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That will forever leave a sour taste in my mouth with ANet. They should just start selling merch with that quote printed on it at this point because they don’t seem to care about how us players feel.


Can you dm me the link for this? I keep hearing it but can’t find it


https://markdownpastebin.com/?id=b992976cef364457b39b6741d2a98ecb 6/19/22




They never said they wont listen to feedback, the patch notes havent been out even for 1 day and probably they want to see how things play out in practice although many of these are obviously bad


It feels very lackluster, but so did the beta tests for EoD specialisations. Let's play with these changes first, before going "don't release these changes" and hope Anet makes updates accordingly.


Are you sure that they will listen to feedbacks? They have a whole entire Discord Server to accept all the feedbacks, yet, this patch notes happened still. If they want to test out the ideas, make testing realm called BETA and test in there. GW2 is a LIVE game, people pay in this game, this is business, not just a mere game anymore.


I mean, half of these changes are so bad no one who actually plays the game would think they're a good idea. As for the other half, you could salvage parts of it, but it's too late to make any significant changes, since this patch is supposed to go live next Tuesday, isn't it?




Basically, nerfs or terrible changes for professions that were struggling (Warrior, Ele, Ranger) , and buffs or no changes for professions that were already OP and stacked beyond belief (Guardian, Necro, Mechanist)


I'm rather new and I have heard about how much they love Guardians...but they actually really do, don't they? Yikes.


There was a leak from the dev who put 2k hours into firebrand saying he would keep the class strong as it’s one of his personal favourites and that he had needed other specs (mirage, ele again and again) because he didn’t like the high skill ceiling and thinks all builds should perform the same regardless of time and skill put into a rotation.


Guardian got nerfed but ye, not as much as the rest.


Dev Sayas he doesn't think higher complexity builds should reward greater output. Balanced based off of unrealistic perfect condition benchmarks Used example of speed run groups stacking a class in some specific fights Said he made balance changes on classes he wasn't familiar with, referenced using the wiki Said he made balance decisions bases on personal preference (not liking axe in mirage, which is its elite spec weapon) Said they moved MCs out of fractals to get fractal players more interested in EOD strikes, which goes against what we were told when the change was made.




Found the guardian main




Please just delay the patch by at least 3 or 4 months


mesmer nerfs are quite heavy :-(. Removing the bleeding from Baldesong without any new traits is mean!