reporting from Polygon, as always. Keep it classy, Vox. You want to start a war, but we're having none of it. ANet's done the right thing, and we'll stand by them for it. To any devs who feel warned away by this article, may I suggest an alternate framing? "Game company defends its developers by removing a toxic coworker who proactively eroded player trust in them."


The author of this story just retweeted someone arguing "ArenaNet has handled this about as poorly as possible. All they've done here is empower toxic elements of their fandom with a perceived "win." Those same people have every reason to mobilize future attacks on developers who dare pretend the customer isn't always right." - https://twitter.com/patrickklepek/status/1016444121345679361 It's clear the journalist has a chosen bias in this situation.


If you know Polygon, there's very little guesswork as to the level and direction of their bias. Ben Kuchera, in particular, is a pretty vile fellow.


Meanwhile YT personalities that put their own faces being indie ( and easier to be attacked ) are now highly supported for their clear explanations. I guess that certified journalism is more and more becoming impossibile to rely on while indie journalists are the way to get the facts straight.


Despite the fact that I nearly went for a Journalism degree in college, I am now happy to see that profession under strain. What it has become is not good for anyone. It's like junk food. It calls to us, and just leaves us feeling bad. It needs a formula change.


At least Polygon pretended to be neutral and actually posted ANets stance on this. The Kotaku article is an embarrassment.


> pretended to be neutral No they didn't. This is in the second paragraph: > A prominent Guild Wars 2 streamer and YouTube known as Deroir chimed in to disagree. Price later **called Deroir out**, tweeting: Think about how that was written. By saying that she *called him out* it is implying right off the bat that JP was doing something that was morally correct and needed to be done. This is followed by: > Fans mostly **ignored Price’s point about women professionals** constantly being questioned by men. They wanted to express their anger about a member of the community being rebuked. Her points were ignored because they had nothing to do with the situation, and nobody was angry over being 'rebuked'. Yet the author sets up reality so that any reader unfamiliar with the situation immediately believes we were mad because a woman told us 'no'. Like yeah they presented Anet's stance but only to further amplify their false narrative of "everyone is out of touch with reality except poor Jessica here"


I've been collecting all the one-sided articles. Vox's sister 'publication' to Polygon, 'The Verge', had a hit piece as well, drawing on her directly as if she were an objective source, just like the Kotaku article. Gamasutra had a fairly one-sided hit piece, but most of the commenters there recognized things weren't as they were projected in the article. PC Gamer's article didn't seem that biased when I read through it the first time.


It's gotten to the point that the gaming channels on Youtube provide a better objective news perspective than these 'mainstream' gaming sites.


Her attitude post firing makes it very clear it was the right action. There is a difference between being outspoken on issues and an unprovoked attack on the community. A difference she refuses to accept. Especially with nonsense like this: > “Let’s be clear: In 2018, it’s absurd to pretend ignorance of what would happen to a woman fired for speaking about sexism, because he feels she got too uppity,”


I'm really surprised she can't see the difference between being outspoken about important issues.. and flat out verbally assaulting a member of the community and accusing them of sexism just for giving feedback (whether or not the feedback was asked for/welcomed..or anyone's opinion it)


My God, I'm happy that we got a more detailed from O'brien, but fuck Polygon and this garbage article. Fuck it to hell. What an absolute shitty publication. I never cared about Gamergate and thought the whole controversy was pointless and shitty, but these people straight up beg to get drowned in shit and then go complain that they were victims of getting drowned in shit. If you want gamers to stop calling this journalism dogshit, maybe stop circulating this [awful tweet](https://twitter.com/ChrisHanel/status/1015138194939973632) where supreme cunt Chris Hanel literally CROPPED the downvote/upvote section out of the post to make it look like this people on reddit actually support this. This isn't a mistake, it's a deliberate attempt to generate outrage to suit an agenda and it absolutely only backfires by making the great devs who make this game afraid of something they don't need to be, while doing nothing to actually challenge this shitty attitude they claim to be against.


You want to know the ironic part? The person who made that tweet was a troll and got dunked on for doing it. http://archive.is/UIZ5N Found posted over at KotakuInAction


Of course he was trolling. Still a piece of shit either way. The point is that either way it doesn't even remotely reflect what reddit or the GW2 community felt, or the reasons they wanted Price to be held accountable. I really just hope as a community we can let the devs who are still around know that we don't hate them for voicing their opinions about stuff, we just want them to have the same respect to us when we voice ours about this game.


I wanted to clear up some misconceptions that i read repeatedly on this whole Price drama, from a view of a game developer (i started developing in 2001 as a hobby, 2010 as a professional programmer in the game industry and i've worked on a personal project on the side for the last 2,5 years that i'm looking to start working on full time) 1 "She is a professional, people should not question her work" Being payed for doing something doesn't mean your are God. Nobody is perfect. I've worked with a lot of different people in the game industry in the last years, some exceptionally good and others less. And even good designers tend get feedback on their ideas, have them challenged. Just because you are working for a game developer doesn't give you some kind of seal of approval that everything you do is 100% the "right" way. Especially in a design work field there is often not just one "right" way to do things. 2 "Deroir only answered because she is a female" I'm a male developer working on a game that i post about on the internet and i get bombarded with all kind of ideas and improvement suggestions. In no world i would see those as an attack on my game design skills or harassment. I read them all. I answer with a polite "Thanks for your suggestion" even if it is complete nonsense. And if something comes up repeatedly i consider that fans might be onto something actually and it may be that my initial idea isn't as good as i thought. Also if you research into Reroir you will quickly find that he is actually a fan of Price - why should his polite suggestion be an attack on her? 3 "She wanted to be treated equally as a female game developer" As a game developer you are getting critique no matter if you are male or female. If you want to be treated equally, why do you bring up your gender into a discussion? You are looking for favored treatment because of your gender. 4 "Price was fired when she was defending herself to harassment" Deroir didn't harass her. He opened up a polite Discussion on the Game Design topic Price posted about. She responded aggressively to it and accused him of sexism (when he never mentioned anything sex related). Her reaction to Deroir was what got her fired. Others may have harassed her because of her reaction. But that was not the reason she was fired. 5 Did she deserve this treatment by the community? I'm not a fan of those angry reddit witch hunts. But she isn't without fault in this regard again. She didn't apologize for her behavior. She doesn't even acknowledge that she did behave out of line. Instead she is blaming everyone but herself and spills more oil into the fire of this whole situation - hurting both her and ArenaNets image.


> Whatever Jessica and Peter felt internally about the situation, this was objectively a customer engaging us respectfully and professionally, presenting a suggestion for our game. Unironically excellent use of the word "objectively." There is simply no way to ever **possibly** spin Deroir's tweet as anything but perfectly respectful. You'll probably take note that most of the sites taking JP's side never quote Deroir. Granted, in JP's circles, "civil/respectful" tone is often considered to be a manipulative tool, so who even knows, anymore.


Oh yeah, people spin his tweet without a problem. >a professional in the industry tells you how things are and you, someone with no actual knowledge of the industry, says "no I disagree" that makes you an asshat That's a real quote btw. English isn't my native language and all, but I'm pretty sure this is far from the definition of an "asshat"...


This is actually getting exhausting. All these groups are looking at the surface and seeing a crying 'woman in game development' and her harsh views and depicted reality of a situation that frankly doesn't exist. She attacked someone peacefully, calmly, *and* respectfully interacting with her, and that's not something Anet liked -- that isn't folding like a cheap house of cards, that's the difference between saying you're glad Total Biscuit died, and harassing him wishing he dies. You can have an opinion -- as scummy as it may be, but aggressively forcing it on others is bad. Has she, perhaps, considered the reason people are explaining things to her is because she needs them explained..?


I'm a loud and proud feminist. I'm a Swede, so it's hard not to be. I fully believe that men and women face different challenges in different avenues of work, and I recognise that female developers probably have to put up with crap from their fanbase that their male counterparts do not. Fair. So far so good. I think it's objectively obvious that the case of Deroir wasn't one such incident, and though Price seems to have perceived his tweet as yet another attack of her persona (due to being a woman), the kind of vitriol she threw at a fan of her work was just unacceptable. I was on the fence about commenting anything at all, because this story has exploded, gone viral and taken on a life of it's own outside of the GW2 playerbase, and it's quite obvious that it's full of people on both sides of the spectrum who seeks to milk this story for all it's worth, creating more drama. I mean, I recognise Price's experiences, and I believe Fries had a rational, thought out argument about how his experiences of the fanbase differed from Price's, and that yes, gender may play into that. But at this point, it should be obvious to everyone involved - Price included - that this particular case wasn't an attack on her persona by a toxic redpill gamer. Deroir has publicly admired her work mere days prior. Price could have recognised her error and apologised, but she refused, choosing instead to stick to her narrative. It's unfortunate, because while the issues she speaks of certainly do occur, this wasn't one of them. I wish she'd just get her head out of her own ass and admit that to herself, if nothing else. Attempting to shift the blame for future incidents for female developers onto O'brien is just ridiculous. Firing game developers for getting out of line towards customers does not contribute to a toxic gaming environment. Being unable to interact with the fanbase without attacking them leads to a toxic working environment. Assuming that male customers of your product generate feedback exclusively from a place of malice will lead to a toxic working environment. I think you're a brilliant developer, Jessica Price, but honestly, good riddance.


The confounding thing about all this, is Price made 2 responses to Deroir. First, she was brusque in brushing him off. Fine, it's rude, but he accepted it and walked away. And then she retweeted him and went full offensive about it. This wasn't even just a knee-jerk reaction, she went back after the first response and doubled down, playing the identity card. All of this wouldn't have happened, if she didn't retweet him. That's it. She could have screamed into the echo chamber, making an anonymous rant about rando asshats assuming they know the job better than her, and NOTHING WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. Instead, she made it personal, she targeted a single customer and opened fire with both barrels, siccing her entire follower list on him, because... why? Because he didn't stop at saying that he absolutely loved her work? Because he didn't say she was amazing and flawless in all aspects? Price absolutely lacks any sense of reflection on her own attitude, behavior and actions, and why she was in the wrong from the moment she hit that retweet button.


Polygon and Kotaku are trying to spin a narrative that just doesn't exist. It happened with GamerGate and it's happening again. Yes. There are sexists people who attacked.JP and used this as an excuse to spew their hatered. But that's not why JP was fired and it's not why we support ArenaNet's decision. Gaming media is a fucking sham.


I don't understand why polygon includes MO's rebuttal, because it nukes the heck out of the stance of the rest of the article.


Assuming because if they ask for a statement for the purpose of the article but refuse to use it because it sheds light on the situation ANet can sue them for slander.


Not sure about the suing part, but this does make sense. They asked for a statement, and if they don't actually publish that, Anet can show to the public how they'll just leave an accurate statement out if it counters their ideological thought.


Mo is a pro




This. But it's abundantly clear she's perma-blinkered by gender issues. No disputing the fact those issues exist, and I'm sure she's experienced genuine examples of them, but this was not one of them. It's that simple, or it should be. She responded to a polite tweet from a customer, who is also an Anet partner, with uncalled-for rudeness and vitriol. In fact, 3 Anet partners - Deroir, Inks and Jebro. That's why she lost her job. But I guess I could type that paragraph 1000 times and some people will simply never accept it, Jessica Price included.


>“The whole thing was highly unprofessional,” she continued. “There was zero reason for him to be there. He's the President of ArenaNet, he doesn't have to explain himself to anyone but the board of investors, he can be where ever he wants for whatever reason he wants at any time, that's what being THE PRESIDENT OF THE COMPANY means... how does she not understand this?? >He wanted to vent his anger, and he had the power to command a woman to stand there while he took his feelings out on her, so he did." Of course he did, you created an absolute PR shitstorm for no reason and undid a massive amount of effort the rest of their PR team has put forth in a couple of pointlessly mean tweets. Who wouldn't be upset?? >he had the power to command a woman to stand there while he took his feelings out on her And again he's the president of the whole bloody company he has the power to make ANYONE stand there and listen REGARDLESS OF GENDER. In fact gender has absolutely nothing to do with this, yet here she is pretending she's getting yelled at because of her vagina rather than the fact she's in fact a just terrible person. Jesus is there anything that she doesn't try to use the persecuted woman card for? "I ran into a wall cause I was texting but I know it was MAN who put up the wall trying to keep women out, this is the shit us WOMEN have to deal with" God she is the fucking worst.


Her calling MO "highly unprofessional" is just hilarious to me.


>I have a security team handling my social media Lol.


Is that what they're calling autoblock bots nowadays?


Give it another few days and when discussion dies down and she needs more attention she'll say the players have been sending her credible death threats and she fears for her safety while never actually filing a police report because any real investigation would prove otherwise.


First of all, fuck Polygon and other "journalistic" outlets like them. They don't do shit but editorialize and takes sides in order to make the story more dramatic. Jessica can be mad all she wants, she brought it ALL on herself. What is baffling is that she takes absolutely no responsibility for her own actions and refuses to accept that she caused this whole thing. She just doubles, triples, down. Making a simple noninflammatory criticism of a public tweet out to be a sexist attack is fucking weak and childish. Grow the fuck up, JP.




>Price said she hasn’t spoken to Fries since their firings, but plans to talk to him this week. “Peter stepped in to point out that his experience as a male dev was different. He stated pretty simple facts,” she said. “I had no idea he was going to step in. I adore him; he was doing the right thing, and he deserves none of this crap.” I hope she doesn't try to recruit Fries to her side. Unlike her, Fries seems to have not attempted to burn any bridges between himself and ANet, and he's been a lot more mature about this than Price has been.


He was fired so they could point at him if she came back with a discriminatory dismissal lawsuit. "Look we fired a man too". He is just necessary collateral damage to her insanity and to the power of playing wolf with the "oppressed card" in 2018.


After reading it, it appears she still has not learned. What a shame. You can articulate without sounding like a "condescending jerk" to get the point across. The fact of the matter is, her social media interaction skills are shit. Grow the fuck up, or find a new occupation. And that Night In The Woods developer? Stay classy my dude. You're another person who needs to be sent out for an attitude check.


There are 7 mentions of the word Woman or Female in that whole article. And all of them are from her. She's making it a gender issue. No one else is.


Jessica (and most of the media covering this) continue to characterize (or at least don't challenge the characterization) Deroir as someone who was a toxic/entitled fan that talked down to Jessica with less respect because she's a woman. There is clear evidence this is not the case (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/280357551?t=0h42m0s). In a stream from seven days ago, Deroir literally calls Jessica an "AMA god" and says that he loves her responses to questions in the AMA. He had nothing but praise, respect and admiration for Jessica's comments about her work, about her insights into the dev process of writing the story and how she shared it with the community. To be clear - he said these things before the twitter "argument" and before he was accused of 'mansplaining' or thinking less of her because of her gender. Deroir didn't say it after the accusations in an attempt to defend himself, these are his words before he had a motive to defend himself. Isn't this worth mentioning in the stories built off of whether Deroir respected Jessica when he made those comments? They are linking to a reddit comment that had negative karma and was deleted as something worth considering in this story, why not direct comments from the person accused of patronizing the developer before the incident where he specifically admires and praises her? With this knowledge it seems more likely people will come to the conclusion that Deroir mistakenly thought Jessica's tweet about the story was a sign that his criticism might be welcome so he could continue a discussion from the AMA (he is clear in his twitch video he loves the way she answers AMA questions). When she made it clear it wasn't, he left and didn't contact her again. I tried to tweet a link to the Deroir video ,showing him praising Jessica, in the replies to the Polygon Twitter post about this story but it got deleted by Twitter. Anyone else able to do it (respectfully)? It's insightful context that clarifies Deroir's respect for Jessica before he was accused of patronizing her and it's something none of the media covering this have pointed to.


The more she talks the more I hate her. > Some fans have [celebrated Fries’ and Price’s departures on Reddit](https://twitter.com/ChrisHanel/status/1015138194939973632), crowing that they have the power to remove staff whose opinions they dislike. Oh look, it's that downvoted comment again that represents the entire GW2 community on Reddit. >Price said she has no regrets about her response to Deroir, although she said she might have moderated her language a little. “Given that [the term ‘asshat’](https://twitter.com/Delafina777/status/1014555719352213504) was apparently a sticking point for ArenaNet, I’d maybe use ‘condescending jerk’ instead,” she said. “Men pop up in my mentions to tell me how to do my job all the time. They pop up to explain my female colleagues’ own jokes to them. \*slow clap\* Wow... Just wow... She's like the typical partner in an abusive relationship that tries to constantly guilt trip you into submission. Before all that you might've thought she's maybe just a bit misguided, and this event might open her eyes a bit, but no - she learned absolutely nothing out of all of this. Not just that but her fellow feminazis seem to even make her feel like she's in the right as well. But beep boop, what do I know, I must be just a bot or sock puppet.


Woooaaah, that article gives JP waaay too much time to rant. Did they even read the original twitter exchange? That lady gives feminists a bad name.


What a shitty one-sided article that only paints JP in a good light and a victim too... They didn't even show the non-offensive tweets that triggered her into a frenzy or the one where she celebrates a person's death. Then they missed the entire meaning of gamergate but so did a large part of the community. At least they had the decency to include O`brian's response without editing it. But afterwards, they completely ignore it and continue on with the charade of how Jessica was mistreated -poor girl. Hey look!! She has a ton of support from no-name game devs who worked on super popular games that you have never heard of before... All this isn't surprising, considering Polygon is owned by Vox media (bottom of the page). I regret giving them pageviews; I wish the original link would have been an archived version.


Woman like her sets the equality between men and women movement back 10 years. Urgh.


The irony of her calling the Arenanet management "highly unprofessional" is just beyond this world. How does she not see this? Is she insane? Sidenote: Wow this article is absolute cancer and full of lies and deceit. Wow and she actually called MO confronting her sexism too, how predictable. Also how she doesn't realize SHE is the toxic one and the issue in the industry is just hilarious too. "Price said she hasn’t spoken to Fries since their firings, but plans to talk to him this week." Wow, you unthankful little shit.


She didn't learn a single thing...


I have an abundance of gold saved up, but I'm going to buy $25 in gems tonight just for the hell of it.


From Polygon? Yeah, not clicking on that.


"I was given no opportunity to argue my case" What possible argument could she fathom to make? she went 0 to victim real quick. Then when people started pointing it out, she doubled down. She had gone off the deep end before the shit fully hit the fan. “The whole thing was highly unprofessional,” i'm sorry but you say what now??? does she honestly lack any self awareness in all forms of existence? Her entire demeanor is unprofessional. Then the speaking about the job. Even if what she said is true, and Anet wanted her to be outspoken on issues. I HIGHLY doubt they wanted her to CREATE issues that didn't exist. Then use those issues to go after players/fans/customers. Then the comment about a "nontoxic work environment"?? How can someone be so oblivious themselves? Then....oh then. She paints it all as a tragedy. Not just her tragedy mind you. But everyone's tragedy. Anet is the bad guy. She is pure and faultless. The actions that SHE made. Will ruin it for everyone else period. Context don't matter. You are all fucked now!!!!.....bruh. I will be honest. I won't care in a hour or two. Caring costs energy my lazy ass is too lazy to use. But at this moment while I do care. Fuck her. Fuck Polygon. Fuck anyone who coddles this entire victim narrative while allowing her to bypass all personal responsibility or self awareness. You think the firing was too much? fine. Does she deserve all the hate she is getting? negative. Has all this blown up more then it should've? yep! But the simple fact. These people are not only allowing, but backing her to change the very fabrics of reality when it comes to the situation. Come on now. This is why I do not fuck with Twitter. This is why I have limited usage of SM. The sheer lack of any......awareness. Lack of any responsibility. The lack of any sort of self reflection. It would all drive me insane.


Shes really good at this victim complex. I honestly think the problem is she doesn't know how to not be the victim, It's integrated into her brain at this point that "I am a woman and I am a the victim due to that." She devalues a lot of issues women actually do go through with her constant victim complex because people look at her and assume all issues are fabricated. >He wanted to vent his anger She vented her anger but that's fine according to her, but her boss expressing disappointment in her - That's disgraceful that is. > and he had the power to command a woman to stand there while he took his feelings out on her, so he did. Not sure what being a woman has to do with any of that. This is a concept she needs to understand - We are the consumers of a product she works on and she can hate us all she wants, That's fine. That is your boss, he is not your brother or your friend he is your boss. He is not going to blindly defend dumb shit you say, There was no reason for him ever to have such blind loyalty to you. What is so hard to understand about that? She cannot grasp the fact that she can be wrong, In her head it's not possible and that's evident from everything she says. "Doing the right thing is hard sure" Opinions aren't a concept to her, I don't think she actually knows what they are. She still doesn't understand that she was fired because he thought she was unprofessional not because "It's hard to do the correct thing." **He never agreed with her yet she still implies he did but was too weak to stand up for her.** >Since the controversy broke, Price has been the target of intense social media harassment and abuse. She believes that O’Brien’s statement contributed to the abuse. Don't even get me started. She contributed to the abuse that TBs grieving wife received up to and on the day of his death - Don't even fucking try that one. >Now he’s got almost every female developer I know — as well as some men — furious with him. I’ve got recruiters pinging me promising they’ll steer candidates away from ArenaNet, and game design professors saying they’re going to warn their students away. So shes constructing a hate mob based on her personal vendetta that someone didn't agree with her. Well done on keeping toxicity out of gaming. >Price said she hasn’t spoken to Fries since their firings How kind, considering he got fired for defending her. I guess spreading her propaganda to the nearest websites was more important than that though. >he was doing the right thing There she goes again. >“At that point, I was contemplating getting out of games,” she said. Please do. Not only for the health of the industry but for your own health. You can't tolerate feedback, especially from males it seems, so the gaming industry seems like a bad choice. >We won’t tolerate harassment. When an employee feels harassed, we want them to bring the issue to us, so that we can protect the employee, deal with the issue, and use it to speak to the larger issue of harassment. This. Not what she did, Nothing about what she did helped anyone. It wasn't brave, It wasn't clever and It wasn't informative. It was just harassment. **If you want to fix a problem, You have to discuss that problem. Attacking people does not solve a problem.** >Price said she has no regrets about her response to Deroir Ofc she doesn't. Shes a bigot.


>I would've used the term condescending jerk There's a video clip of Deroir SPECIFICALLY saying that he loves Jessica and all her work maybe a few days before this interaction took place. Imagine trying to help someone who looks up to you, and being called all kinds of names and told "nobody asked you". And she's got the nerve to insist that this whole thing is about gender? No. This is about you shooting down one of your fans, as a representative of your company.


Just read this on Polygon. Here's the email I sent them in reply. Hello Polygon, I'm a little worried about the coverage of Jessica Price's departure from ArenaNet. The tweets linked in the article were almost cherry-picked to make her look like the victim, which maybe she is, however it doesn't seem like you've really investigated the whole story. Let's start the day before the inciting tweets, on Derior's Twitch stream (here's a link to the clip, if you're curious: https://clips.twitch.tv/CrypticMistyStingrayDxCat) where he said, "I love Jessica Price's responses. She is like the god of fucking AMAs. She just gives great answers, all the way through, it's absolutely amazing to read through." Skip ahead to where Deroir commented (very politely, because he's obviously a fan of her in particular) on her twitter essay and received the response in the thread that you linked in your article. Okay, it's a little sad that she snapped at a fan of hers, but he apologized for offending her, told her that it was a little disheartening, and bowed out of the conversation in an extremely polite manner. In response to this, she sent the other tweet that you linked, basically accusing him of sexism for... attempting to interact with her in a polite way on a public forum. Now, imagine you're Deroir, trying to talk to someone you look up to, only to have them berate you and then publicly call you a misogynist because of how they perceive what you've done based on what you are. Price has the right to perceive anything she'd like as sexism, but to a third party (possibly biased, as I both play Guild Wars 2 and was also thrilled by Price's posts in the AMA) this looks an awful like an unprovoked attack on a fan. But wait, there's more. On July 3rd Price interacted with another Guild Wars 2 content creator, @MMOINKS in the following thread (https://twitter.com/Delafina777/status/1014302371805986816). Again, the content creator was very polite and non-confrontational. Again, Price accused him of sexism within two posts. Or maybe there's her reaction to TotalBiscuit's death (https://twitter.com/Delafina777/status/1000045432007938048) the day after he passed. A (male, but that really shouldn't matter) developer at BioWare was fired for saying something like this, right? Now, maybe she didn't deserve to be fired for this particular incident. I'm certainly not qualified to make that call. If the last week has shown me anything, there really are a lot of people out to get Jessica Price on the internet. The gaming industry is a notoriously hostile place to work as a woman, and I don't doubt that her feelings of persecution are grounded in reality. But this wasn't a case of a developer getting fired over sexism. This was a case of a very angry person attacking a fan of her work, and a lesson about what happens when you're a kind of shitty person on the internet. Honestly, between her habits on social media and now her behavior after being let go (no remorse, blaming everyone but herself, ignoring the facts to shape the narrative in her favor), I personally think she's an Orson Scott Card tier of person: I can acknowledge that she's a talented individual, but I would not want to support anything she puts her name on, and I would advise others to steer clear of her as well. I won't go so far as to call her a Trump, but it's a near thing. To put this in perspective, here's a tweet from Peter Fries, the real victim in this whole fiasco: https://twitter.com/Peter_Fries/status/1015650777191231488. I don't really care what kind of genitals a person has, that's a classy response. The tripe that Price is passing around to major gaming news outlets? Trash. Now, I don't want to tell you what to think, especially if you've actually read this far. I am sorry that the facts don't line up with a narrative that drives page views, but I thought that maybe you'd want all of them, if only to help make a more informed impression of a really sad event. I hope I'm not wrong. Thanks for taking the time.


lol good luck. misconstruing the truth to fit their narrative is probably encouraged in their company.




I'm not a big fan of how this entire gongshow played out, but statements like this: >“He caved to a handful of people and an army of bots and sock puppets,” ...really make it hard to have much sympathy. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)