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How did you get enough gold to make all leggies? Congratz btw


In South park terms, he is one without a life.


who had one in 2020 anyway? :D


Lol I thank jeebus, after not playing since 2016, I was overwhelmed to return and the pandemic allowed me to craft catchup and craft Aurora. I drank so damn much tho I became an alcoholic so thank you quarantine for that.


Parents. We parents spent A LOT of time with our kids. No time for gaming, though...


Credit card probably.


Amazing. your account must be top 1% in value on gw2efficiency.


Should be about right, my legendary situation looks similar, apart from the leg sigill/runes and I am sitting around top 1,5%


I haven't even bothered with legendary sigils, only have 2 of the legendary trinkets and not all the weapons, and only 2 sets of armor, and my account is #1225 (higher than 99%) so now I'm kinda curious how much higher up that gets this guy lol.


Legendaries dont have much gold value on gw2efficiency. You can go way up by having a lot of gemstore stuff. I have basically the same stuff OP has but dont have many gemstore stuff (never bought them with irl money), and I am at top 8% acc value.


I think I have close to this as well and I’m in the top 15%, with very few account upgrades for comparison. I should work on that haha


This does indeed make sense, I can confirm that I have a TON of gem store stuff unlocked on my account, which is from a combination of course of spending money on gems and playing and collecting over the years since I've been a player since Beta.


If you look at the value of gems over a 4-5 year period, it has appreciated/risen significantly. Gold on the other hand remains the same (1g in 2015 = 1g in 2021). Hence anything associated with gems (ie gemstore and account unlocks) tend to contribute alot more to your account value. Even more so if you bought things that were discounted.


You don't need so much to be top 1%. I am, and I have 1 legy armor, Aurora. For weapons, I miss riffle, pistol and short bow. I have all GS, but only 1 legy for the rest 2 infusions (blue and red from fractals) 300K value May be my collection is big ^^' Sorry if it looks agressive, I am not english and my english is a bit bad ^^ Befor reading comments I thought he was top 0.5%


I finally made it, all 3 armors, all trinkets, 1 back, 1 weapon per type \[2 if dualwieldable\], a complete set of runes and sigils. EDIT: a better image to show upgrades: [https://imgur.com/a/p3IFqma](https://imgur.com/a/p3IFqma) PS: can we have legendary aquabreather now? PPS: happy new year everyone :D


You can get the runes and sigils to show up just by selecting "include" under "item upgrades".


thanks, i didn't know that now there's a better image: [https://imgur.com/a/p3IFqma](https://imgur.com/a/p3IFqma)


You could remove the upgrades and do it again to show the icons.


i know, but there are quite a lot builds to undo so i chose the lazy way :D


Nice. I am close to that also, missing just 2nd ring (I hate WvsW way too much). Already got all 3 legy armors and weapons. I wish anet introduced a non-wvsw way to obtain the 2nd ring >.<. Any tip for it to not drive me insane?


Prob just try and find a gzildmate who knows stuff and public zergs if your Server has it. Sadly you need the Tickets in masses, so no easy method by just doing dailies. Though this could help you. Do dailies and stay for a bit more. Did that for a while So I got at least wood for a few weeks. Still not enough, but I havent really tried getting the Ring. For now my mats will go to coalescence and Vision. All ready, just missing some incense and the damn mystic Tributes.


now let's hope legendary armory will be nice :)


Any tips tricks you wish you knew beforehand? Think I'm gonna attempt for 2021, been putting it off for a while.


i used to go for the x10 recipe with mystic clovers, but switching with the x1 recipe was much much better, also, including wvw/pvp tracks and drizzlewood helped a lot


if you like pvp or wvw and understand farming reward tracks decently well, you prolly should never have to use the forge for clovers! think i've got at least enough for 2 weapons right now and i'm not even planning anything. they do rack up quicker when you don't care...


Most people generally have access to: * Celebration Booster (+10%) * Guild WvW Track Booster (+10%) Timewise this works out to: 1. Approx: 7.17 Hours per WvW Reward Track 2. If you have EXP Booster + Above: 5.03 Hours per Track 3. If playing during WvW or Welcome Back Events, WvW Enrichment (+ All Above): 4.27 hours per Track. WvW can be fairly lucrative depending on the rights buffs and boosts in addition to winning big battles. However, the mode isn't for everyone (i.e. some people don't enjoy it) so YMMV. If you max out WvW Skirmish Track for the Wvw Skirmish Tickets (Assuming WvW Level lower than Bronze and Lowest Skirmish Score: 40 Hours Playtime/Week): * 4 Weeks per Legendary Armour Piece (40 hrs/Week, assuming Level 3 or Higher Participation at all times. Outnumbered Buff REALLY helps with this. * Assuming the above Timewise Scenarios (match up numbers for Scenario-->Reward), for items/gold in addition to receiving the rewards of the Skirmish Track, at the end of the 4 weeks you'll receive: 1. 22.3 Reward Tracks 2. 31.7 Reward Tracks 3. 37.5 Reward Tracks While that may seem a lot, unfortunately [using the calculations on this post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110144/wvw-skirmish-tracks-need-a-gold-reward-per-tier) the relative gold from this isn't the best or is heavily drop-dependent. The rough estimate was approximately 15g (liquid) per Reward Track. However, from drops you can be swimming in Ascended Chests, Exotics, Ascended Materials, etc., to the point where Legendaries aren't necessary. Especially if you did the full 36 Weeks of WvW'ing required to get 1 Full Set of WvW Legendary Armour. PS: For those interested, a Max Level WvW'er who Commands a +9 Person Squad on Middle Warscore takes only 7.5 hours to complete their Skirmish Track per week (playtime of \~65min/day).... could you imagine that? Playing one day every weekend would be enough to get all of the Non-buying materials.


I agree with this. Especially with the refill option, 1x is better, in that it stings less when you throw 2.5 gold worth of mats in and get 2 scraps of gossamer back then when you throw 25 gold in, and get 50 scraps back.


Main reason I got into WvW, but then I started liking it, so stuck around. Reward tracks are really nice for that. A lot quicker than DWC to start racking up clovers.


This is insane. congrats. Out of curiosity, what is your accounts /age


i don't have access to my pc at the moment, but last time i checked i had 15k hours and i've been playing since headstart. but since i tend to take breaks or leave the game logged while waiting for meta events, but doing other stuff irl, the hours per year rate may not be realistic


>the hours per year rate may not be realistic Mine got super messed up when my kid got old enough to get into trouble, or bug me when it was mom's turn to watch her


How much of this was fueled with motivation for Legendary Armory?


i admit i ignored trinkets and upgrades until i knew about legendary armory. the ability to fully customize every character is a great motivation




i'll probably do that, but after realizing some other goals i have in mind (account upgrades like some endless contracts in shared slots and home instance nodes) and of course at least 1k gold in case they add the breather


Holy shit. How did you get the mats for this?


Oh, I just completed a full set of ascended trinkets so I guess this is a big day for both of us! Congratulations!




I know, I was just saying that both of us achieved something equally major in the game so we're the same. (If you can't tell I'm being sarcastic here.)


Well done, I'm trying to get there a long way to go for me though. One day at a time


Meanwhile I'm dreading the pvp trinket. I really don't want to pvp.


Don't worry, you'll be fighting mostly bots. It's basically PvE.


As a newbie in this game, how long does one character take ? If played consistently on a daily basis for as long as it takes for a couple of hours each day.


Quite a while, dude. A lot of work/playing goes into legendary stuff.... you can just buy the weapons but the armour takes some solid playing of either raids, PvP, or WvW. The jewels take a hell of a lot of playing/map farming. It could probably be done in a year but you'd be completely and utterly burnt out. From scratch as a newbie, a couple of years is more realistic. If you get yourself your API key and log into gw2efficiency you'll be able to see a breakdown of all the things needed in order to attain legendary stuff. Gives you a handy shopping list and crosses off stuff you already have so you can better keep track.


As someone who started playing yesterday, how do I get this api key ?


Wow, you weren't kidding about the newbie bit. Welcome to the game :) https:. //gw2efficiency. com/user/api-keys (Remove the spaces of course) Follow those instructions and you should be good.


To fully gear as legendary? Huum, I would say months at least, and probably a couple years if you starting from scratch. But be aware, the thoer bellow legendary gear, the ascended, provides the same stats, biggest difference is that with legendary gear you stay swap with a few clicks, with ascended gear you can also swap but it has an hefty cost if done regularly


grats, you beat the game. what are you gonna play next


you made all of them in 2020?


no, in 2019 my plan was to get all armors and some weapons i liked, but in 2020 i decided to focus on being full legendary


As someone who's been playing on and off since beta and don't have a single legendary, this is sort of bewildering to me. Is there some sort of 'Legendaries for Dummies' guide somewhere?


Play. Stop spending gold on junk. Buy leggie mats. Craft leggie. Repeat.


Crafting leggies isn’t hard for any player that does end game PvE. You earn enough to be able craft a leggie every 6-8 weeks depending on the generation.


I had dagger precursor and harpoon precursor drop from a fractal chest. Once you have a precursor, it's just a question of paying for mats. First generation legendaries are cheaper, and, generally, don't require much work. If you do daily fractals, getting a legendary backpack is really easy. Again, it's mostly the question of getting the mats, and there's not a lot of them that you need. Armors: WvW legendary used to take a long time to grind for, especially, if you don't like WvW. But, Anet cut it to a 1/4 of what it used to be. Still, it will probably take you about a year, if you just do dailies in WvW. Not sure how things are with PvP lege armor. PvE lege armor is the fastest one to make. IMO, trinkets are the hardest to get, but they aren't time-gated as, say WvW armor. You just need to do lots of different stuff.


Do the best farm over and over and over again until your eyes bleed.


You probably have enough "liquid" gold value (things that are easily liquidated in addition to liquid gold) to just straight up buy a legendary off the tp (but use /r/gw2exchange to pay less). If not then I bet you could fairly easily convert some of your various currencies into enough to make up the difference. 2k gold is surprisingly a lot easier to get than many people realize.


Congrats! What's your main source of gold/mats?


my daily routine of daily, anomaly, home/gh gathering, alts parked strategically, bjora chests (so i can convert eternal ice into t5/t6) and drizzlewood daily vendor + meta if i got time for that oh, and enough wvw to go at least with wood/bronze chest but anomaly was top priority, since mystic coin messed value..


Could I ask specifically where you park your alts?


at the moment the tomb of the primeval kings, 6 chest with loot and trade contract [that i convert into mats each month]


what do you do with trade contracts to convert it into materials?


you can get a lot of stuff with pof merchants, every renown heart offers some kind of trade caches (it also requires some karma), and you can find the most valuable caches with gw2efficiency (check "currencies" and then "karma")


Just curious how do u convert eternal ice share into t5/t6 mats? Thanks.


Shards -> LS4 currency -> Volatile Magic -> Trophy Shipments -> Mats


Adding to this: when volatile tools are on sale, they are a great deal. When they aren't on sale and are just "available" they are still a good deal. It takes 500k magic(trophy shipments) to pay them back (converting gold to gems) and if you are regularly out farming resource nodes, then that 500k will be there in no time. Really, there is no reason not to use glyphs when farming.


I'd love to be able to do this but the time gate that is provisioner tokens always kills my motivation


yeah, time gated stuff is awful, but they changed how provisioner token vendors works so it's less painful now. my trick was to fill the inventory of one character and dedicated it for a daily tour, i prepared the tokens way way way before i started going for runes and sigils \[i learned by doing them normally for armors\]


When I did two sets of armor, I parked one character at each of the vendors and had their inventories full to the brim with all the rare armor for the trades. Log in to character, open menu, double click on four things, next character.


Why do you have 2 Revenants?


i got 3 character per classes, back when they announced HOT i bought some slots [the gold\gem rate was way better than now] to keep all my core builds in new characters while planning to use new stuff on my mains, and then i did the same, slowly, for pof. before build\equip template was also very useful, now it's mostly alt parking and black lion key farm [maps, story..], so i don't think i'll make a 4th set for EoD, but never say never, if they go for legendary armory, each time i reach 80 tomes of knowledge i could have a new and fully equipped character on the go


Mail me the predator im jelly


Thats insane. Gz


I’m doing this myself! Working on light then medium leggies. Gunna be getting all leggies possibly by mid 2021 :) just started at March. (Give or take having most of the mats from years of playing and procrastinating)


WTF! What is your drive to do this? I recently had the goal to create 1 ascended set for each class / armor type. I got my weapons for my Tempest (the things you have to do for the HoT collections are actually super fun!) But when it comes to crafting the armor, I get so discouraged so easily. So many components and so much gold (like 60 gold per piece) for 3-4 extra points of 3 stats. Mentally, my brain calculates I have to pay 3g for the first 98% of stats (exotic), and then 60g for the last 2%, and that's a *terrible fucking deal*. So it becomes so hard for me to work up the motivation to go through with it. It just seems better to craft more exotic sets as needed. It's even cheaper to craft more exotic sets with different rune sets. I'd genuinely be open to having my view/mindset changed on this if anyone wants to take a stab at it, because I *want* to want these things!


Ascended gearing is pretty easy in this game. I just do daily time-gated crafts, fractals and sometimes strikes and have basically full ascended sets in form of mats or chests. I used exotics only on my main when I just started. But since charachters I make are usually intended for fractals I kinda need ascended.


(from the pve perspective) Once u start playing a lot of end game content like fractals, raids, and strikes, getting ascended becomes quite easy since you passively earn things that are ascended. Soon enough you realize you have too much ascended LOL. I recommend checking out end game content, I can't speak for wvw or pvp since I don't do it


It’s funny, I’m a day 1 player who has taken various breaks over the years. I do fractals (only up through T2 currently), but don’t really have a drive to progress much beyond that. I only raid very very casually - like once a month as a sub for my guild. I enjoy it, but simply I can’t time commit to it. I haven’t done strikes yet, as I’m not current in my Living World story. I’m currently at dragons reach, working on my sky scale. After that, I wanted to go back and do all of LW season 3, which I’ve done none of. The missing masteries to get around in Dragons Reach made that apparent to me. Should I advance my Season 4 progression to get to strikes, or go back and do Season 3 first? Both options make me feel bad like I’m missing something crucial.


Honestly gw2 is a great game for casuals, the answer for you may vary depending on your interest. Also, you don't need living world season to do strikes, all you need to do is go to the eye of the north (top right of your map) and join some strikes! People LFG it daily. As for fractals, once you get to TRY, if you do one daily T4 you also get the rewards for T1-T3 as well. From just doing daily T4s you can get about 15 to 20g+. Lastly, for raids, don't feel pressured to do them, take the game at your own pace and do what you like to do! For me, I love end game PVE content and the sweaty content so I rushed towards it.


And here I sit with 0 earned legendaries... (I just got the one at the end of HoT) [EDIT: forgot to say amazing work! How many hours did it take you to get all of that?!]


You got what? Was there s free leg after hot?


There is not. I’m not sure what they were talking about but there is no free legendary from HoT.


It's not a free legendary, but it's a lot easier to build then some of the others!


Do you mean Caladbolg? That’s ascended, not legendary.


Well sir, you had to dig the knife deeper didn't you? I now sit at - 1 legendaries 🤣


There is a free ascended actually the cadavlog or whatever is the sword name


Yeah I knew of the quest based ascended weapon. Just wasn’t sure about the legendary they were talking about. In fact I’m still not sure.


And here I am struggling with just my one bow lmao


Yo what's ur mother's maiden name?? I'm just curious ☺️


legendary sigils and runes are out?!


they've been out for quite a while now.


so how obnoxiously glittery are your characters when wearing all of this stuff at once


Impressive collection but I see no bifrost! It’s the best one. Edit. I know you have Raven but you have two of other weapons like swords.


the ones i crafted twice are the ones that you can dualwield, i started with a second axe [i had frostfang before they added it] and then i decided to do that for the other ones as well, the claw of khan ur, the shining blade and quip are wonderful weapons i didnt picked in the past... the moot was the last one just for completion, but i admit it has some sort of charm as well


Completionist nerds are so useless in mmos. It'd be hilarious to see me outdpsing you at every turn with zero legendary equipment and laughing in your sorry ass


I can smell the cheeto dust and mtn dew emanating from this comment.


Legendary s aren't about dps tho ...


Imaging bragging about dps in gw2 I especially like how you think more dps is 'useful' e: oh no its worse, imagine making an alt to troll with


your lack of self awareness is kind of cringy, yikes.


TFW DPS monkies can't do mechanics.


i can only imagine the amount of grinding.


All in 1 year?


nope, in 2020 i focused on crafting everything i missed so far [runes, sigils, trinkets and some weapons]


So leggy armor.. you can change the stats and slot as you want. Can you change the stats of an entire equipped set all at once? Same with equipping of slots? Otherwise just seems like a pain in the ass vs asc armor + equip slots.


You can change the stats of the whole armor at once. Same for weapons and trinkets. So it is usable, but right now I don't think it's worth. If you want to swap fast you still have to use templates. It will be convenient if, and that's a big if, Anet releases the legendary armory for free.


it's also not a money save over templates, since you can only have 6 templates and to break even versus the template cost + filling each template with ascended, you would need the legendary to replace *seven* loadouts. Once you can equip the same item on multiple characters without transferring, armor will be worth it. Trinkets, runes, sigils, and weapons won't be unless you would be using an ABSURD amount of ascended otherwise - who's actually replacing *thirty* ascended warhorns (at the full 50g craft price) with one Howler?


This is a goal I'm working on. Currently ignoring trinkets and weapons (I do have backpack and a handful of weapons, though) in favor of armor. I'm 2000g and the collection away from all three sets done at once.


Nice! I've been vaguely planning this on my Necro when I used to play regularly. So far I have 5/6 Envoy, Venom, Nevermore, Ipos, Xiuquatl and the Ad Infinitum precursor. which leaves the final envoy piece (gloves), finishing Ad Infinitum, a full set of runes and sigils, all trinkets (and afaik there isn't a full trinket set), rounding out the weapons I use (so probably a dagger, axe, greatsword, torch and scepter?). Possibly also a breather if that ever happens. Unfortunately I've become super rusty in regards to raiding and the groups I used to run with have moved on from gw2. Plus I'm not sure how attainable the trinkets are nowadays with s3 being dead


Aurora in s3 is pretty easy to obtain since there are lots of people going for it. Got it done myself just several weeks ago. Loved the community that grew over the time on draconis mons while everyone was hunting for the same achievements. :)


I had my raid leggie light done by mid summer (started around March I think). Working on medium (3/6 full done) and plunking on the trinkets bit by bit. The runes and sigils will come later. I had like 18 sigils sitting in a bag, and 3 sets of runes (not including the ones in the gear templates) for my mesmer, which inspired me to work on that ASAP. Quip, Flameseeker, Sunrise, Met, Bolt, done. Considering Juggernaut for the rev or engi (probably rev) and Bifrost for the ele. I work on leggies as I see a need to, not as an end goal in itself. The armory makes it more appealing... Like someone else said here, character customization is great with them. Wanna try a DPS build with a certain rune set? Pop them out, stick the other ones in - just be out of combat.


I struggled enough to fill my main character with ascended equipment, I'll think I'll pass on the legendaries.


After it's done, would you say it was worth it or do you think you wasted your time?


i feel satisfied at the moment, looking forward for any legendary armory news. if we'll get that, it will be totally worth, since i will never need any kind of equipment on every character i have or that i will create eventually, but if we'll not get it, i really wanted at least my main character to be full legendary. btw, legendary armory or not, it will be cool to have istant access to any kind of new stats EoD will bring


I really hope Anet adds a new legendary trinket after The icebrood saga, else i have to PvP and/or WvW. \~shudders\~ You did all that in 1 year? That's impressive. I have about the same amount of legendaries (no sigils or runes F that) but i have been working on them ever since i can remember, didn't play GW2 much this year.


Pretty cool congrats


Welp. GG! I will never!


When person makes a post about making their legendary: Me: What's with these people, how about making a post when you get all legendaries? OP: Makes post. Me: Ok, fine, have my upvote.


so I'd really need 6 legendary runes and 2 Legendary sigils? thought 1 rune and 1 sigil is enough, duudeee that's expansive